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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel: Kel, back in the prehistoric days when my father first received chemo (btw he was a heavy smoker and got lung cancer and was the only person in our family history to get cancer that we know of so the blame was squarely placed on cigarettes) the ports were just becoming a thing.  He elected not to have one and he had some soreness at the site and I believe once there was a spill but he was alright from that.  Don't forget your body is already processing chemo and it probably just thinks 'hey, how did that get over there!'  I know it sounds like a juvenile voice attached to a serious matter but the body knows how to handle this stuff.  I am sure the spot will stop hurting especially now that you have your port.

    JSW: sorry you are having a little challenge this time.  All the breakfast drinks, vitamin water, gatorade and Boost should help.  I am so grateful for Boost.  The only thing I have been able to eat without issue is an egg, over HARD (everything must be cooked beyond recognition now!) on a pc of portuguese toast.  It is the oddest thing but at least I am getting that protein in.  I am off all the anti-emetics since Saturday and tomorrow is 1 week.  Chemo is doable but I don't see how I could do much outside of the house under these circumstances!   Dizzy not due to enough food: that happened to me last night and then I realized how little I had eaten.  With all the stuff in us I, too, was like which has dizzy as an SE...duh..hunger!  I was about to check my SE sheets!

    Taxotere: I have not had any of the issues with numb extremeties and, for now, my hair is still in.  I know by this Sunday that should be the end as that is the 12 day mark.  I have had a general feeling of uneasiness, fatigue, odors driving me crazy, nothing tasting right and just feel like a truck hit me but I think that is chemo in all it's collective glory!

    Eyelashes: last night I know some of them were coming out while I had dinner with my friend. I started blinking and he asked and I lashes are on their way out!

    Yoga: I do yoga but mainly at home.  For anyone interested, there are Living Arts discs that are 20 minute AM and PM yoga set.  I do the PM one all the time.  I like yoga at night and used to really love a super hot Bikram class in my now healthier days (who knew!?)

    Hard candy: the infusion nurse kept telling me hard candy etc.. for mouth sores etc.. (why don't they actually believe there are people that DO drink water?!) but I really don't like any hard candy.  What I did was bought orange slices (those jelly candy things), cut them and put them in a bowl in the freezer.  It works out great.  Just thought I would pass that along ;)

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hope you feel better soon jsw

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Thanks Lizzy and Omaz for the sympathy, I needed a bit of a whine.  I am not all caught up on the last couple of days of posts but I feel better knowing I am not the only one subsisting primarily on Boost.  I have never been a calorie counting person but I find that I have to these days after chemo just to make sure I get a reasonable amount of nutrition each day.  Is anyone else feeling fussy about food temperature?  I find that I need my drinks to be really cold and I don't like to eat anything hot.  I just ate a little bit of soup and I had to let it cool to lukewarm before I could start to eat it. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    JSW: Oh yes...on the temperature I want everything cool.  Oh yeah...and another little chemo benefit: broth makes me nauseous!!!!!!!!   I am getting in some nutrition as I force down a salad of mixed baby greens, peppers, feta (I know--should not be having!), mushrooms and shredded carrots.  I have to get something in but it is not easy.  Every morning I take my meds with Boost.  That is so soothing refrigerated.  I am off to stock up on Gatorade soon.  I near burnt myself on an egg yesterday.  Also the scratchy surface of portugues bread toast I have to smooth off.  I also gave up coffee last week.  Haven't had any since chemo and although I was a moderate drinker (2 cups in the AM) I feel giving it up for a while might be good especially now when I am fighting for this mess, I feel the withdrawl headache will just be nicely masked by, oh, 75 other SE's!!!!!!!!!  Also, if you like those jelly candies or lifesaver jelly candy you can put those in the freezer also.  It is refreshing ;)
  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Well, I went to bed at 9:00 last night, and woke up every single hour.  Poor DH had to get up and sleep in the other bedroom by 3:00am.  My bones hurt (from Neulasta), I'm sneezing like a crazy person, and constantly blowing my nose and sniffling.  It takes me 10 minutes to get to a standing position, and at 5:30, I was FREEZING, so I took my temperature:  99.5.  This is after having a temp. of below 98 since I started chemo (they all told me not to worry about the low temperature.)  Well, now 99.5 seems like an actual fever.  Finally called the onc on call, who said that the wbc's aren't at their low point and won't be until Thursday.  So, he didn't recommend an antibiotic, just advil to keep the fever down and gargling salt water for the sore throat.

