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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    LadyinBama---My 2nd FEC was very easygoing--no side effects--no nausea (thanks to EMEND) so I am hoping for similar experience to #3. I was talking to various people about Taxotere (next on deck for me) and hear various stories--bad and OK. Hoping that my OK experience with FEC will help with the T part. I'll keep you posted. Thanks.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Day 4 after AC and I think I have droid crash. I just feel bad today. Ugh, Felt okay yesterday.

    Maybe the sun'll come out tomorrow, tomorrow. 

    Still ugh. 

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    {{gingerbrew }} I posted earlier that I had a rough day earlier in the week and later realized it was the day I stoped steroids. I started trying to figure it out because I felt so much better the next day, literally like the sun did come out after a tidal wave. Hang in there and try to do something to pamper yourself a little, and I hope you feel better soon. This is some roller coaster ride we are on and sometimes I just have to step back and say yup today is a crappy day but I'll be on the upswing again at some point. I admit there are days when I just have to give in to crappy though.


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

         Just a mini vent.   We have a meeting at my son's school today because they are trying to weasel out of his individual speech therapy. He drools so there are oral motor issues that it wouldn't be fair to address in front of the class (he's in kindergarten) but they just see dollar signs and look for where they can cut costs. I was hoping they wouldn't pull stuff like this and told myself I'd try to let it go if they did while I was sick but of course I look at my baby and I just can't.  I'm having a bad SE week and I'm hoping that I can use being ornery to my advantage, but also that I won't just burst into tears because I'm tired. Anyway, send us postive vibes if you can.


  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194


    First of all, I'm sorry you're having a bad se week.  I hope it's better today.  

    I was wondering if you have an attorney to help you deal with your son's school.  The reason I ask is my brother-in-law and sister-in-law have three children, two of whom are autistic.  For their oldest son, they had to fight to get him  shadow to help him through school, and they did end up getting one, but they are both attorneys.  I'd be happy to ask them about how they did it, if you'd like, or if you have specific questions, you can IM me.  I'm not sure how much it mattered that they are attorneys, or if it mattered at all.  Just wondering.  Good luck at your meeting today.

     Good vibes.....


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    wherria thanks so much. I sent you a pm. Who knows, I'm hoping one of the grinches grew a heart.


  • lisaattheshore
    lisaattheshore Member Posts: 88

    Did everyone see that the woman who started BCO was just diagnosed with BC?

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Okay I am Back LOL- totally needed a few days to digest what was going on in my life. I was only going on FB cuz she is getting a lawyer (yeah she is so crazy) and i was copying the messages she was leaving... I haven't been on since :)

    I appreciate everyones kind words and suggestions :)

    Okay back to real life- cancer SE- i am day 4 after tx 3 and the nausea is AWFUL! worse than any other tx. I take compazine but it doesnt seem to be helping much, i also been drinking the boost shakes too... My nurse did say that the SE do tend to get worse after each tx, so maybe its just doing its thing LOL

    SWEENY- btw my 2 yr old saw your pic and was like "mommy!" i guess our baldness does make us look like sistas!


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lisa: Is that the Dr. Weiss that they were talking about on another thread? I didn't know what the connection was.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Calamity- you disklike salmon (GASP!) that is my al time fav food- my kids too enjoy salmon, when my son was about 9 months old he would steal the lox off my bagle!!!! (this is supposed to be brain food so hopefully my kids are super smart!)

    CkPtry- i dont think they are allowed to cut his individual thearpy... GOOD LUCK AND GIVE 'EM HELL! (btw i feel like an awful parent cuz i missed my son's follow up with his ENT :( just one of them weeks i guess LOL)

    CHEMOPAUSE- i am so lost if i am going through this or not LOL... i had an IUD in place when i started chemo (but its since been removed) so i havnet had a period for nealry 2 years, i had it removed like a month ago- i did bleed for a few days afterwqrds but no cramping or anything, well i havent had a period or anything, but the last week i have been an emotional wreck! crying at the dop of a hat, stuff like that which is typically not me! My husband says its like when i was pregnant! I am only 27 so maybe its just normal emotional stuff due to the factthe IUD was removed... Who knows!

