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Western New York Area



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    Dear Cheryl,  Please send my deepest sympathies to Sandy's family.  I'm sure Sandy is an angel at the Lord's table.  I will pray for her family.  May they find peace knowing she is pain free and peaceful.  This disease takes so many too soon I pray they find a cure.

    Hello to all my WNY friends, enjoy the beautiful weather.


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited June 2011

    Dear Cheryl,  My deepest sympathy for your loss.  I am hopeful in time you'll be able to focus on the good things she brought to your life rather than how this illness took hers.  My prayers are with you and her family at this time.



  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited June 2011

    Dear Maureen- sounds like you had a splendid day back at the office.  What a welcome.  You obviously touched the hearts of many!

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2011

    Cheryl, I am so sorry to hear about your friend, what a great loss.  My prayers are with you and her family.  ((HUGS))

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    Hi All!!  Hope all is well in WNY.  Waiting to see if DH gets home with storms, ugggh seems like we're having a lot of storms.  Went to see onc due to some rather lousy SE of he took me off of them for a week. Don't know if I'll go back to them or another type but having really bad chills, tummy ache, etc.... the whole gamut.  Then went to see BS, he's taking my port out and the lump by my scar so I can sleep at night.  All will be done in July on a Friday and said I can go back to work on Monday, lucky me.  Then off to a thyroid surgeon for the nodules, yep they will not let sleeping dogs lie/lay, not sure which word.  I'm just disgusted with this never ending bc. 

    Cheryl,  Hope all is well as can be considering the circumstances.  Praying for you, Sandy and family that the next couple of days are okay.

    BTW, we're suppose to get really nasty weather tomorrow and Saturday.  The area garage sale is Saturday, I hope we don't get rained out!!!



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2011

    Hi everybody, no air conditioning in my flat, it is hot.  I am noticing that there are a few of us with thyroid issues, Maureen, me and three other women on the threads I frequent, had heard that radiation can really throw your thyroid off, I did not have a throat protector during rads, did you Maureen?  I was on a regulated dose of Levothyroxin for hypothyroidism and all of a sudden my thyroid levels rose, it is now back in check.  Have an appt. in late July with PCP to be sure it is at a proper level, will also be checked for high blood pressure, everytime I go to a doctor it measures high, so maybe another pill to add to the soup.  Sorry you are experiencing such side effects Maureen, let us know if they subside with the week vacation from Arimidex.  So many appts., so many doctors, you can be really sick of bc and the side effects it causes.  Never a dull moment. Sending prayers your way too, heymoose, for you on the loss of Sandy and for her family too.  I hope with the rain tomorrow also brings lower temps.  Hoping the rain holds off on Sat, my friend is getting married in a planned outdoor setting.  hugs, Karen

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited June 2011

    Hi All,  Thank you for your prayers, they are really helping at this time. 

    Have a great day.

    Hugs, Cheryl

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2011

    My thoughts are with you, Cheryl, and your friend's family.



  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited June 2011

    (((Cheryl))) - I'm so sorry...

    She is now at peace and out of pain... so I will pray for her hurting family and you - her frined instead.   Hugs...

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    Hi All,  feeling a little better today off of the AI. Not sure what they will do now.  Monday I have appt. with the thyroid doc too.  All these appt.  good thing I can make up hours from home.  all doing okay, glad it cooled off a bit, my electric bill will be a fortune.  Busy weekend, grad party, garage sale, shopping, laundry, work,'s good to be back to life :)


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited June 2011

    HI everyone, I hope you're all doing well and happier w the cool weather.  Its Allen Town art fesival this weekend, anyone going?  I am planning for Sunday.  I don't really need anything, but its nice to walk around, have lunch, etc...

    Maureen - when I had trouble w pain while on arimidex, they switched me to aromasin.  Its much easier on your body, but the cost is really pretty high .  I have a high co=pay on that one.  I hope you find some reliefe.  For hormonal BC, its a really important drug to take so hopefully if they switch you'll do better.

    This weekend aside from the art festival is going to be spent cleaning and doing laundry.  FUN? WOW!!!  But, I've been so busy with my family the house is now a bit out of control. 