    I took the Advil, and 2 hours later my temp was back to 98.3. Not really feeling any better, but at least I'm not worried anymore.  It is just a really bad cold combined with chemo se's.  ARRGGHH!!  And I'm only half-way through.  I still have 3 more of these suckers to go! :-(

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    lisasinglem--Sorry to hear that you are battling a cold at the same time. Sending you healing wishes from afar!

    Thanks to everyone for the info on Taxotere--I have done pretty good on FEC so far--no real side effects except for first treatment when I vomited but once they changed the meds--no problems. My hubbie is away this weekend so it will be the first time that I am doing chemo without him around for the weekend for support. Only will have my youngest son (the older is leaving with the hubbie for hockey) so am hoping for an OK weekend.

  • I got my bloodwork done today.  Nurse decided based on my chart, that I was due for the "big" bloodwork ( to check for liver/kidney function -now I'm nervous!)  But so she had to go into my arm which was a big owie!!  Glad I had a friend who came with me!

     Anyhow, so three of my red blood cell counts were low - not very low, just a point or two off of the lowest normal.  

    ANybody else?  My WBC count is always well within normal range, but my RBC counts have been slightly low.....  The nurse assured me it was okay, but of course it makes me nervous!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Is there an upside to chemo?  Today, even though I am still getting hot flashes, I feel oddly like cobwebs have been blown out or like I have some some clarity.  I don't is really hard to explain but I feel like chemo just ripped through any clogs I had or like I came "un" gummed?!  I know this is not making a lick of sense!  Anyone else feel like that...ever...since chemo?  Everything still tastes gross and I force-ate a salad and, btw, the reason I force salad is because it is light so I seem to be able to keep it down but also because the leafy greens is the one part of this process that I cannot get except by consumption.  There is no Boost for leafy greens!  The feta I am not supposed to have because of pasteurization, or lack thereof as it were, so I did yesterday and will not be again until February.  In any case, I still don't feel great but on some level, somehow, I feel better.  It is very hard to explain.

    Lisasinglem: I hope you are getting rest.  I clearly remember my onc telling me a simple infection can turn very bad, fast, while on chemo so don't push yourself at all.

    calamtykel: I get my first bloodwork.  I will let you know.  I think my docs run full blood every week until I am done so I should be getting comprehensive results.

  • Lizzy - based on how your bloodwork comes back (WBC count) and what you can tolerate, you can probably have feta again soon.  I will confess - I have been drinking raw milk and eating raw milk yogurt and kefir since I began chemo.  Embarassed  I know it's a "no no" but we've been getting our raw milk from this farm for three years and they are tested weekly by the state.  I haven't had any issues at all, knock wood.  I have also been consuming raw egg yolk just like I did before chemo started (they are our own chickens so I know where it's coming from).  But I think that based on how you are doing, it's fine to add things like feta back into your diet.

    I love feta.  I didn't know it was a no no - and I've been eating that too.  :D

  • lizzy - perhaps it's just the relief that it's begun after all the waiting that's giving you some clarity.  Or it's the steroids.  :)  I don't think I've had bad chemo brain, at least not yet, and if so, it hasn't been horrible.  (Nothing like the brain fog I had with lyme!)    I have been extremely distracted and I have hit some serious patches of depression on certain days.  I have read that chemo patients can hit depression a couple of weeks into it.  Fortunately mine doesn't seem to last and is over in a day or so. But when it hits, it's bad - I don't cry, but my emotions just sort of flatline and I can't think rationally about the future or anything else. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Kel: Oh...I am so glad you eat feta!!!!!  I really found it difficult to give up sushi but I am sure I can still have a california roll and tempura rolls just no sushi/sashimi.  Your own chickens?!  That is so great...and healthy.  I do like feta and hate to give it up so you and I will run our own biological study!  I totally know what you mean about flatlining...I am just so blase and perhaps even ambivalent.  Like this afternoon I made it to Walmart and Stop and Shop but then I just drove around for a bit, went to the bank etc... I just sort of meandered.  Not that there is anything wrong with that but it was just spacey weird for me! 