  • KatherineNaomi
    KatherineNaomi Member Posts: 49

    ckptry - I also have a kindergarten age son with special needs. Do you have an IEP (Individualized Education Program)? It's a legal document so there's no way they can deny him individual therapy sessions if that's what's in his IEP. I hope your meeting goes well today! :)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good Morning Chemosabes!!!! Into everyone's life a little baseball must walk!!!!

    The cycle and chemo pause: that is what I mean about being like Lance Armstrong! Mine always came and went without notice, 3 days/4 max my entire life. Thursday, or 2 days after the first tx, and here it comes and it just stopped yesterday. I thought ONE of the gifts was that it would stop!! Nothing stops....I had to go to the dark side yesterday: IMMODIUM!!!!!!! That steak was all kinds of wrong...I should have never done that. Speaking of which...

    Meat: I eat all kinds of fish: swordfish, tuna steak, scallops, shrimp, filet of sole, mussels, steamers, clams ...basically if I can broil it, I eat it! Twenty years ago I was having a fast food burger with my friend and found a BONE in it. I swore off all fast food then. I might grab a salad now or fries here and there but no sandwiches. Chicken I do eat but the read meat I swore off some 20+ years ago and never went back. I do garden burgers and pasta also. Lots of vegetables in the form of salads, stir fry etc... but, much like Calamtykel, I find that entire red meat industry cause for concern!

    Scrabble!!!!! What is going on?! Good to hear from you. I just got my first bloodwork results and all my numbers were good. I would definitely take the neulasta. I got away with very little pain this last time but who knows? That can definitely change with future injections but the benefits are very much worth it. The Claritin seems to really work. I did the 24 hour non-drowsy and take it around 3 in the afternoon starting the day of injection (but a lot of people say to start the day before) and all went well. Good luck.

    Emotions: this is quite a ride. Lisaattheshore is right: who it chemo, pms, stress, hormones gone wild on chemo?! Too hard to figure but it does wreak havoc....I don't need to my embarrassing behavior and subsequent overshare a la Walmart, do it?!

    Iowasue: for the record, I am very jealous of your avatar!

    Lisasinglem: I talked to my bs about a hysterectomy (as I am not using the equipment!) and she said I should not have one. I thought with ER/PR+ a hysterectomy would make sense because I would shut the hormone making/attracting factory. Does this make sense? Is my thinking off on this one? I mean why not shut it down to stop it? I guess I don't know enough. I am going to ask my onc but if anyone has any ideas on this, please let me know.

    Kimmie: don't get me started on odors! I am brushing 3 times a day and am constantly armed with gum, mints and deodorant!!! Oh yeah...another bonus....I STILL get the cycle and now I also get an occasional hot flash!! Great!!

    Rachel: I am Irish and Italian...fatty desserts are everywhere!!!!! I will, however, have to try a buttertart or beavertail (they never screw up the sweet stuff, do they?!) when I am in Montreal next spring. I hope you have a lovely time at the Hotel Chemo today! We really can check out anytime we would like but we can never leave! This entire experience will be with us forever!

