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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: congratulations
    on reductions!!!!!! That is
    amazing! Good to hear from you! I am very happy for you! Stable and smaller is very auspicious!

    Wherria: any

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hello friends! It's great to see the random posts from this thread that come through on my email. It is very comforting to know that you guys are out there, just a post away.

    I am doing well. Still running around the island lol. I just signed up for my first marathon, which I will run in Sept. I swore I would never be that nuts but I guess I was wrong!

    Unfortunately I just lost my dad to that damn cancer. Everyone is so worried about me and meantime it was growing inside him. Dad's cancer progressed very quickly. He was diagnosed on Oct 24 and passed away on Jan 17. He had lung cancer with mets at diagnosis to the brain. He had a short course of radiation and one chemo treatment but didn't finish, the cancer had spread too far. We all got to spend Xmas in Florida with him and will always have that special memory. My sister and I flew down emergently on the 16th so we were with him when he passed. He was out of it but I know he knew we were there.

    Tex, it is so great to hear you are stable! You have no idea what an inspiration you are to me!

    Wherria, I'm saying a little prayer for you tonight.

    Lizzie! I love getting your updates and articles! My own personal research assistant. How's things up there?

    I love hearing from you all, even when I don't get the chance to respond. I'm glad we are all doing so well. Who would've thunk it, lol!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, Warriors!<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    Happy Super Bowl
    I was very amused by
    "Deflate Gate!" It is amazing
    what we latch on to in this country as that topic trended for days!

    Sptmm: so good to
    hear from you although I am very sorry to hear about the passing of your
    father. What is even harder is it was
    from cancer. I really feel for you.

    I am glad to hear you are running around the island! How long is the marathon in September? I know the NYC is on Nov 1 this year, and it
    takes quite a while to train for 26 miles, but is that a goal? We will meet up at the Revlon to discuss!

    the game, ladies!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Didnt watch the game.... i recorded it but didnt watch lol

    A marathon! You go girl!

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Has anyone ever had to have a biopsy because of "architectural distortions" on a mammogram?

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Wherria: I have not heard of that and although I am sure you have been "binging" and "googling" away, I just thought I would post what I found, assuming you probably already saw this or something similar:

    The term architectural distortion is a mammographic descriptive term in breast imaging. It may be visualised as tethering or indentation of breast tissue.

    In most patients there is global symmetry between the two breasts as far as the parenchyma is distributed and imaged. By comparing MLO and CC views carefully, subtle areas of asymmetry can be found sometimes even very subtle areas not seen by quick look by by neophyte observers. Parenchymal asymmetry is a routinely assessed feature in mammography and usually means any undue disruption in the usual parenchymal pattern. It is considered third most-common appearance of breast cancer 1 and at times can be a subtle finding on mammography. The most common etiology in every day practice is post surgical scarring.

    Etiology being "cause," it can certainly be attributed to scar tissue.

    Keep us posted and I am sorry you are going through this. They are probably just being hyper-vigilant as our collective history certainly warrants such!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Wherria- no i havent but it looks as though Lizzy has you covered!

    My make over was awesome- here is the news coverage link

    Well its late NIGHT!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, Warriors!

    I diagnosed *myself* with lung mets and then when the bronchitis was ameliorated with a little Mucinex, I declared my cancer-sponsored paranoia the culprit! I go through this kind of thing so much though, and although I am never too convinced I have mets to whatever part is troubling me, it is never far from my mind! On that note, it is exhausting.

    Tex: I mention this b/c I absolutely LOVE the news clip, the fact you were chosen for that program, the fact you look so fantastic and full of life and also, through teary eyes, you mention how much cancer takes from us not the least of which is peace of mind, the thought you are going to live for a while longer. Just this past week, I was with an old friend and through that conversation I did realize I have been slowly, and quietly, preparing to depart this life way sooner than I thought I would. Eighties in my sleep, that is how I saw myself "going" but I think, for most of us, that is the ideal departure! In any event, Timothea, cancer did indeed take my peace of mind! It is alarming, in fact.

