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  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Thanks Heymoose (and Karen for the PM).  My DD has run the Komen race the last two years.  Advice: Do not leave anything in your car including the trunk.  They broke into my daughter's trunk of the car in seconds with a tool they have that leaves a pin mark right next to the lock.  Her girlfriend's mother's purse was stolen and the police said it happens in seconds every year.  I feel better today, just can't get by these mood swings, wonder if it's the AI's that are doing this?  Anyway, back to work, talk later.  BTW, am back on the treadmill but only doing about 1/2 mile/day :(  Thanks for the hugs/prayers too!!


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Hi Ladies, Hope everyone is safe after the storms last night.  The lightning was unbelievable.  Thought to myself, yep DH is out of town so power will go out.  Flickered but didn't go out.  I was driving home from a friends house when the storm hit, so I walk in the door and DS meets me at the door asking where did I go in this terrible weather?  Who is the parent? (LOL).  It was only 9:00PM at night.  Working all afternoon, so took the morning to catch up with friends. Tonight I have to go for my consult with Capello's to see if anything can be done with my hair.  Yesterday, I had RO f/u and doc said everything looks great.  Has no explanation for dizzy spells so I guess I just hang in there.  DNephew graduated so have graduation parties, etc. to attend in the next couple of weeks, then back to work full-time.  Glad to be busy, keeps my mind out of dark places. My container garden seems to look okay too, surviving all this rain. Keeping all my friends in my thoughts and prayers today to overcome all the challenges they face in life.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Hi everyone, all is fine in Batavia, we must have been on the outskirts of the storm.  Seems like the storms are just piggybacking their way through WNY with a sunny day thrown in here and there.  This seems to be a time of f/u's and scans that one or the other of us is having to do.  Maureen, I'm glad the f/u was uneventful, and that the container garden survived the storm, they have checked your ears for any sign of infection I would assume.  I'm glad that keeping busy keeps the dark thoughts at bay, but remember to rest when your body is calling out for it.  The cat, Sophie doesn't want to go out and it is getting windy, I assume more rain is on the way.  I, too, am so thankful I have my friends here to rely on, I remember before I found this site feeling so alone, not anymore!  Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    I hear you Karen, my cat, Iris, is really spooky today.  She usually acts this way prior to or just after a bad storm.  I hope we have no more storms today, getting sick of them.  All last week, DH kept saying: "Oh look, it's raining outside!!"  It was funny the first 5 times he said it, then it got old. My container garden has weird brown spots on the leaves, thinking just too much water.  Have to get back to my meeting.  This site is addicting sometimes. (LOL)


  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited May 2011

    Hi All,

    I hope everyone is doing fine. 

    Maureen, I have a great system for the Komen race, my DH chaufers (?) the group of us back and forth, from my house to the Rose garden, so no parking cars.  He is a doll, but his ulterier motive is to not participate in the walk. LOL.  I am happy your check up went well, another step in your recovery well done.

    Karen, so glad to hear you are well in Batavia.  Sorry Sophie is a little upset today and hope she calms down.

    Last night prior to rain, I went and surveyed my side yard gardens and am very worried that I lost a bunch of perenials.  I hope they are just a little slow in growing due to the cold and rain we had so long this spring, by the way did we even have a spring, not sure can anyone tell me?  Okay, have to run DH just came home from a meeting and now I have to feed him, looks like dinner out.

    Have a great night.  Looking forward to meeting everyone June 4th.

    Hugs, Cheryl 

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited May 2011

    Hello Ladies, Hope all is well.  I will bring pictures of Ava Marie and Aiden to out lunch on the 4th.

    My cat Tigger had to have his eye removed today because of cancer..  He has to spend the night at the vets.  He will come home tomarrow.  I miss him, I hope his pain is under control.  When I called before he was resting comfortable.

    I finally got some yard work done yesterday planted some flowers, between the weather and working, I did find time.