    Speaking of Walmart, and I know most of you have kids so I am sure I am last to know about this, but have you seen those adorable, little gatorade 12 packs?!   I got 5 of them! They are so cute and I love the 12oz bottles.

    I am getting comfortable...I better go lift and do laundry!

  • lisaattheshore
    lisaattheshore Member Posts: 88

    WELL!  No one at all mentioned anything about pasterization to me at all!  I did not even come up with that in any of my research.We have chickens as well, and eat feta.  I do not use raw milk tho'.  We have salmon that gets cured at home, technically I guess that is uncooked, but it is not raw. 

    I guess I will just say I have 10 days 'till my last chemo, so if I haven't heard about it 'till now--I am not listening!  (half joking).  LALALALALALALA (fingers in ears)

    Welcome to Elizabeth and any other lurkers.......just jump on in.......what harm can it do?

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    OK I am very jealous of lisaattheshore right now having her last chemo in 10 days.  I am still feeling the side effects of #2 out of 8!  Boo.  I perked up a little around lunchtime and went into work but then hit a major crash a couple of hours later, thought I was going to throw up in my trash can.  Husband brought me back home and I called my onc's office to get something else for nausea.  He is now headed to the pharmacy to pick up a Reglan prescription.  I feel like I am in between being nauseated and being hungry, but after a few bites of food I just can't seem to get more down.

    lisasinglem sorry to hear you are feeling so sick!  Not sleeping well just makes it worse.  I hope you are able to get a good night of sleep tonight.

    Oh and is lisaattheshore our resident conspiracy theorist (can't recall for sure right now)?  If so I have a conspiracy theory.  My leg hair is refusing to fall out so I had to sit on the floor in my shower this morning to shave it (too exhausted to stand up).  I am beginning to think that the leg hair doesn't really fall out and oncs just tell us that it will to keep us from rioting about losing the hair on our heads.  Anybody with me?

  • lisaattheshore
    lisaattheshore Member Posts: 88

    JSW, I gave up the conspiracy because it was getting too scary.....but yes, that was me!  I agree with you absolutely re leg hair.  (I can't rule out that they just got me the good stuff 'cause I asked the doc what the chances were that my drugs were no good.)

    I just got a buzz on Friday, that was after my 3rd treatment. And now my 1 inch buzz is starting to come out, but have to shave, tweeze, wax everything else.  I mean really...........with just over a week left?

    And to that I will it gonna be chemopause OR NOT.  One way or the other.......NOT BOTH.

    I think they think we are so bamboozled by the treatment that we won't notice all these inconsistancies.....(small and pointless conspiracy-they just say any old thing about stuff like hair that doesn't matter so we spend a whole bunch of time trying to figure it out......   :)  )

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    JSW: they are all filled with lies!!!!!  All the cancer treating jokers!!!!!  The head hair will blow off in a mild wind, the luscious face hair (yes...ethnic and I must wax upper lip and brows) I am sure will just pile up and I will have to change my name to LOU by the end of December!  Of course I did not shave under the bad arm expecting it would fall out and only pretty sure that anticipated departure will be a let down also!  Oh, but my eyelashes...those were falling out at dinner last night....OF COURSE!  Great...just great!   I am sure, after a lifetime of having no hair growth on my thighs and negligible on my calves, I will probably be able to braid it in a month!!

    Lisaattheshore: ah, yes, luscious chemopause!  I had not had my cycle all summer and now I am like Lance Armstrong!!!!!!   Of course, nothing is more comfortable than hot flashes in the middle of Walmart today!  Never mind give my fur to the birds, I want to go live with them in their nest!  You are so lucky you have just over a week left...I am on until December 28!!!!!!!!!!!  WOE IS ME!

    Biotene: does anyone know if it IS necessary we use that stuff?  I don't have mouth sores and I miss Crest and Listerine.   I cannot stand Biotene and I feel like it does not clean my mouth well enough.  I hate Biotene!!!   I am just the epitome of happiness today!

