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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    I think that Sweeney and TexasRose should get capes this week.  Texas for getting improving scans - YAY.  And Sweeney for FINISHING HER CHEMO!!!  (Are you the first on the board to finish?  Congratulations!)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Roids!  They have me the rest of you have sleep issues when on roids?!  I can't remember.... famous last words these days!

    The Finish Line: I believe Michelle1014 and Sptmm62 were the first ones to finish.   They were July starts that joined our thread.  I believe Sweeney is #3. 

    Capes: I agree with Lisasinglem and I also think Wherria and Rachel deserve them for their "marathon" involvements as do you, Lisasinglem, for being the most dedicated career artisan on chemo! 

    Middle of the night musings: How does Elliot Spitzer's grotesque behavior and idle misuse of state's funds for trysts with a hooker land him a SHOW on CNN?!   You cannot believe this guy when it came to Wall St and how he was going to save the world from the devil hopyard he felt it had become and there he was behaving in such a nefarious was all so disingenuous especially to those who knew of him and his reputation.   Now, low and behold, he has a commanding presence on CNN, albeit in the wee hours.   Alas I guess we must forgive and forget as his was not such a high crime but based on the golden boy he portrayed himself to be, it was a bit of a farcical fall from grace when he got snagged!  It was kind of funny.....!

    Hopefully I can get a few more hours of sleep....tomorrow is roid crash day...yeah!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Onemonga, a retirement idea is to make sure neither of you makes it your job to approve the others work or results. Seriously, this will make a real difference.

     Texas, great news on your test results. 

    Sweeny your son just made me cry happy  tears. How sweet he is. 

    Calamity, weren't you just down sick? Sprouted bread. Now that is a picture isn't it, sprouted bread. Sort of like Chia bread!  Hah

    My cold is breaking up a bit. It has taken me over two weeks, it must be that I am about 30 + years older than a lot of you.  Or that I had already done 4 rounds of chemo. I start Taxol on Monday of I am well enough. Nervous about that.

    Wherria, I hope you are doing alright. It must be hard with other complicating factors. Just keeping all of these meds straight is difficult for me. 

    Lady in Bama, sorry you are in the hospital, I was wondering if I needed to do that myself. I ALWAYS have low temps, always 97.8 max or even lower sometimes, so when I get 99.9 I wonder if it is a temp or not. The nurse said no it isn't it.I am feeling the cold breaking up but still hurt in the area of bhronchial tubes. I think it is from coughing so hard. Is anyone else peeing themselves. I am keeping Poise pads in business I think.

    Lizzy mack hi! 

     Hugs everyone


  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Good Saturday, everyone.  Since I went through menopause when I was 33 (I say "went," but it really has never ended), I don't think I've slept through an entire night more than three or four times.  I've never been the best sleeper, but I've had night sweats for 6 years now.  I take sleep meds, have tried all different kinds, but nothing knocks me enough to counteract the night sweats.  Three or four times a night I have to get up and go downstairs and stand in front of the freezer until I'm cool enough to try and sleep again.  But last night I guess I was so utterly exhausted from WAY overdoing it yesterday that I fell asleep at 9:00 and didn't wake up until 4:00.  That's the best night's sleep I've had in years!  Yes it sucks being up at 4:00 a.m. on a Saturday, especially since I know my dh worked a late night last night and probably won't be up until about 10:00, but hey, I slept! It may not seem like much, but it's pretty darn good for me! And the best part is that when I did wake up at 4, I wasn't even sweaty!  That was an enormous treat!

    LadyinBama: I am so sorry to hear that you're in the hospital, especially on your anniversary. (HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BTW!), but I'm very glad that you're being taken care of so this thing doesn't get out of control.  I think you and dh should plan a 1 1/2 year anniversary.

    Zenith: Sorry you've been feeling so poorly, but I'm glad things started to look up.  Good going colleagues!

