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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    ALL: there is not a day that goes by that I don't find myself completely appreciative of this thread and ALL of you!   I am serious...

    Sweeney: you did it again!  Hit that damn nail on the head..."yes, get out of here with your smelly sweater and your stupid stories of cancer from decades ago!"  I loved it!  I don't want to hear it either.   Just get lost, man!  There are very few people I allow around me now.   I can't stand the nonsense and the questions about the will etc.... I guess people don't know what to say and I don't want them arbitrarily sewing together vowels and consonants in an attempt to appease me as it is having the diametrically opposed effect!

    Go hockey moms!!!!!

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Thanks Sweeney - I feel exactly the same way - I'm telling the truth more.  I had chemo today and went on for Act I. At intermission it really hit me.  Not nausea as much as just weekness.  I was moving so slowly, and I looked a little green, which everyone noticed.  So, I laid down on a couch as they did Act II and came home.  I, too, have been telling people how "fine" I am, but am telling the truth more now.  My mom and dad want to come and visit, and they wanted to be here when I am at my worst, but I flat out told them that it would be more stressful to have them visit when I'm at my worst, so they should come during a week 3.  (Lizzy - I have 2 more TCH's after the one today.)

    The good news:  GIANTS BEAT THE BRAVES!!!!  GO GIANTS!!!

  • Ginger - have you tried mucinex?  It's really  helping me.  To the point where I take it, I'm not even coughing anything up - it just clears my airways out. The nurse told me to stay on it.  It's pretty much the same as any expectorant cough medicine but you don't have to swallow the nasty flavor, it's in a pill. 

    DH now has the nasty cough as does my son.  I finally slept last night without being congested and without the aid of a sleep medicine.  Whoo hoo!   Sleep is VERY under rated.  When you go without it, you can really feel it!

    Re intolerance of everyone:   my midwife who was going through chemo when I was diagnosed warned me that when you're on chemo, you have no tolerance of anyone and you're really crabby.  She said she didn't want her mom anywhere near her when she was having her bad days - that it just "bugged" her - she only wanted her sister.  So what you're feeling is normal - chemo messed with the emotions badly I think!   It's certainly not fun!

    Well, here I was ready to just try to start my day and a guy calls who my husband asked to come take some trees down and he's trying to find the house.  HUH?  DH didn't tell me this guy was coming out today -- and here i am in a stained sweatshirt and snowman jammie bottoms. I told the guy "I dont' know what he discussed with you - we've all been very sick and I'm afraid I can't be of much help since I don't know which trees, etc."  UGH!  So now I can't go take my long shower since he's going to be here shortly.....

  • Lizzy - we've had many chickens commit suicide by not going into the coop at night.  They are so dumb and there's nothing you can do about it - it's insane.  We always know the ones who will get taken out eventually by predators because they suddenly decide to remain "out" at night after months of going into the coop.  DH said we have at least two now who will not go into the coop - you'd think they would for warmth at this point.  I imagine we won't have them much longer.  I doubt the guy found his - they hide themselves well when they stay out at night, but not well enough to escape the foxes, etc.  We had a coyote here a couple of weeks ago (neighbor called and said it had just crossed her property).  Yes, coytotes in NJ!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

          Just had to share something that happened at the playground yesterday. My 5 yo was playing with a boy he met who asked if he could go down the big fire pole . He said at the top of his lungs (and he has big lungs:-) "well normally I can, but my mom's sick, she has CANCER, and she can't catch me, and my dad's at work so I can't ". Let me tell you that quieted the playground right down and the moms were suddenly very busy looking everywhere but at me. I didn't react b/c  was so caught off guard. It was one of those you just have to laugh or you'll cry moments. I  told him later I coudn't catch him b/c he's 40 lbs, not b/c I have cancer, and gently said that it wasn't something we really talk about with strangers at the playground.  The best part is he can't do the fire pole; I think the little stinker was just pulling the cancer card to save face. I called my husband who was initially shocked, but then started laughing and said "...and he's at work b/c we have no money, and I walk 5 miles to school, etc...":-)


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hi ladies, I'm typing this from the hospital. I started running a fever Wed. afternoon and it hit 101 and stayed there, so I called the cancer center and they said go to the emergency room, they admitted me, I'm on IV antibiotics. They are trying to determine the source of my infection/fever. I've had a cold or sinus infection for about a week, but didn't really feel that bad. Soooo ..  I'll probably have to stay until at least tomorrow because they said they are growing cultures from my blood (don't ask me, I'm not a dr.) that will tell them where the infection is coming from. The concern is that my port could be the source of infection and that would be a problem. On the up side, I don't have to start Taxotere on Tuesday :) I get a week off since I'm in the hospital/sick.

