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Western New York Area



  • pasha
    pasha Member Posts: 11
    edited April 2011

    We really did luck out with the weather tonight. I had the weather channel on and they showed these horrible storms and tornadoes in Alabama and Mississippi. I heard that we had a tornado watch and really did not know what I should be doing during it. I am familar with what to do during a blizzard but not during a tornado.("buy a six pack and stay home")

    Kindone-I never have been to Lady of Fatima. I am very interested to learn about it. I am Catholic and actually used to work at my parish before I went back into nursing. Believe it or not I do not know anything about it and it is so close.

    Maureen- Could you PM your son's name? I am sure our kids probably know each other and who knows, maybe we have met before? I can't believe that I decided out if the blue to look at this website again and found people that live so close by. I truly believe in fate and am so glad that I was able to "meet" you guys. I have IRL friends but they don't always get the cancer thing. I had a melt-down today looking for a good sports bra. I want something to give good support but need to be careful how it will rub on the sides d/t scars from my skin grafts from my nipple reconstructions. Most people never have to worry how well a bra or certain materials will cover or not cover scars from our surgeries. I don't know about you guys but I have trouble wearing very light colored fabrics. I love those gauzy blouses but always worry about coverage.Don't mean to be a whiner tonight,just in a funk today. I'm going to go make a cup of tea and hopefully snap out of my mood. What helps you to get out of the cancer blahs? Looking for any suggestions.

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2011

    aww Pasha - feel so bad that you're in a blue mood.  When I am, I find a nice massage is great ( obviously cost involved here) and if I need a quick easy pick me up, I walk my dog. She makes me happy and I love the excercise. It clears my mind.  My girlfriend is a huge Yogi and she really touts the benefits of restorative yoga to relieve stress.  Food wise, chamomile (sp?) tea is supposed to calm the nerves. 

    Good luck, hope you feel better.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    Pasha, so sorry you're having the cancer blues today.  We get all the blues and it's perfectly normal.  This weather doesn't help either.  Usually when I get down, I get on the boards or call a friend or do some work at home.  Wish I could help you more but sometimes you just need to have someone understand what bc does to a person. Sitting here crying for no reason, just need to cry and I will let it come and go.  We go through so much and everyone expects you to just bounce back, it's more complicated than that.  ((((((((((hugs to you)))))))))))))).  I mourn my old life frequently.

    We are having really strange weather, 40's 80's now 40's for tomorrow, what the heck?  I just want warm, sunny weather well maybe sunny after radiation cause I already have such a burn right now, might take weeks for this to heal.

    Just watching the news,  is everyone okay with this weather?  Please stay safe.

    Karen,  I'll call tomorrow night for reservations.


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    By the way Pasha, I laughed out loud with the buy a six pack comment.  That comment reminds me of the blizzard of '77.  Only on the WNY thread will everyone know what we're talking about.  We are  a very special group.  And we're tough cookies to live in the area, put up with these taxes and weather and not lose our minds!!! 



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Just got back from an assembly at our middle school.  Both my grandchildren were inducted in the Honor Society.  I.m a proud grandmother for sure. Is anyone having trouble with depth perception?  hugs to all Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2011

    The honor society, how proud you must be of your wonderful grandchildren, you and your daughter are certainly doing something right.

    I'm still having problems with blurry vision especially in my left eye, been mentioning it since pre-chemo. I think this stuff effects your eyesight for sure. 


  • pasha
    pasha Member Posts: 11
    edited April 2011

    Good Evening! I want to thank everyone for their words of support. I had a couple cups of Chamomille(sp?) tea and read a trashy mystery novel. Sometimes a good nights sleep works wonders on your psyche.  Not much new going on other than dealing with the wind. If I could have put a sail on top of my truck, I would have saved on gas driving during the day today.

    Karen- Congratulations on your grandchildren's success! You have every right to be proud. Have you just noticed a change in your depth perception recently? I did not see your stats, did you have chemo? What age range are you in? Sorry for all the questions, it is my nursing background trying to figure medical issues out. It also goes along with my TV show "House" addiction.  Since I have gotten older,  I have noticed a general decrease in my depth perception along with my reading vision loss. Certain medications can also cause visual changes.