    Sweeney: Congratulations on NO MORE CHEMO!!!!!! I'm glad you just happened to drop that little detail! :)  Also, can I borrow your son for a few days????  I promise to return him!

    Gingerbrew: My heart just aches for you and how bad you've been feeling.  Want me to come over with my shop vac and suck all that congestion out of you?

    TexasRose:  HOOOORRRAAAY for those scans and the Incredible Shrinking Tumors!  I am so happy for you.  You are an inspiration to me!  18 months my ass!

    Onemonga: Good luck with your newly retired hubby.  I have forgotten, are you working?

    Jsw19: Ouch! sorry about the lousy chemo experience! I hope they do better next time.  Also, one trick, if you didn't know, is drink lots of water right before your Tx. It helps plump up the veins.

    Calamtykel: I too am amazed. If you handed me a bag of wheat grains I wouldn't know whether to grind them under my shoe or make little bean bag animals out of them.  You should write a cookbook!

    Lizzy: Thanks for remembering about my appointment (are you sure you have chemo brain??). It went well. My doc did an ultrasound and said that what's happening is that I have a major chemo-induced inflammatory process going on with all my innards, essentially, and all the inflammation is causing my uterus to be smooshed over.  So no tumors!  And thanks for the cape.  To tell you the truth, this week has been one of those weeks when I felt like I really did earn it.


  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Okay, so everybody seems to be moving in the same direction regarding a) being more honest about how we're feeling, and b) losing tolerance/patience for ass-headed comments, stupid, even selfish expectations people have of cancer patients, etc., so let me just get this off my chest.

    My very close friend whom I see almost every day, who has been very involved with my cancer career, from reading about it, talking about it, to going to doctor appt.'s -- all of which makes me very grateful -- is driving me crazy with this one little thing.  Keep in mind I'm venting here. I've been very committed throughout this whole thing not to complain too much.  And I don't mean that in a martyrish way.  I'm not trying to just keep a smile on my face to make people think that I'm some kind of Cancer Superwoman, or to pretend that this isn't hard.  I try to stay positive when I talk to people for a few reasons.  One, I think that the more positive I can be on the outside (as long as it is genuine), the more positive I will be on the inside. Two, even though this is very hard, and my body is traumatized, sick, and hurting in two dozen different ways, I know that, big picture, compared to what it could be, it's not THAT horrible, and if I talk about it like it is, then I will start to feel and act like it is.  I know I feel crappy, but I don't want to create this world in my head wherein this crappiness is the worst crappiness ever, and no one has ever felt this bad... You know what I mean.  I don't want the sickness to take over -- in how I feel about my life, how I feel about others, what I feel I am capable of, etc. So my goal has been to be honest, but in a humble and positive way that both does justice to what I'm feeling and recognizes and affirms all that I have to be grateful for, including the strength I have to get through this.  Okay, that said... As the chemo has taken its toll, and my body has had its occasional ups and frequent downs, when my friend calls and asks how I'm doing, I have to say, more and more "I'm not feeling very well" or something like it.  No big deal right?  My friend, who has been through this with me every step of the way should understand that cancer and chemo make you feel unwell.  And she does understand that. I know she does.  But she ALWAYS responds with, "Why? What's the matter?"  Now, understand, it's not with a tone in her voice like, "Uh-oh, something's wrong or worse" or anything like that.  Her tone has this lilt to it, like "Why whatever could you mean?" I know it's just a thing she says.  I know she knows I am sick.  But it is so confounding and irritating, to have to tell her EVERY time she asks how I'm doing, WHY I don't feel well.  Okay, I could go on, but I think you get the picture.  Basically, when she does this, I want to grab her by the neck and shake her and scream, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT'S WRONG??? I HAVE CANCER, REMEMBER??  I'M IN CHEMO!! REMEMBER THAT FROM OUR LAST CONVERSATION???? AND MY BODY IS UNDER ATTACK, AND IT MAKES ME NOT FEEL WELL!!! DO YOU GET IT???"

