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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    want to check in :) seems everyone has stopped by, when i say everyone i mean the handful of us that havent disappeared. Since my last visit i have gained a few pounds- as long as i am not losing the drs are happy. Seems like this new chemo is really doing its stuff. Lungs sound clear! I developed Cushings syndrome- basically from all the steroids my face has some swelling to it, thats an understatement lol my eyes get so swollen i can hardly see!  Since i am no longer on the steroids it should improve.

    Vacations! Florida looks warm, and i bet mexico was hot compared to what ontario is right now. Funny when  first visted TX right before we got married i was sweltering in DEC! Now when i travel back to  WA i am freezing in the summer!

    Debbi- i admire your determination! Unless there was an ice cream truck ahead of me an entire race i know i wouldnt be able to run a mile let alone MILES!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    sorry ginger didnt mean to ignore you. Glad the brace is helping your back. Which type of bush? I miss all the foilage in washington.

    Lizzy- i heard a news story from your neck of the woods

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Tex--I am glad to hear you are doing well. I check in here most days but honestly don't have much to say! I am so glad that the chemo is doing its job and you are feeling OK. My friend's husband had Cushings a few years ago and ended up having some surgery...he also really swelled up. Funny enough we were looking at pics the other day just about the time he was diagnosed and then comparing it to now--about 5 years later--what a change. Are the Docs able to treat the Cushings?

    Things are good here. My MIL is doing OK...she was on an experimental drug trial but was pulled off due to tumour growth so now the Docs are just treating any symptoms etc. I also have my checkups in 2 weeks--not sure why it creates such anxiety--but 4 years later--it still does.

    Sending lots of love to everyone. (Debbi--I am super impressed with your running--I need to get my ass in gear). 



  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    rachel what they just said was since i am no longer n the steroids it should resolve eventually. I havent been on the steroids since  jan and the symptoms just started in march,  they said its residual. 

    Did your friends husband have cushings syndrome or disease? From what i learned in researching is sometimes it can be caused by a tumor somewhere (cant remember)  so his swelling went completly away? 

    Went on a fieldtrip with my sons kinder class. Oh is my body paying for it!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Tex--he had Cushing Disease...he had a tumour on his pituitary gland (spelling??) and he had it removed and it took perhaps 2 years for the majority of swelling--but his was really bad...not sure how to describe.

    I have my gene cancer checkups next week. Fingers crossed :)

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Texas they are Rhododendrons and huge and Camellias, and another one that I have spaced the name of. Who ever landscaped this house did a great long term plan. These shrubs are huge and surround clumps of very tall fir trees, The house also has them around the foundation. It is really pretty. 

    I need to wear the back brace for four to five more months. Not fun. 

    I hope all of your swelling has subsided by now Texas. My father in law had myasthenia gravis and had to take lkots of predisone and he had swelling too. I think he had to take it for a lot longer than you, like for years. 

    I h ope everyone is doing well. We all would like to hear from you.  Calling Lizzie, Texas, Rachel, everybody come out, come out where ever you are!!!!   If things aren't going so well then please let us hug you and send you our love. 

    Hugs and blessings 


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, hope you each had a nice Easter weekend with those you love. I stayed in bed sick half the day no idea what it was but woke with a migraine (which isnt unusually for me)  by 10 -1030 am I really felt ill and my heart felt like it was racing, I seriously thought I was having a heart attack even thou I dont know what one feels like. I felt so ill I went to the er and they hooked me all up and ofcourse by now things are settling down and nothing shows up. I was nauseaed too and did vomit after leaving the er. I have no idea what it was by early evening I felt fine.

       Texas - Im glad to hear the tx are doing their job, thoughts and prayer to you daily! Hope the swelling goes away soon!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Iowa Sue  my DD and DGD have it also hi!   Good to hear from you. I have some sort of nausea thing going on today myself, my DD and DGD have it also.   

    I don't check in so much anymore but I am alwatys happy to hear from any of our crew here. If anyone talks to Lizzie please be in touch.

    Hugs Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!!!!!!!!

    Sorry--I am really sorry but I have gotten busy and will post here still, but not as frequently.  I hope everyone is doing well and I do read your posts.  I will post when I have information to share and/or news on breast cancer research and advancements.

