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Australian Sisters



  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited September 2012


    That is all...



  • racy
    racy Member Posts: 976
    edited September 2012

    Oh Trish, what a relief! We all can breathe out with you now I am sure. And you can look forward to the weekend :-).

  • lolalee
    lolalee Member Posts: 164
    edited September 2012

    Hi Trish, so happy to hear the good news.  It was great you were able to be seen so quickly.  I just logged on and started to read from a couple of days ago and my heart was in my mouth until I got to the end of the posts.  So very happy for you!

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited September 2012

    HALELUJAH TRISH  Am so glad for you, wow that is good news.  now you get back and enjoy  yr days again and you will be walking on air as you are working away at your job without that worry on yr shoulders.   Hugs and more hugs, xxx

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422
    edited September 2012


  • Kate60
    Kate60 Member Posts: 523
    edited September 2012

    Well that's just the best news Trish. Good ol fatty cycts - we'll take those any day hey? Maybe one day I'll be able to feel mine - although I think that will be a looong way off for me. Such a huge relief for you Trish, and us too by association!

    First day at the job. Well I'm slightly brain-dead from using my brain again after 10 months, but I know I am going to really love the job. There is so much variety and I have a lot of freedom to manage projects that I might think of presenting. Really the day whizzed by fast.

    Off to have my Herceptin shortly. I really don't want to go out now that I'm home, but oh well.

  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587
    edited September 2012

    Yay, yay, yipee Trish. Great news.

    Glad you had a great first day Kate x 

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited September 2012

    Did my Herceptin today as well Kate. Now home and tucked in bed (yes, already) and hubby is taking care of dinner...

    One more sleep until Brisbane! Any suggestions on what hubby and I should do during the day on Saturday?


  • KelpieAU
    KelpieAU Member Posts: 201
    edited September 2012
    Phew Trish !!!
  • racy
    racy Member Posts: 976
    edited September 2012

    Jenn, stroll over to Southbank which is quite lovely, then you could visit GOMA (Gallery of Modern Art) or the Prada exhibition or standard collection at the other gallery, all at Southbank. Then a trip on Citycat along the river, say from Southbank to St Lucia uni and return or up to Riverside. You can get a bus over to Southbank from Adelaide St or ferry from Riverside or QUT. Eagle Street Pier is good for dinner; Georges Paragon, Cha Cha Char or Il Centro. Plus botanic gardens are lovely and right opposite your hotel.

  • racy
    racy Member Posts: 976
    edited September 2012

    Shopping is in Queen St mall; Myer, DJs, designer stores in Queen's Plaza and Wintergarten on the mall.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2012

    Trish doing a happy dance around my lounge.........DH thinks I've gone Sure is good news!

    Jenn and Kate hoping you are feeling ok after your herceptin.

    My sewing craft area is starting to look like I love it once more........I've found a home for everything so far and I think I can find everything when I need I forget in the mean There is only a couple of boxes left to go through and then my back verandah will be! That's the first time that will happen since I moved here.

    Hope everyone's day was a good one and tomorrow even better!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422
    edited September 2012

    Lyndal, Jenn and Racy - what time are we meeting on Sunday and where? I can be at the Casino at 2 or later if you prefer.

  • racy
    racy Member Posts: 976
    edited September 2012

    There is a tourist information centre in the middle of the mall. They can give directions.

  • racy
    racy Member Posts: 976
    edited September 2012

    Sue, we are meeting around 2.15 I think.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited September 2012

    My understanding is 2.15pm?

    Thanks Racy, I just discovered it's the Brisbane Festival and saw the art gallery exhibition info which looks great. You can get a ticket and tapas combo...


  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422
    edited September 2012

    Ok - 2:15 out the front of the Casino??

  • racy
    racy Member Posts: 976
    edited September 2012

    Jenn, it would be easiest for you and hubby to get a taxi from your hotel over to Southbank. Should only cost $10 - $12.

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited September 2012

    Well I've been having a lovely relaxing night with chocolate lol. A friend rang a while ago and said she'd won a gift voucher for two at a spa with over night accommodation, dinner nd breakfast. She's in Melbourne, but wanted to know if she came up to Canberra would I share with her and have a "girlie" weekend! Sounds delightful, so that was another lovely thing to happen today :-)

    Chrissy, your craft area sounds wonderful, picture?

    Sue,Racy, Jenn and Linda you will all have a great time I'm sure, don't forget the pictures please!

    Kate, I forgot you were starting work, glad you had a good first day.

    Now I'm off to bed, it's been an emotionally tiring day



  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited September 2012

    Kate, i hope you have a great day today on new  job.  enjoy.

