2010 Sisters



  • TMarina
    TMarina Posts: 297

    Amyjo--GREAT news!! We are dancing with you!

    mjb--these decisions are so hard!  I had a left mx last May and still don't know what I want to do for recon, if anything.  I'm glad you made your decision and are at peace with it!

    Kaz--getting back to "real" life is so exciting!  You have a lot to look forward to!

  • Kaz - congrats on getting back to real life, that will be my goal this summer.

  • Just returned from MO, he feels I am in full remission now.  They don't say cured since my type of cancer has recurrence rate beyond 10 years.  I'm not going to sweat it.  Since I am on femara my recurrence is lowered, I can deal with the SE since they are not bad right now except for the lack of sleep.  He did prescribe me something for that and take Aleve or Advil for joint pains.  He did say to take something else that starts with a g but I am having trouble spelling it.  Now if I can get through Rads and that other surgery, my life can begin again.  See him again in three months, he did say he would check my tumor markers.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Posts: 3,548

    Mjb, I just saw my med onc today also. I was sucked dry by the vampires who took FOUR tubes of blood from me this time.  Sheesh. I am good until April when the one year cancerversary mammo will be.

  • They did take FOUR from me too, had to stick me twice to get it.  March is my one year cancerversary and since I did a bimx, no mammo for me just talk to my ob/gyn and schedule a sonogram. 

  • mjb: Congrats on the good news from the doc. Stay serene!

  • AmyJo what wonderful news - dance, dance, dance!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503

    mjbmiller and Barbara glad your visit went well.  I took the first step today in getting a new MO.  Have not been thrilled with the one I was referred to.  Have met with him three times and just don't feel he is the one for me since this will be a long term relationship.  Got a referal from a good friend who also switched from the same MO, so going to give her's a try.  She has been seeing him for 5 years now and loves him.

  • Sherryc - When I knew I was going to need to see a MO, I asked a friend from church who has BC, and has to be on chemo for life, advise on MO and she gave me her dr. name.  Gave that to BS who was going to refer me to one, she had no problem with him.  I really feel you need to be comfortable with your drs and positve they are doing their best for you.  Dr. Jones refered me to my RO who I found out was the best in the area.  Even my dentist knew of him and he was in a different city and heard good things.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503

    mjbmiller-I love my surgeon and she referrd me to my RO which I Iove him and his staff.  He is the one that referred me to the MO and I just am not crazy about him.  I feel better now that I have made up my mind to find another dr.  I also spoke to my BS about what was bothering me about him and I think she was getting ready to referr someone to him and changed her mind after I told her the things that were bothering me.  She said that since I was stage 1 and not chemo that if I wanted her to do all my follow ups that she could do it and run all my blood work for me and that if she saw something later that needed a MO she would help me find one.  But I decided to go ahead and go with this referall for now.  Once I meet with him I will see how I feel about things.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Posts: 1,262

    mjb -  congtatulations on the good news from the doctor.  

    Sherryc - hope you can find a MO that is right for you.  It makes a world of difference when you have one that you can really talk to and you know is listening and is doing everything possible to make sure you get the best care available.

    I am doing better except that I am really tired most of the time.  I see the PS on Friday for a post-op check up. Then the RO on the 27th to see when the rads will start and how many treatments there will be.

    Hope everyone has a restful evening and a joyous day tomorrow. Amy Jo 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Posts: 3,548

    AJ, I hope the round of rads this time won't be so hard on you as last time. HUGS!

    Two more nights and SAYONARA!

  • Freezing rain in TX today, ikes.  Hope I can get to rads today.  I have gone wigless today.

    BarbaraA good luck on your trip.

  • JenC
    JenC Posts: 186

    Hello ladies.  I have not been on for a while, it has been CRAZY in a good way:)  Just wanted to check in and say that I hope you are are doing well and those of you still on treatment are having few to no SE's. 