    Tossing back birthdays: Onemonga: I say party this year and next year! Keep partying, woman! Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery: enjoy today, the PRESENT that it is J

    Calamtykel: you are correct about the amino acids being the catalyst for building muscle. Muscles, after all, are jackets for our bones. The red meat, which you and I have both appropriately categorized as uber-gross (!), is where a lot of the essential nutrients we need to "expodite" that process are found. You and I both know you can get all this stuff from veggies but you would have to eat mountains. Egg white omelets do the same thing for the most part. They are jammed packed with protein and add a little cheese, they become a huge nutritional bargain. Like I said, I saw the cow video in college (about the entire COW industry) and that did it for me. Atypical of the caliber in the industry: just before my bmx I went to dinner with a friend and her 2 friends, one of which works on a farm. He told a tale of beating a cow to death with a shovel on a DAIRY farm (no FDA approved slaughterhouse there) and proceeded to go home, with the cow's brain, and cook it. I got up and quietly told him to keep his sick, eff stories to himself, dropped 50 on the table and walked out. THIS is the sick caliber of individual working on farms. I don't blame you for having your own chickens! At least you can control what is going in and what you are eating.

    Salmon farms: those are ok actually. Just like tilapia farms, it is a slightly more healthy way of controlling our food sources. Tilapia will eat "anything" left to their own devices. What the FDA is after now, and wanting labeled, is a new form of genetically engineered salmon. This is the petri-dish, non-fish origin, strain that is currently being sold and consumed in this country without a label. Of course, any of you that eat fast food chicken, you all know there is a similar form of "protein paste" type of chicken out there. The other is, and I think was KFC, who gave chickens hormones to create THREE breasts per bird. Not joking. Then there was BT Corn and how Taco Bell decided to buy it and serve it to us. Forget drugs, make sure your kids don't eat at Taco Bell!!!! I am going to stop now!

    Ginger: it is way ok to feel bad anytime!!! We are dotted lines to each other so come here, share, we will toss you the life raft and then when I am similarly situated and jump overboard (I mean fall...!) you can toss me the raft!!!! Such is life on the SS-BC!

    CKPTRY: I hardly ever watch O'Reilly but at 3AM this morning he was ranting about the Governor's race in NY and how the schools are a mess. Our schools, in large part, are a disaster. When I look at all those devils in Los Angeles who robbed so much all I see are kids sharing books in the inner-city schools so those poor excuses for human beings could steal. I hope they do not give you too much of a hard time today. Of all the things they want to take away but something that is so upsetting to deal with and, of all things, in front of the class. I don't have kids but I do have a number of nieces and nephews and I have seen all kinds of stuff over the years with the schools. I will definitely be sending you good vibes today.

    Texas: you're back!!!!! We missed y'all!!! That is so cute about the baldness and sisters! So cute. You seem to be in better spirits and STAY that way!

    GIRLS...give yourselves love today!!!!!!!!!!  Even if it cucumbers over your eyes for 10 minutes while listening to the 3 Tenors (1994) and reflecting on NOTHING!







  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Good morning, I am getting my herceptin right now. I was wondering if anyone else has saw weight gain already, I heard it can happen, but I have gain 5 lbs. since starting TCH 8/19 ugggg

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Good morning, I am getting my herceptin right now. I was wondering if anyone else has saw weight gain already, I heard it can happen, but I have gain 5 lbs. since starting TCH 8/19 ugggg

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    IowaSue - I haven't seen any weight gain, but the weeks I get TCH I usually lose - due to the not eating/nausea.  But I always gain it right back - but I've stayed steady for the time being.  Scared for it though!

    Well, ladies - I had to leave Springer at intermission last night. :-(  I started feeling really nauseous just before the show started.  Act I, I can sit for most of the act, and I made it through, trying to suck on ginger candies and sing at the same time.  Act II, however I have to stand very still for about 25 minutes.  And just the thought of it was making me feel like I was going to puke.  So I went into the dressing room, changed, and sat down with my eyes closed for a long time.  It is also hot and stuffy in there.  Finally, a costume person came over and asked if I needed to talk to the stage manager.  I said yes, I don't think I can go on for act II.  The artistic director himself came down and told me just to go home.  They held the act II curtain for a couple of minutes to give me time to get out of my mic and costume and I snuck out the side door just as the music was starting. 

