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Western New York Area



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Hi Maureen, I had to laugh at your description of your DS when he is rushing to get drssed for school - you could have been describing my DGS.  But when he fusses with his hair, there's a girl around somewhere.  Today was a fuss day, he and his buddy are going to Wendys to eat, girl alert!  I've seen him wear his shirt inside out till you bring it to his attention.  What changes they go through.  Your container garden will get enough rain this week, it is going to be as rainy as last week was sunny.  It must have been great to have fresh veggies and fruit from your family's farm, I don't think there is anything better than a fresh tomato sandwich, an ear of corn, or a peach where the juice dribbles down your chin.  In Buffalo when I was little, a man we called the huckster would drive down the side streets in an open bed truck with fresh produce for sale, calling out his wares, now that was a long time ago. I have lost 12 lbs. om the E Lab project, I am biking a lot, walking and doing crunches ( Those hurt) but that's where my AI weight settled in.That and achey knees are the only side effect I get, glad to hear you haven't had side effects. I'm sitting in the den on the computer and the rain just let up and the air smells so good, like after a thunderstorm.  Those poor people along the Mississippi are losing their homes and fields due to the spillways being opened to avoid massive flooding in New Orleans and Baton Rouge, we are certainly lucky in the weather we get. Snow is inconvient but it eventually melts. and the season is over. Eventua;;y comes down to a couple of months of cold and snow but no loss of life or property.  The poor people in the plains and the midwest have truly been bombarded with disasters.  Overall, WNY is not that bad, plus its got a great support group!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    hi Karen,  My mom's family was the original settler's in Eden so I didn't know anything but fresh veggies until I was well into my teen years.  It seemed perfectly natural to run out to the field and get corn, strawberries, whatever you wanted.  The taste of just picked cannot be reproduced unless you pick them and eat.  The market at Millersport/Transit intersection is the closest taste I've found.  I wish I appreciated that gift when I was young. 

    Your DGS sounds right on schedule for the girl thing.  I laugh when DS gets all "gussied" up for a trip to Tim Hortons or some fast food restaurant, you know there's a girl alert somewhere :) 

    The AI seems to be going okay, just pain in weird places, sternum, back, wrist etc.... not show stopping, just annoying.  Are the SE immediate or get worse over time?   

    My BIL lives in the very outskirts of KY and dealing with all this mess.  Lost part of his roof in one of the many tornadoes they've had;  flooded streets, flooded garage, office, lower kitchen it's the worst weather he recalls in all the years he's lived in KY (~40yrs.). Maybe there's something to this global warming theory. 

    PS you are absolutely correct about the support group.  Could you ladies say a quick prayer for a friend of mine?  She's a young, new mom, BC survivor and struggling with new mom changes.  I know she's strong and will get through this time but could always use that extra help from God.

    Off to plant my containers on the deck, because of the rain, I'll hang out there today.  I'm sure DH will help out, always does. 


  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited May 2011

    Hi All,

    I hope you are staying dry.  DH and I went to BJ's for home and work stuff.  We were soaked after loading the car.  I can't believe it's May and I had to turn the heat on, it is very cold in the house. 

    The DS and DGS hair and girl alert stories are great.  I went through that stage with my DSD, not with girls, but with boys (lol).  She was cute trying to get the clothes and hair just right.  What a great memory.

    I remember when I was released from BS' care and felt scared about loseing one of my BC doctors.  I am still a little confused on my follow up.  PCP is my GYN and said that the MO should be following me.  PS has asked who is following my care and I said, I am not really sure.  Well last visit to MO, they ordered the MRI so I think they will be doing the follow up.  Will need to get a definitive answer on next visit.

    I would like to ask you to pray for a friend of mine that has BC and is not doing very well.  Frankly, I am not sure how long she will be with us.  Your prayers will be greatly appreciated.

    Gotta run and feed DH, he gets really cranky if he does not get feed. LOL.

    Your Friend,


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011
    Cheryl,  said a prayer on the power of prayer thread on this site. I'll keep her in my prayers as well.  Looking forward to seeing everyone soon, hopefully it will be warm by then Wink
  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Dear Maureen, sent a prayer up for your young mom, she has a lot on her plate, just having a baby comes with enough challenges and then to add BC on top of that, she must be a strong woman.  That kind of troubles to deal with compared to some situations people stress over, certainly makes you see the whiner in perspective.  A farmers market here in Batavia is the closest I get to fresh veggies and fruit, can't imagine going to the field to pick out dinner, what a great memory.  Sorry to hear of  your BIL situation, all that damage in a few minutes. You must not know where to start in a situation like that.  Cheryl willl add your friend to my prayers, and pray for a calm, pain free respite from BC.Just pulled the portable heater back out of the closet, this is the second time this season. I'm chilled, jeans and a turtleneck weather indoors!!