    Whew! That felt good.  Thanks.

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Sorry for yet another post but, if your fingernails feel like they've been smashed with a hammer and are dark red, does that mean they're going to fall off? Anybody know? Anybody having this?

    Also, two quotes for the day:

    "Ain't no tragedy. Sounds like life to me." Darryl Worley

    "I get up in the morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time.  Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult." E.B. White 

  • Lizzy - "ground up grass"  ROTFL!!!!!!    It sounds so funny!!  when you sprout wheat you just use it when it's barely sprouted so it's not really wheat grass.  I've never done it before but the heath stores are full of "sprouted grain" bread - supposedly the vitamin content is increased and I wanted to see what it was like.  LIke I said, not sure I did it right but it was SURE good!   RIght now I'm sprouting broccoli.  It's good in salads- very spicy like radishes or mustard.  I used to sprout stuff a few years ago when I had lyme and wanted the extra vitamins but I fell away from it.  Now I figure there's no better time to try to start it again!

    Yes, I miss gardening.  One year I grew a TON of sweet potatoes - they were so much fun to dig in the fall after the frost - we brought in big wagon fulls.  The kids loved it.  They were nothing like the store kind - they were almost red their color was so deep.  And some of them were huge!  Like a foot long!  We ate sweet potatoes until they came out our ears!  One year I did watermelon and canteloupe -- that was awesome.  I didn't do a garden this year.  I think God was just telling me "no" come April and it was a good thing because in May this whole fiasco started with the BC.  

    Wheatgrass:  is supposed to be molecularly nearly identical to hemoglobin.  I figure it can hurt to throw it into some juice in the blender since my RBC counts have been on the low end.  Don't know if it's helping but it makes me feel really good.  :0) 

    By the way, there have been studies done on beet juice with adriamyacin with mice.  The beet juice was shown to offset some of the chemo symptoms and also was shown to enhance the effects of the chemo on the tumors.  Beet juice is something I've always liked and I think it helped me with this cold.

    I think I've finally gotten over it.  Slept 8 hours solid last night -no coughing and hoping for the best today.  All this before the beginning of the major drugs tomorrow night -decadron, benadryl et al before taxol on Monday.   Ask me if I'm totally petrified!!! =:O

    Well, I'm still laying low - not venturing out today or tomorrow  except for dropping three orders at the post office, for fear of picking up something else while I'm just getting over this cold.  Hoping to clean some today, work on my online stores and maybe some more baking...................

    Hope everyone has a good, and free-of-thinking-about-cancer-even-temporarily Saturday!

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Good morning gals!  Thanks for the input on a port, calamtykel.  I had read other women also say that the port surgery/healing was worse than the breast surgery and that is a big part of why I didn't want to get one!  And wherria you are right about the water.  The day before my first two treatments I drank a lot of water and I realized the night before this one that I didn't have as much as usual.  When my nurse was talking with me about the port issue she did say that I seemed a bit dehydrated and that was probably part of the problem, plus my hands were cold so they had me run my hand and arm under hot water before the third try.  So for next time I will be extra sure to drink lots of water the day before and to warm up my hand in advance.

    So far (knock on wood) the marinol seems to really be helping.  I am only having occasional nausea instead of constant.  My appetite is also better, not what it usually is but better than what it has been after previous treatments.  I always seem to get the worst of the dry mouth right after treatment and it lasts a few days.  It makes it hard to eat things that don't have some liquid to them so I mostly eat soups, cereal with milk, and macaroni and cheese and of course lots of boost and smoothies.  

