Wednesday Weigh In



  • PeggySull
    PeggySull Member Posts: 368

    No loss this week but no gain which is good because I overrate over the4th of July holiday. Back to my plan this week. Really hoping to lose 1 pound this week.

    Here's hoping for us all,


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    checking in late but was down .4 on Weds so .1 away from meeting the 6 in 6 challenge.

    I can def do .1 by NEXT Weds LOL.  Then I'm off on vacation, too.  ♥

  • slv58
    slv58 Member Posts: 486

    I'm down .6 lbs today. Should be happy that I didn't gain, but I want more of a payoff for all my hard work! Ok, I know my heart and health are benefitting from my daily exercise, but I want to see that bypassing the foods I want show a drop in weight! Ok, done my rant-now back to my treadmill!

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546

    Hi slv- yay for you for bypassing the treats while in radiation therapy! And working out. Kudos!

    I am trying but still having some of that "self pity eating" going on. They tell us to eat a lot of protein during rads, and to my brain that apparently means Tacos!!

    Still I am holding steady on my plateau, tryng to exercise by walking more, and using my gazelle strider. No loss but no gain this week, so considering the taco-fests (and tortilla chips) this week, I think that is a good thing!!

    Also slv, since muscle weighs more than fat maybe you are just getting your muscle tone back? How are the pants fitting? That might be a better measure!

  • slv58
    slv58 Member Posts: 486

    Sciencegal, thanks for your encouragement, reality check! I've taken initial measurements and unfortunately they are pretty much the same, but my daughter says my face looks slimmer! (Not exactly what I wanted to slim down but ill take what I can get lol) I know we are suppose to "up" the protein while on rads, but I am having a hard time doing that. I try and have a protein smoothie at least 3-4 times a week (not crazy about the heaviness of them) but still find myself short on daily protein. Do you have any recommendations to increase protein?

    I do want to share something that happened to me on mon. because I believe in karma and feel this kindness needs to be acknowledged. When I went to rads, I decided that I would go topless and sport my 1/2 " friar tuck-mostly because of the heat. I was feeling self conscious but it's the new me so I ventured on. After rads I was walking down the hallway and a woman coming towards me, looked at me and said "you look beautiful" I was shocked and smiled at her and she repeated it- I thanked her and I can't tell you how that bit of kindness made me feel so good! I've been looking for a way to pass this forward, but just want to share how a small act can affect someone in a positive way!

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546

    That is a wonderful story but when you said "go topless" I thought at first that you were leaving rads with no shirt!!! Haha. I get you. I think your hair in the avatar looks like a cool punk cut, it IS beautiful. How nice of that woman to point out your beauty.

    As for the protein, I am clearly not a vegetarian so it isnt an issue for me, I have been eating a ton of chicken and fish, and shrimp cocktais.

    But for beef I really just like it in tacos. They would not be bad except for the chips and salsa. oops.

    If your face looks slimmer I would take that as a good sign that you are undergoing remodeling!

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913

    Up 1 lb to 163 - can point to excessive eating and drinking last weekend as the culprit, as I have been exercising.  Weekends are so hard for me, I'm just too social, and have little self control. 

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858

    Down 100 grams. Have to lose more as we're off for vacation on Friday and will be eating in restaurants.

    slv58, a half cup of cottage cheese has about 14 grams of protein. I lived on cottage cheese for a long time.

  • PeggySull
    PeggySull Member Posts: 368

    I am still stuck at 164.4 after breaking the last plateau. The trick I used is not working this time.

    I'm exercising at least an hour daily and most of the time am eating healthy. Anyone please have any ideas for getting down from this plateau? I would be happy to see the scales move down by one pound at this point.



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953

    Down .5 to 130.5. I had a piece of cake at a memorial yesterday. It will catch up by Fri I'm sure.

  • slv58
    slv58 Member Posts: 486

    Heidi, thanks for that, I will pick some up. I've also been eating Greek yogurt and that has 18grams for 3/4 cup, but if I'm suppose to be getting 60 + grams of protein a much do I have to eat?!

    Peggy, you say your exercising an hour a day, are you doing any weights? 5 years ago I decided to get in shape and found myself on a plateau even though I was on the treadmill every day. I decided to try doing some light weight exercises following a DVD and that seemed to help me start loosing weight again. Now if only I had kept it up! I hope to keep my exercising simple so I can commit to it long term.

    To all those who have lost this week-CONGRATS! Keep it up and the rest of us will follow!

  • PeggySull
    PeggySull Member Posts: 368



  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757

    OK, so I know it's Thursday, but I just found this thread and I'm so glad I did. If there hadn't been something like it, I was thinking of starting one. I'll get in sync with Wednesday next week.  I am down 1 lb since last week.Today I weigh 131.5. I am 5'2" and my ideal weight is under 126. It's good to see some of you from the daily exercise and armidex threads here.

    And Sylv, You Go Girl, with the topless look! I've recently started sporting it myself and my son-in-law says I'm "rockin' the Annie Lennox look."

  • slv58
    slv58 Member Posts: 486

    Annie, there is something quite liberating at not "covering up"! I'm just not sure what I will do in Sept. as I drive a school bus and don't want to shock my little ones and I'm not sure how I would explain it without scaring them-any suggestions? I hate the thought of wearing that wig again!