    Bevin- Walking the dog is a great idea. I actually have 3.I am seriosly not crazy. What kind of dog do you have? I have been interested in starting Yoga and went down to the Himalayan Institute on Delaware in Buffalo right after I was diagnosed. I  really enjoyed the classes but I would rather find somwhere closer to where I live. I drive a lot for my job and don't really feel like driving when I am done for the day.  Does anybody know of a good yoga place in the northtowns?

    Maureen- How is your skin doing? I hope that it is starting to get better.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Pasha, I skipped four posts and just reread to find you had a difficult day.  Those just sneak up on you, don't they?  I come on the boards, drink chamomile tea ( my mother used to give it to me when I was sick), read a simple book and take a nap, you got all the bases covered. My Gdaughter has her birthday sleepover tonight with 10 girls and then the party season is over for another year!    I noticed it around Nov., I had a lumpectomy and rads. for 7 weeks.  Also started taking Arimidex around then, can't remember actual date, I am 62.  It has gotten progressively worse, yesterday at the induction, the stairs were 1 color on the step and a different color on the riser, and it was really bad.  I have a vision test on Mon., thought it might be that.  If it doesn't improve, I will call my PCP. It is scaring me, always behind any symptoms the big beast lurks. Hi Maureen, bevin, kindone,Susan,heymoose, starbeauty, and Yummy.  Yummy, now that we have a definite date will you be able to make it?  Itis on Sat. June 4th at !:30.  Hey ladies isn't it nice to have a nurse among us!!!  Maureen, I'm with you I think It's a side effect, lovely rads. or meds.  Hugs to all,  Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2011

    HI Pasha- My good friend goes to a place in williamsville for Yoga that she just loves. Let me get the name of it and I'll send it along.

    Karen- how lovely for you to be so young and a Grandma. You must be very proud. Honor society is a wonderful accomplishment.

    Maureen- sorry your skin is doing so badley. It must be that irish blood! It seems like they are paying attention though and not letting it get out of hand.  You dont want those open blisters to get infected. Make sure you keep the area covered.

    Okay- so I dont want to sound paranoid, but are we planning on sending a PM on which restaurant we are meeting at?   I am always leery of weirdos lurking on these boards and you never know.

    Anyone watch the big Royal Wedding. I think her dress was really beautiful. I am sure they are making copies of it now for the wedding stores!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    I PM'ed bevin on the date ( june 4th at 1:30 at the Buffalo Bison Brew Pub at Main and Transit in Williamsville)  Starbeauty and I are meeting on Wed. for coffee, she sounds delightfull, I'm off to bed, I watched the whole Wedding, it was beautiful, Kate looked beautiful, but I don't usually get up that early.  Maureen, hope you are healing up and that it isn't painfull. So much for my comment that rads are a walk in the park.  Don't hesitate to ask for a pain pill.  It feels like a bunch of old friends when you first meet.  hugs to all, Karen

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited May 2011

    Pasha welcome!

    To all my other wonderful WNY friends, HI!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have been away for awhile.  Trying to catch up.  Pasha you will enjoy this group of friends, they are very supportive and have a great sense of humor. 

    I will be a 3 year survivor the end of May and still have some really bad days.  I have found that my way of dealing with them varys.  One day I may just cry for awhile, the next I may be working out at the gym or just having a quite moment with a glass of wine and sometimes I call one of my friends for support.  they all work for me and I hope they may help you.

    It will be great to meet everyone.  I am sending (((((Hugs and Prayers to all))))))

    Your Friend,


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    HI All,  Calling tomorrow to solidify our get together.  I'll PM everyone with the details as Bevin brings up a good point.  I will make the reservations generous so if anyone hasn't responded don't fret, there will be room, we will make room.

    So this is the start of the last week of radiation.  I'm feeling, happy, nervous, relieved, scared, accomplished, deserted....this is ridiculous, so many emotions, I don't know where to begin.