    Oh, and Lizzy, about sleep issues and steroids - I only get steroids in my pre-meds at the onc's office.  At my first treatment they gave me 8mg of Decadron (on a Friday) and then I had a really hard time sleeping, even with sleep meds, from Sunday through Wednesday nights.  At my second treatment they cut me back to 4mg of Decadron and I just had trouble sleeping on Sunday and Monday nights.  I got 4mg again this time so I'm anticipating more sleep trouble in the next couple of days.  I also feel more restless for a couple of days, where I find it hard to sit still and my heart feels fluttery.  According to my onc's office I am more sensitive to the steroids than most people. I am doing Abraxane for the second half of my treatment and I have heard that people don't need to take steroids with Abraxane.  So I am hoping that after my last AC in 3 weeks I will also be done with the steroids!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I had a  port right from the start. I had no problems other than it feeling uncomfortable if I was laying on my side. Having a port has meant I didnt need to deal with blown out veins or pain during infusion. I am sad to hear that anyone has pain with a port it isn't meant to be that way and I wonder if there is a problem that has been overlooked and should be corrected.

    I have the techs use lidocaine every time before the blood draw the day of my i nfusion. That is it, done, no more pricks that day. 

    Again I am so sorry anyone has any trouble with their port.  It is to make it easier not more difficult. I have had a blown vein with an IV and don't want that again if I can help it.

    The placement, I was in a sort of twilight sleep because I had to be awakened to take and hold a big breath. That is all I remember, being told to breath in and hold it. I awakened feeling fine all that day. It was nothing compared to the breast surgery and especially the lymph node proceedure to find the certain node. I forget the name of it but that was a serious problem for me as I had a brutal radiologist who used no pain killer.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    wherria-  here is the Illinois gang...

    BCO Luncheon-October 8, 2010

    left to right, Joan, Wendyk13, LauraGTO, NavyMom, MakMak, Smerf, Carolyn, BlackJack

    Front row, Elf with her shoes, Onward, Adey 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning chemosabes!   I hope you are all well todayLaughing 

    Wherria: chemo brain--touch and go! Not full-blown and at least not yet...and not that I know! I just remembered you had the appt and I wanted to know how it went. As for your friend, I am reminded of the famous line from "A Few Good Men" where Jack Nicholson delivers the now infamous "you can't handle the truth." I firmly believe, when it comes to cancer and talking about all we are going through, we really have each other as people that are not "pathing" with us have no clue. I think it scares a lot of people also and more than they want to admit. As for your friend with the never-ending, over-use of "why," preface every response with what you are going through. Act like she has chemo brain and you have to bring her up to speed each time. Tell her "well, I am on chemo being treated for bc so I feel ___" and then when/if she says "why" you can now ask "why I have bc, why I am on chemo, why I don't feel well....which *why*?!" Girl interrupted, my friend!!!! I do hope you get to the marathon today. Don't stay too long if the weather is icky, however.

    Speaking of last nerves, I never knew my nerve-satchel had just one left until the other night, in Macy's, a 70ish woman, drenched in fragrance with her plastic boobs on full display (for who I don't know?!) got way too close to me and I was getting bananas. She did not mean anything by it but I don't like people getting too close anyway. Finally I asked her if she could step back and she was offended. Too bad! I have to get everything I need before I go to chemo so I don't have to even go out for a week.

    Ginger: I think it was the sentinel node and I cannot believe they had NO anesthesia. On the port, I have lidocaine they prescribed and I apply it 1 hour before I go to chemo so I never feel anything. It really helps a lot. I am happy the port is in because I really did not want them accessing my veins from my arm especially with pain, complications and the potential for spills. I was numbed but not twilighted during the insertion. It was a comfortable process. I can't complain.

    JSW: I am so dense these days!!!!! A lot of the reason my sleep is interrupted, aside from those yummy steroids (!), is the constant drinking of Gatorade and water! I am up all night in and out of the bathroom because I want to stay very hydrated. Does anyone else drink Gatorade? I am still with you on the Boost also. I have one with my pills each morning and I think it is a huge benefit toward getting stuff in me and added protein. I am glad your nausea is more controlled. Thankfully, and so far, nausea has not been an issue but I do have others! My nurse told me they give me 3 meds to shut down all avenues of nausea and that is why I am not having that particular SE.

