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Western New York Area



  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited May 2011

    Hi all... Well what a great relief it was to simply talk nonstop to Karen! She is so thoughtful in her responses and I just enjoyed myself so much... How cool it will be when everyone gets together in June!!

    Karen, thanks for being such a great listener! glad it is almost over! I love your wig... You look adorable in it, but I know by now you can hardly wait until you have enough of an inch to toss it least that is how I was last summer... Have about three inches now... Grows kind of slow...lost my eyelashes three times since chemotherapy ended. had the chemotherapy curl, but that is slowly going away now.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Hi all, I know we are all feeling better in this beautiful sunshine, and the promise of more to come during the next 7 days!!   Hi Maureen, I've never exercised so hard in my whole life as I did this week. I think once you do BC you can do anything.  Hope the scales reflect it in the A.M.  Although chocolate is just calling to me, the donuts at Tim Hortons were looking mighty tasty too.Can't wait to get my new glasses and I can see clearly, it will make it easier on the DGchildren who I need help from in seeing numbers on the prescription bottle and phone numbers.  Last day off rads, congratulations, you are finished.  Is your MO starting you on AI's?  Boy, we get to learn a whole bunch of initials don't we. Hi starbeauty, had such a good visit with you yesterday.  I am meeting so many good,kind, and bright women.  It is so much easier to talk to women who are traveling the same road, we understand the thoughts, the experiences so particular to women who have heard those fateful words.  And the more we share, the lighter the load gets.  hugs to all, Karen

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited May 2011

    Hi Ladies, just got home from Shea's saw Wicked it was great.

    Karen, I also stated a cataract and Dr said it was due to chemo.

    Linda welcome.

    Good night ladies work in the AM.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Dear kindone, I had the lumpectomy and radiation, I wonder if the rads could have done it or the AI's. I know I was OK till this cancer got started.  I know I got the thinning hair, hot flashes, and had my first really bad migraine since the 90's from the hormone supressors (sp?)  Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    I AM DONE, I AM DONE, I AM DONELaughing  I want to celebrate today , DH will be home tonight and we'll celebrate.  I brought the office Manhattan Bagels and muffins to celebrate.  All the girls gave me a big hug and I was relieved.  Then had to rush homne for a meeting.  The sun is shining, it's almost warm and life is good.  Now onto the AI's.  They said I could start Monday.  I felt like saying in the year 2045 (LOL)  I'll start Monday.  Hopefully it will be nothing.

    Kindone:  I heard Wicked was a really good show, didn't the show receive awards too? 

    Karen:  I think rads played a number on my vision and balance.  RO says no but I think it did for me, if that makes sense. 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Maureen, you DID IT!!!!!  You should be so proud of yourself, you are one strong lady, but then all WNY'ers are, it's because we live in the land of darkness, snow, scraping cars, I could go on and on.  Have a grand celebration with DH,DD and DS.  I think you are right about the rads, but the RO all deny it, I know I didn't have this problem before.  I think a glass of wine may be in the cards for you, go for it and then continue the celebration on thru the weekend, you did good.  hugs, Karen

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited May 2011

    Whoo Hoo Maureen... happy dance.... What a relief!!!! And what a glorious day to celebrate!!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Thanks for the well wishes Star and Karen.  My sister made me steak and potatoes, DH home safe and sound. going to the club for brunch for mother's day, glorious weekend. Ran into DD old boyfriend who gave me a big hug and told me he missed me, broke my heart.  DD said he needs to straighten up and get more drive so wondering if this is temp or permanent, confusing time that's for sure....

    If I don't get back to the threads, Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful women on this thread, enjoy your day and above all celebrate we're here today.



  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited May 2011

    Maureen,  I am so happy for you, you did it, and you have such a supportive family to celebrate with.  Now you can relax awhile.

    I don't know about rads with cataracts, I just know my eye DR told me chemo effects the eyes.

    Hope ever one has a wonderful Mothers Day.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Hi all, hope you all have a Happy Mother's Day with you and yours.  hugs,  Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited May 2011

    Hello all my WNY friends,  Sending you all wishes for a very Happy Mothers Day.  And if you're not a mom, wishes to your Mother for a Happy Day. ( or prayers for those of us whose Mothers have passed on).

    Have a joyous day everyone!

    YUMMY Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2011

    Happy Mother's day to all.