    Busy weekend:  DS 18th birthday party, 20+ people at the house till after midnight including dinner, cake, decorating house etc,,,,haven't really tried to do a party since dx. last August. On Sat, Celebrated 23 wonderful years of marriage, a good marriage too.  We went to the casino, I've been there 3 times in my life.  Won money and lost money, had a great dinner and enjoyed DH company, then I got so tired, came home and fell asleep at 8PM, yep, no typo 8PM :(  Crazy, but hubby understood.  Today I sat on the couch and did some laundry, don't know why I'm so tired these past couple of days. Is this a se of rads?  If yes, when does it go away. DD is so busy I feel sorry for her, finals, work, breakup and me think it's starting to get to her.  DH will be home all week which is a blessing, he can help out keeping the house clean, calm and orderly, things I really need to keep my sanity. I'll post tomorrow after work, the next couple of months will be crazy.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Hi Maureen, I had the same feelings when I was finished with rads, didn't know if I was happy or sad.  Was tired, I could literally fall asleep sitting up.  As I recall, rads are an accumulating tiredness, the last week I was dragging, it lasted for a few weeks after that.  Doesn't the whole experience feel like a blur now, the diagnosis, the treament all the appts., weeks of rads and for you those terrible weeks of chemo.  I know with my daughter when she broke off a 4 yr. relationship 1 month ago, driving me all around, two birthday parties, Easter, Driving the kids to their track events, I was worried about her, especially since she didn't want to talk about it, as mom's you just want to fix things.  I took over the track events, and after about 3 weeks she started to confide in me.  Sometimes I'd just go up to her and hug her. Now it will calm down a little bit, both DGchildren will spend the weekend coming up with their other grandma and she'll have 2 whole days to just be her.  Meeting starbeauty, Esther, on Wed. for coffee, talked to her on the phone, she sounds really nice, and 1 month later - all of us.  Have an app't to change my hair tomorrow, so you'll see a new do in June, I decided I didn't like the gray haired lady looking at me in the mirror. hugs to you - Karen

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited May 2011

    Maureen - you sound really positive despite the hit radiation is giving you.  When I ended treatment I was seriously depressed for about 3-4 months.  Onc put me on anti-depression meds - only made me worse... so I really hit the gym.  It helped me so much... I HATE exercise, but something about doing it makes me feel better in the end.  My DH has done it with me... so it isn't so bad. 

    I can't wait to meet Karen - we are having coffee this week.  I am so glad I found all of you on this thread... it really helps me feel like I am not on this wild and choppy sea of BC madness alone.  Looking forward to the June date!!!

  • pasha
    pasha Member Posts: 11
    edited May 2011

    Maureen sorry you are feeling so tired. Fatigue is one of the big side effects of radiation. The postive of this, is that you are almost done so it will start to get better soon. Be kind to yourself and give your body the rest it needs for the next few weeks. I was at the casino in NF this past weekend also. My parents took our family out for my son's 18th birthday at the Italian restaurant there. It was our first time there and we were very impressed with everything, especially how crowded it was. The coincidences between our lives are amazing!

    heymoose- Thank you for your welcome

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited May 2011

    Hello Maureen- RADSs wiped me out. I think I was pretty exhausted for 2 mos afterwards. I also picked up colds really easily so stay away from sick people and wash you hands frequently!

    Starbeauty, sorry the meds didnt work, did they try a lower dose or a different type. Glad the Gym is doing it for you. Natural endorphins work wonders!

    The casino sounds like fun. I may need to get there one of these days!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Hi All,  Finished my boosts today and have THREE MORE RADS LEFT, then I do the happy dance Yahoo!!!!  Feeling better today,  RO did a MRI because of headache, dizziness, fatigue etc.... and it's normal.  Boy that was stressful.  I told him today I'm having more issues with radiation than I did with chemo.  They RO and MO feel the issues are a delayed reaction to chemo, can be uncommon but real and can last for 6-12months geesh, will I ever move beyond this crap? 

    On a good note,  I made our reservations today and PM everyone with the details.  If you want to join us (ALL ARE WELCOME) please send me a PM and I'll provide details.  I'm so excited, it feels like a sunny day Oh wait, it's been raining for days and days and days, the tulips, daffodils etc. ... really look pretty and can't wait to go to the farmer's market...with all this rain they should get a good crop this year.  What farmer's market is everyone's favorite?

    Starbeauty:  No depression, not allowed at least not yet.  I get so much support from my friends I don't have time to get depressed. All the ladies on this thread just pick me up and make me move beyond that dark place,  so thank you to all my friends.

