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Australian Sisters



  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited July 2013

    I don't think there's any danger of that Trish. Aside from the boyfriend she left behind here, there were something like 25 women and 2 men registered for their trip! She was more worried about there being too much estrogen on those buses...


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited July 2013

    Doc was happy with me and we decided not to do any further marker tests as they are absolutely a waste of time, money and my blood as they never move. He doesn't think the discomfort I have in the liver area is anything to worry about and seems to think it more likely to do with the stomach problems so next week Thursday when I have both the colonoscopy and endoscopy done will tell the story.......ho him and life goes DGS and I have arrived home in one piece and have just had an easy frittata for dinner and now it's time to us the old feet up and relax.

    Yes girls, in amongst all that's going on I am taking time out to relax and rest.......I'm keeping in mind I have to be fit for the wedding and for the Sydney trip.

    Love n hugs all. Chrissy

  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587
    edited July 2013

    Hi everyone, I have been busy organising going back to work. Excited but very nervous. Because I have Zoladex implants 4 weekly I have been trying to find a doctor who will do them on Saturdays and not charge double fees. Finally organised it yesterday.

    It is very quiet on here, I hope Midnight is ok, missing her chats. Hugs to all. x

  • Kazzie61
    Kazzie61 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2013

    Yes it is very quiet on here lately....

    Midnight....where are you? X

    Good luck with getting back into work Kylie....what do you do? You've probably said in previous posts but I'll blame chemo brain for not remembering!

    I'm going to lunch today with a group of ladies who also have secondary breast cancer that I've never met before so a bit nerve racking!! No one else has met either so that's not so bad.... It's nice to be around people who 'get it'!!

    Well, here's hoping everyone is ok.....have a nice day lovely ladies.

    Karen xx

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited July 2013

    Hi Kylie, congrats on going back to work!  Where are you going to work?

    Karen - enjoy your lunch :-)

    Chrissy - so long as you have energy for the wedding, and yes - for our get together in Nov lol  Good girl :-)

    Jenn - sounds like your daughter will be safe then lol.

    Not much to report here, just work, work and more work ... sigh.



  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited July 2013

    Hi ladies, just been having lots of problems of late that has been sending my health into Chaotic mess, that dam bussiness, we got shot of the guy who  had  been stealing heaps of freight, the other took  time  off to have a op on his hands and was going to be back this week, and then found he was having to shift house and wanted to use the truck to shift, we said, no as he was not back at work and under insurance, he is not covered and we did not want  just anybody driving it, well in reteliation he goes to doctor and said, his hands are not healed and wants more days off, well my hubby already working every hour God sends,is working just  about round the clock. I look on the phone bill other day and find that the other driver been making 400 bucks of personal phone calls, then the newest of them all, been there six weeks, is turning out to be a little snake in the grass, he thought he had asked for a letter from my hubby for ird dept for earnings and  he had not asked him, but he had asked bil, in the early morning, Bil forgot, as he is busy, he has a one track mind AT 6AM and that is getting out to do the deliverys and  the little brat threatens Hubby with the labour dept, which hubby did not  take kindly to yesterday and said, he did not hear anything about it, later the little swine remembered he had not asked Hubby, it was BIL, they got the letter written, and got it typed up last evening. its been one thing after the other, trying to keep with farm animals, hubby is working til ten at nights feeding out and is so tired as he is up at four. We  are taking on a temp and he is helping Hubby today and hopefully he will take over thursday. i have a very important appointment with thyroid doctor and diabetic speclist, thursday, to which he wants to be with me. my BP was 158/102, blood sugars are 11.8 at nine in the morning, but was  8 yesterday, and then dropping to three, they found blood in my urine other day and i have to  do 3 days collection, i forgot today, has to be the 2nd pea of the morning,, so i have been quite down to it, sorry have not been on here, i do think about you girls alot, my mind has not been with my body latel and i don't like to moan about it all the time. i will be back, hopefully things will settle down.   i am urging them to maybe cut some runs off  or better still say good bye to the trucks, but we do need the income, not the pain the arse drivers that we have. be back soon. love to you all, hugs

  • Kazzie61
    Kazzie61 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2013

    (((Hugs))) sorry to hear so much is going on in your already hectic life...

