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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, Warriors!

    You all have been on my mind a lot lately.   I cannot believe we are all looking at 5 year anniversaries!  It is so exciting!  

    Rachel- Sorry for your loss.  She really seemed to fight it off as long as possible.  The body just gets tired.   I am glad your boys are handling it okay. 

    Texas: Welcome back, pal!!!!!   Good to see your cute little face on that avatar!   A lot of people worry about you, rightfully so, and they wonder when you don't post for a while so I am glad you might be posting again a bit more regularly than you have.   You have so much going on with your health, I just hope your scans are ok.  Keep us all posted, girl!  

    Felisa: what happened with your follow up?   If you have a chance, post and let me know how things are going.  I worry about everyone and you, too, have been on my mind lately as I have not heard from you in a while and I know you were back "in it" a bit there.  Please let me know how you are doing.

    Ginger: I miss you!  I really do and I am going to email you soon but you were really in my thoughts last night.  I hope you are okay.

    Sptmm: running the island still?  I am not back to running yet but I am so looking forward to it!  It is so gorgeous around here, nice hills, the leaves are about to change and it is all so bucolic!!  I just love it!  My friends around here are always saying they are going to go walking with me but alas I have had quite enough of their platitudes and I will be marching these hills by myself this Fall!   Deb, I love, love, love the Northeast at this time of the year!  Crisp, cool nights, mild days and those beautiful leaves!!!  Well, I know you are running about so you know exactly what I am talking about!  I am fairly fast walking, on average, 3 miles but would love to be jogging 5 a day.  All in good time!  I miss you also!  I have an old 50s playlist on my Ipod which I love walking to!  The Big Bopper, Shanana, Elvis, Frankie Avalon---it all reminds me so much of my father!  I get tired of the same music and I have really never listened to the 50s stuff so it is kind of a nice change.  Shanana was the first concert I ever went to, with my father, at 10 years old!  It was in a small theater and what a great time we had!  He took me to a number of shows but Shanana was my first.  It is just nice to listen to something else for a change of pace!

    Read some numbers recently about how the WHO anticipates  there will soon be more people on the planet with cancer than without. Just so not good.  My best friend's father and MIL have cancer now and both are on chemo.   Almost everyone you talk to knows someone, has a family member or both.  It just still seems to be rather anomalous that so many of us, in this group in particular, are so young to be going through this.   Hopefully we are forever on the flip side!

    Well, as always, I wish all my best to my lovely warriors and may the force be with you all today and every day!!

    Happy Trails, girls!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, Just thinking about the ladies I shared this journey with today and wanted to stop in and say Hi. Life stays busy which is usually a good thing. My 4 year check up is the end of Oct. Kinda sad summer is over already!  Take care, Sue

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, Warriors!

    Sadly Joan Lunden has joined us.  There has been so much coverage of her battle and triple-negative, no less.  So devastating. 

    Congruent with her going public, there have been associated stories.  One caught my eye: the one talking about how there is estrogen in a number of shampoos as well as parbens in almost every moisturizer on the market.  This is awful for us.   I have used Clinique since I was 13 and although it does contain trace amounts of both methyl and propylparabens, it is nothing compared to some of the others.  It is kind of gross, actually!  To think that doing something as innocuous as moisturizing our skin could be tantamount to driving recurrence probabilities.  So before you lather up in the shower, check out some organic shampoos, before you scrub your body with parabens, check out some organic body wash lines and before you smooth some copious amounts of estrogen all over your wonderful skin, reach for the olive oil bottle!

    Sue: good luck with your 4 year!  We are all hitting 5 years next year!  Insane!

    Happy trails ladies!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy i did hear about Joan Lunden actually as  i was walking out of the chemo room it was on the t.v. I guess tyhey did an article on her in people? Anyhow it isnt shocking that the WHO thinks thosecwith cancer will outnumber those without! Everyone knows at least one person with cancer, and many people discover undx cancer when they die of something else.