    Susan- welcome to the WNY thread.  I couldnt make the luncheon due to some family things, but will make the next one and wanted to say hello to you.  I hope you have a great trip to France. Sounds lovely.  I haven't been but its on my list! 

    My child is out of shool in 9 school days. Of course the count down has begun and then tonight she says she is going to miss school and  didnt want off for the summer. Really?? why cant that be  remembered each morning when I get begged " just five more minutes in bed mom??"  - every morning is a battel.  UGHH!!

    woops - not sure how THAT happened with my letters, but I cant switch it back now without retyping.  I guess thats what I get for sitting in bed doing this .

    Talk soon. Hope everyone has a great Friday night. 

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    Hey bevin,  so funny about the font.  My kids used to do the same thing.  Complain when school is in session and complain they're bored when out of session.  Sometimes you just can't win.  Sitting at the garage sale.  I wanted to go to Allentown too and hubby said not this year.  First thing that comes to mind, will there be a next year?  Now isn't that depressing?  I want that negative thinking to stop and say yes, next year we'll do this.......(fill in the blank).  Last night I had to clean the whole house because co-worker's are stopping by the garage sale.  Didn't finish till 11:30PM,  the good new?  I had the energy to clean it :)  (LOL).  Really nice morning, sun, etc....Have a wonderful day, I'll check back tomorrow.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2011

    Hi Maureen and bevin, my grandkids do the same thing!!  My DGS is like a 3x affair to get him up in the morning.  I know that the negative does lesson after a time, hope it does for you too Maureen. Your house must just sparkle, 11:30 wow, do you think the break from arimidex is giving you more energy?  I could use some house cleaning energy, I do often feel tired, never been a ball of energy but this is ridiculous.  The rain is holding off quite nicely for you and the yard sale, cloudy and peeks of sun here.  I have a wedding of a dear friend to go to at 3:00. so I'm off downstairs, my daughter is giving me a pedicure.  The bride is both of our's friend, so DD, DGD and DGS are all going, and we have a designated driver going too, 3 drinks for me, I'll be looped I bet on 2.  hugs, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2011

    It will be great to meet you too, Bevin!  Missed you at the luncheon.  Hopefully we can find a day this summer when everyone is available :-)

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    Hi All,

    Karen, hope wedding went well.  Graduation party was fun.  Two groups of people, parents and college students.  What a difference.  After the garage sale, made 60.00, went to the grad party.  So much positive energy as they talk of future and partying.  The parents talk of good times past and funny.

    Hi Susan, Bevin, Starbeauty, kindone, heymoose, Laura:  Hope all is well.  Still want to go to festival today.  I love people watching.  DD ran in Komen run, but haven't heard how she did.  Hoping well. Summer is such a busy time. 

    How is end of July?  Everyone free?


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2011

    Hi all, had a great time at the wdding, my DGS asked me to dance both a fast and a slow dance, he is growing up so fast and is a great dancer, had never seen him dance before.  Also DD and DGD danced, they are both good dancers.  Only 2 drinks, I  was the champagne toast!  Both my daughter and I are now smoke quitters, using nicorette gum, I'm so proud of her.  The end of July is fine, will be back from N.C. on the 23rd.  hugs to all, Karen  p.s. if my friend from the Stop Smoking thread can make it, is it OK for me to ask her or shall I meet her on a separate date?  Either one is fine with me.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    Absolutely she can join us, the more the merrier  AND give me pointers to quit smoking.  Stopped smoking during working hours so I'm really trying AGAIN.  I need to do this, really do.

    Gotta go, have to finish laundry, grad invitations, dinner etc.......never ending list.


  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2011

    Hi, all my friends, This is a busy time of year, Weddings, graduations, proms and vacations.  Sunday on Fathers day Ava Marie will be chastened and party to follow.  I hope we have good weather the party is outside.

    We are doing alot of work on our cottage, totally gutted two bedrooms right down to the ground.  Always something, but we just put it in perspective.

    I have a onc appt. today at 3, and of course I dread those tumor markers, I am a wreck what a way to live. Please say a pray for me.