    I hope it all settles sooner rather than later & good luck with all your tests on Thursday.

    Please let us know how you get on.

    Take care.....Karen xoxox

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2013

    Morning all

    Busy day yesterday.

    Yesterday DD1 handed in her thesis and received the piece of paper saying she had been awarded her DMA - Doctor of Musical Arts.

    Yes I am proud but absolutely exhausted because she then had to pack for a Music conference in Brisbane Australia. She was very tired and as her cousin was house sitting/cat minding she insisted on cleaning the whole house. DD actually has epilepsy and  I was worried about her as she was very stressed so helped by cleaning bathroom, kitchen and vacuuming while she sorted herself out. Hope she gets some time for herself now as this has been three and a half years hard work.

    Must fly I have arranged coffee with a friend shortly - up at Tasca  Chrissie!!!

    HAve a great day.

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited July 2013

    Midnight, it's so good to hear from you - although I'm sorry you are going through so much at the moment.  I hope things settle down for you soon and good luck for Thursday ((((hugs))))

    Aly - congratulations to your DD! What a great achievement.  I got as far as my Lic.Mus.A - for piano which was pretty stressful, she's done really well though. xoxo

    It's going to be another cold foggy day here in Canberra today I think. I'm working from home today as I seem to get so much more done here, as there are no distractions .. there's always at least five different conversations going on around me at work, and when you are writing, it's very hard to keep focussed.  I'm lucky my boss actually likes it when I work from home lol.

    Have a good day all



  • Kazzie61
    Kazzie61 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2013 must be very, very proud of our daughter. Congratulations. We never stop worrying about them do we?'re very lucky you're able to work from home! Although I'm not sure I'd be any good at would be very easy to get distracted with things around the house that need doing!!

    Well I didn't end up going for lunch yesterday.... I got a call from my girlfriend who had leukaemia a few years back & she had a plasma/bone marrow transplant (can't remember which...chemo brain!!) just over a year ago & it's now back! I'm heartbroken for her, to go through all that & then for it to be there's so unfair! She's says I'm the only one who 'gets' what she's going through & she's been such a rock for me, I guess now we'll be supporting each other. F#####g cancer!!!

    Off shopping for a new bedroom suite today....time to upgrade the bedroom...:) :)

    Onc tomorrow.....always nerve racking!!!

    Take care.

    Karen xxx

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited July 2013

    Hi goils!  Wow everyone has so much going on......but I guess that's a good thing.

    Annette nice to see you posting but can now understand why you weren't......oh my!  I sure do hope you DH and BIL get things sorted so you can all relax a little.  Good luck on Thursday!

    Congrats Aly!  Well done to DD!  That's a huge amount of work for her to have gotten through and as you say, hopefully now she will have some me time.  Mmm  that's a really good coffee shop and I can't wait to come see you and go there again.  There have been some super cheap air fares to Auckland of late but just can't squeeze the time in as the wedding day is getting closer and closer all the time but I'll keep watching!

    Trish it's good that your boss likes your productiveness when you work at home, that means you can do it more  

    Today is a stunner here, the air is very cool but the sun is out and if you can find a sheltered spot, very it! GS is enjoying his relax time with Oma and Opa and is enjoying his pancakes each morning for his breakfast........I only make them when one or more of the boys are here and for some reason they and bacon and eggs are the only things requested from the breakfast  Not getting much crocheting done but I guess I can make up for it next week.

    Have a great day all!

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited July 2013

    Wow, must be a bad accident  out bil way, 3  ambos just gone out, and not touching the tarseal, it is wet and crap, so  it is a be careful day here, it is obviously one with alot of injuries, by the way they heading, and now two more cops. yep a bad one.

    Aly, what a proud mum you must be, congrats to you all and her for you the success she has achieved.

    Ladies, thanks for your concern. i fel abit happier today, we employed a temp to do run that hubby has been doing,  we did not even conduct a normal interview, just went hubby yesterday and  hubby got to talk and see how he did the job and was confident to let him do it himself today, maybe our answer to prayer, we have conducted flash interviews and all the ones we have employed, have turned out to be brats. he seems to be ok by himself and enjoying it, said, its so nice to be in a truck. he knows the area well and another one that we do as well and possibly another, so he could come a member of our team, fill in for these other no hopers at the moment, the kindygarden kids. they  having a meeting when other gets back after his sick leave, to address a few things.