    Trish, that girlie weekend  is the best medicen you need, sounds delighful.  spa, yummy,  i bet you had a restful sleep. would of been a big day emotionaly for you.  enjoy your day today.

    Everybody else. linda, Chrissy, Racy,  and every body have a great day, i have more perspective truck drivers to ring, one of them rung me this morning at 6.30am, and they got a text saying , i don't accept phone calls from 8pm til 9am. i was having a lovely sleep and a wonderful dream, bugger him, he ruined it. lol.  one of the drivers we have  had a procedure yesterday, he has been having trouble swolllowing, even mashed  spud and they had to put a dye down his throat yesterday and they have found something so he has to go to wellington to a specalist as they dont know what it is. not sure if is in the throat or further down. so we maybe employing two drivers if its something sinister he has. poor guy, he is a heavy smoker too which would probably agrevate the area. just have to wait and see what happens.

                                                           Cheers everybody

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2012

    Trish I tried to post a happy dance for you but crashed the computer twice!! Anyway was so delighted to read that all was well. Hope Snoppy works.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.

  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587
    edited September 2012

    I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. The weather is gorgeous today, with luck it will be that way for your weekend.

    I went to see the new onc yesterday. He was fantastic, it made me realise I had made a good decision. Although my treatment wouldn't have changed, which I knew, he was fantastic with explanations. I didn't have to drag info out of him, the other onc only answered direct questions and never offered info.

    He is putting my case to a multi-disciplinary team and was surprised this hadn't been done.He thought my margins were a bit small, but hopefully radio got any leftovers.  I am getting a bone scan also.

    Midnight, our family runs 3 trucks with 6 trailers. I know what you mean. We get lots of 3am phone calls, I would love to tell them to p*ss off. 

    I love snoopy's happy dance Alyson. x 

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited September 2012

    Kylie I am so glad that you were happy with the new onc and you are now getting a scan etc.

    Starting to look forward to my weekend. Only I was so enthusiastic about it that I booked hubby and I on a 7am flight out of Sydney tomorrow morning. That means we have to be out the door at 5.15am!!!!!!!!!!

    The art gallery exhibition of Spanish paintings in Brisbane at the moment looks good and you can eat in their cafe and get a glass of spanish wine and tapas as well! I think that might be lunch tomorrrow.

    Feeling my normal "yuck" the day after herceptin. It seems to particularly affect my eyes each time so my slight double-vision and "floaters" are present today.

    Forgot to tell you all that my LVEF came back at 68% the other day. I started at 72% in March before I started Herceptin and it has gone from that to 69% and now 68% so really not much of a drop. I have now done 6 months of Herceptin and so far it looks like my heart will be OK to get through.

    I mentioned to my onc yesterday at my appointment all the news in the past couple of weeks about how herceptin and anthracyclines (which I had one of as part of FEC) combined seem to cause heart failure and that the research is now showing 1 in 5 women at the 5 year time-point are now affected by heart failure. My onc got quite "riled up" - even stuck her hands on her hips and said "I don't believe it. That is rubbish!". I told her I would email the nurse the information which I did yesterday afternoon. I emailed a copy of the actual study that was published in one of the top cancer journals in the world(!) along with a news article about it that was on a medical site I follow that had been peer reviewed by the Associate Professor of Oncology at Harvard University. Not sure what my onc is now going to do with her "disbelief"!

    I found out that the standard cardiac follow-up at my centre (with my onc anyway) who were on herceptin is to do a heart scan 3 monthly then one 3 months after we finish and then NOTHING! I stated in my email that I would want to be proactive and ensure that I have regular cardiac follow-up ongoing in order to catch any signs of problems early.

    So can't wait to finish active treatment and see what I can do about finding a new onc... Mine even told me yesterday that she thought my new hair suited me and it made me look like a lesbian. I've begun to suspect she may be of that inclination so am not sure if that was an insult or or compliment ;-/ 


  • Kate60
    Kate60 Member Posts: 523
    edited September 2012

    Jenn, I have blurry vision today too. It is noticably bad and I keep rubbing them as I just feel like I can't see properly. I didn't realise it was herceptin. I am feeling unusually tired today too. I've just lost my pep. Is that Herceptin too? I haven't really noticed it before. I think I am neck and neck with you as to the number of H treatments. My heart function test was and remains 65%. I have to have another LVEF in about 4 weeks time.

