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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    felisa - About 5 weeks after the end of chemo I started to feel better.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    ok because this is really getting to me.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    felisa - try to find one thing each day that is special to bring up your spirits, even if it's just a small thing.  Your spirit will come back again, it's just hard when you still don't feel good.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    i was just about to ask what can i do, and i got to have surgery monday.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I hope your surgery goes easily.  Will someone be coming with you for the surgery?  I know I said it before but just hang in there a little longer.  You have finished Chemo!  Now the surgery and then hopefully you will get stronger day by day.  ((((felisa))))

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    Thanks, guys!  I am feeling a bit better today.  When I got to my docs office as he has afternoon walk-in hours, his waiting room was packed but that is not uncommon at this time of year.  I sat in his waiting room, and there are always nice people there and we all chat, thinking I am going to get “sicker” sitting here.  Oddly, however, I started even feel a bit better in his office.  I explained I was taking Amoxicylin that I had here b/c I did not know if it was flu for sure.  He put me on a ZPak so I hope that works.  I am definitely not out of the woods but feeling better.

    Ladyinbama: stop in and let us know how you are.  I see AL had some serious tornadoes over the past few days and I am thinking of you and hope all is well.

    Tex: I am so sorry to hear about your feet.  How awful.   I can’t think of anything worse as we need our feet for almost everything we do.  I am so glad that SE is going away-your feet of all things.  My poor, poor Timothea!  My heart breaks about what you go through.  I was briefly discussing your situation with the healthcare company recently to the people waiting to see my doc b/c healthcare came up.  They were so stunned that people w/cancer were being treated like that.  I explained that if you think it is bad, guess what? It can always get worse so I explained to them your attitude of gratitude and how positive you are mentally and they unanimously agreed your’s will be a cancer success story for sure!  A lot of people truly believe how we respond to the problem is 9/10 of the battle.  On that note, you are going to do just  wonderfully!  One guy said year’s ago, like when Felisa and I (and a number of others on this thread) were kids, cancer was all but certainly going to take you down.  He followed it up by saying now b/c they have come so far, it is not quite the awful dx it once was.  I mean there is nothing great about it but I truly believe our little group here is so special and mainly it is b/c we all have a positive mental attitude about this.  That is the healthiest thing any of us can do.  That and Sptmm who is now so svelte she most likely has to shop in the Juniors dept at Macy’s!!!!!   Seriously, positive mental attitude and working out-that is a recipe for success and you encompass that totally, Timothea so in the great words of one of my teenage heroes I say “Party on Wayne!!!!!!!”

    Felisa: you have gone through what will surely be one of the hardest, if not *the* hardest thing you will ever go through in your life and the good news: IT  IS ALL UP HILL FROM HERE!!!!!!!   I give you a lot of credit b/c this was a real blow to your psyche but you muscled through and are still here, with us, with your family, with your dgd and still having a life for yourself and that means you have succeeded ;)  You seriously need to pat yourself on the back and then realize that it is all good from here on out.  I have a bunch of surgeries and somehow you just get through it.  I know you have surgery on Monday and I will be sending you the positive vibes all day and you will be fine.  It is all going to work out and you will be putting this behind you in no time flat.  Also, and one of the things I loved about getting passed chemo, by next December with the holiday season upon us, your hair will be back and you will be feeling strong and ready to celebrate!!   You have a lot to look forward to and just hang in there, go positive Monday and all will be fine.  You know what I love about my PS?  She has the sweetest, calmest demeanor ever and before the surgeries I have had w/her, she is in the OR and she has a very calming influence.  That helps me immensely.   It helps me and I am sure, as a surgeon, she knows that.  In any case, think all positive thoughts and you will bring positive spirits to you.  Tony Robbins, the major motivational speakers, calls it an attitude of gratitude so like Omaz was saying to think of just one thing every day that inspires your or helps you change your state of mind, it is really energizing and it trains your mind to think good things because your mind gets trained that those thoughts have a good impact on your body.  It is all one big circle so have that attitude of gratitude, woman!   You know something: one thing I was always grateful for was the fact we live in the US where women are respected and we get healthcare and good doctors etc.. .unlike if we were women living in Kabul, for instance.  That helps me remember that even though bc is a very tough thing to deal with I remember how much worse it could be and it keeps me grateful to be a woman in the US battling this disease as opposed to so many other places in this world.  You know, Felisa, whatever it takes.  Just think of some positive thoughts every day.  Also, if you journal your thoughts, you are going to see how far you are going to come in just a few months.  It is all up from here!!!