    Tex: I hope you are doing ok on chemo!!  What story from my neck of the woods?  I missed that.  Disgusting story today from Milford, CT where a 16 y/o student stabbed and killed another 16 y/o student who would not go to the prom with him.  It is such an awful and senseless tragedy.  This will most likely be on the national news tonight, sadly. 

    Ginger: thanks for asking for me!  Email me any time.  I have just been busy.

    I hope everyone is doing well and have a nice weekend....finally some good weather!!!!

    Happy trails, girls!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Just dropping in to say Hi and I hope that everyone is doing well. I have been away for over a week in Miami for a sales meeting--crazy busy at work. My MIL took a turn for the worse last night and slipped into a diabetic coma--her cancer has spread to her pancreas. They were able to bring her around today but ultimately, the Doctors have told everyone that her time is very limited and to start preparing. It was a total nightmare last night as my FIL called us at 2am and my husband rushed down while calling 911. She has chosen to be home with palliative care--I'm not sure how long it is sustainable.  She has a nurse a few times a week. It will be a rough couple of months for our entire family.

    I am still awaiting the results from my last checkup--fingers crossed.

    Sending lots of love. XO

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Rachel- I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL. I hope the next few weeks give you some peace together. Your poor hubby, hope he's doing okay too. Hugs to you.

    TEX- Hope you're doing okay. How are you feeling? Hopefully you're getting some nice spring weather and getting some good time outside with the kids. XO 

    ALL- we're coming up on another round of anniversaries of diagnosis, surgeries, treatments. I kinda hate May, I was diagnosed on the 10th of May and that day haunts me. Kind of like a shadow that just won't quit. I'm hoping this 10th is sunny and fun and I don't remember the fear. Think of you guys all the time. Hope everyone is doing well.:)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I am so sorry I have been sparse!  The pace of life has picked up especially as of late.

    Tex: how are you?  I miss you and I have been thinking of you a lot.  I am sorry but I have been busy.  I will talk to you soon!

    Rachel: I am so, so very sorry about your MIL.  In retrospect, I believe that we all have had it hard in one way or another with cancer.  You, however, have had your bought with ovarian and then breast (forgive me if I transposed the order) and then when your health started to strengthen and you were putting some of the more crucial points about this very arduous battle behind you, your MIL started fighting cancer, and thereby fighting for her life.  It is just so much to deal with and I know I have said this before but honestly, I really think it is me projecting my own insecurities about how I might feel if I was going through a similar situation when I marvel at all you are going through and every bit of it sponsored by cancer.  I really don't know what I would do or how I would react.  I know your boys are very close to her and this has got to be so tough on all of you.  My heart really goes out to you.  This disease is such an albatross and none of us will ever be the same.  Good or bad, no one wants cancer to the catalyst.

    I hope your MIL is resting and experience some of the relief palliative care can bring and that her loving family is all around, comforting her as she fights this out to the bitter end.  I really wish it did not have to be this way for your MIL, you, your dh, your boys and to everyone else's lives she has touched.  It is my hope she is not suffering.  Let us know how things are going. 

    Sweeney: I hope the 10th is a nice day for you, go out and make some memories ;) 

    Ginger: where have you gone?!  I am thinking of you this evening!

    Iowa: as per usual, great pics and you look fab!

    Ladyinbama: how are you doing?  Have not heard from you in a long, long time woman!

    Felisa: how are you doing? Been thinking of you also.

    Sptmm:  I know you ran that Revlon and I am happy for you!  A few days ago  I was telling someone about you as we sat and watched Steve Harvey who had a Chicago police officer on who was also a bc survivor.  She mentioned how she works out every day, as she is working out to save her life.  Thought of you immediately! 

    Adey: speaking of Chicago, how the heck are ya?!   I also like "Chicago Fire!"

    I hate cancer.  I hate what it has done to all of us and I really hate the fact that we all are so young for all of this, and of course the group's youngest, Timothea, on the front lines, fighting this bitch again.  It is still stunning to think the preponderance of us were in our 30s when dxd.  Add to that, you never feel safe again in your own skin again, ever, as you await the next physiological betrayal.  You make peace with it but it is the kind of peace you might make with the crack in the wall of a structure.  

    I am tired now, very tired!  Going to watch some "Chicago PD (my new fav!)" and go to bed!