    Onc gave breast the once over yesteray after my ultra sound, and he thinks I have an infection in my left breast. It is much warmer and pinker than the other one and when I took my bra off last night, I could see indentations left where the bra was, not so the right side. So he is probably right. No wonder it's been hurting. He told me to keep an eye on it and if it gets any worse I will need antibiotics.... here we go again.....! He said (and again I'm plain ignorant) that because I had the SNB taken out, I am more susceptible to infections due to poor drainage of the lymph system. I guess after my last chest infection it just lingered around and has settled into what I now know is going to be my weak area.

    Beautiful day over here. I bought two light weight really big urn pots for each side of my front door the other day, but the colour was too dull, so I am now applying a rust effect paint to them. They are changing before my eyes and look fan-tab-u-lous. Who ever said that watching paint dry isn't exciting is wrong!

    I hope everyone has a really lovely weekend and that you Brissy girls don't lead Jenn astray Surprised  xxxxxxx

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited September 2012

    Hi girls

    I don't remember blurry vision with Herceptin, but I do know I got progressively more tired with each H treatment, the last few were hard.  I also got diahorrea towards the end too - but I get diarorrea at the drop of a hat lol.

    I saw my onc today - and he's very happy with me - no wonder, I feel, as Kate put it, fan-tab-u-lous!! lol  He checked my remaining breast (as he does at each visit) and said that if I hadn't had my u/s yesterday he'd be sending me for one, as he could feel the lumps too.  But is happy with what the u/s showed.  I don't have to go back to him for SIX MONTHS!!! YAY!!!

    Jenn - I'd find a new onc too if I were you - she doesn't really sound like she knows enough - and her comment to you - well really!!

    Aly - love, love, love the snoopy dance ((((hugs)))) you are a treasure

    Kylie - glad you were happy with your onc - wonder if we see the same one? Mine is in Canberra Hospital too - but I can't see him travelling to Goulburn somehow lol

    Kate - take care - you have had a big week - first day at work, Herceptin, you need to rest for a little while girl.  Take the antibiotics and be good.  I'm on antibiotics too - my teeth are playing up again *sigh* I don't think it'll be too long before I have another one out.

    Have a great weekend girls - and yes - you girls in Brissy on Sunday behave yourselves.  Hmmm...  then again maybe you shouldn't lol - have a ball.



  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited September 2012

    Kate - YES to the tiredness! I came home last evening after my infusion and crawled right into bed. Managed to stay awake for Tony to bring me dinner and fell asleep before my cup of tea arrived. It must have been only about 7.30pm!!!!

    By late this afternoon I also noticed that the ends of my fingers were numb so I guess the Herceptin is causing some neuropathy :-/


  • racy
    racy Member Posts: 976
    edited September 2012

    Jenn, really? I'm sure your hair will look fine on Sunday.

    Alyson, I am a Snoopy fan :-).

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422
    edited September 2012

    Girls - are we meeting at the restaurant or out the front of the casino?

  • aussie12
    aussie12 Member Posts: 421
    edited September 2012

    Hi all

    I have another cold, took today off work as I felt so crap. Since my surgery in April I have now had 3 colds and 1 throat infection with a very bad flu. For at least the past 4-5 years I've had no flu and only a few minor colds when I used to get a bad flu every year. I think when I had the cancer tumour my body seemed to be able to fight off colds and flus but now it can't. it must mean that all the cancer is gone, I hope. I know it must sound strange but I did think it was strange that I hadn't got any bad flus for ages.

    Maybe the researches need to do a survey too see if others have had the same as me?

    Hope that you all have a good weekend

  • Kate60
    Kate60 Member Posts: 523
    edited September 2012

    Aussie, that's interesting about you having more colds since your surgery than before. Not sure if it was the cancer keeping them at bay, or maybe your lungs are a lot more sensitive since your surgery. I know mine are, and like you (never having anything more than the occassional sniffle) I've had bad bronchitis three times since my surgery in December. They all started out as colds but progressed. My immune system sure isn't what it used to be.Anyway, I hope you get better soon.

    Yesterday when I was having my Herceptin infusion, I was chatting with a newbie having her first chemo - and it was her birthday too poor old thing, anyway I was talking about making sure she takes her emend religiously so as not to get sick, anyway the nurse who was standing between us, told me that FEC and one other chemo (which I can't remember the name of) out of many different chemo drugs (not just for bc) was one of the toughest regimes in terms of the side effects on the body. To cut a long story short, she said that women who hadn't experienced morning sickness during pregnacy didn't get nausea from chemo and women who did suffer morning sickness suffered badly from chemo. She said there had been research done which supported this. Interesting. Anyway, I never had morning sickness when I was pregnant and didn't have the nausea from FEC (well not to a great degree anyway although I did feel really off at times). I'd be interested if to hear if in our little group, those who suffered from nausea also suffered morning sickness, and if never pregnant, sick or not from Chemo.