    The thing about this that really sucks is that yesterday was my 1 year wedding anniversary. How crappy is that to spend it in the hospital? Thank goodness I had gotten my gift and card early, so DH just brought the gifts and we did our thing here.

    I'm glad I got my laptop. It'll help pass the time.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lisasinglem: so, if I understand correctly, your next txs are 10/28 with your final being 11/18?  I would like to keep you in the list so please let me know if these are correct.  So sorry it seems to be taking it's toll with you again but, as you know from all of us, you are in plenty of good company!!!  On baseball, I am a fan of the sport so GO GIANTS as well!  I am a Yankee fan and am also a baseball fan at large.  All teams that make it to October baseball are remarkable. 

    Low tolerance for people!  Kel, your midwife was really accurate!  I just can't take the nonsense.   Just last night my boyfriend starts with how the Yankees have been around so long and that is why they have so many titles etc... and I just said I will talk to you tomorrow...shower time!   He is the only guy I ever dated who is NOT into sports!   Although he loads up his chops with an anti-Yankee bye!   Kel, I also learned from you that chickens can be mean to each other.  Perhaps that is why some may want to stay out of the coupe?   I can only imagine.  I don't know much about livestock at all but have definitely learned from you about them their chickens!  

    Ckptry: that is funny in a very awkward way!!!   Don't forget, he had to walk 5 miles to school in a snowstorm with no shoes!!!!!!  Unbelievable that he came out with that and how clever to mask his own nervousness about the situation by using your bc!  That is pretty smart and emotionally adept....good signs ;)    Btw, love the Humphrey quote.   That is a great one and so true.  We all need to repeat that one.

    Good day to all my lovely chemosabes....and YEAH, I was able to carve out some sleep last night!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ladyinbama: I am so sorry you are in the hospital.  I was just thinking about you last night.  I was wondering how you were and I thought remembered it was your anniversary this week.  I am so sorry you had to spend it in the hospital.  At the same time I am glad you are there.  It is the best place for you to be.   They told me these little seemingly innocuous sniffles and colds can turn fast into a major problem so it is just as well you are there.   I wish you all the best for a fantastic anniversary next year as you so very much deserve it.   This is just a space in time; don't forget that.   I hope y'all do something very special next year for your anniversary.   For now, however, don't lament what has happened and just focus on getting better.  Put all your energies into feeling better and acceptance of the current circumstances.   Just roll with it and try to stay as positive as possible so you can get strong, home and finish this maddeing chemo :)

    Best of luck to you and take care of yourself.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Adey: Speaking of baseball, I suspect you are in the "on-deck" circle?!   Does some quiet, pink-wig-wearer (!!!) have chemo Monday?!  I will add you to the list, missy, as if I have to TAC sludge it, so do you!!!!!!
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Ladyinbama--sorry to hear that you are in hosp. I spent a great 7 hours at hosp yesterday for my cough--I had slight fever when I first arrived but it went down and no fever returned so am lucky that didn't have to stay. Sucks cause I still have the cough though...and just wasted 7 hours at hospital :) Basically, they are no real signs that it is anything worse than a cough but it will delay my chemo next week if it is still there---not the greatest thing to hear as I was so hoping to get this whole thing done on schedule and over with! Take care of yourself, Rachel

    p.s. Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadians! I will be staying home this weekend and not taking part in any family dinners just because I'm not well and I would really prefer to get better than eat turkey. 

  • Ladies - I've found a good remedy for the congestion - it's helping more than decongestants and mucinex and water! :D  Cayenne pepper.............

    I googled it and sure enough - it speeds circulation to areas that might be hard to get it and it opens stuff up.  I'm sitting here with some sprinkled in hot water.  I had some really persistant crap in my bronchials a couple of hours ago and nothing was helping - the cayenne broke it up within minutes.  