    I'm so disappointed in myself.  I'm angry that I couldn't just suck it up.  I always suck it up!  I'm from Minnesota - that's what we do! As I drove away from the theatre, I kept thinking - "I could have done it.  It would have been miserable, but I could have done it!"  I cried all the way home.  I'm just sick of all of this BS!

  • lisaattheshore
    lisaattheshore Member Posts: 88

    Ladinbama, yes, Dr. Weiss evidently was the founder of BCO.

  • lisaattheshore
    lisaattheshore Member Posts: 88

    Lizzy, I believe the ovaries are what make the estrogen.  That operation is called something like an oopherectomey  (don't quote my spelling!)  I think they take the ovaries and fallopian tubes when they do that, or in a hysterectomy they would remove the uterus and sometimes the tubes.  So, a hysterectomy would not have any effect on estrogen production.

    I discussed the ooph with my onc, and he said he thought it was overkill for me, but we could talk more after I finish chemo, etc.  I am pretty sure his view is that right now is "the heat of battle" and we can do this anytime if it is appropriate.  Like you, I am not using that equipment either, and my thinking is that if I am going to take a drug to shut it down, why not just remove it?  So, I see that then instead of taxi I would get an AI for 5 years.  I have not done my research there yet on which I would rather have.  Also keeping in mind that I could do that ooph at any time and make the switch.......

    Then again, I went to business school.  Maybe one of you has a better understanding of this!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lisa - Tough call, don't be too hard on yourself!!    There will be other shows for you!!
  • I'm sorry Lisa! What a disappointment for you.  :(  But it isn't forever- just try to hang onto that - it's not forever.  This too shall pass------  I know it's difficult.  I've screwed up orders since I've been on chemo and I just cannot keep up with selling things like I need to be doing to pay the bills.  But we can only do so much.  It's gonna be okay and you're going to shine again!

  • Lizzy - I agree.  THe meat industry is appalling.  We raised our own chickens last year for meat and they were worlds different from a Perdue oven stuffer.  but I will confess, that I'm not entirely sure I liked them.  It's very "strong" tasting.  I guess people might call that "gamey?"   I know free range chicken is better for you, but I just didn't like it......personally.  It did make excellent stock though which we used for broth when we had the flu last year.  I have two oven stuffers in the oven right now.  ;)

    Meat - if you've ever tasted grass fed beef it's totally different from the stuff in the grocery store.  Problem is that it's very expensive.  I buy it occasionally when we go out to the farm where we get raw milk. But it's only for a treat- you'd think it was cavier by the price!  But it has a totally different flavor and a completely different smell when it's cooking.    I'm thinking it's easier just to skip beef altogether except for once in a while - can't afford the good stuff and even the smell of the other stuff turns me off.   I love veggie burgers but now have to stay away from soy since I'm er+. 

    It's appalling what has been done to our food supply.  We gardened for many years, but the deer had other ideas, even with a 6" fence around it and I gave up.  After this cancer scare though, maybe I'll just do a few things such as Kale and other good cancer fighting veggies.  

    I buy organic when I can, since the store in town sells organic oats and popcorn, etc., really cheap.  Otherwise I guess we just do the best we can with what we can afford and what we have.  So long as we're not sitting around downing Ring Dings and nothing else, I figure every good, cancer fighting food is a leg up!

  • texas -=  Yeah.  I know salmon's benefits - the omega 3's and such, but I just can't stand the smell when it's cooking.  I think it goes back to when I was pregnant with my first and I had to scrub off a salmon pan the next morning after cooking it.  I can sometimes do it cold......then it's not so bad.  I do make it for the family though - they all like it!  :D   My nutritionist pushes it as one of the safer fish since it's smaller and they absorb less mercury than the larger fish.  :) 
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lisaatheshore: thanks...I am pretty sure you are right on with that explaination.  My BS is excellent and I knew she was speaking the truth so I accept it without question but, much like you, my education is in business!  Don't know what those ovaries are doing but I did bring Globix public!!!