    Jane Fonda: she is one of my heroes!  I love her, I idolize her.  She was on Katie a few weeks ago.  Not only does she look fantastic and she is mentally as strong as ever.  I did so many of her workout tapes and loved her “Lower Body Workout” and a few other step workouts.  Nothing, however, was as challenging as the striped body suit tape!  That was quite a workout.  In any case, it was so good to see her looking great and feeling good and what did she reveal: that she has bc.  She has joined our dubious club.  I don’t know, I just still find her very inspirational.  What a spirit she has.

    Winter wonderland tomorrow here!   ½ a foot.  Sptmm will most likely be jogging in the snow with her new boobs, making all the men crazy!!!   I will be thinking of you, Deb!   I am going to get out my cross country skis and hope to get a little action in tomorrow!  The snow is difficult for travel for sure but it is so beautiful though! 

    Night, girls-

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Good evening ladies, I am ready for the holidays stuff to be over with. Thank you for the compliments on the family picture. That is the picture of a blended family. Not the Brady Bunch but Eight is Enough lol 5 his 3 mine and believe me it wasn't always a big loving family that is a group of lot of personality lol like most families I suppose. We had the flu going around too. My daughter had the flu 2 days before the family gathering and as far as I know 8 others ended up with it after. Hubby had it on his bday the 26th. I managed to dodge it with just a half a day belly ache t/g. The nasty flu is flying around everywhere. I hope you all get feel better soon. Remember take vit. C and when you feel like your getting something take more. I take the chewable kind so I know its not just passing through undigested. Have a great Sunday ladies and get well!!!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Off to surgery in the morning if i can get pass this gastritis im having ill be ok my stomach is hurting so bad thats what keeping my mind off of surgery.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Felisa, I discovered this year that I get gastritis from eating a red sauce, like tomato sauce for spaghetti. It really hurt so much that I went to the hospital.  I am really sorry you have this on an important day.  At least the meds for surgery would kill the pain for a while until yout tummy settles down.  I take an acid blocker every single day now, I never miss.    

    I hope your day goes well, you get perfect meds, take the anitnausea ones if offered, and recouperate quickly with all the infection gone, never to return. 

    Have a good new year. 


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Felis: Hang in there girl. Your body is recovering from the chemo. Get lots of rest/sleep, eat well, get outside for a little bit each day, and you'll feel better before you know it. I think I started feeling human again about a  month after chemo. I'm 16 months out from my last chemo now and I feel great!

    Happy New Year's to everybody. 2013 will be cancer-free for us all!!

    Lizzy: No tornadoes here, thank goodness. They stayed south of me. Thanks for thinking of me. We did have a lot of wind and rain. I took down my Christmas decorations early because they just kept blowing over in the wind!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Felis:  How are you doing?  Did everything go well?

    Happy New Year to all my dear friends!  This is going to be our year!  No woulda, coulda, shoulda.....this year we are gonna!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Happy New Year my friends!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hellllloooooo my lovely warriors!!!!!

    Happy New Year!!!!  I sure hope everyone had a nice holiday.  

    Sptmm: I totally agree as I think we all need to, in some way, make this “our” year!  Yes we are “gonna!!!!!!!”

    BTW, like the way you restructured your signature tag.  I have to do that.  It looks much neater.

    Omaz: and the very happiest of new years to you!

    Felisa: how are you feeling?  How was surgery?  Do you feel better?  

    Iowa:  the blended family is no easy feat but it does very much come down to how you and your dh “lead” them so, on that note, you all must have done a fine job ;)   Everyone looks happy, no knives!! 

    Lady: I think I told you about my friend that moved to TN who gets sensitive when her friends up north call her during tornado season!   We just want to make sure she is ok and for this reason, I am concerned about you also!  You guys get some life-wrecking tornadoes and I need to know you are ok!  Happy New Year, woman!