    Parabens- i dont use cosmetics, but i do use shampoos. I should look into which are paraben free. Cosmeticswise I know burts bees is, my sis uses their products- they have a face towelette that smells like grapefruit.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, Warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well.  If "thread posts" are any indication of "everyone," I am speaking directly to Timothea, Rachel and Sue! I know everyone is busy, thankfully, and moving away from the thread is part of recovery.   I just hope that everyone pops back during our collective, and massive, 5 year anniversary!  Sometimes I just can't even believe I am a) still here and b) thriving!   Alas 5 years is coming up for all of us.  This is a really big deal for all of us and not just b/c the oncology community thinks so but because it just is; for everyone of us it is a milestone and I want to celebrate this collectively!   

    Breast cancer statistics: I just received a startling number today: 40,000 women and nearly 500 men will die of bc this year.   It is just an awfully big number.   For this reason, I am going to spend the preponderance of my posts in 2015, our anniversary year, reminding us of the basics to keep track of as we move further away from the heat of the moment.  It is easy to forget and I am going to take us back a bit to the basics.

    Tex: I hate to say this but "Queen Helene" was one of the biggest "estrogen-in-a-bottle" shampoos and I would not wash my car with that stuff!  More to this point, there were a lot of them.  So the old "ah, any old shampoo will do, I will buy this $3 bottle instead of spending 20" is not such a good idea after all!  Then again, I have always used everything from Graham Webb (one of my favs) to Biolage, Redken, Clinique and others and I got cancer!   These are just rules-of-thumb for those of us going forward and for those who read this thread to help family members etc...  

    As for cosmetics, I hardly use them anymore.  I am also bought a cruiser bike that I ride....I feel almost alarmingly bohemian these days!  This is the antithesis of the woman who raged Wall St for nearly a decade!!!   Life has its twists and turns, that is for sure!

    So how are you feeling?  I hope you are doing very, very well!  Check PMs also.  Sent you some very important information compliments of another of our thread sisters!   Everyone loves, cares about you, they all get very concerned when you don't post for a while and I think you needed to know this.  You have touched a lot of people with your beautiful spirit and will to live.   That is what keeps you beating this disease down and being an absolute beacon of hope for thousands who read this thread, spend time on this site and who have become familiar with you.  Thank you so much for being a part of this movement and for joining us here.  I think I speak for all of us when I say we love you!!  

    In closing, warriors, I want to remind you all to get moving.  Do some form of exercise every day and a reminder that "rebounding" and "Pilates" are very, very good for us.  Rebounding has an excellent effect on our cells (it fires them up to fight cancer) and Pilates is excellent for our lymphatic system.

    Happy trails, ladies!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Felisa: where have you gone?  Do you have an update for me?!  I am looking forward to hearing how you are doing. 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Aw lizzy that was sweet! I also feel that moving away from this thread is on the road to recovery for most. Hope all the women that were on this thread from the start find themselves in a good place. I feel great! Opted not to have my ovaries removed at thjis time cuz i just dont want to deal with surgery then recovery...whats rebounding? Gonna look that up! I need to get a bike. On the never-ending list of things i want :)

    Rachael- i watched mystery alaska and thought of your boys. Hows hockey going this year? Y'all getting cold weather up north? We got a cool front and were in the high 60s/ low 70s over the weekend. Refreshing!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Timothea: Urban Rebounding is using the mini trampoline to workout!  It is a lot of fun!!  LOTS of fun!  I actually do my own routines b/c I find some of the stuff on YouTube is ok and the workouts that came with it were just abysmal!  I am sure you are too young to remember but I *loved* step aerobics!  LOVED it!  Reebok put out some step workouts and one of the ones I loved the most was done in a factory, the lighting was kind of dark and no one spoke, no one was annoying, just pure workout and an intense one at that!  There was a narrator but it was very low on the annoyingometer!   I used to take a great class with a woman in the Bally's in Port Chester NY.  She was insane and she had the best music, all freestyle from the 90s, it was such a high energy rush, I loved that class so much!  She would wipe us out with lunges!  Step was always my fav workout and I still do it today.  I like having a bike but mine is old and has no speeds.  I am looking to get a Schwinn Cruiser with speeds b/c it is hilly where I live.