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited May 2011

    Cheryl... Just lifted your friend in prayer... For complete peace, pain controlled days, and no fear.

    All the rain and cold is hard to take... But at least my house is dry and there isn't a river running through like half the county!

    thinking about all of you...

    Karen... Have a good week!

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited May 2011

    HI everyone, 

    Now I am hungry for a giagantic salad. !!

    Maureen- my AI symptoms got worse over time. They switched me off arimidex and changed to aromasin. Its a little less on the pain meter and more on the hotflash meter :(

    Oh no Karen- I cannot believe you have a tutle neck on.  I havent worn one since I went off my hormone replacement!! Too many hotflashes.  They better now on the effexor, but I still  cannot bear the thought of wearing  a T-neck.  Great job on the weight loss.  What are you doing and eating?

  • luvmygirls
    luvmygirls Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2011

    just diagnosed - from O.P., facing surgery soon, have elementary school aged girls - not sure how much and when to tell them - anyone have suggestions?

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited May 2011

    HI Luvmygirls, Welcome and glad you joined us.

    I was diagnosed last August and  have a very young daughter.  I spoke to a psychologist and BS before I even considered telling my child to see what they advised.  All consults agreed not to say a thing until I know what kind of cancer and treatment  I needed.  This would be my suggestion to you too. I felt strongly a young child doesn't need adult worries.

      If you have DCIS or a very small cancer and are early stage , you may only need surgery and radiation. In those cases, you can have all of that done without telling young children.  You can have all your treatment and she/he would never need to know you have Cancer; until they are older and you'd want to be sure they receive proper monitoring.

    My child was way to young to understand what this disease is and all she needed to know was that I went in for a short surgery , I told her I might stay a day or two and the doctors made me well. I told her she could have a sleep over with her aunts and that made her day! When I went for radiation, I went in the morning when she was at school . She never knew.  When she is 18 I will tell her so that she can get early mammo's and mRI's.

    If you find you have a need for chemo, you could tell your children that you have tissue in your body the doctor is going to take out to help you get better, then you will have medicine to make you completely better and it may make you look funny and lose your hair.  They dont need to know the tissue is cancer. Only yucky or bad tissue. 

    My advice is to really tell age appropriate information and not too much , talk to a BS or psychologist for advice, and only tell information that  they are old enough to know and understand.  That to me would be any age over 15 and again - the delivery of what you say differs on your feelings and what types of treatment you may need.

    Good luck to you and feel free to send me a note on a private message if you want to chat. I'd be happy to give you a call.

    This is the hardest part when you don't know what you need for treatment, and what your pathology and next steps are. If I could give advice, get a few surgical consults, there are many good breast surgeons around.  And ask for copies of your pathology and MRI's and mammos.  Keep a book with you to take to your appointments and a friend.  It helps to have a second set of ears listening to all the information you will hear.

    Good luck - this is a great group.  Let us know how you're doing and PM me if you need to chat.



  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited May 2011

    Hi luvmygirls,

    What a perfect name.  I really luvedmygirls, but now I have bigger ones, they are good.  They are what you want them to be. 

    Bevin has given you some great advice.  She really knows her stuff.  If you need a shoulder to lean on while you are going through BC, I am hear for you.

    Thank you for those who have prayed for my friend.

