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Australian Sisters



  • racy
    racy Member Posts: 976
    edited September 2013

    Jenn, what company is the new job with?

    Trish, I hope you have consulted your onc about your symptoms.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2013

    Yay Aussie!!! Not having had recon personally I couldn't tell you but reading on these threads informs one that the implant is definitely more comfortable than the expander! Hope it all goes really well for you!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2013

    Hi all

    quick note before going into Toronto.

    Trish huge hugs I know what it is like as I have had so many scares hope all is well.

    Jenn, wonderful news. Hope the appartment works out.

    big hugs to all

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited September 2013

    Jenn - congrats on the new job!  Is it closer to home for you?

    Racy - I haven't seen the onc yet, we are in the process of organising for more testing - which is what the onc would do anyway.  Still don't know who I'll be seeing, I'm dealing with my GP at the moment.  He's pretty wonderful and on top of things, so happy to go with his recommendations.  I think the next step is a laparoscopy so that we can see what's going on inside.

    My GP is also trying to get verification from the path lab that the readings were actually right, as an iron level of less than 1 is pretty drastic, and I should be only just dragging myself around with a reading like that.  While I'm tired, it's not like chemo tiredness and I actually have a bit of colour in my face - not what you'd expect from someone whose iron levels are almost non existant.  So it might be that there was a glitch in the lab.

    I'll hear something soon from the GP.



  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited September 2013

    hey jenn, thats wonderful news, hope it goes all well for you. yes yr mum will be adding a little stress to your situation as you are unable to assist her, which does make your position more stressful. hope that gets resolved soon and your mums knee gets better and your under arm gets better. i found it difficult to use spray deodrant where the cut is underneath arm for taking the node out as they only tested the sentinel node,  i find it stings like hell, so use a roll on,and hope you find a lovely new house. is the other to big for you now or more near the job you will be going to.?

    I got up this morning about three to go loo and kick my blasted middle toe and bent it back and it bled like a stuff pig, but now i am, at risk, as i am diabetic, toes and nails become more of a hazard and i am now booked in for a eye exam, retinal what ever and for what ever  they do, exam at back of eyes for diabetes. i must check that they have not booked me in  for when i am away. as i wont be attending.

    Ausy, hope your up coming surgery goes well.

    Karen, how is eye today? very happy that you have this bubby to look forward to you, sounds like you are totally in love with the  little one already, Doting grandma, lucky little  baby, she wont run short of a baby sitter lol

    Trish, really hope you ok.

    really weired, now that we have made that final move to end the truck runs and all the drivers are vowing to stick through to end. one is going to take over the run he is doing himself as a owner driver, everything has settled down, they all doing well and behaving and  being assisting where they were all pain in the arses. before, hope the next two months run smooth, mind you they were told straight, that  they were pain in the arses and that we had enough of the crap. now they been good. none of them will get much redundancy. if they carry on been like that, things will be great. well i am going to go and cleanmy messy kitchen. wash and sweep floors.  ttfn.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited September 2013

    Trish - I hope those bloods were just plain wrong. It does happen.

    Annette - hope that toe feels better in the morning.

    Racy - My new job is based out in a building at Westmead Kids Hospital in Sydney. It's a NSW Health position and my title is: PTNA/BT4K Network Project Officer. It's a bit different to what I've been doing, with no direct day-to-day clinical research responsibility. It's more of a sales and marketing position and I will provide secretariat services for the two trials groups as well as facilitating more research. They wanted someone with research experience who can encourage more research and also assist in getting it up and running by helping with writing grant applications, writing Protocols and giving advice on how to operationally run a trial. It takes me away from adult health and dealing with so much oncology. I think this will be a good move for me.


  • racy
    racy Member Posts: 976
    edited September 2013

    Jenn, a government job should be ok. Good for you and with a pay rise too!

    Trish, thinking of you. I wondered if your pain could be a referred pain from your spine. Still hoping for b9!

    Love to all you ladies.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2013

    Hi all from Canada

    Have added a few pictures on Big girls Panties on Tour. I will bring them to Australia then we will release them and see where they end up.

    Big hugs to all.