    I am so glad to hear you are doing so well!   It is just awesome to read that you are feeling great!  I don't blame you on the surgery.  I would not do it.  I can't even think of what would make me go back in for another surgery...oh, wait, yes I can: CANCER!  That is about it! You are such an inspiration to me, you are just amazing.  Someone else I find inspirational is my eye doctor!  Seriously, he wants to go into law enforcement in New Mexico when he retires (long story about how he found out about this) so he has himself on a very limited diet to qualify.  A few years before that, while his horrible marriage was grinding to an end, he ate TUNA for like 6 months so he could get back in great shape!  Who does that?!  I have never told him but he really, really inspires me.   BTW the tuna thing is called the "Harvard Diet" I believe.

    How are the kids?  Glad you got some relief with the weather!  CT is nice at this time of year.

    Happy trails, girl!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing well! I am fine, keeping busy with kids, work, exercise, and volunteering. I think I finally have gotten to the point where I no longer feel like a cancer patient. No medical problems in about a year and for the first time since my diagnosis I WILL NOT meet my med insurance deductible this year!

    Rachel, sorry to hear about your mother in law. How are the boys handling it? I know they were very close to her.

    Tex! So good to hear from you! I am sad that you are still dealing with chemo but glad that you are feeling okay with it. How are the kids and the house? Still playing Dodgeball?

    Lizzy my friend! I AM still running around Long Island. I have gotten away from the gym a little over the summer while training for my second half marathon which I just ran two weeks ago. As the weather turns cold I will run less and gym more. I love Step! I am disappointed that there aren't more strict step classes around anymore. My gym has one class that is combined step and kickboxing that I love. She does a lot of the more difficult step routines ( helicopters, etc) but that's as close as we come to step. I find it so much fun! So how's everything up there in CT? Anything new? My son bought me a bike for my birthday and I LOVE jumping on and going for a ride, such a free feeling! I actually competed last week in a duarhlon ( run 5k, bike 15.5 miles, run 1.3 miles). It was a blast! 

    Thanks Lizzy for all your updates and the information you provide. Sadly I don't have a lot of time to wade through the vast amount of information out there so I really appreciate your highlights!

    Hope everyone else is okay, love to you all!


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    i do remember step areobics- they actually offered it as a PE class when i was in middle school. I never took it though.

    When we were little my older sister, think she was 6, was bouncing on my moms excerciser trampoline and bounced right through a window. Had glass embedded in her forehead. I didnt know they still had those trampolines.

    Kids are doing great! Enjoying the routine of school and seeing friends. I volunteer 3 days a week unless they need me for more. I helped with picture day. It was like herding monkeys! Especially the pre-k classes. I am on the PTA so i am pretty involved with the school. Next yr i plan to apply to be a substitute and you need professional references and i know that i can get them from the school. Friday the liabrarian said she enjoys when i am in there helping out, 1 week when i had appts and couldnt make it into the school they offered to send someone else, she told me she said "no i will wait for Mrs. B(me) to come in". Its probably my OCD that makes me a great helper LOL j/k i am VERY effciant though.

    Debbi- no sports this yr. Daughter traded dance for scouts. Boys werent interested in sports this year. Your fitness level is inspiring

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Oh my gosh, I came in here to find some information for a friend, and I haven't checked in with you ladies since January! I hope everyone is doing well. A few I hear from on Facebook. Is there anything major I've missed that is going on with anyone. I've been busy with my Lilies (ovarian cancer group) stuff. We had some awesome statewide awareness events in September (ovca awareness month). I actually missed the Breast Cancer walk in my city this year for the first time since I was diagnosed. I'm working on myself mostly these days. I'm finally feeling good enough to really get back into exercise and I've managed to sloooowwwllly take off 25 pounds with 25 more to go. Argh, 2 more years on Aromasin. I'll be so glad to get off that dang drug.