    Pasha,  So funny about the casino, I'm still licking my wounds, not one to blow money easily and losing money is a sore subject, but we had fun, fun, fun.  Probably walked by you at the casino and didn't know it.

    Bevin,  we should plan an outing to the casino, it is fun in moderation.  I see people with cards and free rooms etc.... and think how much did they spend to get these perks?  Beautiful place with shops and really good buffet. 

    Off to another meeting.  Sometimes I feel like saying shut up already while the phone is on mute....really important to make sure the phone is on mute Laughing 



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Hi Maureen, 3 more to go - YEAH.  So glad the MRI was normal, it must have been scary waiting for the results.  Meeting starbeauty tomorrow morning at Tim Hortons, we have descriptions of what we will be wearing so can find each other. Wearing raincoat in honor of our lovely weather, is this spring?  There is a farmers market in Batavia, also one close bye in Elba, where they make great homemade pies, the lemon meringue (sp?), is fantastic, as is the raspberry.  Just got the pictures my friend Sherry took of us, they look great, bringing them to coffee tomorrow, so Esther will get to meet you too.  See you soon, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    My husband's favorite pie is raspberry.  Glad you got the pictures, can't wait to see them.  I'll have to remember to bring my camera to our outing!!!   I'm planning on looking different when we meet cause I really want to go topless.  Hair isn't that long though and still a little leery.  Have fun tomorrow with Esther and have a french vanilla cappuccino for me!! ( I really need to pay attention to this meeting but my mind is wandering, coffee, beach, sun, music, buffalo brew, etc.... LOL)


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited May 2011

    rain rain go away come again another day.... UGHHHH. I know we need mother nature, but this is WAY too much.

    Maureen - so happy you're almost done. Dont be surprised if you're upset on the last day. I was, I felt like I was losing a bunch of friends and then was losing all my support in kicking this to the curb. The transition to not going somewhere every day, while you quickly adjust is an odd feeling that day. Assume you'll be on an AI after?

    Ahh Timmy Ho's, I am so jealous. I missed my morning cup of Joe this morning as I was running late. Have a extra large cup for me too Karen and Starbeauty.

    I like Farmers markets too, but given I am such a cookie aholic, I end up buying the good baked goods and not the fruits and veggies Wink



  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited May 2011

    Bevin...I am sooooooooo looking forward to it! I am so I have the ice cap or not....because it is terrible for me? Oh these huge decisions are killing me!

    Maureen so glad you are almost done with rads... Rads were the hardest part for me... Couldn't finish... Skin devastated... And then the terrible fatigue and depression. I'm so glad you are putting it behind you soon!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Hey all, had a great visit with starbeauty today, where else can you begin to talk bout the state of your cancer within 2 minutes of talking to each other.  I think we have the strongest, most intelligent women in  I predict June 4th will be a glorious time.  Esther and I will be driving up together.  Our conversations, at lunch will be so validating to us, sunshine tomorrow, enjoy.  Karen  We've waited so long for it, summer better last thru to October!!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Hi All, 

    Karen:  glad to hear you and Esther had a great visit and good conversation.  Agree with the strongest, most intelligent women.  I spoke to another bc survivor from WNY and encouraged her to join our thread.  Invited her to our get together as well so excited she'll be joining our group.  Glad you have a companion to drive up for the lunch too.  Did you go to the eye doc yet?

    Bevin,  I get the cookie addiction, I love any sweet especially since BC.

    Quiet on the thread lately, where is everyone?

    Me,  Busy with six sigma training today, all day ughhhh.  Getting ready to watch DVR of survivor one of my favortie shows.  Guess what?  TWO MORE TO GO!!!!!!!  Yahooo!!!!  Skin has healed nicely.


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Pasha,  Forgot to ask, Did you win at the casino?

  • linda614
    linda614 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2011

    Hey anyone out there from the southern part of Western NY?  I'm near the know where we sneak across to PA for cheap gas and no clothes tax! 

    Diagonised in February, surgery march, just started chemo yesterday.  Still uncertain about all these meds I'm taking, but they are helping.  Neulasta shot tomorrow. 

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Hi Linda and welcome to this thread.  Sorry you joined the bc club but you've come to the right place.  There are some women from southern tier hopefully they'll jump on soon to welcome you to the thread.  Sounds like you're on the rollercoaster.  I had surgery, chemo and finishing rads this week so totally understand your challenges.  What type of chemo? 