    Hope maybe it helps someone else too!  I'm not sure of the heat unit grading of the one I have is, but it's from Penzey's spices so it's pretty strong! 

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    I have been weepy for 2 days now.  Cried at the onc's office when the port nurse palpitated for the port and it HURT!  I just feel like I am not making good decisions.  My wbc's are low so i'm stuck in the house.  Just had a meltdown over slipcovers that I ordered that are CRAP and now I have to send them back.  I'm not making anymore decisions to buy anything for awhile.  I should be overjoyed because i'm done with the heavy chemo (AC) but just feeling awful.  I have been really second guessing myself about the dog and worried about whether I can take care of him adequtely but knowing everyone will hate me if I send him back to the rescue!  Also lamenting over having to fight with the insurance co, the billing depts, my union committee can't seem to get together to approve more sick leave so my check was short, ad nauseum.  Isn't having cancer bad enough?  Work is having a bake sale and raffle for me today and I can't put in an appearance!  I am glad for the support but feel weird about it!  Anyway I don't have a cold or anything right now so my first Taxol is sheduled for next Friday. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Happy Thanksgiving to the Canucks, indeed!   Special wishes to our very own Beavertail and Buttertart! 

    Rachel:  I missed that you were in the hospital also unless you just posted.   It is just as well to get over there and see what they have to say.  There is no sense in taking chances on chemo.  Healthy and done is way more important than on-schedule and done.   Don't worry when you finish but just that you are as healthy as possible when getting it done.  

    I am already making plans for a very quiet holiday season as I cannot be exposed to germs and I am going to need the rest.   I am sorry that you, too, shall be home for the holiday but your health is first.  I hope you enjoy getting some rest and relaxation this weekend ;)

    Cayenne pepper: oh yes...that will definitely open stuff up!   Good info, Kel.  That is one of the backbones of the infamous Master Cleanse.   I hope it helps you and you are getting rid of whatever is plaguing you (chemo and it's many disguises!).   I am sure, with my propensity for bronchial issues, I too shall be declaring personal war on this kind of stuff soon enough.   January can't come fast enough and I never thought I would say that!!!!!!!! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Zenith: being on edge is just one of another of the luscious chemo SE.    I was just trying to simultaneously fax and play spider solitaire and I was very troubled by the notion I was not having success!   You are in good company, woman.  We are all feeling the same way.   Even the slightest trivialities are tantamount to a breakdown.  I know, believe me, I know.  I am even now going to give friends my "roid blackout dates!" so they know.   It is so hard to list the nuances that plague us with this and, again, for me it is just like a riptide coursing through my veins, wreaking havoc on several different daily processes but not all at once.  It is so tough to put into words because it can be a little tricky and then it is hard to put it into words what just happened and "where" that came from.   Don't feel bad or odd as we are all in it with you.  The bright side?  In a few months this will all be over for all of us and perhaps we will revisit the comfort of our own skin sans chemo! 

    Try to keep smiling through is not easy, though, I know ;)

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Ladyinbama and Rachel - so sorry you are/were in the hospital.  Sweeney thanks for your sharing - you got it right!  Ckpty sounds like you handled the playground situation with grace.  Chickens?  Last night my son says he heard a coyote.  He was walking the dog who of course was to scared to do his "business" outside.  They would make a small snack out of him.  I am not looking forward to trying to get him to go outside in the snow.  I am worried he will not be able to handle being home alone when I got back to work (Feb?)  I can't afford doggie daycare (well maybe one day a week but not 5) and there doesn't seem to be any dog walkers in our small town.  I know I am dwelling on the negative so going to sign off and watch a comedy movie and forget about my son and new girlfriend coming next week and how much work needs to be done to clean up this house before then because I am just too depressed and tired to do anything about it now. 

  • onemonga
    onemonga Member Posts: 54

    Texasrose: I have three wigs, why I don't know. I wear one of them when I go to some function when I don't want the "look" from people who haven't seen me for awhile or when we go to a favorite haunt where they know me but not my current situation. To run errands and the rest I tend to wear my kerchiefs and or my camo cap or my peace and love hat.