    Love to all and hope everyone is well.


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    hey LADY! Glad to hear u are doing well. Taking time for yourself is never wrong :) hope you dont stay away for 10 months next time, but i have been guilty of that myself

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796


    I hope everyone is doing well!!! I am so loving this weather! Fall is my favorite and I love smelling the wood burning in fireplaces at night when I drift off to sleep, secretly thanking Mother Nature for dousing me with cold air through that slightly open window! Yes, the hot flashes persist and as of late have gotten worse. Sharp and hotter! In any case, and more to this point, I am STILL STANDING as are all of you so on Thanksgiving, I encourage you all to take a few minutes to yourselves and dance around to Elton John's "I am Still Standing" video on YouTube! Just dance by yourselves, reveling in all you, and all of us at large, have been through and be so grateful for the life we still have!

    I think it is safe to say we ALL stood up to cancer!

    So, and before I forget, HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!!!

    My tree is up, the Christmas carols are playing and I am loving the fact that my cheeks are rosy like Santa's after going for one of my nice walks in this beautiful weather. Yes, I am silly!

    I will leave you all with this: recently someone asked me why I was so happy! Seriously, if they had the past 4 years like I had, nearly dying twice and finding out post bmx that what they thought was 1 centimeter turned out to be 2.5 cancer, 3.5 pre and had gotten into my lymph nodes, I am happy TO BE ALIVE! So few understand the gratitude one feels after nearly being snuffed out by this crap, to still be here. I know my warriors understand, however!

    Happy trails to all and I wish you all well, always, and remember that although I am not here, you all are frequently in my thoughts. We are one strong group.

    Your Fearless Leader

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi guys, I haven't been here for a few months. Hi Lizzy, Lady, Texas and whoever else might pop by.

    I seem to have a lump and here I am in the middle of the night. I will call SCCA as soon as I imagine they are answering phones. Maybe I can get a mammo today. I itched too just like I did with the original lump. It is on the same side, same quadrant just a little higher up.

    So I suppose I will be around more often now. I hope none of you has any reason to post that is so nerve wracking. Love you all. Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Happy Holidays, Warriors!

    Ginger: I am really sorry to hear about the lump.  I am constantly finding lumps and/or bumps and wonder how long it is going to be before one of them is "live."   Recently I had a brain and liver scare.    

    Bottom line, even though no one is here much anymore, we all get scared at times.  I am here for you and look forward to an update on this situation.   It is so scary, all the time, with this disease and how it rents space in your head.   A friend of mine just lost his mother to cancer and she went so quick, I cried yesterday when I found out she was gone.   I was crying b/c of the loss but part of it was b/c I was just so stunned.   I don't get in, Ginger, but I am here for you and for everyone while we continue to travel on down the road with this threatening, permanent passenger in our backseat, wary of its next move.

    Keep singing holiday carols, laugh and be merry....cancer seems to not like that!!!

    All my best-


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: meant to post before and thank you for referring to this site as "bco" as I went to today!  I remembered it was ".org" b/c you refer to it as such!   Hope all is well with you!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Thanks, I have a mammo at 2 PM tomorrow with Ultra sound if indicated by Mammo results. My onc is on vacation but SCCA Docs still arranged tests for me. I sure hope it is a non event. I like to think I am okay with lifes limits but then something like this happens and I am panic city! I am sorry to hear you have had these issues. I have normal pressure hydrocephalus found during a scan taken because I fell on my head. I don't think I have any symptoms and don't really know what they would be anyway. I hope your extra fluid resolves and you don't need to think about it again.