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    LIZZYMACK1 - Great Rant!!  So sorry you are having SE's.  I use biotene all the time and have only had 2 or 3 mouth sores during a treatment cycle.  I would not use listerene because it dries out the mouth.  I forgot about dry eyes and dry mouth and woke up one morning almost unable to blink and eyesight blurry for two days.  My mouth was so dry it hurt even though I didn't have sores that time.  Now i use artificial tears every couple of hours and during the night when i wake up to use the  restroom.  yeah, biotene is mild but you will probably appreciate it when you need it.  I also use the biotene mouth spray. 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzy- I have been using my trusty Listerine the entire time, and I am fine, so go for it!  I did hear something about tooth discoloration and Crest however, not sure where.  I use the baking soda and water for the first couple of days after treatment however. 

    Calm-My red blood cell counts have been low the entire time.  I was anemic to begin with, so it is not surprising.  They infused with me iron twice, but never stopped my treatments.

    Lisa-I am soooo with you in the chemopause.  I am all over the place with the periods!  And I too am two weeks from my last treatment......I WANT MY CHEMOPAUSE!! I was looking forward to that part!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sptmm: YEAH on the Listerine!!!  I love Listerine!  My father was super concerned about our teeth and as most kids went to the dentist once per year, my father usually had us there 2 to 3 times!  He also insisted we use Listerine (thankfully) and even once made a mark on the bottle to illustrate we were NOT using it.   He forced us to get into that very good habit.  I will probably use the biotene, like you do baking soda, for a few days after chemo and then back to my favorites. 

    zenith: I have resigned myself to the idea I will have SE for the first week but overall I think it was better than what I expected.  I was pretty worried but feel like I turned a corner last night/today.  Thanks for reassuring me as I rant away!  I am actually in a really good mood today and was just having some fun.  I was laughing as I typed that rant!

  • lisaattheshore
    lisaattheshore Member Posts: 88

    Yeah, totally lame on the 'good' side effects!  Did I see somewhere that the average woman gains 20 pounds during chemo?  If so, I am sure that is just the ones who were overweight.  The thin girls who wouldn't mind gaining I am sure are losing........... 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Okay so I havent been on line for a week- to that i am sorry! I spent the first few days at my house cleaning/ cooking meals just in case i wasnt up to it when i got home from chemo. Friday i went down to san antonio where i get my tx, we did a fundraiser on sat and i had chemo today- thats the NUTSHELL

    Okay lets read between the lines here... The fundraiser so much fun! I wouldnt change it for a MOMENT! Even the part where a DOWNPOUR occured. It didnt seem to keep too many people away. Saturday was an AWESOME day- Sunday dun dun dun (dramatic music for effect) i get this cryptic text from my "awesome" fundraiser planner my sister in law kelly- my husbands brother's wife (y'all know the back story how she didnt have a relationship with me at all and then BAM she was on top of everything) okay well she said that we exceeded our goal by 1100 dollars (well it was HER goal and it only paid off my chemo treatments never mind my other bills like my hospital stay) and she felt the need to return it to her co-workers who bought the bbq plates.... i was lost and confused but told her what ever needed be be done is fine... She then got all sorts of crazy, (enter your own choice of psyco words here) i had to be physically stopped from driving over to her house to kick her butt (cancer or no cancer you're not gonna pull this shit on me!) she called and said i did the fundraiser to make a profit and if i kept 1 cent of money over what it would cost for my chemo i was greedy! (wtf i have other bills too and SHE is the one who planned the whole fundraiser!) i then yelled at her " eff you, you effin crazy beep, if it werent for lucy (my other sister in law that i was staying with) taking the car key from me i would be at your house kickin your ass!" (yes typically this isnt how i act but i have just about had it at this point... so my loving sister in law lucy- my husbands sister, goes over to CONSOLE kelly! i handed lucy the bag with the money i personally raised ($1003) said give it to her (kelly had $4000), IT WAS NEVER ABOUT MONEY IT WAS ABOUT THE SUPPORT AND SEEING HOW MANY PEOPLE CARE ABOUT ME!