    All: DH last day of working, he is retiring today. This will be the true test of our compatability. I wish that we weren't in this cancer war, but maybe the chemo will kill all the bad cells including bad habit cells and introduce a whole new existence for us at home. Wish us [especially me] luck!!!

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Zenith - I'm sorry things are looking so bad right now.  I'm sending over lots of smiling vibes to you to see the better side of this - that it is great your son is coming to visit, that your new doggie will love you no matter what, and maybe give you more comfort than you knew, that you are FINISHED with the nasty red stuff and on to a new adventure with a new drug, and most importantly, that this will pass.  It is hard as hell now, but it will eventually pass.  And you have us to support you through it!

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Zenith- sorry to hear about your state. You're not alone. We all seem to go through these moments/days/weeks. Keep venting on here, It's the easiest place to tell how you're really feeling.

    LadyinBama- I hope you're feeling better!! So sorry to hear that you're in the hospital. That sucks. But just think- at your 50th wedding anniversary you can tell the tale of where your first anniversary happened.:) Big hug to you.

    Carolyn- I laughed out loud at your playground story. That's EXACTLY what Max did to me at the dentist's office when he told me in that booming 4 yr old voice to take off my wig in front of a room full of mothers and children. AWKWARD. Hope you're recovered!!

    Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes everyone. I have no idea why our two Thanksgivings don't line up on the calendar.

    And oh yeah, I finished chemo today!Laughing Now on to a week of Neulasta hell and then a month of radiation. My youngest, Max, came with us today and charmed the socks off of everyone. It was so fun to bring him, we snuggled in the bed while the chemo ran. He kept thanking the nurses and telling everyone (in a booming voice) "it's good that my mom gets the chemo, then she won't be sick forever more".

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    What a difference a few hours make!  The dog seems to have settled down today and is not so needy.  The committee met and approved my sick leave extension.  I took a nap.  My coworkers raised money EXCEEDING all expectations so my short pay check is moot!  Plus they brought goodies to eat, flowers and balloons!!! 

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    ladyinbama,  Happy Anniversary!! So sorry you have to spend it in the hospital. I think you guys deserve a very special do-over anniversary date when chemo is over and you are feeling better. I hope you feel better and get to go home soon.

    sweeney, too funny about the wig. I wore my wig for the first time to pick Aidan up at school today (my 3 yo said I miss your hair, put it back on) and he ran across the classroom yelling 'give me your wig'. So I know exactly what you mean. I was half expecting it though so it wasn't too bad. I've already lectured them about the consequences of pulling mommy's wig off in public - I can see that one coming, lol. I guess we won't embarrass easily in the future;-)

    everyone, It seems alot of us are having illness and emotional overload. I guess the toxins are building up. I'm so glad we have eachother, honestly I try to look at the bright side for the kids' sake, but sometimes just am taken aback at the horror of what we've all been/ are going through. I think we just have to remember we're in the thick of it right now and be as kind to ourselves as we can.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    SWEENEY!  The footnote that you finished today!!!!   CONGRATULATIONS and I can't believe how nonchalantly you dropped that huge piece of good news!!!!! 

    Zenith: I am so very happy everything has worked out in the past few hours!  More good news.  Also, don't forget about the miracle of "puppy pads" in managing your dog when you go back to work.  I hear they are wonderful.

    Good news is always so nice to hear so thanks to all of you for laughs, good news and massive, short, turnarounds :)   Very good stuff!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Sweeny- you prob look good in the wig, but you know its not your hair so you arent lookin at your reflection unbaised :) Love the ass hat comment LOL Also ny daughter (5) annouced to her class that i was bald, had me take of my hat and said "my moms head is like an elephants elbow!" have no clue where she got that from! CONGRATS ON THE LAST DAY OF CHEMO!!!! (dont leave us though!)

    Gingerbrew- have ya called your dr about the pain?

    Lizzy-  i think the fact that i didnt act like i was dying in front of my sister in law is what set her off....

    Living proof- GOOD MOVIE! I WOULD SUGGEST TO ANYONE RECIVING HERCEPTIN TO WATCH IT, IT WAS QUITE INFORMATIONAL WITHIN IN THE CONTEXT OF THE MOVIE AND I REALLY ENJOYED IT!!! (maybe we should carry portable dvd players and this movie to play for the unbelivers that we CAN and ARE going  through chemo without near death!)