    I'll be back after the tests. Hugs Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: I wish you the best of luck on your mammo!  I hope everything is just fine.  As for me, I only really share when I think it might help ;)   The fluid has been a problem for well over a year and it is affecting my eyes. The dizziness, however, has caused me not to want to drive much which is both embarrassing and odd!   It is ok, though, I am still here and this is what matters.  I do think a lumbar puncture is forthcoming, however.   I know I am going to love feeling a pressure release for the first time in many, many months.  I feel like I am wearing a water helmet!

    Rock on my bc sister!!!  Keep me posted!  Even though they don't post, they read so, on that note, keep us all posted!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I am happy to tell you that the lump was scar tissue. They did both a mammo and an ultrasound to be sure. I was so relieved!!!!!!!!! When we were leaving a big rainbow shone in the sky. :)

    I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas.

    Love and hugs Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: GREAT NEWS!!!   Merry Christmas to you as well! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Happy Holidays, Warriors!

    I love the new banner ad on this site about "immunotherapy"= the answer might be inside of you. That is very clever! The latest research is trending, even more, in that direction.

    In any case, and to end the year on a very positive note, I did a little research on new drugs for advanced bc, for both HER2- and HER2+ dxs. These continue to be auspicious times and I am so very happy we are all celebrating 5 next year!

    In any case, here is some information I gathered up for you--enjoy!

    holidays are a wonderful time of the
    year when we have some time to ourselves and we can reflect on our lives. It is
    amazing to me we are all still here.
    All I ever knew about cancer was it was the death knoll so I am
    particularly grateful to be "alive and kicking (a song you should all play
    this season!)" and, in fact, that is
    my suggestion, as a gift to yourselves!
    Normally I suggest "I am still standing" but this year I think
    we should listen to "alive and kicking" while we reflect on our bc battle this holiday season. (Tex, you will have to look that song up!)

    any event, I wanted to share with you all some advances in bc research and tx,
    for advanced bc patients.

    Just some information
    taken from about some new
    drugs that are being used on both HER2+ and HER2- people, so there is a little
    something for everyone! As follows:

    Drugs that target the HER2/neu protein

    about 1 in 5 patients with breast cancer, the cancer cells have too much of a
    growth-promoting protein known as HER2/neu (or just HER2) on their surface.
    Breast cancers with too much of this protein tend to grow and spread more
    aggressively without special treatment. A number of drugs have been developed
    that target this protein:

    • Trastuzumab (Herceptin)
    • Pertuzumab (Perjeta®)
    • Ado-trastuzumab emtansine
    • Lapatinib (Tykerb)

    and pertuzumab are monoclonal antibodies — man-made versions of a very specific
    immune system protein. They are given into a vein (IV).

    emtansine is a monoclonal antibody attached to a chemotherapy drug. It is also
    given IV.

    is a targeted drug that is not an antibody. It is given as a pill.

    Everolimus (Afinitor®)

    Everolimus is a type of
    targeted therapy that blocks mTOR, a protein in cells that normally promotes
    their growth and division. By blocking this protein, everolimus can help stop
    cancer cells from growing. Everolimus may also stop tumors from developing new
    blood vessels, which can help limit their growth. In treating breast cancer,
    this drug seems to help hormone
    therapy drugs
    work better.

    is a pill taken once a day.

    drug is approved to treat advanced hormone receptor−positive, HER2−negative,
    breast cancer in women who have gone through menopause. It is meant to be used
    with exemestane
    (Aromasin) in these women if their cancers have grown while they were being
    treated with either letrozole
    or anastrozole (or the
    cancer started growing shortly after treatment with these drugs was stopped).
    This approval was based on a study that showed that giving everolimus with
    exemestane was better than exemestane alone in shrinking tumors and stopping
    their growth in post-menopausal women with hormone receptor−positive,
    HER2−negative breast cancer that had stopped responding to letrozole or

    side effects of this drug include mouth sores, diarrhea, nausea, fatigue,
    feeling weak or tired, low blood counts, shortness of breath, and cough.
    Everolimus can also increase blood lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) and
    blood sugars, so your doctor will check your blood work periodically while you
    are on this drug. It can also increase your risk of serious
    , so your doctor will watch you closely for infection while you
    are on treatment.