    I read a startling report a few nights ago about counterfeit cancer drugs…not joking. Apparently it is a growing trend/problem.  Who, why, where, what?  So disgusting.  Of all the things to counterfeit but cancer drugs?  There is a special place in hell for these dreadfully nefarious capitalists.

    I hope everyone gets some rest and then gets to the gym like the rest of the world!!!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    BTW, I watch Shark Tank and I love that show.  Well tonight was a repeat and they had a product on from last season called "Power Decal" which replaces the old decals for car windows etc...  I love it and I am sure they have a bc decal or, if not, I am sure it is on the way.  I would like to ditch my gross pink ribbon for a nice power decal asap! 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Felisa- dripping noses and watery eyes are common with  chemo (i have that going on now LOL) even though you're done with chemo it still takes time for the SEs to wear off. The medicine is still in your body :) Good luck with the surgery, let us know how you are doing as soon as you're well enough to get on line!

    My feet are doing so much better! My dr adjusted my medication. I was actually supposed to start my 2 weeks of chemo on Friday, i called the Pharmacy and they hadn't called in my perscription in yet. I am not sure if i posted but i saw my dr on a saturday, he was going to have the nurses call in the script but due to the holidays that hasnt happened. Honestly i am NOT complaining. The blisters on my feet are GONE! it isnt even sore at all! We even took the kids rollerskating this weekend at a rink! (but i am old and my feet were sore by the end of the night LOL) It was fun, but the STRANGEST thing ever: We go on a Friday night and there are at least 50 to 60 kids in the between the ages of 10-15, WALKING! they were walking around the rink in circles like you would a track... i was thinking thee kids are crazy LOL why pay 8 bucks to go skating and then NOT skate... turns out that after 10PM they stop the skating and turn the floor into a dance floor LOL so these kids get there at 7:30 (when they open) walk around in a circle, talking with their friends til 10:00, then they get their dance on LOL. It was the craziest thing i have seen/heard! But on the up side that is probably the most exercise any of these kids have gotten all week! Because it was our first time going there we didnt know, the manager/owner gave us a free pass for all 6 of us (yeah i spent $48 to skate, and that was just the rental!-(i remember when 5 bucks would get me admittion/skate rental, a coke and a slice of pizza- with money left over!) So we'll probably go skating staturday which is geared more towards families. Oh and i must be crazy cuz i am racing my niece playing tag, i am at a full out Apollo Ono speed and fall flat on my butt/head. then slid like 2 feet LOL. I wish it was caught on tape, but it was HILARIOUS!

    I called the pharm and my dr- no script yet, no answer from the dr.... i am just gonna live it up til the SE come back LOL

    Lizzy- TOTALLY AGREE SISTA! YOU'RE PREACHING TO THE CHOIR!!!!! our mental attitudes have so much to do with it!!!!! There is this Mandisa song called "Good morning" and the first line is "Wave away my yesterday, cuz i'm leaving it behind me" this is so my attitude with everything in my life! it has to be or i'd go crazy!  <--- here is the video with lyrics

    Iowa- the flu and a nasty stomach thing is going around here too :( 

    Debbi- totally LOVE that! Yes we're GONNA!

    I am listening to that song and now i totally lost my train of thought LOL


    ps cold front i woke up and it was 47 degrees!!!! how did that HAPPEN???? lol

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Medicine is on its way. Got ahold of the nursing staff. They were told to hold off the script til my hand/foot syndrome when away. 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Texas sliding on her butt! Now that is a vision!   


    It is in the high twenties here today and it seems so cold to me but when we were in Illinois sometimes this would feel like a respite from the freezinng cold.  

    I hope everyone had a really nice holiday, most of our company has returned home except a few who leave this afternoon.  



  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Ginger, its all realtive! LOL i grew up in the NW and was use to snow and cold, shoot we had to walk to school rain or shine (10 miles up hill both ways lol) and we were used to the cold, when spring hit- it was all about the tank tops and shorts once it was 65 degrees but now, if it isnt 80+ i am cold!