    One of the reasons I posted tonight besides wanting Rachel to know I was thinking of her, was to pass on a quote that a friend is using as the signature in his emails, as follows:

    “When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are  about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, FAITH is knowing one of two  things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or you will be  taught how to fly


    As always, I wish you all the happiest of trails!!!!!!!!!  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    I thought you all might enjoy this so I am sharing here, on the thread! 

     Also, and for the record, I have always been about the sideways skid!!


    If you listen to the advice of Dr. Oz, you may  also like to hear what Dr. Chow has to say.\

    Subject: Primary Care Physician - tips from   Dr. Chow.

    (Read With   Accent)


    Q:   Doctor, I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life.  Is   this true?A: Heart only good for so many   beats, and that it... Don't waste on exercise.  Everything wear out   eventually.  Speeding up heart not make you live longer; it like saying   you extend life of car by driving faster.  Want to live longer?    Take nap.

    Q:   Should I reduce my alcohol intake?A:  Oh no.  Wine made   from fruit.  Brandy distilled wine, that mean they take water out of   fruity bit so you get even more of goodness that way.  Beer also made of   grain.  Bottom up!

    Q: How   can I calculate my body/fat ratio?A: Well, if you have body and you   have fat, your ratio one to one.  If you have two body, your ratio two to   one.

    Q: What are some of the advantages of   participating in a regular exercise program?A: Can't think of single one,   sorry.  My philosophy: No pain...good!

    Q:    Aren't fried foods bad for you?A:  YOU NOT LISTENING!    Food fried in vegetable oil.  How getting more vegetable be   bad?

    QWill sit-ups help prevent me   from getting a little soft around the middle?A:  Oh no!  When you   exercise muscle, it get bigger.  You should only be doing sit-up if you   want bigger stomach.   

    Q:    Is chocolate bad for me?A:  You crazy?!?    HEL-LO-O!!  Cocoa bean!  Another vegetable!  It best feel-good   food around!Q:  Is swimming good for your   figure?A:  If swimming good for   figure, explain whale to me.

    Q:    Is getting in shape important for my   lifestyle?A:  Hey!  'Round' is   shape!

    Well... I hope this has cleared   up any misconceptions you may have had about food and diets.   

    And  remember:

    Life should NOT be a journey to   the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and   well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand -   chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and   screaming "WOO-HOO, what a ride!!"

    AND.....For  those of you who watch what you   eat, here's the final word on nutrition and health.  It's a relief to   know the truth after all those conflicting nutritional studies.   

    1. The   Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.    2. The   Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.   

    3. The   Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than   Americans. 4. The Italians drink a lot of red wine   and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans...   

    5. The   Germans drink a lot of beer and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer   heart attacks than Americans.

    CONCLUSION:  Eat and   drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently what kills   you

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, I hope all of you that are mothers had a wonderful Mothers Day! My whole weekend was awesome. I got to watch my middle daughter recieve her diploma for a 4 year business degree. Very proud mama :) I do have a picture I will post to show you how proud I was/am.

    That is my cheesiest cheese.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    I also want to give a shout out to all of us coming up on a 4 year anniversary since diagnosed. Mine is June 18th.Planning on many more of those!. Hope everyone is doing good. (((((HUGS))))

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Yes, 4 years. I am taking tamoxifen and mostly have hair loss but no pain from it. I am still in treatment for a broken back wearing a brace and going to PT two times a week. I walked 4 minutes at 1.1 mph last friday.  I have a reacher clamp device so I can pick things up off of the floor, very convenient. I also have a cane now and that is a bit of a help to give me three points of balance rather than just two.  The pain is lessened now, it occurs when standing or walking not sitting.    I go back to Onc in July I think. I am still on 6 mo recall. I am beginning to feel more alive these days. Still can't do much since I cannot bend over. So messes (stack of magazines, that sort of thing)  I have made around the house now have an official reason to remain in place. 

    We go on family VAc in June and I suppose I need to get one of those arm sleeves since I did have 20 lymph nodes removed during surgery. 

    I had a nice mothers day with DD, DSIL and DGD and calls from the boys. I hope you all did too. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello Warriors!

    Happy Memorial Day, ladies!  It was a fabulous weekend here!  I had lots of fun!

    In any case, I stopped by to say I love the pic, Iowa and congrats!  Also, I wanted to share with you all one of the funniest lists, regarding all 50 states, I have seen in years!  This thing is lol hysterical!