    Lisasinglem: I am glad you took the time off.   I was in sales and you are only as good as your last performance in that as well.  I am so grateful I am not in a salesish job now.  What a mess I would be in.  Bottom line for you, though, you must go on, not the show.   The show will go on without you but your body will not.  I hope you are not being too hard on yourself.  I have a friend from all are really alike!

    Calamtykel: my grandmother was a chef at Yale and she knew good beef!  I know all about the grass fed beef but I just don't do the red meat too much.  I do like a corned beef reuben once in a blue and I will have a hamburger from the grill a few times a year maybe but that is it.  I will tell you something about chickens: when I worked in lower Manhattan, I lived in the W 80's.   One morning a chicken got out of the meat packing district, got on a bus unnoticed (not joking!) and made it's way to Midtown where people finally noticed it on the bus and a vet who was riding the bus ADOPTED the chicken and it had a new address in midtown at his vet!!!!  They are not stupid animals!   That poor thing knew it's fate and got the heck out of there!  I totally forgot about the soy and the gardenburgers...thanks for the reminder! More joy!   The next morning salmon pan is enough to make anyone swear it off!  I use those tinfoil toss-aways now.  I have a friend who's parents own a huge farm upstate NY, across the river from buttertart and beavertail (!), and they grew up on raw milk.  He swears by it.  I am sure you will be fine. 

    Acne?!?!?  I cannot believe this!   This little monster came to me in the aisle at CVS and wanted the last tube of Clearasil that I had just picked up.  He says "that is for kids don't need it."  So I said "what I need less is your mouth, kid...too bad!"  PUNKS!  Accosting me in CVS!  Needless to say I am home, comfortable with my new tube of Clearasil!!!!!!!  His momma needs to teach him the honey vs. vinegar story!  Because I act like I am 10 anyway, I stuck my tongue out at him as I walked out and he flipped me the bird!!!!!  He might have been all of 13! 

    Showering: my hair is still in but I am afraid each time I get in the shower this will be my last day with it.  Did anyone else go through this?!   I know if it is going to go, it is going to go but I just don't like being rough with it when showering like somehow I am going to stop it from falling out by being gentle!!!!!!!   This entire bc experience is enough to make any go crazy!!!

  • lisaattheshore
    lisaattheshore Member Posts: 88

    kel, know what you mean about the deer, 8 feet seems to keep them out.  The rest is in buckets on every above ground-level deck.  It seems the deer don't do steps.  At least not yet........if they start I am sure I will have to give up all the south facing rooms to the garden.  I have been trying to talk DH into a greenhouse--fresh veggies in the winter maybe?

    Agree with you lizzy, re 'crazy!'. All of the unknowns and unknowables really contribute to that I think.  I think by the time we really get everything down it will be over.  Then, we can come back and tell the 2011 groups that we made it and they can make it too!   That hair..... maybe it won't.  I still have aout half, and it didn't start until after the third treatment.  Of course maybe it's all gonna fall out in a few minutes (contributing to craziness!)

    And TEXAS!!!!!!! Glad to see you back! 

    Hope everyone has a great week end!

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    I adopted a wonderful calm lap dog today!  He is small and cute and very obedient. I feel sorry for whoever had to give him up.  I felt bad about playing the "cancer card" with DH in order to do this but we talked it over and he really wasn't opposed.  I will be having my 4th AC tx next thursday.  My cold is so much better today! 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Sue- I am up 10 pounds since i first started tx- i think i could use the weight i am 5'2 and was 125 now around 135... so a healthy gain (so far)

    Lisa- I understand you're disapointed, but lets focus on what you DID do and not what you didnt- You did 2 acts when you were feeling crummy! You could have easliy left before the show even started! I know you'll do better next time- (((HUGS)))

    Calamity- funny cuz i dont eat much other fish, maybe talipia or whiting because the others are just too fishy for me- or canned tuna lol, but i cant stand fresh tuna or any of the "real" fish either!