    Pasha, Tara is a sweetheart.  I saw her for lymphedema and she gave me exercizes and taught me how to wrap my arm for a flight.  That was two years ago and I've had no problems since.  They also have support group meetings on the second Wed of each month..May 11th is the next one at 6 or 6:30.  I haven't been in a few months due to scheduling but they have differnt speakers each time and it's a nice group.  you can check out the website and call for meeting information.  Dr Lindfield was my surgeon

    Maureen et al, unfortuately, I will not be able to make the luncheon.  A friend has asked me for some help moving and I completely forgot about the lunch when I told her yes.  She's been a big help to me and it's time for me to return the favor. I do hope you all have a fantastic time and will look forward to maybe a fall? get-together?  I tell you, it's not even summer and already I have every week-end booked with something thru the 4th of July!  One thing about Buffalonians... we jam as much in as we can in the good weather months!  Can't wait til I can retire and be able to just sit on my butt and enjoy the warm weather relaxing!  Guess I'd better start playing the lottery... or find a richer husband!

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited May 2011

    Hi everyone,

    Just a breeze through to wish all a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!!!!!

    Will check in soon.

    (((((Hugs and Prayers)))))


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Hi All!!!  Hope everyone had a great mother's day.

    Heymoose,  so glad you'll be able to make it.

    Yummy,  Glad to hear from you and all is going well.

    SusanHG,  How is radiation going?  You are on the downside now right?  How's the skin?

    Karen"  How is everything going?

    Kindone:  Thanks for the well wishes,  I'm glad to be done with radiation, not sure my skin could've taken much more.  The silvaderm cream was an absolute lifesaver, within two days, skin was better.  I even wore a bra on mother's day LOL!!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Pasha, starbeauty, elleD, bevin, and Linda, just checkin' in to see how everyone is doing and hoping all is well? 

    Pasha,  Didn't realize the sheridan drive had a support group.  Thinking I need one, after finishing rads I'm a bit down today, tired, and keep thinking now what?  I've been fighting so long not sure what else to do?


  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited May 2011

    Maureen... you have done so much - it is exhausting... it feels like a massive fight - and now it is a little quiet, but you are still actively attacking this beast.  You are going to see your onc for follow-up regularly, you will see the rad onc for awhile, the mri/mammo mds, and the surgeon... all checking you... all asking questions... all ordering anything that may be needed.  Plus you are going to hit it with an AI...

    Keep your chin up fearless leader... you are winning - don't let it get you down - keep the exercise and healthy diet going... (((maureen)))

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    feeling a little out of sorts too, just a quiet day with housework to be done.  Making shrimp scampi for DD and DGchildren,  Addison is saying he will try it, the shrimp, I have a breast of chicken waiting just in case.  He's a meat and potatoes guy.  Mica will try anything,even as a toddler she would eat a salad with blue cheese dressing. Addison was going for a haircut on Sat.. morning and wanted a faux mohawk, don't think Nini (me) wasn't sweating that, he came right upstairs to show me when he got home, it is short on the sides and back, a little longer on top, he uses "bed head" sculpting paste and spikes the middle, he looks so grown up and it is nothing like what this older generation grandma was fearing.  Karen  Maureen, starbeauty is right, all the daily treatments are over, now begins the doctor of the week appointments and the AI's. Did your MO say what he wants you to use? It'll take a little time to get used to just taking a little pill. 

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited May 2011

    Hi everyone,  I hope you are all well and enjoyed our sunny day!

    Maureen- your feelings are normal and I can say, I felt the same way. I cried my last day of rads. It felt like I was leaving treatment behind me. My Rads Onco explained, I now have to think of active treatment differently. My visits to the Med Onco, scans, blood tests and the AI are all forms of treatment. They are just different than what we had all changed our lives to accomodate. It took me awhile to move on to that.  Assuming you'll take an AI of some sort, know they are very powerful and keep cancer at bay.

    Yummy- every day I see your name I get hungry. I think of yummy cookies. NOT good as I need to lose some LB's.

    I am tired tired tired and going to bed.


  • pasha
    pasha Member Posts: 11
    edited May 2011

    Hello everyone! I hope that everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day and had time to reflect on how precious life is. I am very lucky to still have my mom but due to the nature of where I work, I have learned to appreciate the value of life and the uncertainity of our futures. I really appreciate everyone's quick acceptance of me into your group. It means so much to have all of you responding to my posts.

    Yummy- It is great to hear that the PT that I am going to tomorrow is good. I am putting a lot of faith in her ability to help decrease my pain. I had no idea that there was a support group in their facility. I may attend a session when I have the time to do so. It seems that the evenings fill up so quickly.