    For some real laughs, check out TX (sorry, Tex!) and FL - of course!!!  CT is not much better- Wu Tang Clan?! Pepperidge Farm?  Dave Matthews?  When I told one of my nephews I was a big Dave Matthews fan he insists that also means I am a massive pot head!  WRONG!  I don't like that and never did!   In any case, if what my nephew says is true, the Pepperidge Farm and Dave Matthews thing goes hand-in-hand!

    Enjoy, ladies (remember right click on the link and launch in a new window!):

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi everyone,

    Hope each and very one of you are enjoying this great summer weather. I think of you gals a lot  at this time of year....hope all of you are well.


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    So funny Mara that you were here--I was thinking of everyone also. Almost 4 years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer and a little over 4 years since my cervical cancer....amazing at how time flies. I remember coming on this board when I started my chemo and I found this group :) Sending everyone hugs. Things are doing OK here. My MIL has worsened over the past few weeks and is now in Palliative care at the hospital--a couple of 911 calls and she was admitted. She is hanging in there...she really is battling this to the end...she actually got a little better in hospital--I think because she is being watched so carefully. She couldn't walk anymore as two tumours on her spine--she has since had spot radiation to make her comfortable and got up for the first time last weekend. The boys watched the Italy vs. England football match in her room -- cheering and screaming at the TV. She just said...ah my boys! It is hard for the boys but we go all the time so she can get some pleasure from her Grandkids. The Docs have said take every day as it is...who knows how long. How true is that. Take care everyone :)

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    hello lizzy long time no hear from. im not doing to well i have another lump its in my other breast its so sore and the surrounding tissu.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, Warriors!

    It is hard to believe it has been nearly 2 months since I posted.  Time is flying.

    Timothea: can you check in with us? I am wondering about how you are and I am sure I speak for the entire group on this.  Please check in, let us know how you are.  Sorry, time got away from me this summer.

    Felisa: I am really sorry to hear about you having another lump.  I was so disappointed to read that.  Make no mistakes, everyone who has ever had cancer is concerned with every lump and bump.  Last night I woke up with a bad pain in my abdomen.  It was really odd and I am sorry to report, I immediately started feeling for lumps and thought of cancer.  It is just never-ending.  I wonder if they day will come when I don't think of it so much?

    As for me, I refuse to get some recent testing done.  I just don't want to!  Ignorance is bliss and I am happily holding onto that!

    Keep me posted on how things go for you.  You can also PM me any time.  I am here, just busy these days.

    I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their summer!  A little update would be nice, ladies....!

    Best of luck to you all-

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    I go for a mammogram and ultrasound monday then i have to call my surgeon/ ill keep you posted.

  • rae786
    rae786 Member Posts: 6

    hi.  I have never Posted here, but was always lurking as I was doing chemo the same time as you ladies.  I am from South Africa.  Have next follow up appointment on 4th September, so I am having a lot of scanxiety!

    Will pop in again soon...

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, Warriors!

    I had a dream the other night they found a cure for cancer!!!!!  Or, what I should say is they released the cure for cancer!  It was so wonderful!  What a wonderful dream!

    Felisa: how did the scan and ultrasound go?  Did you get any results yet? Let me know how things are going.   I am here for you, woman!

    rae786: good luck to you in September.  We are all scared when it comes to scans but just try not to think about it.  I know it is hard but the weather is nice so go out and enjoy yourself and before you know, the scans will have come and gone!  Thanks for stopping by ;)

    Timothea update: she is busy with her kids and is having company!  She continues her battle against cancer.  Perhaps one of these days she will come back and post.

    Hope you all are having a good summer!

    Happy trails, girls! 

  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    Hello all!  I haven't been on the boards that often but wanted to pop in and say hi.  I think of you all everyday and I am so thankful that I was able to count on all of you through the worst of days!  

    Take care,


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi everyone--4 years and counting :) I am heading for my mammo and oncologist appointment in the next couple of weeks. Time seems to fly by--the kids are enjoying the summer. Unfortunately, we have not been able to travel anywhere this summer as my MIL has been in and out of hospital. It is a total mess as the family isn't all agreeing on the best course for end of life care--what a disaster--I will spare you all the details but basically my MIL was in/out/in/out of hospital. She is still hanging on. The Doc said although cancer everywhere including throughout bones now (so unable to walk), her heart is still strong. She is pumped full of painkillers most days. The boys are handling it so well. My oldest sat massaging her feet last week in the hospital. Other than that, I am terribly busy at work and travelling for work. The boys are heading back into hockey pre-training camps--so you know summer must be coming to an end :( I hope everyone is doing well and living life :)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, Warriors!  