    Glad everyone is good and looking forward to our lunch.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    Kindone, so sorry to hear about your cat's cancer.  What a stressful time for him.  Hope he arrives home painfree and well on the road to recovery.  Can't wait to see the pictures of your grandchildren.  I'll try to remember to bring pics of my son & daughter too, pictures are my weakness. Thank God my mom took pics of kids or I wouldn't have any at all (LOL)

    Heymoose, great plan for the Komen run.  My DD wants me to walk with her that day. We have the area garage sale, my nephew's college grad party and the run all in the same day.  There is another walk for Roswell in the fall in East Aurora for breast cancer too. I'll talk to her for maybe doing that walk vs. Komen run this year.  Hopefully by then, I'll have hair and energy.  We should all meet there to do the run/walk in the fall.

    Karen, Hope your cat has calmed a bit as the day went on.

    Update:  I went to Capello's today and he'll be fixing my hair end of June, right before DS graduation.  I'm so excited.  I'll be wigging it at the lunch so you'll see the color he will dye my "real" hair. 

    Praying for all on the site tonight for the struggles of life.  Love you all!!!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Kindone, so sorry to hear of your cat's cancer.  I know you won't feel calm until he is home with you.  Our little furbabies are so dear to us, it is hard to relax until they are home safely with their family.  I'm excited that we are all bringing pictures so we can fill in our mental picture of DS, DD, and DGchildren, I know from all our postings that all our families stepped up to the plate during this BC journey.  The apples fell from wonderful trees, Hope all the gardens make it through the rain filled days we have had, today turned into a beautiful sunny day.  I had 3 "shows" to watch today , American Idol which the whole family watches together, Dancing With the Stars finale and the WNY Senate race.  I was pleased with all the results, though Idol has their finale tomorrow.  Took my grandson to vote with me, never to early to begin teaching our right to vote.  I did bike during the shows, got 2 hours of biking in for the whole day.  I am on the thread E LAB Project, it is a support group of women broken into teams, to lose both my AI weight and my Quit Smoking weight. doing fairly well on both threads, another great groups of women.  Not the same as we are, since we will be able to meet face to face, we are truly friends about to meet for the first time, can't wait to hear the heymoose story!  hugs to all  Karen  Maureen, you will have your hair done for DS's graduation, I know you are wildly excited, another milestone for you!!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Good evening ladies, hope all is well.  Kindone, hope your cat is home safe and sound where he belongs. Karen, hope you enjoyed your shows.  Congradulations on the smoking and weight loss, you are a champ.  I went to see the pyscic today and told me things I couldn't believe she knew, one of which was breast cancer.   Don't know if I feel better or worse right now, kind of creepy really. 

    Heymoose, looks like your garden is in for more abuse, more rain tomorrow urgggggYell

    Have a great night ladies.


  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited May 2011

    Karen, It is great to have him home again.  I wonder if he thought I abandoned him.  I did cry when saw him, even though they warned me how he word look.  He already took the cone off that they wanted on for 14 days.  But I did get his pain meds into him.  I kind of related to him, if you know what I mean?

    I am so glad you are doing good on the E Lab Project, I know how hard it is to lose weight and be consistent with exercising.  It will defiantly pay off.  HUGS

  • alexanjb
    alexanjb Member Posts: 32
    edited May 2011

    I am from Central NY but I am wondering if anyone here will be at Camp Good TimesDays and Special Times the weekend of June 3-5 for the Women's Oncology Program?

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Dear Alexanjb, As a group we are meeting for the first time on June 4th in Williamsville, a suburb of Buffalo.  We have been planning this since January when this thread was created.  There are about 8 of us getting together, we are all pretty excited about it.  Had not heard of the Women's Oncology Program for that weekend, thanks for passing the info along.  Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Alex, What is the Women's Oncology program? 

    Kindone:  So happy Tigger is home safe and sound.  I'll bet he's glad to be home.  I can only imagine the grief of getting meds into a cat.  The vet had to try twice to get into my cat, she's a stinker (LOL)

    Hey ladies, can you pray for my friend tonight. I know she is struggling and I'm thinking about her and she really needs the Lord's help.  Thanks.