    Lizzy- NO WAY! NO WAY! i cant believe someone ame up to you an let alone tried to make ya give him the acne cream! Yeah his momma needs to teach him a lot more than manners. Maybe you ruined his hot date this weekend LOL

    HAIR- my peach fuzz is starting to come out again.... ANd it hurts! Feels like needles in my scalp- i had trouble wit sleeping cuz it felt like i was being poked at every angle when i'd move positions!  :( I am thinking i should shave it again if its falling out (i only have about 65% of my hair anyhow) I may just wait though....

    My wonderful day: okay first i read all the wonderful posts here, got up to go to the thrift store, we had a flat on the way and it was AWESOME! while we were changing the tire (well i just sat on the donut!) it DIDNT rain and was decently breezy and my 2 yr old had fallen asleep by this poijt so there wasnt any whining!, so tire changed and of to the thrift store... (i should mention that this is a place i have never been before in a nearby town) we find the place and it was one of those flled to the brim with diffrent stuff places! I loved it, the owner saw my baldness and chatted me up the whole time i was there, i found a dress NEW WITH TAGS which was too cute! And she GAVE it to me! Actually she gave me EVERYTHING we had... i asked how do you stay in business and she said her husband teaches at the university and she does this for fun! (gotta love that line of work!) so we headed out to another thrift store, but on the way found a consignment shop, which i found some great shoes that happened to perfectly match my free dress! and i plan to come back and do business with them SOON (i have a lot of things that i have been wanting to list on craigslist but havent had time) We went to the grocery store nd bought TONS OF JUNK FOOD! Enjoying the weekend with my daughter! Gotta love netflix! looking at the bright side today!!!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    zenith congrats on your lap dog- and NEVER feel bad bout playing the cancer card!

  • Lol!  I played the cancer card yesterday!  I messed up somebody's order - sent her the wrong stuff.  I miscommunicated and she thought I was sending her the right stuff, but she never sent the wrong item back!  I was waiting for it to come back so I could send the right one out.  So she writes me furious yesterday - blah blah - why didn't I send her item - now it's too late and she no longer wants it.  Meanwhile she STILL has the first item I mistakenly sent her! 

     I apologized - I told her that it was my fault - I assumed she would send back the first item and then I could send her the correct one.  

    Well, she wouldn't let it go - I got bombarded with emails - "WHY did you say you were going to send it out if you weren't?/??   I don't believe you that it was a miscommunication!"  Blah blah - it was like 10 emails in an hour.

    Finally FINALLY I had to play the cancer card.  I told her "Barbara, I am VERY sorry for the misunderstanding.  It is ALL my fault and I take the blame.  I have told you as soon as I get the wrong dolls back I will refund you all your money including what it costs you to send them back.  Frankly, I have had several weeks of chemo treatments and had just had port surgery two days before your email that I had sent the wrong items.  I was trying to keep up with it all and I was not clear with my words to you.  I am sorry, and I don't know what else you want me to say."

    Well, she writes back really snotty "You don't have to say anything else at this point - I just HOPE you will refund my money as you "say" you will." 
    ACK!  Okay - so yesterday was my practice in not letting the "little" things bother me.  Clearly if I have been doing this for 12 years I'm not in the business of ripping people off with my 100 percent feedback.  Unreal.

    So Zenith - I'm glad the cancer card worked out for you - you, we ALL, need that kind of distraction of a new pet, or in Texas' case a new dress!  :D  We deserve it!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

         Just wanted to let you know the meeting this morning for my son, Aidan, went well. We had his IEP in May and at the time the school budget for our district hadn't passed. The child study team told us they couldn't tell us specifically whether his therapies would be individual or group at that point because of the budget cuts. We foolishly believed them only to find out later that none of the cuts were to special ed. Anyway this director is a piece of work. He said he never got the meeting agenda, that it must've gone to spam. Well then how did you get the email requesting the meeting?!  Last year he told me to email when I complained that he would deny getting voicemails! 