  • Delvzy
    Delvzy Member Posts: 454
    edited September 2013

    Jenn good luck on the new job Chrissy your daughters are gorgeous I think they have their mothers sense of humour. I had something weird happen went to my onc for my 6 month visit and found out that one of my cancers was IDC the other was ILC very small and next to the IDC I got a shock because I always thought they were both IDC. I spoke to my onc about continuing Tamoxifen for another 5 years but the difference appears to be only about 2 percent what do you girls think?

  • Tammy_M43
    Tammy_M43 Member Posts: 565
    edited September 2013

    Jenn, yay to the new job and home! Hope your Mum gets the care she needs.

    Take care everyone :-)

  • Delvzy
    Delvzy Member Posts: 454
    edited September 2013

    Trish hope all is well

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2013

    Delvzy one of mine was also ILC but it was smaller so I also had both but I only listed the IDC.  There are more that have both than we think.

    It was doubly funny as the bride to be is usually immaculately groomed and has a really good sense of style so allowing us to "dress" her up was a gift to all who attended.  We had such a good afternoon and I think she will have some good memories from it.......besides, we have photos to remind

    What was I thinking when I chose the style and fabric for this skirt?!  12 gore almost full circle skirt made from satin chiffon and chiffon.......realllllllly slippery stuff!!!  The skirt is almost complete but the hem is a nightmare!  I have measured twice to make sure I have it even for each layer but I'm not game enough to trim until the girls have a look tomorrow and tell me it hangs even when it's on.  Once I know that it will only take half an hour to complete as it is a fine rolled hemline so the overlocker will be the tool of choice.  Hopefully the undertop which is the same fabric won't take long to do either as the pattern is just a cowl neck three quarter sleeve T-shirt pattern that I have adapted to suit.

    Have a good night all!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • racy
    racy Member Posts: 976
    edited September 2013

    Delvzy, there is a lot to consider and weigh up about continuing treatment beyond five years: recurrence risk, ongoing protection provided by the treatment you have already had, side effects (short and long term).

    There are research references on this site about continuing tamox.

    If you are post menopause, another option may be to take Femara, which shows good results with ILC and is also being taken by some for up to the 10 year mark. Again, there are articles on this site about it.

    I would read the articles, consider how you feel and have another conversation with your onc.

    I see too many cases here where the cancer returned after stopping therapy. For me, 2% is significant and I plan to continue with Femara as long as possible.

  • mandymoo
    mandymoo Member Posts: 632
    edited September 2013

    Delvzy, I was on Arimidex for 5 years and I was cancer free during this time. 3 months after discontuning Arimidex, the cancer had spread to my bones. 

    Not sure if it was a coincidence, but I pleaded with the specialist to continue with the Arimidex, and I am sorry that I had no option. It has now also spread to all my organs.......

    Good luck with your choice.


    Mandy xxx

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited September 2013

    hey girls, i got this letter in mail yesterday from the doctors i attend to, that we had not paid the bill after 4 reminders of 37 dollars,  of my husbands when he had his accident of the burns and we had to tranasfer to the hospital which he had surgery, i would of paid it, except they sent him straight up quickly, i have only found one bill,  that one,its only just over a month, they sent three letters she said,, but we have been having mail issues, not getting it all, had to collect one folder from accountant of mail that got sent back to them, anyway this last letter said, as we never responded to the letters, he will no longer be cared for there for anything, i am a registered patient because of my health issues, but i have been trying get him reg there as i already go there.  i think its sucks and wrote an email saying so,esp as they said, he cannot go there now, and she told me if i want to presue this, i can too look for another doctor to go to.  i have many health issues that i have to  attend to, my BC and  thyroid and diabetes. she said, they have many patients that i should appreciacte that and she is sorry that i feel this way, it is not the amount, its the time frame they kick you off the care list you dont pay, its been just a month. i found it harsh. i have paid it now. but it was an accident in the first place. i thought it would of come under the acc we have here. i have been going there for six years. i maybe  look for a doc for both of us, so we be under the same one. i just thought it sucked.

  • racy
    racy Member Posts: 976
    edited September 2013

    Mandy, I'm sorry to hear of the circumstances of your cancer spreading. I hope you are doing ok and look forward to meeting you in Sydney. X.

  • aussie12
    aussie12 Member Posts: 421
    edited September 2013

    Hi all

    This week I've had 2 old friends ask me to be friends on Facebook, one early this week and one today, strange , 2 in a week !!! I feel very popular at the moment.