    Karen, good  for you and good luck for onc, tomorrow.

    Anybody else, hope you ok.  thinking of you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2013

    Thank you so much for the Birthday wishes.

    I have had the most wonderful time with my girlfriends. Can't remember laughing so much for a long time.

    These are friends of over 40 years, so we've been through everything together.

    I am so glad to see Annette back, but so sorry to hear of your health issues and the terrible time you are having with staff. All that stress is surely taking a toll. I wish you all the best trying to sort out these blokes.

    All the best to everyone!

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited July 2013

    Karen, so sorry to hear about your friend, yes f___ing cancer - it sucks.

    Did you get a bedroom suite?  We bought one recently for the new house.  I was surprised at how hard it was.  The lounge was easy - first one we saw that we liked, we sat in it, and said yep, this is it.  Bedroom suite though ...  saw what felt like thousands and didn't see anything I liked.  Finally saw one we loved, and am happy with it.

    Ariom - so glad you had a wonderful time with your girlfriends.  You are lucky to have such long time friends.  I have one friend like that - we went to school together and have been best friends for 43 years now - she's really more like a sister.  It's so lovely to have someone that close to you, that knows you like no-one else.  Even DH who knows me so well, doesn't know everything, he didn't grow up with me.  She lives in Wollongong, which is about 2 1/2 hour drive from me, so we don't see eachother every day, but we talk on the phone most days.

    Well the sun finally came out yesterday at around 3.00pm and set at 5.00 lol.  I think today is going to be a carbon copy.  I love the frosty mornings in Canberra, but the all day fog days are a pain.

    Have a great day all.



  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited July 2013

    I have a favour to ask of everyone.

    The last wedding we did has been nominated for wedding of the year!  If you follow this link you can see it, and it would be great if you could vote for this lovely couple.  They will win a second honeymoon (and we'll get 12 months of free advertising) :-)

    Thanks guys


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2013

    Done Trish!

    I'll get the rest of the family to vote too. Good Luck!

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Ariom!

  • mandymoo
    mandymoo Member Posts: 632
    edited July 2013

    Done, Trish. Very nice photos too by the way. 

    Midnight it was great to hear from you again. We missed you and your stories lol. 

    Ariom, belated birthday wishes.... I hope you had a great day. 

    Chrissy, I hope things are going well with the wedding preparations.

    Karen, it is always nice to hear of your outings ... sounds like you are having fun.

    Nothing much happening here. Mum still refusing to go to nursing home and I have to take her to the doctor this afternoon after our shopping trip. Her medical is due for her drivers licence, so if the doctor has received the letter from the specialist, I think that the conversation will be very interesting. Poor mum is getting very confused when people talk to her and she just does not understand much of it or twists it around. I will just be there for her company and will not say anything against mum. If it gets too much for me then I will contact my brother who has always been closer to mum to help out as he visits mum very occasionaly even though he lives on his own, is retired, and lives closer to mum.... but he is male and so he is different. I know that he loves mum very much and maybe he doesnt visit her because it may upset him seeing her so frail and confused. 

    The family will be getting together on Saturday for her birthday lunch , so looking forward to that celebration. 

    Cheers for now

    Mandy xxx

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Mandy!

    I am so sorry to hear about your Mum. It is a very difficult thing for everyone to deal with.

    I cared for my Mum for 3 years when she was first showing signs of confusion. She was having falls that were the main reason I wanted to be with her.

    She had been Dx with Bc just after my dad passed away, and had a radical Mx and axillary clearance.  Her health deteriorated, although the bc didn't return, she wasn't really well.

    She didn't want to leave her home, and I understood that. I refused to put her into care because I felt she was still way too lucid to be put into a Nursing Home. She went into Hospital for a bad Diabetes event and they insisted that I put her into permanent care when she was ready to be released because it wa going to be too difficult for us at home. The dementia really kicked in after every little medical event.