    Calamtykel: You have just been promoted to resident microbiologist!!!! The molecular structure of wheatgrass is similar to hemoglobin! I love it! I also love sweet potatoes and that sounds like quite a harvest. My neighbors have a robust garden and although I used to help my mom in the garden, I never really developed an interest myself. I might try something next year. Thanks for the beet juice info. I am not a fan but could become if it will help. Good luck with taxol on Monday. It is easier getting them separate? How long do you have to be there for just taxol?

    Neulasta: there is an advertisement/blurb on the homepage regarding SE and a few key points on neulasta on the homepage for this site.

    Adey: that is a nice pic. Thanks for sharing. You are going on Monday again, right? Is that your group of nurses at the center or is it a local bc group? You all look fabWink

    It is so nice in CT today but I am so wiped out from my lack of sleep last night and my impending roid crash, I am looking forward to some shut eye!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Good morning ladies, I have something new going on, I feel swollen up with fluid. I don't know whether to call the onc. for this or not, it is uncomfortable.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Very nice pic Adey!

    Wherria- thats what i said "18 months my ass!" wanted to chime in about your friend- i would just say same ol' same ol', and skip trying to "clue her in" every time you talk- i have ppl in my life like that too! About the nails my moons are half way up most my fingers and they are darker pink, not red... no pain tho- is this how your symptoms started?

    jsw19- Whop whoop for miranol (just a tidbit- that is what was said to have killed bruce lee, an OD on miranol)

    Speaking of bruce, Gingerbrew have you have been to his gravesite? He is burried in WA (seattle i believe)

    Well i am off to the store to re-run some errands (i need my sons birht certific and he wasnt born in tx so i have to jumpo through hoops, i had to send a photo cpy of my DL and sign some paper work, i got an email saying the signatures dont match! LOL so they need me to re-sign, refax!) Also picking up mucinex!

    EDITed to say Iowa- i would tell my oncologist any and all symptoms i have just in case ;)


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Yep, my second tx is Monday.  Damn.  I'm feeling so very good right now!  (c:  Oh well, I know there is an up at the end of the down.  Enjoy this lovely weekend.

    Oh, and the picture is some of the ladies from the "illinois" thread.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Sweeney----CONGRATULATIONS ON FINISHING CHEMO--sadly, I feel a little jealous Wink

    I am feeling a little better--the cough is starting to break up and at least stuff is not coming out (oh so glam!). I had a great sleep last night--granted assisted by the cough medicine that my Oncologist suggested yesterday. My temps are always quite low--so when they start climbing--I start getting worried because I DO NOT want to go back to emerg!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! The sun is shining here in Canada---Thanksgiving is here and although I won't be celebrating with turkey or big dinner parties--I will spend the day with my boys...sounds good to me.

  • Elizabeth27
    Elizabeth27 Member Posts: 21

    Hi All,

    Iowa, definitely call your onc right away if you are all swollen. My onc said something helpful this week, which is that we all deserve cadillac care right now, and not to use the same standards in deciding whether to call the doctor that we would use when we are "regular" patients. Cancer patients are more vulnerable, and don't need to worry about calling the doctor. Just do it, if you are worried.

    Lizzy, shouldn't your onc give you some sleep meds? You need your rest. I am getting extra roids because of my weird allergy issues so they gave me some Ambien and it really helps.

    A word of admiration to the mothers of young children. I love your parenting stories and how well you are handling all those hard conversations and embarassing moments with your kids. I have no idea how you are handling all the SEs and fatigue and still taking care of a young family. My kids are 17 and 21. I don't know how I would have managed if they were younger. of course keeping after my son to do his college applications is a hassle, but I can do it form the couch. For those who were looking for easy family friendly recipes. Martha's Stewart's Everyday Food magazine has a website. If you google Everyday food it comes up, and they have reasonable easy, healthy recipes.