    Wow, need to get off threads, it's really lightening and DH is traveling tomorrow.  Hope he gets home safe and sound so he can start the generator, have a feeling we're going to need it :(  Rain, rain, thunder, thunder.



  • alexanjb
    alexanjb Member Posts: 32
    edited May 2011

    Here is the link for Camp Good Day and Special Times.  I am going to the Arts and Crafts Program but as you can see there are others.  I was signed up for the Women's Wellness last Fall but I really wasn't up to it yet, so I cancelled.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Hi Alex, checked that site out, sounds like a lot of fun!!!  I'll keep my eye on the site for upcoming events.  Sorry I'll be missing that weekend, we have plans for a meet and greet.  There's always next year.  BTW,  I see you're a Stage IIIer too!!  Me too, on the cusp of IIb/IIIa but I think it's all the same.  You are very close to my age too and that's my goal, to grow old and gray....well right now I have gray hair however little there is right now.(LOL)  Went through the same tx you did too!!  What a ride huh?

    Update on the day, meetings (grrrrr) had to speak with HR for issues (grrrrr) and going to p/u hubby from airport (yaaaayyyy).  Tomorrow, have MO appt. for follow up, get Vitamin B12 shot and maybe go out to dinner.  Trying really hard to enjoy the memorial day weekend starting tomorrow,  I just want sun, we need Vitamin D3 ladies. 


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Hi all, well we sure got enough rain this evening, DD and her friend walked to the neighborhood deli in the sunshine, on the way back the skies oppened up, they looked like they had taken a shower in their clothes.  DGD had her 8th grade dance, she looked like a vision of loveliness.  Seems like just yesterday I was picking her up from kindergarten.  Went to a shop in Rochester to get measured for a new bra, the L side was just not filling up the cup and I looked off balance.  Salesperson said I had had a severe reaction to the radiation, just like what you and I were talking about starbeauty.  Was able to fit me in a molded bra which makes me look even.  Definately makes a positive difference but the day filled me with a deep sense of melancholely (sp?) which I wasn't expecting and a craving for a cigarette like I had in the first week of quiting.  Just didn't see this sadness coming.  Hoping tomorrow will be a better day, and today was just an aberation.  Send hugs ladies, I need them today.  Karen

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited May 2011


    Sending all the HUGS you need.  I quit smoking the day I went in for my bi lateral mastectomey.  The drugs really helped me get over the cravings.  However, I still have the cravings ( pnce in awhile) and I still dream about smoking.  It is fewer and farther apart but still there.  I just think about something else as soon as I get the craving.  I will keep you in my prayers.

    I hope all are doing well.  I will be celebrating my 4th year cancerversary on 5/29.  Dancing all day long!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hugs to all and have a great holiday weekend.


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Hi Ladies, I'm ashamed to admit that smoking is next on my list, just haven't done it yet.  Had my f/u today, they're scheduling a surgery to take the port out and I insisted I want that cyst in my breast they found at the last Mammo out.  The girl gave me a little bit of a hard time but I think she realized I mean business.  I'm trying to get my hair appointment moved up so it's done before I go back to work but he's booked up :(  He's gonna try to call me back.  Please god, I don't want to go back to work with a wig.  The big day is June 6th,  with a few days here and there to have the port removed etc....  He told me today I have a 20% chance of recurrence,  what's everyone else?  I thought after all this nonsense it would be lower than that???  He did say almost all recurrences happen between 1-3.5yrs.  I'm on hormone therapy for 5, doesn't that help at all?  So it's a good/bad day today.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2011