    You look so great and your hair looks fantastic after just 1 year! That is great growth you have there! You look really good and, as per usual, you put the BEST face on cancer ever! You know how many people you have touched with your very essence through this board and in other ways, and now through the news to people in San Antonio? Do you realize you probably made most every person that watched you both laugh and cry, in just a few minutes? I am just really happy to know you. You are one of the finest people whose acquaintance I have made in quite some time. So many people are so awful and ugly, mired in justification of their dastardly actions, and here we are all just trying to survive and make this all right in some way. You, Timothea, epitomize "making this right" and I thank you so much for that! Much love, woman :)

    One more thing: this young woman at a convenience store, I had gotten friendly with her from going in, asked me once about bc and was wondering, after learning what I had been through, if I had a mets-sponsored hysterectomy, would I even be considered a woman anymore?! I am not joking and she was not speaking with malice but rather was just a young woman trying to figure this all out. She raised a good question but then we all get back to what is "being a woman" to each one of us and, quite frankly, I never really thought much about my equipment in that vain! It was an interesting exchange and does speak to your point about what cancer takes from you. I hope that young woman never gets bc and has to go through worrying herself, most likely sick, about mets and the eventual annihilation of her gender-identity. Enough said about all that cancer can, threatens to, and will take from us, depending on when we let it.

    On that note, I must say, the women in this group are made of some special sauce!! Speaking of said "special sauce," Timothea, you must watch the Super Bowl!!! I know you recorded it so get to watching! It was the SUPEREST BOWL ever!!!!! Amazing game, the catch-of-the-year followed by the catch-of-the-year!!!!!! Good times....and now that I think of it, maybe that is where my fake lung mets came from, all my Super Bowl howling!!!!

    I watched a PBS show on bc recently and they are still going on about how bc is affecting women with age, like around 70 their risk factor goes up. All I could think is the median age in this group was probably early 40s. I don't know where they get their numbers or if new trends have not caught up. The latter is probably the case. At least they are always talking about bc, though, that is for sure! In this we must take some solace.

    Good day to you all and hope you all have a nice Valentine's Day!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, Warriors-

    It is with great sadness I let you all know that Adey has passed away. I learned this evening she died on December 5th.

    I had gotten close with her, off the boards. We had similar dxs, and subsequent surgeries and had just gotten close through our shared experiences. I knew that she had been dxd with spine mets. It was heartbreaking but I guess I just really thought she would be ok and that the mets would be treated.

    My heart is very heavy. I liked her so much and although recently she had been less communicative, and unfortunately I did suspect things had taken a turn for the worse, I really hoped she would be ok.

    Adey's husband was wonderful and very supportive, she always spoke very highly of him. I think they had a great, great love. She also has 2 daughters, both in college. I remember her talking to me about what would come of her daughters if she passed while they were still young, feeling in some way she was leaving them and she lamented the thought this disease was going to take her away from them. She spent a lot of time in her final years enjoying her family, taking vacations, and making memories.

    This disease is so heartbreaking.

    Godspeed, Adrienne.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    That is such sad news Lizzie, I temember Adey. Will be praying for her and the family she left behind

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,532

    Rest in peace Adey.

    Sending our prayers and condolences to her family, friends, and all her knew and loved her.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good Evening, Warriors!

    I hope you are all doing very well!

    Moderators: thank you so much for your post regarding Adey. She was so special and I am still feeling so sad that she is gone. It is heartbreaking.

    I just stopped by to post what "early stage" bc is considered to be. Oddly I found my answer on a link on a bco thread which I think we all might find encouraging!

    According to 0-IIIA is considered early stage.

    Sptmm: thanks, Deb! I appreciate your post on Adey. In any case, getting ready for the Revlon because unlike you, I am not yet running the NYC marathon!!!!! I rather enjoy teasing you! See you there ;)

    Wherria: have you gotten any results? I would like to hear how you are doing. Think about you-

    Happy trails, ladies!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    This disease is unpredictable. It was heartbreaking to hear the news of adey especially since it was someone we all talked to and grew to love. I know we both shared the same fears of losing to this disease while our children were young.