    Maureen- glad that your skin has improved so quickly. Silvadene is a great product. I use it frequently with my patients.

    Karen- I would be nervous about the mohawk hair-cut. Glad to hear that it isn't too extreme!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Hi All,

    Karen,  my DS went through the mohawk stage too, goes away quickly.  Funny how they try to find themselves using so many venues.  If that's the worst he does....thank god!!

    Bevin, thanks for the pep talk.  All the women on this thread are wonderful, you are my safety net.  I'm better today, thanks. Yesterday was a rough day, not sure why either.

    Pasha,  Let me know if you attend one of their meetings, I'd like to go to. 

    So I'm thinking I should talk to someone now that all of this is over, some type of counselor. 

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    BTW, still have no energy, cleaned the bathrooms, changed sheets on the bed, and took another nap, I need that to go away, my treadmill is waiting :)

    Have a great night ladies.


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Hi All, I'm sure everyone is enjoying the great weather we're having in WNY.  I even sat on the deck during some of my meetings yesterday.  Boy, could I get used to that!!  Today seems muggier to me? I love the flowers, trees, etc....and just being alive today.  Not up to much, have many appt. coming up with MO, RO, BS, they seem to give me my security blanket.

    When you get a chance, drop a line and let us know how you are!!

    Also, have a really personal question:  Did anyone ever go to a psychic?  What is your opinion? I confess, I'm considering one.  I went to one with a girlfriend a long time ago when we were kids.  I have to say the woman was dead on with predictions, right down to my husband. I was engaged to one man, date set everything and she told me he wouldn't be my husband and things about the man I was going to marry, to make a long story short, she was sooo right. Fiancee was not who I thought he was and never looked back, within 6 months, I met my husband. Best decision I ever made!! When all this happened,  I was so freaked out, I never went to the lady again.

  • pasha
    pasha Member Posts: 11
    edited May 2011

    Hello. Hope everyone is feeling wonderful with spring finally arriving. It's amazing to me how much weather can change your moods. I drive all day so it feels so good to open the sun roof and allow fresh air and the sun to touch my winterized skin. I joke that our skin is covered up for so much of the year that it is winterized.

    I have never been to a psychic. I am nervous to go to one. I guess I am scared of finding out about my own mortality.

    I went to PT with Tara. She is wonderful. I really enjoyed my visit with her and she feels that she can help. She also told me that things would probably get more painful before they get better. I am willing to go through anything if it makes it better. She was annoyed that nobody ever refered me for PT 3 years ago. I was the one to refer myself now. Has everyone noticed a disconnect with care with breast cancer?

    You see the breast surgeon for the mastectomy,then the plastic surgeon takes over your care for the surgical care. You do not see the breast surgeon after your check up for discharge shortly after the surgery.. I was referred to the oncologist,who followed me medically but doesn't cover any surgical aspects. I feel that you get bounced around from specialist to specialist and need to have a manger to keep everything in order. I don't know what I am trying to say. I just feel as if I fell through the cracks and I am in the medical profession. I worry what happens to a person that has no medical knowledge if this could happen to me.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Hi Maureen, I did go to a few psychics when I was in my teens and then again in my twenties, I basically had no great faith in them and just went because my friends were going and it was a lark. I think they are able to question you very well and read alot into your answers and body language.  I think seeing a counselor or therapist is the better idea because after active treatment you can kind of flounder around, I know I did and still do on occasion, I was lucky to find a LCSW who I really meshed with and have benefitted greatly from.  I wish he was closer to you, he is just such a valuable sounding board and helps me to think of my life and how I handle it.  He is just a plain good kind man in general, sometimes we just chat other times, I have specific things I want to talk about.  I go to see him 1x a month and just feel more centered after a session.  He uses the phrase "it is what it is", and I used to hate that phrase, now I know when something is bothering me if I can get to that phrase, I am all set and I can put that problem behind me.   Hi pasha, I'm so glad you followed your own dictates in pursueing a PT and have established a good relationship with.  As far as falling through the cracks in the medical community, my BS takes the lead in my treatment plan, though all the other MO, RO, have made it clear that I can call on them with any concern.  I have a particulary good relationship with him, maybe that it is why I am so comfortable in him taking the lead.  hugs to you both, Karen

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited May 2011

    Pasha...know what you mean... No one took any lead at all nor really appear to talk to each other. I am my own case manager... They each focuson their own area and sometimes give me conflicting getting an MRI or not... Some said get it and onc actually gave me grief about it. Very. Aggravating.