    and we never talked about it much here, the financial burden of bc is a
    factor. I was happy to read in my Dana
    Farber newspaper "Impact" Fall 2014 edition, there has been a
    "Hellenic Women's Club, Inc EOK Demetra Fund for Breast Cancer Research
    and Patient Assistance. This is the fir
    and only fund at Dana Farber that provides patient assistance specifically for
    bc patients. It is good to know this
    organization is able to help 130 women with the basics while they battle bc,
    when it is most needed.

    would appear things are moving in the right direction for all of us,
    Happy Holidays to you all and we
    must reflect on the fact that 2015 is the 5 year for all of us and how much that means for us. Remember that on New Year's Eve!!!

    my best to all of you during this holiday season,

    Fearless Leader

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, Im still around not as often as I would like :/ Belated Merry Christmas I hope you each had a very nice holiday! I have been recovering from big toe joint replacement surgery. Yes arthritis in my big toe ruined the joint. On the mends now. Happy New Year to each of you.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Ginger: Awesome news, glad everything is ok.

    Iowa, I have arthritis in one of my big toes. Wow, I didn't know it could get bad enough to lead to a joint replacement. Hope you mend quickly.

    Lizzy: Thanks as always for keeping our ragtag bunch together.

    Here is to a Healthy, Happy 2015 for us all!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Happy New Year, Warriors!!!

    However, this article on Yahoo today about a Johns Hopkins study on why we get cancer.....just bad luck?!

    I had to share this with you all! I really find it absolutely incomprehensible that some of the greatest medical minds in the world have been studying this enigma they call cancer for 100s of years now and they still can't figure it out?! Now that venerated paradigm of higher thinking comes up with "bad luck?!"

    Oh, ladies, I am going to be doing more research and putting together a series of "5 year anniversary" posts----more to come!!

    Lady: great to hear from you! So glad you are doing well! BTW, you are synonymous with the Auburn Eagles in my mind, that is! Every time ESPN is reporting on them, I think of you ;)

    Sue: I know how much you like to get around (old song perhaps?!) so I sure hope that toe is all healed and you are ready for motorcycle season, woman! All my best.

    Guys, this is year 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you ever feel compelled to pinch yourself?!

    Happy trails!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Happy New Year to everyone. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and celebrated bringing in the new year. We had a great Christmas--however, it was the first Christmas without my Mother in law and it certainly did cause a few tears for everyone. It has been very hard for everyone since she passed away in September--feels like a million years ago or just yesterday (kind of like my cancer diagnosis).

    Looking forward to passing my 5 year mark--even though my Oncologist was quick to make sure I know that cancer can come back at any time (a real downer he is!).

    Here's to health and happiness for us all in 2015.



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, Warriors!

    Tonight there I was watching "NBR" and Liz Clayman, my fav CNBC news anchor, announced that Pfizer is in what appears to be final talks with the FDA to approve palbociclib.

    This is what you really need to know about it:

    In a key clinical trial, palbociclib nearly doubled the time it took for breast cancer to worsen. It was not yet known if, or by how much, the drug extends overall survival.

    This is the link to read the article although it is on Reuter's so the slant on this is how much it will make Pfizer and how the stock has increased on FDA rumor--

    This is some exciting "Year5" news for us!!

    This is such exciting news, I had to share!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, Warriors!

    I was doing some reflecting on our 5 year anniversary. This led to do some
    research on exactly what that means. This is some of what I discovered:

    >>>>"5 years" was borne out of a statistical
    reporting point, for national reporting, on survivors.

    >>>>These reports take place at 5, 10 and 15
    year intervals.