    Spring break starts monday. let the spring cleaning begin! Although it very much feels like winter!

    I am also hoping you'll check in wherrria.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy you always say the most wonderful things. Yes I heard that from everyone that saw the news clip- they said they all bawled.

    LOL my paranoia makes me diagnose myself with mets too. currently my right shoulder has been hurting like i bruised it or fractured, i keep thinking that my bone mets spread to my shoulder. I am of course gonna bring it up to my dr. when i see her next, but all these crazy things come into my mind. I take it one day at a time and one pain reliever at a time!

    Well its late and I need to sleep

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Tex: I loved that piece that you posted! You were awesome in it and looked great! I hope you don't mind but I posted it to my FB page to show people what true warriors look like. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive with everyone wishing you well and applauding your strength and courage. You are an inspiration to many!

    Lizzie: Train away, it's great to hear! It would be absolutely awesome to run the streets of NYC with you! You joke about NYC, and while I did not sign up for the NYC Marathon, I am all signed up for my very first marathon right here in my own back yard as they say, the Suffolk County Marathon, on September 13 (the day after my 53rd birthday!). It should be interesting whether I make it through. I ran a 25K (15.5 miles) last weekend, that's my furthest. But I have a while to train, so I will be ready for the challenge, I hope!

    It is sunny here today and 46 degrees, a virtual heat wave!!! DST and spring arrived on the same day and it feels great!

    Enjoy this beautiful day everyone!


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527


    That's me on the left at about 12.4 miles, only 3 more to go!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, my lovely Warriors!!!!!

    I hope everyone is doing so well!!! I am so sorry, I fully intended to make our 5 year anniversary special via this thread but these classes are killing me! I was not good in this material *before* chemo and now, gadzooks! I feel like chemo took a lot more than I realized! Speaking of which, while watching Jeopardy I am still chasing the answers through my head, I was thinking "Paloma Picasso" a few days ago and said "Paco Rabanne" (talking about fragrance) which I knew was wrong as soon as it came out of my mouth! I also put Bush International in Washington and Reagan in Texas!!! These are classic examples of how I struggle with memory issues since chemo. It is sad, ladies!

    In any case, saw this today:

    Wonderful! We all might have been the victims of overzealous diagnosing! Actually I know I was not. There was 2.5 cm of cancer and 3.5 of pre-cancer they suspect would have gone active "within months" of surgery. In any event, I file this under "better safe than sorry."

    Sptmm: HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!! Deb, you look like an Olympian!!!!!!!!!!! You are just the epitome of athlete!!!!!!! I love, love, love the pics!!!!!! OMG, I have not been here in a while and it was so nice to see those pics!!!! I love it! Deb, you are like a freakin' super hero!! I am so particularly impressed with you and your dedication. You have morphed into a super athlete and I just love it!!!! You will be the recipient of our cape, in perpetuity, woman!

    Wherria: I really wish you would let us know how you are. This is cancer, we are all probably going to get it again and maybe even again (and this goes for everybody). I sat with an 80 y/o lady in chemo one day who had recur 4 times. I hate that you might not be sharing b/c of lack of company. Just let us know, give an update please---much love.

    Liz thinks she is an oncologist! My latest self dx (this might become a regular feature!): I was feeling a lot of pain across my lower back and in my neck and I got so scared. My onc is forever checking my spine and of course, my beloved Adey was quickly dxd w/mets to the spine so I do get nervous. Um, I kind of forgot I have taken to doing crunches "on the rebounder" when I finish a session....perhaps that is not great for my neck!

    Adey came to visit me!!!!! Seriously, if you all don't believe in ghosts and think me a religious blasphemer, go right ahead! Sorry, I believe in ghosts and shortly after I found out she passed, and I posted here, one night I awoke to a very friendly sounding "whoooo!" Yes, kind of like a friendly ghost sound! I have lots of dead family but that time, I think it was Adey! Ok, enough ghost talk!