  • pasha
    pasha Member Posts: 11
    edited May 2011

    Hello everyone! Hope everyone is doing well. I am waiting for my husband to get done with whatever he is doing so that we can watch American Idol and Survivor that we DVRed. I enjoy watching both of these shows. I think that it is an escape from reality for me.

     I learned from another post on BCO about post mastectomy pain syndrome and its prevalence amongst women that have had breast surgery. I don't want to scare anyone, but I had no idea that it effects 20-30% women after surgery.I also learned of things that I could be doing that my pain doctor never mentioned,such as Physical Therapy by a lymphedema trained specialist and a compression vest. I found a Physical therapist that also specializes in lymphedema in the area. Before coming to BCO the only therapist that I could find was in Rochester,which is too far to go on a regular basis. The physical therapist is:

    Garrett, Tara S
    Western New York Breast Health
    3915 Sheridan Dr.
    Amherst, NY 14221 USA
    Phone: (716) 632-7465

    I am going next week for my first appt. Hopefully she can help with my pain issues. After explaining things to her over the phone she felt that she could do things to improve my situation. Yeah!!!!

    Maureen- We did not gamble since we had the boys with us. A chaperone had to escort us across the casino floor so that we could get to the restaurant from the entrance we came in. My husband walked with the escort and our two boys and then I followed with my dad and me pushing my mom in a wheelchair. My parents are both in their 80's and not in the greatest health but were excited to try someplace new. So if you saw a crazy middle-aged women looking frazzled pushing a wheelchair with an elderly woman in it and elderly gentleman tagging along behind then you saw me! CONGRATULATIONS! on finishing treatment. I'm sure you will be glad to have it behind you.

    I enjoy going to the market at Transit and Millersport Hwy. I also enjoy stopping at markets that I go by while I am working. I have the Southeast part of Erie County as my territory for work so I get the freshest best corn all summer.Yum! I can't wait.
    Any kind of sweets are good, especially fresh baked. It seems that all markets and stands have the best baked goods.My theory is that the fruits and vegetables balance out the sweets.

    Linda- I am in the north towns but as I just wrote,I am in the southern tier everyday. Welcome and I hope for easy side effect free chemo for you. Was your tumor hormone postive?

    Karen and Esther- I'm glad that you two were able to meet. I guess that one good thing about going through breast cancer is meeting wonderful women that you wouldn't have otherwise met. Sorry for writng such long posts but I am a talker IRL also!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Maureen, did go see the eye doctor, I thought I had gone three years ago, last exam was2006!! I have the beginning of a cataract, but said we'll just get my exams every year to keep track, now I feel old.  My near vision was way different, Had to boost up the strengh quite a bit, and the far vision had changed quite a bit too.  He said the combo could be the cause of the problem of depth perception   New glasses in, in 6 - 10 days,can't wait.  Boy, another member, welcome Linda, you have joined a great group, supportive, nurturing, knowledgeable and just plain fun.  Glad to have you.  I drive down to Pa. about 1x a month, go through Ripley on the 90 - is that where you are?  Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Hi pasha, I love long posts, you'll see, some of my posts go on and on.  That is the one good thing that BC brings, all these wonderful women who as you say, I'd never had met.  Ready for bed, I've been pushing my exercise, Friday is check in time for the ELab project, I better have lost weight, my legs are like wet noodles.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Hi All,  Just enjoying a delightful day in WNY, sun shining LAST TX tomorrow, boy am I excited.  Then onto the hormone therapy.

    Pasha,  Long posts are fun to read.  I went to and LE in Clarence, she said all was good but to check back after radiation for additional measurements.  The RO said not to worry about the air rides unless they are really long (Europe etc...) then consider the sleeve.  Sometimes sleeves can do more harm than good.  I'd discuss with the LE. Hope she helps with the pain issues.  I go to "the market" too!!  Love their veggies and meats.  Pies, if you can get them are delicious too!!

    Karen,  good luck with the e-lab today  hope numbers are down although I've met you and think you are fine just the way you are :)   Glad to hear the eye thing isn't too serious and new glasses should help.

    Hi everyone else today, post and let us know how things are going.