    YUMMY Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2011

    Pasha and Starbeauty,

    I guess I should count myself as lucky because my breast surgeon, recommended my PS,MedOnco and RadOnco and has always followed up with me, now every 6 months through.  My MedOnco, who sees me for blood work every 4 months always asks if I've seen either surgeon as well as my ONGYN and if she hasn't gotten reports from them, if I can have them sent. (at this point, I make sure anything to do with my Cancer is released to my GP, BS and MedOnco, and it's been 3 years since my treatment was over.  So, even though I know from working in the medical field, albeit non-clinically, that you have to be your own advocate, I'm glad to have had a good 'team' caring for me.

    Enjoy the sun while you can, ladies!Kiss

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Agree with Yummy.  The first visit to BS post lumpectomy, I specifically asked; "Who will be my coordinator of care? and Who is my advocate of care?" Both answers were the MO.  When I visited the MO at the planning session I told him what the BS said and wanted to confirm this was the case. He agreed and stayed on top of everything, so far.  Whenever I have testing, I request copies sent to BS, MO and PCP.  I want them to have complete records.  I learned this lesson with my mom's pancreatic a few years ago, stay on top of everything, be nice but direct, very direct.  It's worked so far but only 9 months post dx. so time will tell. 

    Enjoying a beautiful Friday PM with sunshine.  Still a little tired from rads thing but I think it's getting better.  I started the hormone therapy AI on Monday, no issues yet, just had a few really vivid dreams. We'll see, hope they work to keep the nonsense at bay.  I inquired about my hair to Capello's and the sr. stylist said when ready, he will provide a private room for cut/color/brows.  Looking at my hair, won't be ready by our get together but absolutely will have done by my son's graduation end of June.  I really want to go topless to his graduation.  I need to be free of this and just take away the good...the phenomenal women from this site, the great relationship with family, the appreciation for everything I always did at my job, and just life in general.  Yes, the breast cancer, I'm leaving that in the past.



  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited May 2011

    HI everyone,  Hope you're all well.

    Maureen and Yummy - I agree. My med onco makes sure their on top of all tests, mri, mammo's blood etc. They gather all records from my Gyn, BS , pulmonary , cardiac etc. I don't need to do a thing but show up for my appointments. 

    One thing I do make sure of, and I highly recommend, is I get a CD copy of every PET/CT Mammo, and I also make sure I get a copy of all written reports for mammo, CT's PETs, etc.  I always want to keep my own copies.  I also keep copies of all blood work.

    Enjoying the night. My Daughter is at the annual Father Daughter Dance and she looked lovely heading off.  School is almost over and I dont have child care yet.. UGHHHH!  I need to sort this out quickly.

    Have a great weekend eveyrone,


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Hi bevin and Maureen, yes the school year is flying by, soon it will be time for our get together and putting names with faces.  This is the first thread I look at when I come on the computer to see what everyone is up to and what valuable information is being talked about, bevin, I didn't know you could get a CD of all my mammos and US's and my MRI.  I go for my annual mammo and US in August and will ask them to prepare one for me.  Hasn't the weather been glorious, we did get a touch of rain tonight and could hear thunder in the distance.  The Annual Lilac Festival is in Rochester this weekend and it sounds like we might have rain, but I don't think the lilacs are quite ready, so it may work out well anyway.  My DGD has her May school dance in two weeks, she looked so grown up when she came upstairs to show me her outfit, the years just fly.  Maureen, I did get used to the faux mohawk, it's just a little longer on top, he uses pomade to spike it up, it's funny seeing him working on his hair, he always just plopped a ski hat on it before, can girls be far behind.  See you soon - hugs Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Hi Karen, Good to hear from you. Glad you enjoyed your day.  I suspect your grandson had his eye on a girl?  I can always tell when my son is sweet on a girl.  He dresses for school.  When he doesn't care, it's the hat, shorts, t-shirt whatever gets him to school on-time.  If he's late for school, he loses the car.  When your DGS gets to the car stage, you have real power with privleges (LOL).

    Starting my container garden with veggies this year.  Some years I have good luck, other years the animals have a feast. Growing tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, beans, onions.  Not a lot of plants just enough to get that fresh grown taste in the middle  of summer.  My mom's family owned a farm in Eden so that fresh grown taste for veggies/fruits needs to be satisfied every year.