    Well, we are on the precipice of lovely Spring and the season I despise, summer, ever since my luscious hot flashes began and do not seem to want to end! Timothea, I am with you on this one! They seem to have gotten worse in the past year :(

    Happy trails, ladies-

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning,
    Warriors!<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    Saw this news
    story this morning
    and I wanted to share:

    The most
    important thing I read was about cancer's (diabolical) interest in sugar, to
    the exclusion of everything, in its desire to grow, as follows:

    researchers focused on the fact that cancer cells are far less flexible than
    healthy cells in their need for glucose to survive and keep growing. Cancer
    cells by nature are dividing faster than traditional healthy cells, so they
    require more glucose than normal cells. By cyclically fasting during a
    treatment course of a lower-toxicity class of drugs, a patient could reduce
    their glucose intake and dramatically slow the rate of cancer cell division.

    reducing glucose intake through fasting could cause cancer cells to utilize
    their kinase pathway -- sort of an energy reserve pathway for cancer cells --
    to survive and multiply. But pharmaceutical companies have created drugs
    specializing in inhibiting kinase, removing the other pathway by which cancer
    cells get fuel to survive.

    I have not discussed this here but I actually do protein
    drink fasts 2 days a week.
    I use a protein
    powder, cold coffee (add morning leftovers to a container in the fridge), a few
    drops of vanilla extract, ice, water and a little almond milk. Not only does it taste like a drink we are
    being charged $6 for at Starbucks, it is also a nice way to give your body a

    Sptmm: I have decided
    your new moniker is "wonder woman!" In that last photo, you really do
    look like wonder woman!!

    Body butter: I was telling
    my sister a few nights ago how much I do not love moisturizing my body with
    olive oil and how everything else contains too many items that end in -ium,
    -ate etc.... for me to feel comfortable using.
    I am working on some lotions made of 100% pure and natural items. As soon
    as I feel I have perfected the product, I am going to put the "recipe
    (including ratios)" here for you all to enjoy! Make your own body butter, save your skin,
    avoid more cancer and feel better about preserving something natural with
    something natural!

    Happy Easter to
    some and Happy Passover to others!

    Hope you have a
    nice day!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hey there folks, so we have moved with thirty days notice. Owner decided to sell and although we believed it would be a year we were given a sudden notice. Apparently a sister had taken second mortgages on the property that the, now deceased, mother didn't know about. So the functioning sister finds out that the property is in deep debt. Sooooo we now live in another suburb of Seattle and are trying to cram into a house that is 700 sq feet smaller and has a two car garage vs the five car garages we had. We tried to donate, trash and otherwise get rid of things but we still have rooms filled with boxes plus the garage. We were on 5 acres and now have a backyard that is 14 feet deep with 6 ft side yards. Ai yi yi. Eventually we may get mostly unpacked. Maybe. My back is just so bad now that I cant pick up one thing. My poor husband has had to do so much work. We even paid the movers to pack the kitchen and dining room and our housekeeper stayed longer on her day to pack.

    Now the old landlord is trying to keep our money even though the inspection was perfect. I have a sinking feeling she doesn't have it. Laws here are strict and we were supposed to get our deposit back in 14 days. Nopy nope, no money.

    I go see the Onc just for a checkup in July. No mammo.

    My first cousin who had been clear for 12 years and had a recurrance and then went to stage four, now has another recurrance. SHe is in chemo this time. I feel awful for her. She is a couple years older than me and I will be 70 in June.

    On the good side, this house is really well set up except for it being two story. It has little extras like silent light switches, no big water heater just small ones, good wiring and really nice back yard deck, small but quite perfect. I like this house and it is closer to our DD and Sil and DGD. That I love!