    well i call my frined to come get me becaue i am on the verge of a mental breakdown, lucy comes back just in time (she had my car seats in her car) and starts being all dramtic- i tell her see ya later  and she said, i doubt that i said why, i will see you later. she in turn says that i am going to keep her neice and nephew ffrom her ect... i in turn said the coldest, hearltess thing i could think of just to piss her off, but in a joking manner and said "see you at my funeral" (yeah i totally 100% wish i could take it back, but have since have called and apologized) I told my in-laws that my husband was gonna come and pick me up and i was gonna postpone my chemo cuz i was just too stressed (truthfullly i just didnt want to deal with their drama)

    THE WHOLE TIME MY SISTER IN LAW KELLY IS POSTING THESE CRAZY THINGS ON FACEBOOK- LIKE IF YOU WANT A REFUND CONTACT HER, SHE IS TALKING TO A LAWYER AND VARIOUS CRAZY THINGS- so my phone is ringing off the hook from friends who sent her $ and were concerned because i havent gotten any of it...

    Thrn she called the polive and accused my husband who was ON DUTY (he is a sheriffs deputy) 200+ miles away of breaking into her house (because remember i said he was picking me up)

    By this point i am ignoring her texts, calls and off of facebook, which makes her email my really good friends this chain of emails:

    From Kelly:Alica please confirm your address. Thank you. I want you all to know a fact - When I spoke to Tim this morning and asked her if I could go to the Chemo visit with her tomrw just so that I could confirm and defend myself from all the allegations being brought on and protect her...she lashed out - and I quote - "...Fuck you - you crazy bitch - if I had a car right now and if Lucy had not stopped me I would drive over there and kick your ass". I hung up. Did you know that Daniel Belmares had her Nissan Sentra repo'd b/c he promised to takeover the pymts? Never once did Tim lash out on him and Daniel had a huge part in the demise of yesterday's bbq and Tim defended him until this morning. Did she ever tell him off that way, no. My husband - this is his family remember - heard and seen it all. Addly - those neices of ours whom posted the hateful - have never posted anything on this site. Nor were they at the bbq or offered to help in any way. Also, Daniel is on FB and never posted anythg in the site. Hwever, I have countless texts and msgs from Daniel and his sister terrorizing me from day one - b/c they didn't want me to do this fundraiser and were sabotaging from day one. I gave them a second chance and Daniel's sister Joann, came to the BBQ but never left a finger, she laughed as I cried and broke down in front of all my peers and coworkers. You draw your own conclusions. All money is being returned and the money that was collected via the raffle and onsite that day that I don't know who it goes to, bc many were from strangers - are being held in an acct set up by counsel until a judge decides were it goes.
    From Shannon:It is unfortunate that things had to happen the way they did. Unfortunately, money can be the root of so many problems. Obviously there will be a he said she said and that is too bad during such a difficult time. I hope and pray all parties involved will be able to work this out. Times of really horrible situations like disease or a money shortage crisis can really bring out a lot of stress. While we should be unified and join forces the stress over comes us and we end up fighting. I truly hope soon things will be resolved. I think that a lot of people (yourself included) have put a lot of effort into this and I am not sure all of the details but I do know Tim was very appreciative and has always said wonderful things about you and your support. At the end of the day one fact remains...Timothea is very, very sick. Please do not leave things on a bad note. Life is too short and too precious for anyone to fight over something as petty as money. I know you all probably love each other very much. This has taken a huge toll on everyone and again I hope you can work it out and all get back to fighting the real evil - Cancer! God Bless.
    From Kelly:
    More facts - over 400 people were puzzled at her running up and down the river bank - her hair is growing back and it's very clear it was shaven. She told many that she will not need a masectomy - that doesn't add up - I'm not doubting it's cancer -but I'm having doubts about the severity and that I promoted the site as such. Cancer is cancer no matter what stage why embellish? and why can't I go with her to chemo 2mrw to clear all the questions and doubt - I'm so hurt - it hurts to breathe.