    When i went back home to visit family in the dead of summer (late august) i had to buy a pair of sweat pants and jackets for everyone- we had left 115 degree weather to a nice tempurate 75 LOL me and the kids were so cold, but my family went to ocean shores, the pics are hilarious cuz their kids are wearing swim trunks and mine are wearing jackets and pants!!!!!

    But i totally get what you mean!

    Oh yeah it was a site to see! we're gonna go back saturday as we have the free passes, i'll make sure someone takes a pic of my falls!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    felisa - How are you feeling?

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    My surgery went great he sent me home with a wound vac i have a nurse come out three times a week to change my dressing. My breast has went down a whole lot.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Great news felisa!!  Take it easy and heal up!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors-

    I hope you all are doing well!  I have wonderful news for those of you who have put on weight since your bc struggle began and/or are struggling with weight= I bring you gifts from Reuters!!

    Tex: I was stunned to read more rx problems.   I guess it makes sense now that you know what caused the delay.  Waiting for your feet to clear up seems prudent and I don’t blame you for partying it up while you could!

    I love roller skating!   My friend Mary goes every Monday night and I am thinking about joining her in a few weeks.  It is so much fun.  There is  (was) a great rink in the Bronx that played the best music!  It was so much fun.  They also served on Friday night so a few guys I knew from the exchange that were from the Boogie Down and I went with them a few times- such a blast and good exercise also!

    I think it is so sad how much everything costs for families.  The other day on the radio some guy asked what he could get for $50 and he said 4 movie tickets and ½ a popcorn!  I don’t know how families handle it.  My brother loves the movies and is always taking one or both sons. Movies are $11-$13 here.  Sometimes one can catch a cheap matinee.  $48 for all of you is a good deal not to mention you get some exercise! 

    Ginger: a friend moved to FL about 6 years ago.  He started talking about moving back to CT and he is convinced his blood has thinned to the point it is not even possible.  I know what you mean, though, it has been bitter cold here, single digits, and I don’t like it much below 30.

    Felisa: that wound vac tape is a god send!!!!!!  That stuff is so great.  I had 8 open holes after the summer surgery and the nurses who were coming in to treat me used that tape on some of the gauze that was not holding.  It worked wonders!  I am glad you are doing well and your surgery is over.  You see, things are getting better already for you!

    Sweet dreams, girls ;)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: two things: Mandisa is great!  I really like her music.  She so resembles a friend from NYC.  One night we were at Lehman Brothers and were going out  and I saw her using mascara on her eyebrows!  A new "evening" trend was born for me!  That is my friend that resembles Mandisa!

    Also, I was just watching "Nightline" and perhaps you are already aware of this but there is an online school called "Khan Academy."   What a great idea.  If the kids are struggling with any subjects you might want to check it out.   Now that is one very beneficial byproduct of technology.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Felisa- SO glad to hear that! Wound care and be daunting, but with nurses coming in it'll be a piece of cake!

    Lizzy- Glad to read that my chunk can save my life ;) Since i hit puberty i have NEVER been normal weighted, LOL too curvy for that! I say "i'm juicy" my niece says thats what big ppl say to make themselves feel better- i tell her, no it makes sense- when you cook a piece of meat the fat cooks off into juices LOL- she didnt get my culinary reference ;) Ahhhh to be 17 again!

    Oh movies are about 8 for a reg movie or 12 for a 3d movie... We most often go to the $1 cinema, and the first show only costs .75 or its .75 all day Wed! Popcorn and drinks still cost too much, but who cares when it cost a family of 6 four fifty to get in! But we indulged ourselves in full priced movies this summer so none of the movies that are out inthe theater are new to us.... 

