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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I have bloating from the steroids.  My face turns red, my belly bloats out and I retain water.  Lovely.  Don't know if you are doing taxotere but it can apparently cause fluid retention as well.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening chemosabes!  I am on day 5 post tx and the fatigue...the bedraggled fatigue! 

    Fatigue: You don't know if you should fight it or give in.  Today I tried to do some stuff and I promise you all I could not get back to my bed fast enough and I crashed out for like 2-3 hours.  I really don't know what to do in the first 7 days after tx.  I am so ambivalent- do I just rest and let it take it's course or do I fight through and try some moderate activity.  Once I try something it really bites back.  This is rough.

    Turkey chili: I made some today and the way I was wiped out from that little event was like I made a Thanksgiving dinner.  Speaking of Thanksgiving, hope our Canadian pals had a good one!  Speaking of Canada, I am watching the Raptors play the Celtics....good game so far.

    I am so looking forward to day 7/8 for the turnaround!  I am going to do some updating and then probably some more sleeping!  I do need it, however, as the 4 nights previous to today were bad.

    Good night, girls!  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    I need your help, girls:  I had a crash on my notebook and lost some data on txs.  Can those of you having txs this week kindly let me know so I can update the list?  Sorry but these here computers get fatigued as well sometimes!
  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Texas - so glad to hear about your good scans.  Lizzy - I start Taxol Friday the 15th.  I stayed home all weekend and didn't end up in the ER!! Had a fever last night but it never went above 100.5 which is the magic number wherein we are to call the on call onc just to be told to go to the ER, spend 5-6 hours there racking up lab, xray and er copays only to be sent home with one cipro and a RX for more!!  I'm feeling pretty good except for occassional nausea and fatigue.  Dog's behavior continues to improve and DH and son are helping out a bit more.  Son is great at grocery shopping but DH cannot find brands names if his life depended on it.  He has to get a worker to help him.  Could't find starbucks ground coffee and if I don't specify a brand name he tends to buy the most expensive and not generic. 

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi sweeney I have the bloating, water retention and I think my face looks puffy. The very look I was hoping not to get, to me its a typical chemo look. I think it is the steroids and chemo both, I don't even take the 3 days xs 2 tab. steroid. I take only 4 because I don't like what the steroids do to me. I did call the dr. and I got some water pill and that did take some of the swelling down.

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Kel - I don't know that twitching is an official se, but my NP said she has heard other people talk about it, and I've read more than one person talk about it on, so I'm considering it an se.  And for me, it is nearly constant!

  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    lisasinglem - I do know that I have a ton of twitching after my treatments.  The twitching seems to get better the closer I get to my next treatment.  Sorry to hear you have been feeling under the weather too.  It must be hard when you are so passionate about something and then not be able to do it.  Hope you are feeling better. 

    Have a great day those getting treatments...get 'em done and had few side effects.  Prayers and hugs to all!


  • Well, I am making it through the benadryl/zantac/decadron cocktail that i've been taking since 8 last night!  I slept surprisingly well but just woke up several times absolutely drenched in sweat.  I guess from the decadron.

    I think the most surprising thing is that either one or both drugs cleared out the rest of my bronchial and nose congestion.  Go figure.  I don't hear anything in there and haven't coughed.  Odd!   And the muscles around my port which are ususally sore in the morning when I get up don't hurt.  Steroids are wonderful things.Too bad they're so darned dangerous (meaning long term) and have such side effects!  Haven't blown up like the Blueberry girl, but I'm sure that's coming!

    Well, the pink haired angel arrives at 8:30 and off we go.  Nervous about this taxol stuff -- 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Off to TAC treatment number two today, blech.

  • Reporting from the cancer center:  Hooked up to the Taxol - they're starting it slowly.  Praying' for no allergic reactions.  :)


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning chemosabes!