    Good night, your friend,


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Dear lovemygirls, You have gotten really good advice from Cheryl and bevin, mainly in keeping it simple and age appropriate.  My daughter is a mother herself now and was my rock throughout my treatment, she was my driver, my extra set of ears and my emotional support, she in turn had others supporting her.  She found this website for me but not until I had had my surgery and completed 6 weeks of radiation, I wish I had it while I was going through treatment, this site in particular was invaluable to me in mending all the little and not so little pieces that BC causes in your life.  My daughter and I told my grandchildren together after I had my treatment plan in place, they are 13 and 14 years old and very bright.  They also have a friend whose mom had bone cancer and had to have her leg amputated.  We told them that I had cancer,but a different kind, that my Dr. would be removing it from my breast, then I would have radiation to kill any stray cells, then I would take a medicine that would keep the cancer away.  We did keep them informed about every step, answered every question, most were based on their friends experience. During my treatment their friend's mom was diagnosed with a rare cancer and passed away - they wanted reassurence that this would not happen to me.  We keep them informed about the tests, mammos. MRI's and US's as a way of reassuring them that my team is always checking me and making sure I am OK.  They handle it well, and questions now are when I am going to meet my computer friends.  This is an exceptional group of women, and we are glad to have you join us, yet sorry you have to be here.  Anytime, any question, we are here for you.  Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Hi starbeauty, anytime in your week, except Thursday, for a Tim Horton break?  You pick day and time.  Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Maureen, I missed your question about AI side effects, my ankles are achey in the A.M. and I have to walk the stiffness out, my knees are a side effect and probably some arthritis.  I take plain Bayer aspirin in the A.M. for the inflamation.  My knees did get a little worse as time went by, but I am really lucky in that the side effects are few and not severe.  Pray that yours are the same.  Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Hi bevin, I'm on a role now, thanks for the congratuations.  I bought a recombent bike at Walmart for $148 and use it every day for from 1&1/2 hrs to 4 hours a day, I am retired so time is not an issue.  I bike till I am sweating, usually 30 min. blocks of time also do crunches for not long enough, I do so hate doing them, but that is where my AI weight is and my Quit Smoking weight. Last week when it was nice I did my walking outside for some of the time.  I eat a lot of fresh fruit and veggies, drink tons of water, eat chicken and fish, diet jello for the sweets, if I cheat one day - I watch myself for the next few days and add more biking.  The ELAB Project stands for eat like a bird.  One of the members summed it up with "eat less, move more"  Karen  ps. having to post your results on the computer is a great motivating tool for me.  Time for bed.

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited May 2011
    Options about this Friday at 10a?

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    great = meet you there.  Karen

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited May 2011

    karen, Perfect...happy dance... Happy dance!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Hi All,  Go away for one day and holy cow so many posts!!

    Luvmygirls;  Welcome to our site, sorry you had to join.  Bevin provided you with the most sound advice.  She speaks from experience and is very thoughtful with her answers.  I know it seems like a very long road right now however you will feel better once you have directions and plans.  My daughter and son are much older than your girls and I was upfront from the beginning.  Between them and my husband, they got me through some very dark times.  It seems very overwhelming at first, but it will get better, I promise.  Lean on us, that's what we're here to do, hold each other up during hard times and celebrate success of the good times.  You are in my prayers.

    Heymoose:  Hope your friend is pain free and comfortable.  I'll keep her in my prayers.

    Bevin:  Hi!!  How are things going?  Haven't talked to you in a while, sorry so busy right now.

    Karen:  You are doing so well with everything, smoking, weight loss, will I know you at our luncheon?  Hope you and starbeauty have fun and don't forget to have a French vanilla cappacino for me!!

    Kindone, Pasha, Yummy, Linda614, Susan HG, ElleD, Laura and horse-n-around:  Haven't seen you on this thread lately,  hope all is well and living life to the fullest.

    I'm doing okay, had such a dizzy spell, nausea yesterday, literally slept the day away, wondering if it's a result of the AI or still left over from my chemo days?  Feel better today but will mention to the onc next Friday.  Really don't like when that happens, makes me nervous.
  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited May 2011

    Maureen, had some of those spells immediately after rads. noticed that my finger nails all have an indentation about half way up about 6 months back with how slow they grow now... In other words crap was still happening in me even after they stopped rads and chemotherapy. I would venture a guess the same is true for you. I slowly pulled out of all of that about 5 months after rads stopped. Hugs Maureen...

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Thanks Starbeauty,  getting so disgusted with feeling yucky all the time.  Hopefully this gets better.

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited May 2011

    It sure no matter how bad you are hurting that you exercise ... Even a little helps bring you away from the fatigue, depression, and sick feeling. We will get better...we truly will! One moment at a time.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring.....Cry  This is worse than snow, well maybe not but enough already.  I have a really funny story:  We had burger king for dinner (I know poor choice) and I asked DH to get me a kid's meal because I don't want to upset tummy.  We sit down to eat dinner and guess what the "prize" was?  A Thor headband complete with wings!!!  Of course I put it on and we had a good laugh.  Posting a picture is out of the question though!!  DD got 4A's and 1B at college, so proud of her.  She's upset about the B, typical Type A personality. DS is doing well too, will graduate in June, then onto pull through program at ECC.  Starts in business, switches to criminal justice and if grades are good, they automatically switch to Buff State after the 2 yr. all credits accepted.  Neat set up. Tommorrow the nasty work day, 7 meetings grrrrr.  