    I think of everyone just not as often as I used to. Love to you all! Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Hello Warriors….oriors….oriors…! Surely that is the result
    of my yelling out to an empty space,
    as the melodic sounds of my voice echo against
    the nothingness! Well, be that as it may, I am glad no one is here!!! This
    means you are all out living it up!
    Alas, Ginger, I am glad your complaints are about moving and not about
    health!!!! Moving is just an awful hassle, and to this point I am sorry for
    your short notice and square-footage reduction. My brother is a huge proponent
    of throwing everything away! I really think his next career should be in move
    management called “The Trash Man!” In any event, I learn from him, and the
    important thing to do is get rid of everything you don’t need. My heart breaks
    over the reduction in garages, however! I am having a moment of silence for
    you, lamenting the cruel world in which we live! My next house will be many
    garages (I want 5!), to accommodate my unhealthy obsession, and a small house
    …for the animals! The garage story breaks my heart!
    I hope you have gotten your funds
    (deposit?) back by now. Sorry to read about your cousin. That is exactly the
    way it goes with cancer. You are cruising along, not a care in the world, not
    even thinking about cancer anymore, and here it comes again. I heard this story
    so many, many times when talking with some of the ladies during chemo, it is
    very common. It is a reminder we never, ever “don’t” have cancer; it is just
    not active right now. I am sorry, but I still take umbrage with the “cured”
    words of false hope and discouragement. It is NOT possible to be cured of this
    disease. I mean, sometimes I seriously wonder if people who talk in such terms
    even live in the same hemisphere with me. Now I find a blank stare is the best
    response! Meanwhile I would like to be in a mixed martial arts cage with this
    person who wants to use cure and cancer in the same *&^% sentence! Alas, I
    Best of luck on your upcoming
    checkup! I wish you the very best! No one scans me, they do a little blood
    work, that is about it! I am not surprised at all about the “no mammo”
    I hope your cousin had a nice birthday and is tolerating chemo okay. Also, the small water
    heaters---environmental kudos to your landlord, woman! Nice that you are closer
    to family and have a nice yard to enjoy at this time of year. How are your
    I am not sure I ever shared this
    here, and I don’t think I did because I did not want to upset anyone, but my
    cat died of cancer over a year ago. I did not get another pet. She had cancer
    for years, alas it finally killed her. Meanwhile my friend in Manhattan is
    taking his dog for chemo, to the tune of $50,000. Yes, fifty-thousand dollars.
    Cancer is wicked sad, and wicked expensive, as well all know.
    Ginger, I just hope you are
    settled. I think of you now and again and am happy you are doing well.
    Whitney---any news? I
    have to ask in hopes that you are reading.
    Today’s message: HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY, PEOPLE! FLAGS N’ FLASKS!!!!!!! Hope everyone has a nice holiday and best of luck to you all in our
    continued battle against this disease.
    I think I am going to go look up “cured”
    now to see if the definition has changed….!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    PS- I have tried numerous times to post a pic that I took especially for you all, and it is still very difficult to do so on this site. I am at a loss!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Apparently this site's picture feature prefers Apple devices!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796


    I hope everyone is doing very well! I am sorry I have not been on in a while.

    Lately I have been learning more about the cells that make up these wonderful bodies of ours, and about how many processes are taking place in one cell, every minute. It kind of lends to how complicated cancer is, and the more I learn, the more I think a cure will never be found! It is insane, but the more I learn about our bodies, the less hope I have! It is just amazing what goes in one tiny cell that I have to look under the microscope to get a better look at. Alas, and perhaps I have previously shared this, but cancer is indeed my doppelganger, in perpetuity! I sing the Laverne and Shirley theme song to my lovely doppelganger!

    Greek Mythology: it is called mythology, but in fact it was just a bunch of people trying to figure out where they were, and what the heck was going on around them. To this point, we say they purposely ignored certain facts as a means to advance their philosophies. I wonder what they will say about us, and our struggles with cancer, 5000 years from now, when a cure has been found, and people are living to be 800 years old? Will they say we purposely ignored certain facts (our food sources should not be plowed full of steroids and antibiotics, and then fed to us) as a means to advance our philosophies (that our bodies can handle all this garbage)?