    Missy Menchaca September 19 at 5:57pm
    The address for Timothea's chemo tomorrow is 12705 Teopperwein Road. Her chemo starts at 9 a.m. Feel free to come.
    Kelly Belmares
    September 19 at 7:02pm
    I work but I will send my brother in law - please let her know that Ricky Rodriguez will be there and he would like to be present in the visit - he would also like to record the doctor's diagnosis and confirm what stage and what is being done and her payment plan and amount due on each visit - how many visit she requires. I will print him a list of questions to ask. We realize that doctors do not have to share any info with anyone other than the patient, so pls confirm that he can go and ask these questions. Otherwise, I don't want to waste his time or gas.
    Alicia Burd September 19 at 7:28pm Reply
    I am very saddened by this chain of events. I have to agree with Shannon, that amends should be made as none of us know what tomorrow, or the next day, etc. will bring. Especially, when an illness like Cancer is involved.
    Kelly, I will send you my address via private Facebook message.
    Missy Menchaca September 19 at 8:38pm
    If your brother in law would like to go, that would be fine. Any questions are fine too.
    Kelly Belmares September 19 at 8:53pm
    Ricardo (Ricky) Rodriguez Jr will be there with a list of questions and would like your phone number to send you a confirmation text the the metting occured. His phone number 210-624-1084
    By any chance do you know who all will be there?
    Missy Menchaca September 19 at 10:02pm
    It will just be Timothea tomorrow.
    Kelly Belmares September 19 at 10:40pm
    Missy - i forgot to mention you won the casadoras tequila and you donated $25 via paypal on Aug 16, 2010 (I personally delievered that money to Tim - where would you like me to send the tequila and how b/c I wasn't anticipating paying for shipping. Was that mainly for the iPad? How did your raffle money come in b/c I don't have a transaction? The only person that purchased online - msg'd me about the shipping - I told them they would pay shipping - for a $3 raffle and a chance to win the iPad - shipping seemed like a great deal. I never had that conversation with you.
    Kelly Belmares September 19 at 10:45pm
    Also - tim told me not to even tell you that you won it b/c you are a recovering alcholic. I'm sorry, I just remembered that. How many years sober? I commend you. My uncle has been clean for 10 years. Praise God.

    At 3 in the AM they call my husband and ask if he sent ppl to come break in cuz saomeone was pounding on the windows and scaring their kids (my husband said that his brother sounded really scared) he advised them to call 911! Hellow why would we do this! (i think fear and paranoia was setting it)

    Well Ricky never showed up... but a POLICE OFFICER DID! wth hpow did things spin this far out of control! So this cops it talking to my dr and my brother in law (kelly's husband) called me and apologized for his wife and said they'll send me the money.

    Mind you my chemo is supposed to have started at 9 am and its now after 10, my dr called me into an exam room and when over everything with me of what was said and done... Basically they called the police becuase they felt that i was either lying about having cancer or i was embellishing it. My dr did confirm that i am stage 4, that everything i said was true....

    SO i start chemo at nearly 10:45- i was asleep a little after noon (still hooked up to the chemo) when my dr woke me up and said Kelly and her sister showed up and want to talk with him. (they had a whole list of questions for him) i said sure i have NOTHING to hide, about 45 mins later my oncologist came out again and said she wanted to talk to me, i said sure- i want this all to be waater under the bridge at this point but believe you me fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me and boy did she FOOL me with this fundraiser! Well anyhow she sat there and said that NONE of those emails happened (she didnt know i was forwarded them and of course i didnt stir the pot and mention it) she contradicted EVERYTHING I SAW WITH MY OWN EYES, well she eventually said what she had to say and left. My oncologist came out and gave me a check for $5037 and said that Kelly had given that to him for my treatments, but he was giving it to me because i have a zero balance and he gave me advice on to handle her and the funds...

    sorry thats typed big i have no clue how that happened!

    Well i left my oncologist after 2 pm because of this mess! AND THE PLOT THICKENS- SHE IS TRYING TO SAY A MYSTERIOUS BLUE TRUCK FOLLOWED HER HOME AND SHE IS AFRAID FOR HER LIFE! (honestly if i wanted to kick your ass it'd be done!) i am not sending the mafia after ya lol

    So i have filled y'all in thus far- we are taking a hiatis from ALL my husbands family due to the recent matters... I will pop in sometime tomorrow, i have my nuelasta in the morning, husband works til 4 pm and will pick us up and its back to ALICE!

    thank you all for allowing me to vent i was so stressed!