    We're planning our summer vacation to Florida, just the airfare alone is around $2200, not to mention, car rental, hotels, admission to the theme parks.... We're doing some serious penny pinchin right now to get there. I say we just drive, but DH cant take that many days off. Plus my niece's theater group is trying to make it to internationals which takes place in NE, gotta do some fund raising for that. AND the theater group wants to take a group trip to NYC this summer to take in some Broadway plays.... Tell me again where the money tree is LOL

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: the $1 cinema?!?!  WOW!!  I think 3D movies up here are like $15 and the regular movies are $12.  It is mad crazy expensive for a family to go out.  I am so happy you are planning to go to Disney for summer vaca!!!!!  Whoo hoo!!   I love Disney.  I was just telling a friend how I would like to go soon.   I have not been in about 4 years now largely b/c I don't have kids and b/c of my old friend bc!  I have been in FL over the past few years but did not get to the parks.  You guys are going to have a blast!  It is super expensive with a family but you can save like when my sister went, who had 6 kids, she stayed with my brother who was living in Sanford at the time and they also, a few nights, got a hotel with adjoining rooms and a kitchenette so the eating out budget was greatly reduced.  It is all about making memories and I am very happy you are planning this trip.  Penny-pinch all you need to b/c it will be so worth it.  As for driving from TX, it is like 8 hours right? That would be an extra 2 days off really so flying is the way to go, woman!  Southwest is pretty economical.

    As for your niece and wanting to go tripping to NYC, I can't seem to find the map to the money tree right now!  A few summers back I was talking to my brother who said my nephew was in NY with his church group!  These kids get around is all I can say!

    Texas and snow?!?!?   I was stunned...even snow in Mexico?! I don't know about El Nino/Nina but all I do know is the weather on this continent has changed.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Morning Ladies, did I mention that is what we have done the last 2 Xmas family gatherings Go roller skating after our meal. Did I mention I fell on my a$$ hard. When we were kids we went all the time and I am still fairly good. But I fell hard just like the rug was pulled out from under me but so did everyone else so my pride wasn't too damaged. It was almost as hard as the wave that slammed me when we were in Fl. in Nov. One of these days I'm going to have to start acting my age because I don't want to break a hip lol. I have to post a picture of our crew on wheels. You know I had my camera. Everyone in this pic. is family. That is my DD and her 2 boys.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    well it is going good i had a little bit of bright red blood they told me not to be laying on my stomcah also not to be doing alot. i have been hurting something awful all day. the pain med is working though.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!

    Felisa, glad to here that your surgery went well and that your pain meds are working.  Keep taking them as directed to stay ahead of the pain!  Hope you start to feel better soon.

    As for rollerskating...I LOVE Rollerskating!  Tex, I would love to take my kids roller skating but there aren't any rinks around here anymore.  In fact the gym I go to is built at the site of the old roller rink I used to go to, and when they built it I swore I would never go there because of my loyalty to the roller rink.  Oh well, I guess I got over that.  I spent many weekend nights growing up in a roller rink, I think my kids would be impressed with what I can do on skates...LOL!  And Iowa, acting your age is highly overrated, maybe just start wearing some extra padding...LOL! Lizzie...remember the disco ball over the roller rink??!! Made me dizzy between skating in circles and the lights spinning in circles. Good think I couldn't drink back then...LOL!

    Tex, I had that temp problem when I moved north. I was raised in FL and we moved to NY when I was 16.  I was in sweatshirts and pants at about 70 degrees, the other kids thought I was nuts.  Funny though, to this day I don't wear a coat unless I am going to be outside for a long period of time.  Running errands or just back and forth to the car when I go to work, I don't bother with a coat because I never wore a heavy coat as a kid and just can't get used to the bulk.  People are always commenting on that.  Glad to hear you guys are going to Disney, the little ones are going to LOVE IT!  And they are the perfect age too!

    Lizzie, thanks for the article, I feel much better now about that 4 pounds I have put on since my exercise has been limited!  I may just have to add a couple of more pounds now....where's the chocolate cake...LOL!

    Okay, I have to go grocery shopping now.  Hope everyone has a great weekend. I can't tell you how happy I am that it is Friday!


  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Thanks to all of you for believeing in me, it gets hard. Im so glad chemo is over with now I got to heal and I cant wait.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    felisaragla- they hardest part is behind you you will heal and be living life to the fullest like the rest for us. Congrats! Find the positives everyday.

    Have a nice weekend ladies. I have no plans except groceries . If I haven't said a hundred times already here it is .....I dislike winter so much, being suck inside stinks. I am using nice words : )