    Midnight over here dole bludgers etc go to the Doctors and never pay a cent and they seem to be there all the time. When hard working people have to pay. I can't complain as I've been going through the public system but the difference is that I have paid tax and the Medicare levy for years and they haven't.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2013

    Annette talk to your doctor, they cannot do this. If it was six months they might have a reason. Your doctors receptionist sounds like a real bitch and needs talking to. And yes your DHs first visit should have been covered by ACC and so you should be paying a part charge maybe $20 at themost. The doctor should have filled out the form when yo were there. So go and tell them this and that if they have sent four reminders thats at least $4 in post and then there is paper and the time taken to write and send the letters they really haven't made any money at all just been plain nasty.

    Morning all from Toronto hope you are having a good weekend.

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited September 2013

    Alyson, it was the manager of the practice, not receptionist, but yes she was not very forth coming when i tried to explain it to her in email, but i am due to see Doctor tomorrow, so i will mention it to him and show him the letter.  thanks heaps. it was not the cost, it was the short time you have before you are booted out of the system, that pissed me off.

  • Delvzy
    Delvzy Member Posts: 454
    edited September 2013

    Thx Mandy Chrissy and racy for your valuable advice I am afraid I don't 100 percent trust my onc I am scared of going on to another drug scared of staying on Tamoxifern long term and scared of stopping.

    Mandy sorry to hear your cancer has spread it does make you wonder if the hormone treatment help keep it at bay. Alyson your trip sounds amazing have a good night everyone x

  • aussie12
    aussie12 Member Posts: 421
    edited September 2013

    Hi all

    I went to the hospital today for a pre surgery clinic, also had a blood test. My surgery for next Tuesday is in the afternoon so I have to be there at 11am.

    It's been quiet here the last few days, hope that everyone is well.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2013

    Aussie good luck on Tuesday! I'll bet you are getting really excited about the exchange now it's so close!

    Well the madness has really hit as the extended family begin to arrive from Cairns. I am still working on my out fit and as of right now I doubt I will get it's a shame but never mind I can finish it later and I'm sure I'll find somewhere to wear it. I do have a dress in the wardrobe that I have only worn once so it will probably be that.

    Well, back to it as I'm determined to see how much I can get done tonight.

    Oh, Happy Birthday Sue!!! Hope you had a great day!

    Love n hugs all! Chrissy

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422
    edited September 2013

    Thankyou Chrissy - just went to work, so it was a normal day. We did go out Sunday night to La Cena - lovely as usual. Good luck on getting your outfit finished.

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited September 2013

    Happy birthday Sue

    Aussie - good luck for Tuesday!

    I'm still waiting to hear back from my dr on what to do next ... it's been a week and no word from him.  It's so unlike him, he's usually pretty good.  I have left a couple of messages asking what do I do next and nothing .. I'm getting a bit frustrated.



  • Tammy_M43
    Tammy_M43 Member Posts: 565
    edited September 2013

    Sue, I've heard of La Cena but never been yet....maybe next time when I'm in Brisbane....sounds like a nice birthday :-)

    Chrissy, good to have a back up plan but I hope you surprise yourself and get the outfit finished.

    Aussie, best wishes for Tuesday!

    Trish, sorry that you aren't getting any feedback, I can understand how extremely frustrating it must be for you. Hope you hear something today. Keep us posted.

    I ran in the Sydney Running Festival 3.5km Family Fun Run on Sunday across the harbour bridge. I surprised myself by running the whole way in a pretty good time and my hip has been fine. I've treated the running as part of my cancer recovery as I only started running for the first time in late Feb this year on the day after I finished radiation. I've read about other people who just started running after treatment so I'm not sure of the psychology behind it. I raised over $300 for MS research this time. I'm now planning for the next challenge :-)

  • Kazzie61
    Kazzie61 Member Posts: 418
    edited September 2013

    Chrissy....I so hope you get your outfit finished, you've put so much time & effort into it....:) And it does sound lovely....

    Is the wedding this weekend?

    Sue....sorry I missed your birthday but happy belated birthday

    Aussie....all the best for Tuesday, we will all be thinking of'll be a new woman!