    I discovered a brand new facility, near where we were moving to. I met the owner and secured Mum a place there. She was the first resident to enter this lovely place, and much to my surprise she actually improved after she went in. They had so many programs and things to keep the residents entertained and stimulated. I visited her every day. She actually really liked being there, and never asked about home or showed any negative effects. In fact, she actually asked me to leave her some cash one afternoon. When I asked her why she needed it, she said she needed to tip the waiter and the housekeeper. My darling Mum thought she was in a luxury Hotel! She was there for about 4 years and then passed away, peacefully.

    We even managed to get a place for Colin's Mum there when she started to have difficulties too. She settled well, but when we moved here last year we checked the Nursing Home here and it filled all our criteria, so we brought her with us. She is in a beautiful place just up the road from us, and close to the lake.

    I hope all goes well for you and your Mother. I am sure it will work itself out.

    I hope you have a wonderful Celebration on Saturday! 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited July 2013

    I voted Trish! Lovely pics and beautiful wedding.

    Mandy sorry about your mom but I guess if you can manage for a while longer..........

    Moira happy belated birthday wishes......sorry, my head must have been elsewhere.

    Taking the GS birthday gift shopping as it is DH's birthday tomorrow and GS likes to surprise his If its going to get done I'd best jump in the shower and get organised. Catch you all later!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587
    edited July 2013

    I have voted Trish - beautiful pics.

    Alyson, what an accomplishment. Congratulations due to you both.

    I can relate to the mum situation. We are off to help Mum put her house on the market this weekend and she will be moving to a retirement complex near me. I am so pleased as I have been worried since her DH died.

    I am going back to work in Childcare. I tried admin but my bones don't like too much typing or sitting, I am better when I can walk around and I love the job. It will only be small numbers of children so I can keep exposure to greeblies to a minimum.

  • aussie12
    aussie12 Member Posts: 421
    edited July 2013

    Hi all

    Voting done Trish, great photos, hope that you win.

    Midnight it was good to hear from you, too bad about the troubles in your business and your health.

    I actually did some gardening last Saturday and today just before it started to rain, I just have to make myself do things or I just sit and watch tv all day.

    On Tuesday night went out for tea with my family, had yummy ribs, coca-cola and beer flavour, sound a bit weird but they where so nice.

    Have a great Friday all. 

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited July 2013

    I voted Trish :-)


  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited July 2013

    Thanks guys I appreciate it xox

    I'm excited, have just heard my new kitchen arrives Monday week!! So just around two weeks and I'll be able to finally have all my boxes unpacked and the house how I want it. Can't wait :-)



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2013

    Great news Trish, not long and you'll be cooking up a storm in the new kitchen. Getting the last of the boxes unpacked is just the best feeling.

    I've only recently finished unpacking all my stuff, just a bit of painting inside and the ouside to be rendered, and it's all finished. I put a stop to the last of the reno when I was Dx, just couldn't be bothered with painters and the smell of paint after my surgery. 

    I just found the perfect spun copper pendant light shades today, to finish off my kitchen reno!

    Good luck with the reno, I hope it all goes smoothly!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2013

    Just a quick hello from Wellington. Have just got back from dinner after what has been a really relaxing day.

    Big hugs

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited July 2013

    trish.  don't want to appear thick, it is the wedding that comes up on that link, the apricot colours, how do i vote? where do i vote. i would love to vote for you.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited July 2013

    Just had a scrumptious dinner to celebrate DHs 66th birthday and our 44th wedding anniversary. Corned beef and veg followed by double chocolate cake topped with chocolate cream, soft caramel balls and shaved Belgian chocolate.......anyone get the idea we like chocolate? All home made by the way........yummmm!

    Have a great night all!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2013

    Congratulations Chrisssy! and Many Happy Returns to your DH!

    Meal sounds fabulous too!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,790
    edited July 2013

    Greetings ladies!

    So many of you are active in what is very early/very late in North America, so we wanted to be sure you know to expect this:

    Forums will be down Mon Jul 15 from 5:30am ET

    The tech team will be doing some upgrades, starting around 5:30am Monday. The downtime will extend for up to a few hours.

    Thank you for your patience!

    • Your Mods