You know youre a cancer patient when....
Badger ain't that true and it's so humbling b/c there is so much to know about ca. AT least we can tell them about here>>>> BCO
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5 minutes ago, edited a minute ago by sas-schatzi sas-schatzi wrote:
New thread on social security questions answered by a lawyer whose wife has BC. Knows his stuff------posting on a bunch of threads---------go to financial forum
Can't make link work without trouble, not up for it.
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YKYACPW you finally realize that the "roller coaster" will never end except with your death.
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So we might as well enjoy the ride!!!
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YKYACPW one DD (N) asks if her sister (R) will be visiting you since if so she will come also. You say, "I'll call R and let you know". You call, she's not coming, you call N back to tell her. The next morning you call N again to tell her R's not coming and apologize for not letting her know sooner.
And you realize once again how wonderful N is when all she says is, "It's OK" because she doesn't want you to feel bad and you find out 2 weeks later that you called twice.
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YKYACPW you overhear your mother telling someone on the phone that you have a quarter of an inch of hair and you yell, in a semi-irritated fashion, "HEY! I have at least a HALF AN INCH!"
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YKYACPW you overhear your DH on the phone telling a buddy you asked him to "rub my head," and you don't get upset that he's telling!
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You let your 11 year old daughter cut and color your hair any color she wants before you shave it off before it falls out from chemo.
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Chava, my daughter cut my hair after I started chemo. She was 10. She loved it.
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You know you are a cancer patient when your shopping list includes prunes and Sennacot tablets.
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:-O Hey, I resemble that remark! I just bought a bottle of prune juice TODAY! LOL
YKYACPW you decide to look up stuff about neutrons and electrons so you can figure out what isotope nickname would suit you.
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YKYACPW, some days you feel you eat more pills than food!!
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YKYACPW your mid-meal snacks are prescription meds!!! 8 pills in the morning and 10 in the evening. Doesn't include the Sennokat.....sigh.
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Okay this is one is for the fungal thread. I had 6 months of thrush. Cleared up in a few days by using powdered probiotics. ____GO see comments. ENT doc recommeneded it b/c all other tx's failed. well tongue is clear. Yeah. Oh yeah the colon is happy too.
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SAS, where does one get that there powdered probiotics? Walmart??? I need a good bowel cleanse....
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When you use the stuffed kitty cat your DH got you for your bilateral mastecomy to cover your chest so your cats don't jump on you. Then 2 years later you use it on your tummy after your hysterectomy!
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Barbe-I get mine from a healthfood store. But there are some many companies producing them It's hard to know who to trust. I've bought through this one place for about 18years. Still be careful and do some research. I just hope what I'm doing keeps going in the right direction---I suppose there is an unintended pun in that statement.
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YKYACPW: you're on the sofa using your laptop thinking your cat is sitting next to you.....then at some point you look down and realize it's not your cat but the wig you pulled off your head when you had a hot flash earlier!
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TheDivineMrsM - loved that one!
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TDMM= that was funny !!!
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LOL Mrs. M!
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That is seriously funny!!! Sounds like something that would have happened to me when I wore a wig.
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YKYACP when you can't fit all the things bc related into your signature! LOL!!!
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Wow Kittycat, you look so different with that hairstyle - hope you don't mind me asking if that is now YOUR hair? It looks fabulous.
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There's no WAY that is your real hair Kitty unless you grow WAY fast!!!! Get a clearer picture without the yellow bulb. If that IS your real hair, holy COW!!! You look mauvelous darling....!
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Thanks girls! Yes, this is my real hair! It started growing back in late September last year. I softened the pic with a yellow hue because my wrinkles were showing in the clearer pic! LOL!!!
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I do look like I have jaundice with the yellow hue!!! LOL!!!
YKYACP when you drop things on the floor from neuropathy, but can't pick them up because you just had a hysterectomy. I'm learning to use my toes to grab things and my DH tells me I'm becoming a monkey! LOL!!!
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But at least you're a hairy monkey. That's good...right???
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YKYACPW you read a funny joke on here about someone's husband having bigger boobs than she does and you immediately turn to your husband and tell him HIS are bigger than YOURs right now and he says 'I've been waiting for you to come up with some kind of smartass comment" lol...having just had the mastectomy a few days ago I am only now getting my sense of humor back; this thread is the BEST.
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LOL! Hairy Monkey!