    Best of luck to Adey and Calamtykel today.   May you have a SE-free week ;)

    This stuff really gets into muscles....and makes you weak.  I find this is my primary SE with the 2nd tx.  It just knocks you out.  I can't get back to my bed quickly enough! 

    Calamtykel: the pink-haired angel!?!  Is that a volunteer ride from acs?   Sounds cute! 

    Well, I hope you all have a lovely day....I am tired once again ;(

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    My cough is getting better so I am hopeful that my chemo scheduled for the 15th will go ahead (First Taxotere treatment). Sadly, I am due to have chemo on my youngest 9th birthday--who would have thought that 9 years later--I would be doing chemo....aarrgghhh. He is a little sad that his birthday is also my chemo day but from what I hear--SE don't occur with Taxotere until about 48 hours later. He is having bday party with 14 friends on the Saturday--I have organized and done the loot bags but Dad may have to handle this by himself with a couple of friends parents....first time for everything! Least the party isn't at home--out at some play place.

  • no, my pink haired angel is my friend who has dyed the top of her hair pink and shaved the rest for me during my treatment.  She showed up today with a pumpkin shaved in the back of it.  You should see the looks we get!

     Well, I"m on a super power antibitoic.  Despite the fact that I insisted that I'm rarely coughing now and am feeling much better, the doctor didn't like the little wheeze I still have in my chest and the rattly noise when I breathe deeply.  The abx were so expensive (thank God for insurance!) and it's something I've never been on . First she called in the z-pak and then she said she was changing her mind and put me on something stronger. 
    I guess better safe than sorry - I really think it's still viral at this point, but since my WBC will drop now that I've had another treatment, we don'dt want it going into something really bad.

    I'm so exhausted - more tired than I was with the AC.  I guess all the benadryl along with the chemo is doing me in.  I wasn't ready mentally for this - not prepared to have another "wipe out" week after feeling so much better and accomplishing so much yesterday.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I did not have my first Taxol today but do now have an RX for the Z Pak. I called in yesterday so I never took the steroids after having to comedown from them due to being cancelled out last week. My husband said yesterday that if I went in they were just going to send me home agian. He was right. I had first symptoms of this cold 18 days ago and it still lingers. Woo woo woo, I cough. Today in a new development I felt like my upper teeth were hurting.

    Calamity please tell me how it went with the Taxol. I went and read some on-line info about it and I too was/am feeling nervous about the first infusion. 

    I would have liked the lift in spirits from the steroids, I was sort of looking forward to it because I am feeling so crappy. My DD insisted I drink some coconut water yesterday and it did make me feel better. 

     Hack hack hoo hoo arf arf.

    Laters all


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Rachel glad the cough is improving, calamity- yup better safe than sorry! Ginger- posponed! Hopefully this cough goes away!!!!

    Lizzy rest it up! You'll be back to your normal self soon enough! (yellin at pimply teens and wrestling for the clearasil!)

  • Ginger - I seem to be the only one not feeling the benefits of the steroids - maybe because I'm a ton of benadryl with it too.  I'm just in a benadry fog and can't wait until it lifts. 

    The taxol was frightening because they start you really low - at like 50 and then increase it gradually every 15 or 20 minutes or so until you're at full strength - 200.  I did not have any allergic reaction.

     I asked my doctor about taxol - she said that there isn't much nausea with it but to take my anti-nauseas if I needed them.  She said it would be more muscle and leg aches.  I'm just hoping I don't get a headache too.   Right now I can't decide what would make me feel well - sleeping or watching a movie or whatever.  Can't believe I have to take one last dose of benadryl and decadron at 8:00. 

    The side effects of the benadryl and steriods are making me glad that I'm doing the every two weeks with the taxol.  I know it makes the taxol more toxic than the weekly, but I think my body just does not like the premeds at all. 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    calamtykel - I don't get any 'side' benefits from the steroids either.  Just feel like I have to get through them and cope.
  • Omaz - I think I've learned that's the name of the game with BC>  Just get through it and cope.  one day at a time.  I'm finding myself worrying about the next few days now that the actual treatment is over.  I'm not sure when I will ever learn to stop looking and ahead and worrying.  I had hoped it would be  a lesson I might learn with BC.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    COPE!!!!!!  That is our mantra!!!!  My gosh...bc-inflicted mantra!!!!!!