    My treat for this week. They have decided I am allergic to taxotere, which is then making me allergic to other things(like wig hair). One choice is to start over on AC (no thanks!) or do a slow densitization infusion over six hours, with one on one nursing, I guess to make sure I keep breathing. I think they start out with very dilute solution, give a little, wait a while, then give a slightly more concentrated amount etc. of course this also involves LOTS of steroids.  Apparently they have been doing this for a while at Dana Farber with success. So I go in at 7AM on Friday for basically the whole day. 

    I get the sense that people are getting more worn down and weary. As my onc always signs off "Hang in There" we are getting closer.

    I send congrats to those who are done, and encouragement to all who are getting closer every day.


  • kimmie68
    kimmie68 Member Posts: 35

    Wow.. remind me next time never to miss so many days of reading over our thread.  Im still trying to catch up.

    Last chemo AC was Thursday... woots woots!!!!   3rd one kicked my butt in tiredness, but otherwise the SE's were much better than before.  I had some heart palps and dizziness with #4, they had to slow down the drip and the push for the AC.  I have noticed that because they slowed it down, my SE's havent been as bad as before.  Kinda makes me wonder.

    I start Herceptin on October 25th.  Unless my muga (Oct. 21) comes back different from the others. 

    Have also an appt with the rad onc on the 21st, to discuss my options.  They are recommending the radiation, but I really dont wanna do it.  I wanna know the whys to it all.  One LN positive, and it was encapsulated, and taken out during surgery.  I hope they can give me good reasons. 

    One thing I do remember with all the reading I have done is the post by Sweeney, about listening to the body and such.  I had gone and had my normal routine female appt in 2007, she had put in a mammo for me at the same time.  She didnt feel any lumps then, but then again she may not have been able to with my dense breasts.  As it turned out this was the same year that all hell broke loose in my house with my now EX.  So I never made it to my appt for the mammo.  It makes me wonder if they would have found something then.  I try not to beat myself up about it.  They had told me with the size of my lumps that it had been there for a while... what is a while?  Anyways, we can play these what if games all the time if we want.

    I hope u guys have a good weekend.  Gonna go finish reading the posts.

    Hugs to all. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello chemosabes!  Here we the trenches!    

    Elizabeth27: how did they "decide" you were allergic to taxotere? My breathing is affected when I do some things that would normally not have me huffing. I almost feel like I smoke when I am trying to do some basic things. Is this what was happening to you? For me it does seem to abate after the steroids but as this is just tx #2, and if this breathlessness is a taxotere SE, it is supposed to get worse with each tx. As of #3 I am only ½ way through so I am curious as to how far along you are, what caused them to decide you are allergic and what you were feeling also. An SE is just that but I don't want to be stuck with some breathing issue post chemo. On the sleep meds, I am going to skip it as I am only on roids for 5 days. I am afraid also with ambien (and the like) because they depress breathing and I am having enough concerns about that now. My breathing is totally fine when I am sedentary and if I ride my recumbent bike slowly, at a low resistance, I am ok but it is more like what everyone else here said with inclines and hills. I have incline on my tread and am thinking I need to condition myself rather than give in to this. So much to think about.

    Iowa: swelling is one of the things I believe you are supposed to call the onc about. In fact, I just checked my sheet and it is. You should call and at least let someone know.

    Kimmie: they talked to me (and a bunch of us on this thread I believe) about rads. I, like you, don't really want to do it but, unlike you, my sentinel was not encapsulated and I had 2 nodes affected. The bc had totally taken over my sentinel and there was no trace of node was all bc. It also appears to have leaked into surrounding tissue. Who knows on the rads...I am not too happy about having to do both. I have not gone to an onc rad about that yet. I am not convinced I want to do it.

    Rachel: you sound like you have a lovely Thanksgiving day planned and it is the best kind: with your kids in your home. That is the way it should beWink As I keep whining, I was supposed to travel this year but will be staying at home also. I don't want any infections etc... through this coming holiday stretch and I won't finish until Dec 28!!! I was looking forward to going to see my good friend in Tennessee but alas I must sit still. I hope you had a lovely day.