    Hi Maureen, hope you can get your hair appt. moved up so you are all set to go back to work, will it be back to 40 hrs. a week?  Al though I think you look just beautiful in your wig, if I didn't know, I never would have gguessed.  Neither my MO nor my RO gave me any statistics about the definitive chance of recurrence, neither did I ask, just focused on the fact that the radiation and Arimidex would decrease the chance of recurrence.  And that I should be vigilant about self-exam and keeping all my BS and MO appts., since the way they schedule my appts., would mean a good clinical physical exam every 6 mos.  I have my annual mammo. in August and see if she then switches me to 1x a yr. or keeps me at 2.  I do feel more comfortable at 2 though.  I do think all the treatments you have had: chemo, surgery, rads., and now Arimidex along with all the f/u's with your team mean you have done all you can to prevent recurrence, I know too that it stays in the back of our mind always, I think it's part of the huge blow to who we are that cancer causes and that it is part of the PTSD, we wouldn't be who we are if we thought we had banished it forever from our lives.  It would be great to think that but all of us have been dealt a huge blow that any thinking reasonable person has to have the thought that it might come back. And that is why we all have each other, sending hugs    Karen

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited May 2011

    Maureen,  What DR did you have f/u with?  Is Bauer taking your port out?  He did mine.  I got a higher % of recurrence 25-30, from onc. when I first got DX.  Scary.  He also said that it may never come back.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Joe, the hairdresser is booked solid through June Cry I'm going to go back to work with the wig unless he gets a cancellation.  Yes, going back to work 40 hours.  only 40 hours though (vs. 50-60hrs). I'm going to try really hard to leave work at work.  That will be a big change for me. I still have to see the onc every 2 months. It will always be in the back of my mind though.  I think it is PTSD, however can't find anyone to talk to professionally, they're all booked up.  Guess they'd do something if I had a nervous breakdown though (LOL)!! 

    Betty,  I had f/u with Dr. Soniwhala, I just love him, he's such a sweetheart.   When he spoke with you about the recurrence was that post treatment?  I was scared when he said that, but his favorite saying;  "you go live your life and let me worry about the cancer".  I couldn't agree more. Do you know when he does scans again?  I forgot to ask him, had it written down too, just forgot.  Yes, Doc. Bauer is taking port out.  What does he do?  Do you have to go to the hospital?  I do want him to take out that cyst right next to the lumpectomy, it's worrying me and I want it gone, don't care if it's nothing, it scares me. 

    So DS is driving me crazy, been working on his car FOREVER making it just the way he wants it, now he wants to sell and buy another one.  They don't think sometimes.  Starting college = high cost of books etc... don't need to add another stressor in my opinion, but what do I know? 

    Have a good night ladies, tired today from just stress.


  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited May 2011

    Maureen, You make me laugh, if you had a nervous breakdown they see ya.  How true!!   I went Sister's hospital outpatient dept.  Its was no big deal and only took a 1/2 hr.  You can harely see my scar.  I don't blame you for having that cyst out, I would insist also.

    Dr Soniwhala told me about my recurrence rate post treatment.  I don't know how often we get scanned.  I had to have cat scan bone scan and pet scan and breast MRI 2yrs after treatment bc my tumor markers went up out of the norm.  For six months I had to go back for blood work and more scans.  I thought I was stage 4 after ever scan,  Thank God they all came back normal and my tumor markers came back down.. I don't want to be scanned anymore it take to much out of me.  June 13th I go back for blood test and I am already a wreck... So I don't know how often he dose them as a rule. 

    My DS did the same thing with working on his car at his age.  My garage was a mess, he put so much money into it.  They blew the engine and would start all over.  He still has the car and he is going to be 27.   I guess is not a bad hobby.

    I can toally relate to you about your hair.  I was just a the point where I didn't need my wig when my son got married.  I didn't know if I should ware my wig or go supper short.  I when short people loved it.   Hugs Betty

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    Thanks Betty.  Glad to hear surgery is no big deal.  Did they put you under? Did you need to have someone come with you?  Just need to make plans so when they call, I have someone around to take me.  Having this stupid back ache and mentioned to him.  He mentioned I have a DJD issue right around L5 and didn't seem concerned at all.  I'm hoping this thing stays at bay.  I'm done with cancer and hoping the feeling is mutual. 