         He said he wants to work with us "because of my medical situation". Not why he should be working with us but whatever gets my little guy what he needs is fine with me. They are going to extend his day by an hour so he can stay for lunch and get therapy right afterwards without missing so much class time. I am so happy. I'll get the final schedule Wednesday so fingers crossed until then, but if he tries to back out of it I'm showing up without my hat! Thanks for the good vibes.


  • kimmie68
    kimmie68 Member Posts: 35

    3rd AC down... 1 more to go....

    They gave me Olanzapine (Zyprexa) for the nausea this time instead of the Aloxi. The dr I saw today said the Aloxi was almost the same as the zophran and wouldnt do me any good.  Well I do have to disagree so far.  Nausea started about 5 hrs ago.  Will have to take the ativan soon to help, but not ready for bed.  Otherwise just tired.

    Lizzy - Please dont quote me, chemo brain is kicking in, and I only remember bits and pieces of this conversation.  I was told that if I went into permanent menopause I would get tamoxifen, but if I didnt I would get something else.  I am HER2 +.  The being thrown into early menopause makes us higher risk for getting BC again.  I will have to ask again.  Also, I had a question about your getting your foob replaced and then getting radiation.  Have you looked into this.  I have heard from many women that you should have the radiation first, then have your recon and such.  They say that it can effect the recon and also cause it to shrink up.  Not trying to scare you, but was just something that I had heard and didnt want you to have any issues later on with another surgery.  If nothing else it is something you can ask about again.

    Lisa - I am sorry you had to leave your show, but Lizzy is right.  You have one body and you need it.  Your not a weak woman, I think you are very smart to listen to what your body is saying and took the rest. 

    Texas - glad your back.

    I had to ask about butter tarts and beavertails on my game.  We have a few Canadians in our guild.  They were like omg they are the best pastries ever.  And then we got into a discussion of Canadian Bacon and what it really is, and whether it is really from canada...   go figure.

  • lol!  "Adopted the chicken!" 

    We have a chicken named Smirkie that my  husband "adopted".  Farm around the corner was moving and unloading all their animals.  We took 12 Auracana chickens (they lay blue eggs) and as we were looking at them, this little one comes up with a cross beak.  That happens when a chicken's top and bottom beak grow in opposite directions.  It was so sad!  It kept pecking the ground constantly but couldn't get any food.  It was much smaller than the others and had much less feathers.

    So my husband the softie says "We'll take the one with the messed up beak too."  

    As it turns out she has quite a personality.  Usually they don't live very long but she's done very well.  She hasn't gotten much larger, but her feathers filled out and we found by feeding her mash (chicken crumbles mixed with water) she can sorta suck them up.  She also likes to crawl into the chicken feed bag and eat that way since I guess she can get her beak real deep in there.  

    She's held her own really well.  I was surprised she lived through the winter.  We keep her beak sort of "clipped" -like you'd clip a dog's nails, otherwise it grows too far under.   She's funny - she screams if anyone comes down with any food - she's definitely the loudest, fastest and most assertive!   The first time I clipped her beak, I accidentally took too much off and she bled profusely.  I thought she was going to die.  It was awful.  We had to wash her all off (if chickens see blood, they attack) once the bleeding stopped and put her back into the coop.  She was cold and wet and tired from loss of blood.  I was sure she was going to die that night.  She climbed up on the roost and within a few minutes, there were several other chickens surrounding her with her in the center, so she stayed warm. 

    I thought that was pretty interesting, considering that chickens can be totally brutal to each other, even to the point of death.  

    Anyway, she's continued to do well - and the other day we found a microscopic egg the size of a marble, and it was green/blue, like the Auracanas lay.  We think she FINALLY laid an egg!  :D