    Wherria: did you go to the marathon? I hope you are feeling a little better now also. It is tough to deal with all that we are going through and the others around us. Truly a time of "less is more" when it comes to company!!

    I hope you are all doing well. I seem to be roid crashing but not too badly.

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Well, Ladies, I had to cancel yet another show.  I'm just feeling so weak today, that I am on the couch.  I think this is part of the "cumulative" bit.  Now, I'm feeling bad on day 3, too.  The show closes next week, and I am ready for it to be over. :-(

  • Elizabeth27
    Elizabeth27 Member Posts: 21

    Lizzy, They decided that I was allergic to taxotere because at the beginning of my second treatment (which is a 2nd exposure, as with a food allergy the 2nd exposure is when you react) my throat got very tight, I had trouble breathing and got very flushed. They were able to continue the infusion after giving me lots of IV steroids and benedryl. I have been breaking out in hives intermitently since the infusion so the allergist thinks the taxotere sent my immune system into overdrive and that another infusion would be "dangerous" without the desensitization. It was either that or start over again with other agents. No thanks.

    I think that many people here talk about being more easily winded. I think an actual allergy would present more dramatically, but it is worth asking the onc about as the allergist says that 10% of people have reactions to taxotere. Seems pretty high.

    Wherria, did you make it to the marathon. It was a beautiful day. Hope that you did. 

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194
    Hi everyone.  Have I mentioned yet that CANCER SUCKS!!!!  Today is the marathon (not yesterday), and no, I can't go.  Yesterday morning I started getting sick.  Sore throat, burning eyes, green stuff coming out my nose (sorry), stuffed up ears, swollen glands.  AAAAARRRGGGHHHH!  I got up at 3:00 this morning just in case, maybe, miraculously, it might have gone away, but no such luck.  I'm crushed.  I was really counting on this. Sigh. Right this minute is when I'm supposed to be checking in at the volunteer station. But I'm telling myself that I'm not because I want to at least be smart enough not to get myself in a big mess and wind up not being around next year to run in the damn thing!
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Green stuff, call the Doctor. Green stuff is what they keep asking me about and telling me to call right away because an infection can get away with us all too quickly. Frown

    Green stuff is bad stuff.

    Ba dump dumity dump.(that was one of those funny comedians drum rolls)

     It is suposed to be pretty warm there today isn't it?  I know you want to go and I agree this all sucks big time!


  • Sorry wher - that truly sucks!  Being sick on chemo is SO depressing!   Green at the very beginning of a cold isn't always something to be concerned with but it can't hurt to call your doctor anyway and see what they say. 
    I feel like I lost my whole good week to that darned cold.  I'm better now except for an occasional cough and I really want to go shopping today but I'm afraid to be in public now because I don't want to catch something else while my immune system is down.

    All four kids have it but I have a 12 year old who's insisting that he's okay for Sunday School and that he wants to go.  He's about five days out of this so I guess I'll drop him off.  Then have to pick up the goodies for the taxol tomorrow - prilosec and more benadryl.

    I'm so scared - I'm as scared as I was for my first AC.  I keep hearing these stories about allergic reactions!

  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    Wherria - So sorry about the marathon.  This cancer thing does suck.  Good decision to not go though.  Get yourself better.

    Calamtykel - Good luck tomorrow.  Fear of the unknown stinks and I remember how worried I was my first chemo too...can't imagine having to go through that twice.  Will be sending you positive thoughts and prayers.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning chemosabes! 

    Wherria: say it is not so?  I am so sorry you have gotten to this point with this cold plaguing you.  I am sorry you are missing the marathon.   Question: you strike me as the type of person that might watch the "talking heads" on Sunday morning and, in particular, "This Week" with Christiane I correct?  If so, please tell me you were watching this morning when she was questioning Linda McMahon, the storied WWE baroness (!), about the way women are treated in her entertainment world?  It was unbelievable that McMahon basically stared Amanpour in the face and said she is "proud" of a woman being asked to get on all fours and bark like a dog by none other than her husband.  Blumenthal is a well-respected Attorney General and I can't believe he has to deal with this money maven.  She is scary and really trying to buy herself an election.  Enough on politics!