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757

    Slv, my preschool age grandchildren are coming to visit from out of state in a few weeks and they haven't seen me since before BC. I was discussing this with my daughter. The kiddos know that I have "been sick" but am feeling better now. She is going to show them a few "topless" pics that I've posted on FB and talk to them about how my medicine made my hair come out when I was sick, but now that I'm feeling better, my hair is starting to grow like a baby's and that for awhile it will be very short like a boy's. I really think my 4 yr old grandson is going to get a kick out of it.

    My 9 yr old granddaughter was here recently and told me that I looked better and more "normal" than she thought I would. I had a good time joking with her teenaged sisters about how there wasn't much point in wearing mascara to accentuate the approximately 5 lashes I have on each eyelid. And when we were getting ready to go out, the joke was that I would ask them to wait for me, because it would take awhile for me to do my hair. They also laughed when I told them I was excited to see some hair on my legs again.

    This could be a good experience for the little ones that ride your bus. It could help prepare any of them who may have a loved one go through chemo in the future.

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761

    Hi everybody,

    I've been on this thread earlier this year, dropped off, and now I'm motivated to be accountable to you all again - LOL. Have really been struggling to keep my weight under control because I've had DIEP surgery nine weeks ago, and my PS strictly forbade me to do anything during recovery except walking for 12 weeks. So I have been home surrounded by food with no real way to work it off, and weight has crept up to 163 lbs. I have not been over 160 lbs for a very long time, and this is depressing. I have only myself to blame.

    Started wearing a pedometer on Monday, and trying to do 10 000 steps a day. Not as hard as I thought it would be, and it adds up quickly. Will also try the 5-htp suggested by someone here. Have to do something to tame my appetite.

    Pat01, my son is getting married on November 30. I have a brand new boob and a flat tummy, so this is a huge incentive to get into shape, and stay there.

    Will report back on Wednesday.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913

    Liefie - welcome back.  Weddings are wonderful motivators :)  Do you have a dress yet?  I did find once I had my dress I kind of slacked off on the dieting.  I weigh 163 too, so lets together see if we can whittle some of this weight off our bodies!

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761

    Thanks for the welcome, Pat! No, I don't have an outfit yet, but already have shoes - lol - a sexy pair of silver strappy sandals with not-too-high heels that I could not resist. Will put off the shopping until I have dropped a few lbs. Week after next I can start exercising seriously again. Hopefully the lbs will drop off . . .

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757

    Hello Liefie, I'm a newbie. Glad to meet you!

    Three years ago I had reached my goal with Weight Watchers and became a lifetime member. Since then, my mom passed away, I've had BC, and I gained back 20 lbs. I can't blame those events for the weight gain though.

    I lost some weight during chemo, although I wasn't trying to, and I'm now convinced that getting back to my ideal weight and sticking to it is one of the best things I can do to reduce the risk of BC recurrence. Also if I get back to my WW goal weight, I can go back to weekly weigh-ins and meetings without having to pay, so that's my short term goal.

  • slv58
    slv58 Member Posts: 486

    OMG I put on 1.2 lbs! Ok, had a meltdown on sat. and turned to 2 bowls of ice cream =bad way to handle emotions. I will learn! Also missed two days walking because my joints were so sore, guess I really have to stay on top of this before I get frustrated and give up. I will do this- just a glitch. Now 176.6 :(

  • PeggySull
    PeggySull Member Posts: 368

    I added some more weight training, upped my protein and decreased my carbs to FINALLY get off the plateau I've been on for almost a month--lost 2 pounds, very excited!

    Thanks for everyone's help with this!


  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913

    Great Peggy!  Plateaus are a killer.

    No change for me since last week, and no excuses either.  Was hoping to be down a bit before leaving for a short vacation tomorrow, now I wonder if I can even maintain - very little opportunity to exercise this trip, and copious opportunities to overeat and drink.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757

    Down 0.7 - a little over half a lb since last Wed. It's not much, but at least it's in the right direction.

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761

    Hi Annie Lane, glad to meet you too! Any loss is good - congrats!

    Down one pound, and I have been really good this week. Stayed over with friends last weekend, had a birthday party, ate at restaurants, and did not walk much. I stayed away from appetizers, desserts and second helpings.

    This next week will be an interesting challenge. DH and I off to Vancouver today to celebrate my birthday tomorrow. We're planning lots of walking there, and the weather is just glorious here at the moment. Another party on Friday night . . . the good news is that I can go back to the gym next week starting with a yogalates class bright and early Monday morning. Can't wait to get moving again.

  • slv58
    slv58 Member Posts: 486

    Liefie, happy birthday for tomorrow! It's my birthday tomorrow also! I'm not even going to try and be good-this one is worth celebrating big time!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953

    Up 2.5 to 133. As soon as dh goes upstairs I'm going to go thru the trash and see how much salt was in dinner last night. I think probably a lot.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953

    Well, checked the salt which was fine. Guess I was just over eating.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,836

    Sitting in the airport on my way home from a two week vacation? I know already what the scale will say when I get on it tomorrow. Yikes!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Don't worry ruthbru, you will have company from the rest of us.  I'm up but only a little so that's good but need to really get to work.  Just posted on the exercise thread and now feel motivated so here's to dropping some by next week.

    See you all then.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    hi all and welcome Annie and liefie.  This morning was surprised to see no change from the last time I posted here, two weeks ago lol.  I'm setting a goal to lose 10 pounds by Christmas (5 months).  Anyone up for the challenge?