    So it is nearly the holiday season, and the weather is just gorgeous. This is such a completely wonderful time of year, in the Northeast that is!! Of course I am teasing, and it is a special time of year all over the country. I hope you all are enjoying it.

    I know a number of you likely think of this thread, and the times we shared here. It would be nice if everyone posted, once in a while, or perhaps annually around the holidays, just to give an update.

    Happy trails until we meet again (and hopefully under much better circumstances!)-

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Lizzy and all my chemo sisters, I am doing good. Approaching my last check up. For my type her2 pos. I was told I only need follow ups for 5 years so I guess they will set me free and hope I continue to fly!! Time goes by way too fast. I cant believe Im going to be 50 in Dec. I keep busy doing most of the things I have always enjoyed, my girls, their children and all the fun things I enjoy riding the Harley, boating, camping, and traveling. Even had one more thing on the bucket list happen. This spring we bought a house in Fl. now Ill get to spend the winters in the warmth and sunshine. Heading there in 3 weeks :) I will try much harder to stop back in more often. Keep on keeping on ladies. Hope everyone is happy and healthy :)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Congratulations on your house, Sue! I know you had been talking about that for a while, and I am glad you finally made it happen. I, too, am going to be looking south in another 5 years. I will likely never live in Florida full-time, and I won't do the "snowbird" thing yet, but I will be slowly be cutting over to spending more time in the warmth. I am sooo happy for you! Now you get to ride your Harley year-round!

    Do you think it will be weird decorating your Xmas tree in shorts?! My sister spent a few years living in FL and said she got used to it fast. A few years back I flew out of Jacksonville and it was 30 degrees there, and when I landed at JFK, it was 30 degrees there! You might not be in shorts at Christmas, but will likely be in less layers than in Iowa!

    BTW, on the sun, cancer and vitamin D thing, we only need about 3 minutes in the sun each day to get our RDA, so don't overdue it!

    Now you should take up surfing, or wait for me and we will do it together!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hello August Chemo friends!! Sorry I haven't checked in for so long. Life is good, busy, healthy! I was so sad to hear we had lost Adey. Wow, what happened? I went back and looked at her profile and I remember her avatar with the colorful wigs. Diagnosed at Stage 2, like I was and so many of us. So sad.

    Can't think of much news that would really be of interest, I'm still pretty much spending a lot of time on ovarian cancer awareness. Ya'll know I'm a "double winner," and breast cancer certainly has a lot of people working on it, so I put my energy toward the ovarian side of it. But I get to share with lots of women at health fairs and other places we speak/exhibit about both cancers, so I still put my pink hat on every once in a while. I changed my picture to one that is more recent.

    I hope everyone is doing well. I went back to the beginning of the year to see if I'd missed anything else major, and it seems most everyone is ok? xoxoxo

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    PS, meant to add a big THANKS to Lizzy for keeping the thread going.

    TexasRose, I tried to go to the link on your story, but I guess it's been taken down? I couldn't see it. So glad to hear you are doing well!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi everyone--Checking in--Thanks Lizzy for the reminder. I actually do come on the site occasionally just to check in and see if any updates. Nothing much new on my side--5 years--wow...crazy how time has flown by. I am in the midst of my checkups and Doc is moving me from Tamoxifen to Letrozole which supposedly adds some extra % to reduce chances of recurrence. I haven't started it yet --not sure if anybody else is taking it? My oldest son turns 16 next week--eeek! where did the time go? He is taking his test for his learners permit. Life is overall good...Canada is just going through our federal election--time for a change in Canada. (p.s our Baseball team is rocking it!!) Love to everyone, Rachel XO

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Many here have donated . Thank you !........Wandering around and cheerleading again :)

    Donate today, make a difference directly in all our lives. By supporting BCO, we support each other. Thanks and Hugs :)


    Link to the mainboard donation page