    CKPTRY- too funny your son pulled the cancer card! I swear at 5 they are WAY smarter than we were at 5!

    Lady- Sorry you're in the hospital, and had to do your anniversary there. Thank goodness for LAPTOPS! Get well soon!!!

    Rachel- 7 hrs and it was nothing... Glad you werent admitted! I always wondered why y'all did thanksgiving earlier than the US- i mean when the first "thanksgiving" came around it was all just one big territory anyhow! Cant you get better and eat turkey? that'd be perfect!

    Zenith- feel ya ob the weepyness! I will hear a song and mist up for no apprent reason! WHERE DID YA ORDER THE SLIP COVERS? i am gonna order some and want to make sure they arent crap! Hope ya get all the insurance and bills and leave stuff worked out. WAY TO GO AWESOME COWORKERS!

    Onemonga- SOunds exciting retiring! YES HAVING YOUR DH HOME FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD WILL DEF TEST YOUR COMPATIBLITY! when my was out of work I was looking into jobs for him so he'd get out of the house LOL!

  • zenith - isn't it amazing?  I sometimes try to look at what cancer has NOT taken from me and has given me instead.  Wonderful friends who have just come out of the woodwork to go above and beyond..... this morning a friend wrote and told me she is paying for a pool company to come and close the pool for us.  We just have been unable to have time to do it and since I know how to do it I'm the one in charge - DH is usually just my helper in this matter.  But I haven't been well enough and I'm not strong enough anymore with my port to pull those covers over and blow the lines.

    Then on Monday, DH asked his boss for advice about snow tires for our car.  He said to him "How about I buy them for you?"  He gave us $700 tires!    The friend who brought groceries yesterday and refused to take any money.....  The church ladies who have circled the wagons and provided meals faithfully for a full week after each chemo.... all the wonderful friends here on this board.

    Yes, cancer has taken away a huge amount from us. But sometimes looking at the silver lining, however thin it may seem is so helpful........

  • texas:  I meant to write about the  bread recipe.  What I did was sprout some wheat grains - very easy - got hard red winter wheat at the healthfood store because I've been growing wheatgrass to juice.  I sprouted some wheat --not much, maybe just 3/4 of a cup or so, and then just took a regular yeast bread recipe --substituting honey for the sugar in it - and took part of the water called for in the recipe and put it in the blender along with the sprouted wheat. I know that's not how it's "supposed" to be done - it should go through a grinder.  But it was still good and it worked!

    Then I just made the bread according to the recipe.  I used spelt flour instead of wheat flour and it came out fabulous.  All three loaves were gone by this morning.  :D 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Calamaity- Wow isnt it amazing how many blessings we count! I always say its a neagitive (like cancer) followed by a positive (like meals made for us)

    Thanks for the recipie!



  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    What a difference a few hours make!  The dog seems to have settled down today and is not so needy.  The committee met and approved my sick leave extension.  I took a nap.  My coworkers raised money EXCEEDING all expectations so my short pay check is moot!  Plus they brought goodies to eat, flowers and balloons!!! 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hooray for Sweeney, Zenith and Texas!!! Sweeney, I teared up when I read what your son said to the nurses. They keep it so simple.

    Onemonga: My husband lost his job 6 days after we married. So we were newlyweds, trying to adjust to each other and suddenly we were together 24/7. This went on for 3 months. Thank goodness it wasn't longer, or we'd probably be divorcedWinkGood luch with your transition.

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Texasrose  YAYAYAYAYAYAY!  Such good news, so glad to hear it!  That is so amazing to see such great results so quickly, I am so happy for you!  Also about your wig question, I got one but haven't worn it yet because I just feel weird in it.

    Lisasinglem Good for you to going in to the show and good for you for also recognizing your limits AND telling other people what they are!

    LadyinBama I am so sorry to hear you've been in the hospital!  I have been thinking about you and your anniversary.  I was feeling kind of sorry for myself too, my second wedding anniversary is Monday and that will be a "bad" day (Day 4 after chemo).  But now I feel worse for you that you had your anniversary in the hospital!  I'm sure your husband was just happy to be there with you and I hope that you will have many more anniversaries together to do much more fun things together!

    zenith I'm sorry you were feeling bad earlier but I'm glad it has turned into a better day.  I had a crying fit earlier today too, sometimes it just all gets overwhelming!