  • beccad
    beccad Posts: 189

    MJB, I know about the freezing rain, Just hope I can get home from work today, All of my post chemo meds are there and I will need them to night.  They will put us up in the LQ near work, but I would be a litte barfy, and have to go buy something to sleep in.


  • BarbaraA-  Where are you off to?  Is this your cruise?  Have a wonderful, restful, joyful time!  Sit in the sun and work on your Vitamin D level!

    Weather!  Bah!  What a winter!  We are plummeting into the teens again!  This is getting old!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503

    mjbmiller and beccad-hope the weather is not too bad for you guys.  I don't think we will have the icy weather this for south, but it suppose to get to 28 tonight.

  • It is suppose to hit around 3:00 or 4:00 today.  Right now it is 30 and expected to drop with the snow and ice that is expected.  Tomorrow maybe dicey.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Posts: 3,548

    Yikes, 30 in TX!!! The folks in our Dallas office really aren't used to this much cold weather.

    DesignerMom - yes, up at 4 Saturday, to the airport and off to San Juan. WooHoo!!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Posts: 1,572

    You girls stay safe in this weather.  We got lots a snow, yuck.  I did go to morning BS since Im off from work and I got to spend time with my church sisters.  Atleast I didnt have to drive, whew.

  • beccad
    beccad Posts: 189

    We just don't do icy roads and snow well in Texas.  You mention icy roads and schools and work places start closing.  Unfortunatly I work at a hospital, so I am considered essential services.


  • What a day to stop wearing my wig at work.  Wind chill factor is in the teens.

  • redninrah
    redninrah Posts: 366

    how do you know if the chemo works for those of you who have had the surgery 1st and then the chemo. What if the chemo didnt react to the cancer and its spreading like crazy? Im asking for a full MRI once im done radiation for peace of mind?

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    red - for those of us who had chemo after lumpectomy that is the question. 
  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653

    redninrah I asked my onc that very same question. She said we don't know. Getting an MRI right after chemo/radiation won't show much. They most likely removed all the cancer they could find.

    It's the microscopic stuff they is the issue, if it exists that is. Microscopic stuff doesn't show up on an MRI. This is why they don't automatically do these tests when your done. If a microscopic cell escaped, and actually survived it will have to grow in order for a scan to pick it up. Even fast cases like mine don't grow that fast to show up.

  • annettek
    annettek Posts: 1,160

    BarbA- you poor thing-all that blood! me too yesterday. When will they give you your numbers? I am waiting on my hormonals now...everything else looked good except I have NO VITAMIN D- am on 50,000 two times a week to boost it...no wonder I live in the sun when it is shining...hopefully this will help...doc wants to see if DIM had an effect on my hormones...

  • annettek
    annettek Posts: 1,160

    why in the hell is raining like this in texas...I NEED SUN-that is it- I am coming with you BarbA!

  • Teklya
    Teklya Posts: 362

    I am in icy Winnipeg, MB Canada where today it was -26*C (which in F is like -15) and with the windchill it was like -41C, (which I think is almost the same in F    -41). Brrrrrrrr  I HATE winter.

    #14 today and tomorrow I have a day off as they are servicing my rad machine, (They do preventative maintenance on them on a rotating basis).  So I get a nice long weekedn out of the deal.  I hope to sleep in tomorrow morning (man, I am tired lately) and then meet a friend for brunch and finally get to the mall if I am still able to and feel up to a bit of shopping.

    take good care and just breathe. . . .

    so proud of all of you, you are all just amazing!


  • annettek
    annettek Posts: 1,160

    Teklya- You poor thing! That is bitter cold...I have family in Winnipeg (Dad's family) and we used to go every summer on the way to Alberta (Mom's family) from Michigan  when I was a kid...and they would tell me how darn cold it got in the winter.  Hooray you have a long weekend-your plans sound devine and ambitous....I want to snuggle in and eat stuff:)

    You are right on the money about the breathing....

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    Teklya - Arizona sunshine and warmth going out to you!!  We have it hot hot hot in the summer but the winters are very hospitable.


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