    I am slowly emerging from that maddening fatigue and feeling of malaise was!\hing across my body!  Man, this is gross!!!!!

    Calamtykel: why so much benadryl?  I get a rush off the roids and feel energetic...too much when it comes to sleep obviously.  The crash was worse this time.  I think nursing homes stopped or slowed administering benadryl and Tylenol PM because it lingers in muscles and then can become activated later, like if the old jokers drink!!!!  Only joking on the drinking but there is something to it.   FUNNY on the pink angel...I forgot about that!  Don't you hate that rattling noise when you breathe deep?  It drives me crazy....I want to put the vacuum down my throat and remove it!!!!!!!  It is annoying and deep....aggravation!!!!

    Kitchen tricks!!!!  I have Calphalon pans and tonight I made a fantastic pesto, chicken, onion, garlic dish and I am wondering if any of you know *tricks* for ridding the pan of such pungent odors?  Aside from cleaning it, ladies!!!!!!!!   I used to boil water in the pan and then wash it but you all have kids etc... and I am sure you know some tricks I don't!   The pesto and is all so strong, there are lingering odors.

    Ginger: sorry you were postponed.  What are the benefits of coconut water?  I started to drink coconut milk about last year as it is one thing the American diet lacks that other, largely Pacific Island, groups have in their diets and they don't suffer from some of the things we do.   I never kept up with it, however.

    Texas: not my finest moment at CVS scoring Clearasil!!!!!   Thanks for the reminder!!!

    Poems: I would have posted one on fatigue but I was too fatigued! 

    Jason from Friday the 13th: remember the original?  When, at the end, he comes out and he has long clumps of hair and then big bald spots?!??!?  HAPPY HALLOWEEN!  That is what I am starting to look like!  Some clumps are growing and then there are other bald spots!  I am truly convinced BC can leave one without even an ounce of dignity left!!!!!!!!!!!!  

    I am watching "PS I Love You" and they have the most beautiful scenes from Ireland.  I can't wait to go next year.  I really hated to have to forego my trip this year, for my 40th, because of B rotten C!!!!!!  Someday I will return to a thatch-roof cottage in the motherland and there I will spend the rest of my days ;)

    I hope you are all having a lovely night ;)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    BTW-if you all don't hear from me it is because I have been arrested for indecent exposure because my lovely wig blew off revealing my luscious "Friday the 13th" HAIR!!!!!!!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy may not be your finest but one of the funniest! (that i've read) you def got cajones! (meant no offense of bring it up- no affliction via typing so not sure if you're mad)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Texas: I am NEVER mad!!!!!!   I tell you guys these nut job stories to keep y'all laughing!!   Not at all!!!!!  I still can't believe the little monster tried to strong-arm me and then flipped me off!  

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    LOL i have so many foot in mouth moments that its def hard to tell if i said something online- the whole you-can-read-anything-the-wrong-way thing! Even a "how you doin?" can be read evily or overtly sexual LOL (think joey tribianni from FRIENDS) lol

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Texas: True confessions: I spent much of the 90's and early 00's living the Manhattan life to the fullest and never saw "Friends" or "Seinfeld" in prime time!!!!!!   I see Seinfeld repeats all the time but I only watched "friends" a handful of times...understood on the online nonsense, however!!!! you know that people are paying cash to buy cyber furniture to dress up their cyber apartments on social network sites?!   All I could think is I can draw a good there some money in that for me?!??!?  Can you tell 10% of the country has NO job?!??!
  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    The only upshot of spending 2 days on the couch feeling like crap with chemo se's?  GIANTS win the NLDS!!!  (Sorry, just had to get that in. :-)

  • lizzy -- the protocol sheet from the cancer center has me on 24 hours of benadryl.  It starts at 8pm the night before - decadron, benadryl and zantac.  And goes until 8pm the following night.