    Sweeney  Congrats on finishing chemo!

    Onemonga I hope you and your husband have a wonderful retirement.  My dad retired a couple of years ago and he and my mom are really enjoying retired life!  And I like the idea of the chemo killing the bad habit cells!

    So today I had AC #3.  Last time the nausea started pretty much as soon as I left the office and lasted 4 days.  So as I'm sitting in the chair ready to get hooked up, I'm already working myself up into a panic about how terrible I'll be feeling for the next 4 days.  Because of the nausea, my onc prescribed me marinol (legal medication chemically similar to marijuana) and I took that before treatment.  As I'm trying to calm myself down and wait for the happy effects of the marinol to kick in, the nurse is starting my IV and after she gets the blood tube for my counts the vein blew.  I wait for a few minutes and another nurse comes to try.  She talks about how I don't have any good looking veins that they can use (there is a good one in the crook of my elbow but they don't like to put the Adriamycin in at a joint because of risk for leaking).  Anyway, she finally settles on a vein but was kind of negative about it and then that one ends up leaking too.  At this point I start crying because I feel so stressed out about everything so they have to bring me tissues and let me calm down before trying a third nurse on a third vein.  Thank goodness that one worked!  The second nurse said I should think about getting a port but later my original nurse said that since I only have one AC left I should be able to get through the last one and then they can use the vein in the crook of my arm for the Abraxane.  I'm still wondering if I should get a port, though.  I really don't want to have another surgery but maybe it would be better in the end.  But the good news (so far) is that the marinol really seems to be making a difference with my nausea.  I felt good this afternoon and only started to feel nauseated about an hour before my next dose.  After taking that I'm feeling better again.  So I'm starting to get hopeful that this cycle won't be as bad as the previous two.  I also feel more relaxed, which helps!

  • jsw:  If you just have one more AC if it were me (and I don't know if this is the right decision) I would just do it.  I hate my port.  I regret that I had to get it after the vein blew after AC #2.  :(  It's been more painful than my actual surgery.  It is finally healing - FINALLY - I still have a small scab that won't go away but it still gets sore occasionally and frankly when they access it it hurts like heck too. And then afterwards too.

    I cannot wait to get it out.  Really.  Plus there are risks with ports that I didn't know until after I got it - blood clots and such.  That's scary.  But my veins were just not good and I had a chemo leak - after that, the nurses were scared and the port was required of me. 

    This is just me and other people may have other opinions. I know a great majority of women have had no problems with the port.  I guess the way it's "placed" is different for each person.  My oncologist said "in medical school they show us these texbook pictures but once you get inside someone's body, everyone's different!  Who knows what they had to shift around or whatever to get the port into the right place."  

    I had mine place by a breast surgeon and she required that I be fully asleep to get it done.  I'm terrified to have it taken out.  She says it can be done in office - I cannot imagine..............

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Texas: I am SOOO happy about your scan results!!!!!!  That was just great news.  I also firmly believe something good always comes out of something bad and if it is as simple as meals and friends stopping by or a major move in a life, these events are tantamount to something usually unforeseen at this point.  Often times this is all about change.

    Hair: so I buzzed it and now it is growing!  I am sure it will all be on the floor soon but what is left, and that which is growing, moves in the wind as I walk through the house!  I feel like a grown baby!   It looks like baby hair and the way it moves in the air as i is such a weird feeling!

    Onemonga: yeah, that sounds like it might be challenging with your husband now retiring.  I am sure one or both of you will find jobs or hobbies.  It is manageable...millions do it...I just don't know how!?!??!

    Calamtykel: I think you are like the McGyver of the garden!!!!!!   Ground up grass and made bread out of it!   Unbelievable.   You are something else, woman!

    Titanic: this has got to be the only movie on the planet I can watch countless times! 

    Wherria: You did not check in about your onc appt so I am assuming you won't get results until next week.  I hope you make it to the marathon tomorrow.   Let us know how it goes.

    Good night chemosabes!