    Trish....all this waiting must be getting very frustrating, I hate waiting & not knowing...(((hugs)))

    Tammy....that's fantastic, congratulations! You must be feeling really good about yourself & rightly so!!!

    Mandy....nice to see you check in & sorry to hear your cancer has spread so much. I think of you often...xx

    I think I must be in a bit of a funny place emotionally. We are re decorating the house & yesterday I found what I thought was the perfect furniture for the family room - table & chairs, coffee table, low line TV cabinet & buffet (we have already ordered the lounge) but when hubby came home he told me all our electronic equipment wouldn't fit in the low line (it's longer but not as high) & I cried!!! How stupid does that make me sound??

    I can only think that as I don't have a whole lot of future to look forward to & the best thing happening is the impending arrival of my grandchild, the little things excite me & the disappointment was just too much.. I feel like a total twit & i'm still feeling emotional this I'll be ok I know but just needed to share & get it off my chest...

    Have a lovely day everyone.


    Karen xxx

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited September 2013

     Hi girls,  happy birthday Sue.  its was my mums yesterday too, we having party for her and her twin brother on saturday. I am staying up there for week and half and hubby flying back sunday.  She lives in Whangarei and i will be also going up to my sisters up north and staying three nights. mum was not happy when i told her, as she had  lot planned for me to do, but my sister wants some time with me too, she not seen me for  six years, so i extended  my visit for extra two days, which means  mum will get two more days , but i will miss out going with hubby for his appointment at hospital, but he said, he will be ok and i am only going to get there and he will be ten mins in if they running to good time, so i will grab a taxi and get to hospital soon as i get back, i may make it to go in with him, i had to change my flights, but everybody is happy now, not fighting   for time spent with me. 

     i went to doc on monday, spent good part of two hours. they seem to have lost control of the  thyroid, despite everthing they being trying to do . the thyroid specalist is also scratching his head, where to go to next. its not absorbing properly. they are saying i am getting a condition called gut oedema. where the body starts to rertain fluid and the tummy starts not to work properly, puffy cheeks and neck. so they leaving things til i get home and just put my dosage up again. all i want to do is sleep, have no energy, if they increase my dose to much,  the heart starts pumping too much and cause a coronry heart attack. i will start whizzing around like a headless chook, i said, that will make a change. but  also cause major issues. GEEZ i am a comlicated case. I asked him, if the cancer started all this in the first place, he said, yea has a huge role to play in it. the diabetes has gone up to 54,it was down to 48. i will try and relax whilst i .am away. i am nervous as every one has not seen me for  a long time and i dont want them staring at me, as i am swollen abit in the face. getting my hair done tomorrow and then going shopping for outfit, mum wants me to look pretty, but i really feel self consious and feel  like eyes will be on me. will just make the best of what  i got. better go and get dishes done. catch ya later.

    I am sorry that everybody is also going thru  major health issues, Trish, mandy, i feel for you so much,  karen , i so not feel you are been silly.  we do get emotional and i was that the other day,,kept wantimg to cry at the doctors, but held it back. i had a good  cry, when hubby went to work that evening. by myself and let it go. felt heaps better. then mum growling as i wanted to spend time with sister, i felt like saying stuff you all, i am not coming. but i could not do that. so having a cry is good.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2013

    Big hugs all.

    Still having fun on our trip. Lovely day here in Denver and the trip we have planned tomorrow should be really exciting, going up towards the mountains which have the first snow.

    Chrissy, Karen sends really big hugs.

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422
    edited September 2013

    Thanks girls - just went to work as usual yesterday and cooked one of my favourite dinners. I reckon we should have waited until last night to go out, but it was nice on Sunday anyway.

    Annette - I hope they can figure out what to do for you.

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited September 2013

    Thanks Suzie, i do too, i am sick of feeling blah all the time. you make the bed and then you have to lie on it to recover. its no life quality. Hope you enjoyed your dinner last night. mum said,  she had her fav, Lamb Chops for her birthday dinner.  but of cause she will have her big  party day sat.. well girls i may or may not get back before i go, we fly out saturday morning at quarter to seven, get to Whangarei at 9.30,.

    Chrissy have a lovely wedding, i may be able to check in from sister computer next week. 

    Karen hope you feeling better tonight.  

                             Good night Girls