    Sitting here because I HAVE NO WATER :(   I made coffee about 6:30AM, cleaned the kitchen from last night, etc. etc.  DH went to turn on the water...poof nothing.  I guess there's ANOTHER water main break in the area.  This is the 3rd one in a year, what the heck is going on?  Want to take a shower so I can go grocery shopping.  Having some family over tomorrow for a cookout and have no food.  This is a problem. I suppose I could brush my teeth with the cat water, although thinking she'd be upset Laughing

    Talk later friends,


  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited May 2011

    HI All,

    It is just one week, seven days away until we have our get together.  Sooooooooooo looking forward to meeting you all.

    Have a great Holiday weekend.

    Hugs, Cheryl

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2011

    HI All,  yes, the time is getting closer,  I'm so excited for our get together, maybe we can plan the next one when we meet?  That Roswell camp sounds like so much fun, wish I'd heard of it sooner.   Happy Memorial Day and if your with an armed forces person, please give them a kiss from me and a heartfelt thank you.  They're doing a great job and made sure Osma met his maker. Let him be the judge/jury of his fate. My hat is off to all of them (yes it's a wig but so what). Just waiting for company to come over for burgers, fruit salad, melon salad and beans cooking in the crockpot.  I'm ready, but pooped.  Finally got around to going through more of my mom's stuff yesterday.  That's hard.  She saved every card my kids have ever sent to her, very sweet lady,  I hope to be half the mother she was to me and my sisters.  I can finally say, I miss her, a year in a half later......



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    Hi All,  I have wonderful news:  My guy at Capello's moved my hair appointment to THIS Thurs. so I'll have my hair done for our luncheon and to go back to work.  He's my hero.  I went today to get new glasses too.  I feel better knowing that I can go topless from the begining.  For some reason I'm nervous going back to work, that's weird.  Not sure where it's coming from but it's here.  As for the hormone therapy, doing okay so far just a little bone pain here and there, thinking that's normal. Have an appointment with Dr. Bauer next week for port discussion and get a cyst removed from my nasty breast. If it causes me anymore trouble, it's going. 

    Getting invitations out for DS HS graduation, where did the time go?

    Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to our get together.  What a beautiful day today, hot.  I'm more of a 70F degree type of girl.

    Take care


    PS, PM me in the event you are unable to attend the luncheon.

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited June 2011

    HI everyone, I am so sorry I've been so absent lately. Its been a very busy few weeks and still struggling to get back to normal.

    Karen - I am so proud of you for quitting smoking. It brings such terrible disease and your lungs begin to recover within 24 hours of your last cigarette.  Congrats to you and I am sending lots of prayers for strength as you go through this.

    Maureen - sounds like a fun week for you. I'm thrilled you have your appointment early. I'm sure it will really be a great day.

    Betty - I am so glad all of your scans have been clear.  Its scary to wait for results, but I am a big proponent of getting anything my insurance will pay for.  I like the peace of mind it gives me.  Its a personal thing I know and for many, it may not be worth the worry in between.  So happy that all is well.

    Talk soon everyone. Enjoy the warm night.

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited June 2011

    Hi All... I've been away for a few days... Trying to catch up on everyone...

    Karen... I hope you're feeling better... At least the rain is gone.

    cant wait to meet everyone!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2011

    Hi all, I have had family here for the holiday, they are leaving today, it was great fun, will catch up with everyone tomorrow, thank you for all the good wishes.  Great news Maureen!!  Back with you tomorrow. hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    Whew!!!  I was getting worried about everyone.  Glad to hear you're just living life!!  Bevin, welcome back, we missed you soooo much.  Ok, this computer is getting on my nerves, we had company for Memorial day weekend and the boys were playing with my computer.  So far, they turned off the firewall, DH had to fix that including virus.  Now when I type, sometimes the keyboard works, sometimes it doesn't, driving me crazy.  I can spell,honest.

    Still nervous about going topless.  Beautiful day today, loving this weather.