    I know you are all still out there!  I hope everyone is doing well.

    Robin Williams: What an awful loss.  So heartbreaking.   

    Mommichelle: good to hear from you!  Glad you are doing well!

    Rachel: good luck with your upcoming appointments!  I will be sending vibes for you to receive the all-clear and put it all behind you for another year.

    Felisa: what is going on?  How are things going for you?  Thinking about you.

    I don't know about you all, but I still wonder how I even got cancer.  I mean, it is the billion dollar question but I can't help but wonder.  Recently someone told me about a book, "Dr. Mary's Monkey," which explores the direct connection, among others, of breast cancer development and the polio vaccine.  Most of us are around the same age and therefore almost all of us were administered the polio vaccine in the 70s.   It is interesting reading.  I mean clearly, at this point, why wonder anymore but I can't help it as I am the only person in my family who has ever had bc.  Of course, in the end, what made us get bc vs others who also got the vaccine and did not develop bc, is yet another question!

    I miss you all and think of you often!  

    Be well,

    Your fearless leader! 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Thank you Lizzy for posting updates.  I didnt mean to worry anyone and i Didnt mean to stay away to long.  Internet issues then got busy with the kids out for summer and like Lizzy said i had company. My sister flew down from washington and visted me with her 3 kids for nearly 2 months. They left WHEW! I felt like i was living in a zoo. We had a 3, 6, 8 and two 9 and a 13 year old all in a small 3 bedroom. We sure did step on eachothers nerves. But i enjoyed the visit just the same! My husband had never met my 9 yr old nephew or 3 yr old neice cuz he never made the trips back home like the kids and i did.

    The kids are back in school which gives me a lot more time to rest or clean. I do a little of both throughout the day.

    Rachel sorry to hear about your MIL, i am glad your boys are doing well, we were in that situation with my MIL some wanted her to go into a nursing facility while others wanted her to remain at home (without them actually the ones who care for her) its a damned mess. Hope your family peacefully agreed on whats best for her. Hockey already?!?!   :)

    I am doing moderatly okay. I have scans coming up, plus an echo on my heart. I am having what appears to be osteonacrosis in my jaw. Went to the oral surgeon today and they did the xrays (panoramic) and the receptionist figured out that because it is a medical issue (caused by the treatment i was on for the bone mets) we could bill through my medical insurance (i dont have dental insurance so i have been paying for my dental visits out of pocket) which was great news, just the consult was nearly 200! But because of them going thru insurance we have to wait for the approval. NEW appointment next tuesday.

    My hair is growing back but the oddest thing- the middle of my hair is really thin and plus a few shades lighter than my hair so it makes me look bald in pictures lol my sister is a "selfie queen" she takes pictures constantly and when she showed me some of myself i nearly peed my pants laughing so hard! I will try to figure how to post one!

    Well i am glad to be back!!!!!!!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi everyone--My MIL  passed away last week--September 4th. She passed away in the hospital after returning after the brief return to home. Weirdly, she seemed pretty good on the Sunday--we had a birthday party for my 2 year old niece and my MIL sat at the table and even ate a little--we took pictures. Then Monday morning, she took a turn for the worse and passed away on Thursday. It has been a rough few days--my boys were amazing though. My oldest was a pallbearer and read a poem over her casket. My SIL and BIL are both police officers so we had police officers stand guard beside her coffin though out the visitation and then a police escort to the funeral. It will take some time to get used to her gone--now we need to make sure that my FIL is OK.  She was suffering at the end so it was nice that she is now peacefully resting.

    Texas--Glad to hear all is going well on your side.

    I just had my 4 year check up and all was clear. I have another gyne cancer checkup in the next month. Hopefully, all clear from that also.



  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Rachel thank you for the update, hope next month you get an all clear. Children can be amazingly resilient- your boys had great examples in you and your family during your treatments then your MIL's journey. Yes its nice to know she is at peace and her suffering has ended. My prayers go out to you and your family.