    >>>>This is how they keep statistics on survivor

    >>>>We are never "cured" of this

    >>>>For bc patients, the main risk window remains until the 10 year mark. If we hit 10 years, even though we will never be considered "cured," the
    recurrence risk drops to 1 - 2%.

    It is great to still be here, to be alive and for all of us
    to still be enjoying life
    . For these
    reasons, every year is a milestone. I
    don't necessarily take solace in the 5 year anniversary but in each day. The 5 year mark is nothing more than the
    government's way of keeping score on who is still here but I thought Edward
    Snowden said they are fully aware of this anyway?!

    I think this piece, taken from Health Central, speaks to the
    5 year anniversary pretty well
    . The last line is the absolute take-away on this matter:

    All things to consider, ladies! At the very least, we are all still here to
    read this ;)

    Wishing the happiest trails to you all!

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Hello Ladies! I haven't been here in a long time and am sorry for that. To be honest, it didn't occur to me that the group would still be going. Stupid me! But today it hit me that you all might still be checking in and keeping up with each other. So here I am. And, as you might have guessed, it occurred to me because I got some potentially bad news today following my annual mammogram I had on Monday. My gyne called me this morning and said that they want more pictures and an ultrasound. Apparently, there are some "irregularities" and "distortions." Going in tomorrow for the second mammogram. Don't know yet when they're doing the US.

    Anyway, I am soooooo glad to know that you all are still here and that we have all survived!

    I will be in touch. Love to you all!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening,

    The first month of our collective 5-year anniversary is
    coming to a close and I am fresh of a trip to Yale for some check-up fun
    ! Not for one second do I think I am
    "cancer-free," as I believe that to be the most humongous misnomer if
    ever there was one, but I do enjoy each and every day I am here! Who knows what will happen next?!

    Wherria- we are indeed a very sparse group now but, for the
    most part, for all the best reasons: a return to a non-bc life. I, however, continue to post as do a few

    I am sorry to hear you are having a scare. I hope everything turns out alright. Please come back and post their

    As for scares, perhaps you can take solace in the fact I have
    them every day, in perpetuity, in the confines of my wildly active mind! It is, however, a bit disconcerting when our
    own paranoia is exacerbated by empirical evidence there could be something
    amiss and I am sorry this is the case for you. Not something I am looking forward
    to but the we all know this can be the case, any time now. It just means it is time to fight again.

    I am there for you and I will start giving out capes, promoting mental health and being of the utmost support should one of my Warriors take a fall in this battle,
    even if there are only a few of us! That
    is what support is all about.

    I wish you all the best and it is my promise to every person that reads this thread, or who were ever a part of this group, I will be there for each and every one of you for as long as I very well can! This is our special place to come, to be amongst friends who know who we are and where we have been. On that note, it is a special place indeed and it is our place. We built this together.

    Happy trails and continue fighting the good fight!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    GINGER- know this is late cuz ive been away but HOORAY FOR SCAR TISSUE

    Lizzy Re yr 5- especially for me, the 5 yr mark is an incredible milestone. Being stage 4 out the gate the odds were stacked against me to make it this far. 10 years would be amazing!

    Rachel- my daughter and i recently had the oppornunity to take in a hockey game. WHAT A RUSH! She loved it!

    I also was nominated (and will recieve) a makeover from a upscale salon, and an on ice honor thing at the "pink in the rink" event next saturday. So aweome.

    Iowa- i hope the recovery is going well

    Hey Lady, anything new with you?

    Wherria- so glad to hear from you, wish it was under better circumstances, but i am so happy you checked in! Keep us updated!

    Very interesting article. Its true that the 5 yr. mark can be misleading. Especially since not 100% of the deaths are cancer related, but they are counted in that total.

    Small update on me had scans last week- everything is stable, or smaller. 2 Brain mets had slight growth, but i recently had focal brain radiation so swelling isnt uncommon.