    Only can walk 1/2 mile tonight, then I feel lousy again, pre-bc a mile every night was easy.  Take care ladies.  Maybe I'll bring the headband to lunch, might look okay with the wig Kiss


  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited May 2011

    Good Evening Ladies,  I missed you all when I was on vacation VB.  The weather was not great I only got a bout 3 hrs of sun, it was cloudy all week.  I was was nice to get a way for a while but I wanted sun.  It's just not nice anywhere weather wises.  I am looking forward to our lunch to met every one.  Now to bed I have to work another double tomorrow, life goes on.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Hi everyone, Maureen, you must be so proud of your children, DS and DD sound like wonderful people with a lot of compassion for their mother.  You raised them well, I was one of those Type A personalities, not satisfied with a B+ if I could of gotten an A, I think the Type A got leeched out by the radiation, I'm pretty easy to please now.  We are getting closer and closer to June 4th, almost time.  It seemed like such a long time to wait, but now it is upon us, now if we could please have sunshine, this rain is indeed getting to be a bit much.  hugs Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Hi Karen, yes the rain is crazy lately.  Still waiting to finish planting my container garden.  We're doing better than BIL in Kentucky.  Just spoke with him and the main road in the town is gone as a result of the tornadoes.  All the buildings less one are no longer standing.  The flooding is just starting to recede but that's hard to imagine.  Busy day at work today, tired.  Can't wait to meet everyone, looking forward to the day!!

    Kindone, where did you go for vacation?  Sorry you're working the double again, I admire your stamina. If I had to work a double today, I'd have to sleep for two days before and two days after the double shift. Does this rads/chemo fatigue ever go away?



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Kindone,  how is your daughter's new baby?  About 5 weeks old now?

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Kindone, Happy Grandmother, is this your first.  Bring pictures with you on the 4th.  Maureen, I think I'm just getting over rads tiredness now.  Plus fatigue could be the result of the AI, so many extra gifts. Your poor brother in law, where do they even start to rebuild?  Just the town over from Aunt Teresa is a little town called Albion that had a tornado about 14 years ago, it just cut a neat slash through the town and they were years rebuilding that.  Tomorrow - SUNSHINE.  I think I remember what it looks like, met starbeauty for coffee today, had a great time, brightened up an otherwise gloomy day.  Turns out we both went to the same RO here in town, he did less than a stellar job on both of us!  Both waiting for the 4th, who is the reservation in the name of, "Maureen", "those who keep plugging on", or "can't wait to hug all of us'.  Watch out everyone - I'm a hugger.  Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Hi Ladies, just checking in.  Beautiful day in WNY today.  I helped my sister clean up her house cause boss will be there on Wed.  She works full time, single mom and is going to doc appt. with me.  DD started summer school cause the only time she could fit in a class.  College is funny.  They don't care if you have conflicts between classes. oh welll, light schedule for her and she likes to work as much as she can in the summer.  Then came home and finished planting container garden cause  it's suppose to rain again tomorrow.  These stupid mood swings are getting to me, first I get dizzy, then sad, then tired.  I know only two weeks post rads but I read other sites where ladies are running marathons and doing all sorts of things and think what is wrong with me?  Can't wait to meet everyone either.  I love my new friends and relationship with family...the only good thing that came out of cancer. 


  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited May 2011


    Quite frankley I think they are all nuts and you are doing fine.  Okay maybe I was a baby during my recovery.  However, I liked it when my husband took care of me.  (I can't believe I really said that) HA HA.

    I really wish I could offer more advice.  I had a bi-lateral mastectomy, with immediate reconstruction, no chemo and no radiation.  So I am not able to offer any advice on the sideeffects of chemo or rads.  However, I can talk about the expands and implants and my new GIRLS!.

    I also am able to sympethise with your feelings and offer encouragement everyday.  I will let you in on a secret, prior to BC I did not work out at all, now I am walking 2.25 miles about 4 days a week and working out at a gym.  This feels really good.  I am still in training and hope to be able to run/walk the Komen race on June 11.

    Have a great Monday! ((((((Hugs and Prayers)))))