    I assume that is because you can have an allergic reaction to the Taxol at home and they want to cover the bases.  I'd rather be safe than sorry -- and now it's finally done.  I am glad to be clearer headed this morning.  The benadryl also helps you sleep, although it took a long while before I finally did last night.

    I'm feeling pretty good today.  I'm interested to know what to expect from the Taxol.  I read some horror stories about women having the worst aches and pains in their lives from it on day 3!  I'm sure the nulasta shot won't help that.....I go for that today.  Going to try to go for a walk or a little run this morning before my shot.  

    the beautiful thing is NO NAUSEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   So it's better than the AC in that respect!!!!  I think those anti-nauseas really wipe me out too!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning chemosabes!  My Calphalon pan cleaned up nicely with the boiling water trick ...yeah! 

    Calamtykel- when people are sick, they are naturally hyper vigilant to Ses. It is natural, I guess, but, and more importantly, taking their tales to heart is detrimental especially from a woman who makes bread out of grass, cleaned her entire lawn this past weekend, home schools 4 kids, helped them get by a cold with love and chicken soup while she was on chemo herself, is positive and fun and is looking for the positive in anything. You see, each day when we get up we can either choose to be positive or negative and it is a choice. I know chemo can get the best of us down but I would, in the end, accept the fact that some people, be it by DNA or choice, are intrinsically a bit more negative than others and might LOOK for Ses where there are none. I think for someone like you who is not just waiting to find a SE, should you have one, it will be very clear, quite quick OR it will be mild and blend in with other stuff. Don't expect a bad time of it...several of us have been on taxol and taxotere for a while now and we are ok...or so we think!! I forgot about the benadryl pre-tx. I forget a lot of things these days but never did the remote make it back in the fridge!

    Lisasinglem: it is HOT in San Fran today! I was just watching Headline News and they showed the most beautiful early morning shot of the bay. So beautiful. Nice job on the Giants in the NLDS! I love October baseball.

    I am slowly emerging from that nasty 8 days following tx.  It feels so good to come out and to know I only have to do this 4 more times and the next one is the 1/2 way point!

    Have a good day, girls-

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Very well said Lizzy! I do believe Calamity should just have a permanat cape because she is just that AWESOME!!!! lol :) truly you are Kel and i am not embelishing!!!

    Whoop whoop Lisa- maybe you being on the sofa was their good luck charm!!!

  • Well, I'm 24 hours out of taxol and hanging tough - just got my neulasta shot and took my 14 year old for some new clothes at walmart on the way.  It felt so good to get out after being sequestered for so long with this cold.  I figure now that I'm on antbiotics for the mysterious congestion that comes and goes, I can at least try to venture among the living a bit!  Mom has the rest of my kids and I'm really starting to miss them.  Since we didn't know what the taxol would be like, she was going to keep them until tomorrow am--I'm sort of wishing they were home now, but whatever they want to do is fine. 

    I'm still all red from the decadron but I think I'm starting to come down off it now - I am more tired than this morning, but at least I got stuff done.  Today in the car my 14 year old asked me about the different stages of BC and what was a stage 4, etc.  I talked to her truthfully - since she has already heard me talking to the doctor about it, etc.  We talked about living life - and living it in fear and dread and making decisions to trust God in whatever the outcome is.  

    Lizzy - you're right.  I shouldn't be "looking" for SE's and expecting the worst.  Some of the SE's with the AC I never even got after dreading them so much.  

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Kel - Good for you for talking to your daughter honestly.  That must be hard, because she is probably scared too, but the truth is always the best way to go.  And to hear it from mom is also the best way to go.  Hope the Taxol se's are minimal!