    Elizabeth27: I learn so much on this thread as I had no idea 2nd exposure is when an allergic reaction would show.  Thanks for that.   I do believe the breathlessness upon exertion is a general SE and something that I will just have to deal with.  Thanks for the info, however, as I appreciate it.  I hope you do better going forward.

    Heat: it is 52 degrees in my house this morning and I should put the heat on to get the chill out but my heat is super-efficient and therefore the house will get like a sauna.  I kind of like the cool air but secretly fear I am going to putting my (wounded by chemo) body in harm's way by not warming it up a bit. 

    Ginger, Calamtykel, Wherria and Lisasinglem: may your colds go away and stay away.  Calamtykel- I give you a lot of credit for being able to get over it yourself with 4 kids who have it hanging on.  That wheat grass must be wayyyy powerful!!

    Lisasinglem: I know it is hard not to go and I hate the fact that I can't go and do also.  We all do.  I know it is not much but a reminder nonetheless that you are not alone. eye twitching....ugh! 

    I can't wait to decorate for Christmas!  I am really looking forward to it.  I think I will go get my stuff organized in the basement today  :)

    Good day, girls!

  • Mmahle46
    Mmahle46 Member Posts: 44

    Hi Y'all!

    Haven't been able to post in awhile....trying to catch up on reading though.  Still in/out of the hospital with my daughter.  Hopefully, they are inducing the baby on the 15th!  Between that and working its about all I can do right now.

    Finished my LAST FEC tx Friday!!!!  Onto Taxotere/Hercep in 3 weeks.   

    Hope all is well with everyone. :o)  Take care of you!

  • happy day!  It's sunny and breezy - my brother stopped this morning and put a new belt on the riding mower and I was able to get a LOT of the jungle around here cut down.  I don't know why this makes me feel so much better - I guess having the entire property out of control was really getting me down -now I feel a bit more in control that it's mowed.  My daughter's out now doing more of it, but I got the worst of it done so at least when people come over they know somebody lives here!

    My sister in law came to - for the record, she has "the cold" too and had it a week before I did and she is still congested with it and coughing - and she isn't even on chemo!  So yes, this is a long lasting cold - she was still wiped out from it also.  I'm covered in grass and leaf clipping so think I'm going to try to take a shower -and then it may be naptime for me! :D

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Today is day 4 of tx. 4.  Bad day - I'm having a hard time just getting up and around. 

    But, I just wanted to say Wherria - I'm so sorry you won't be able to work at the marathon.  My hope is that next year you will be fully functional and healthy to do it!

    Calamtykel - So sorry you have to start a new whole new world of chemo.  I have no doubt that you will get through it with flying colors!

     Twitching - I'm telling ya - twitching everywhere!  My eyes, my legs (thighs and calves) my hands.  Driving me crazy!  (I know, if this were the worst of the se's it wouldn't be so bad, but it is so annoying!)

    I was really disappointed not to go to the show last night, but I think I made the right call.  I was really in no shape to go anywhere last night, and feel worse this morning.

  • Lisa - I had an eye twitch that was driving me crazy after my last chemo.  It stopped and hasn't returned - I didnt' realize that was a SE. 

    Day four sucks -- actually days one two and three do also......  hang in there.  There is light at the end of the tunnel! 

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Wherria- so sorry that you didn't get to go, but rest easy that you made the right decision. I hope your mental state is okay today, post-decision. That's been hard for me, when I say I can't do something and then I second guess myself.

    All- I'm Day 2 past tx and it sucks. Just wanted to report that in. I have a bloated face this time from the steroids I think. I look awful! Has anyone else had bloating?