  • lisaattheshore
    lisaattheshore Member Posts: 88

       Get really far away from those people.  THEY ARE CRAZY! 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Wow Texas! That is one horrible, unfeeling, egocentric, out of control, paranoid bitch there! I am so sorry that you had to deal with all that crap and drama! 

    Run.....don't walk....away from those people! The last thing you need is all that drama, even money is not worth that!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Whoa. Incomprehensible.  Strength to you TR.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Texas: that was more like a blood-pressure raiser!  That is just horrible and so disingenuous.  How are you supposed to get better under all this stress?  You have to protect yourself for a while.  Avoid, avoid, avoid.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Question: Uh...why are my nails growing STRONGER and LONGER since magic chemo?!  What is going on with my body?!  I really feel like magic chemo has cleaned up some areas in my body that were clogged or something.  Of course the docs will tell me cancer has NO effect on the body, shows NO signs and would not compromise the body at all while it was building it's arsenal!  My nails are stronger and growing longer every day after a LIFETIME of broken, weak, cracked nails.  My nails were so weak I could not scratch my way out of a paper bag!  I am still wondering about this potential upside of chemo .....!  I am not even joking about these nails.  I actually scratched my head today and it hurt because of my new teflon nails (and I also understand the scalp can be sensitive while on chemo)!  Something is going on here!  
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    adey: how did it go?  Welcome to the hotel CHEMOLAND!
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Texas: Ditto .. RUN!

    On eating/weight: Yes, it's the ones who could stand to lose a few pounds who gain weight. The skinny girls lose. I had worked real hard for two years to lose 50 pounds and was looking good when I got diagnosed. Gain 10 pounds from stress eating, then 10 more since surgery from lack of exercise. And I haven't lost my appetite at all and everything still tastes good. My onc hasn't put any restrictions on me about eating. I am real careful about washing fruits/veggies/salads. I think it is the weirdest joke of the universe that women get a disease that the treatment makes us gain weight and go bald. Guys wouldn't care a bit if that happened to them. But WE are the ones who get slammed.

    Me, my fat stomach, my bald head, my acne and my hot flashes are going to bed. Everyone have a good evening.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, I just want to share with you that I went to a concert last night Bret Michaels and because I had on a BC fight like a girl shirt I got to go back stage and meet, get my picture taken and autograph from him. It was so exciting I'm still on cloud nine from it., just wish I had hair lol.

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    TEXAS - Don't know what to say.  That is insanity.  Stay as far away from them as possible!

    IowaSue - I'm not a huge Brett Michaels fan, but when he was having all his troubles earlier this year, I realized he has type 1 Diabetes, just like me.  So that made me like him more.  Glad you had fun!

    Y'all - My neulasta shot is just driving me crazy.  Tx 1 it was really bad, Tx 2 it was less, I barely needed any Advil at all, Tx 3, on top of the cold, it is HORRIBLE!  I've been taking Advil all day long and nothing seems to help.  This is the worst I have felt on chemo.  And dh is going back to work in Calgary tomorrow, so I'm really emotional too.  I just want to feel like a normal person again!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Iowa: I LOVE BRET!!!!!!!  I am sooo happy for you!  I was a huge Poison fan not to mention Ratt, GNR, Def Leppard, Motley etc.. but, to be honest, Bret looks the best of all of those old jokers!!!!!  That is a great pic!  Does he cover the old Poison songs?   

    Who here saw Jason Mraz?  I wanted to know how the show was.  I might go in NYC and wanted to know if he is really good or just ok live.

    Lisa: my heart breaks for you.  I feel so bad that you are so under the weather and now with your DH leaving...that is just plain, old sad.  You will feel like a normal person again soon enough and live a long, wonderful life but for now you must REST!  Rest is our key to longevity now.

    The Yankees tribute to Steinbrenner was lovely this evening, girls!  I was lying in my bed, 65 degrees, all windows open, fan on, nice chilly air, curled up imagining I was at the stadium!  Thanks, Igor!