    Hope all is going good for you all, I think about our group all the time, we are fortunate. HUGS

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2011

    Dear kindone, sending prayers your way for a positive outcome, I know we all worry when tests and appts. come around.  You are right, we are so fortunate to have each other.  hugs, Karen  p.s. Maureen, I'll send you a P.M. on how I worked out the quitting, I know you can do it too.  DD is 9 days out and chomping on the nicorette, I too am using the gum - my e cig is awaiting a part coming in the mail, did you get one when your DD did?  I find it satisfied the need to have the smoking ritual in place.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    Hi All,  Went to thyroid guy today and they sent me for bloodwork and ANOTHER SONOGRAM.  Getting sick of doing the scan thing.  Off the AI's for two weeks, then start them again and see if the same symptoms surface.  Still not smoking at work.  Thanks for the PM Karen, great suggestions and I'm using the wait for 15 minutes after the craving quits.  It really helps, I'm really trying to see what works and what doesn't work. 

    Kindone, good luck today.  It's so hard waiting for the results and so stressful.  Focus on the future days you'll spend at the cottage, after it's all back in order.

    Hi, hope is all great.



  • Laura53
    Laura53 Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2011

    Hi Susan, I enjoyed meeting you at the luncheon at Brew Pub.  You asked me to get you some information about something but I cannot remember what; surprise...surprise...If you think of what it was please let me know.

    Take Care


  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited June 2011

    Hi All... Sounds like a great weekend had by all... My dd graduated in VA on Saturday. Very long trip, but so rewarding to see her make it through. glad to be back in WNY though... Pretty hot in VA.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2011

    starbeauty, congratulations on you DD's graduation.  I lived in Va. for 9 years and it surely does get hot, but made it through the winters with just a raincoat - sometimes with the lining in.  In the summer it can get truly hot, had to have air conditioning. Glad you made it home safely. hugs,  Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited June 2011

    Hi Everyone,

    Starbeauty- how great your DD graduated . You must be so proud.  What did she study and is she lined up for a job or more school?

    Laura - I see you're from GrandIsland. Such a tragic story this weekend about that 2 year old.  I made me so sad. I cannot imagine the pain that family is in.

    Maureen- and others on the stop smoking thread..I am so so so proud of each of you. This is a fantastic thing you're doing. You'll save your life and save money!! win win situation. I know you can do it.  Great job - sending you piles of strength to stay strong. Do you like the new thyroid doctor?  I am looking for one, so happy to take a PM of a name if you like your guy.  I hope evyerything is good.

    Betty - I hope your Onco appt is good and your blood tests stable.  Let us know how you make out.  Sending good vibes!!

    Ok - so worn out Buffalo talk, but it feels like fall tonight. Its supposed to be 80 Wednesday.  I am hoping.

    Well - off to bed soon.  I hope everyone is great and has a Happy Tuesday.


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2011
    Laura-it was info about the Tonawanda Coke plant lawsuit...I've been trying to find info on the internet, but all I have found was the lawyer's phone number.  I know they started a new one last week.  Really want to get involved somehow.  Seems as though benzene coming from the plant could be causing our breast cancer outbreak here Frown
  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    Hi All,  Work is getting back to "normal"  only took two weeks. :( 

    Laura,  why don't you post the info on the site.  I'd like to see it too!!

    Starbeauty, congrads on your DD graduation.  You should be so very proud of her. Welcome home.

    Kindone, Bevin, Susan, HI!!!!

    I'll work on the next get together this weekend.  Need to get back into the swing of things again....



  • MegM
    MegM Member Posts: 16
    edited June 2011

    Hi, not happy to be joining you ladies.. but glad you are all so supportive for each other.  I was just dx about a month ago and still wrestling with my options.... so far I have 2 areas of DCIS grade 3 on the right side, left is clear, but I am gonna do bmx as I had Hodgkin's at 14 yo followed by Thyroid Cancer at 25y.o. and now BC at 40... turning 40 really does suck:)  I am a massive worry wart and the weeks between the mammo coming back funny and my path report from the stereostatic biopsy just about killed me... I need to do what will give me the greatest piece of mind.  I have my last plastic surgeon consult in Rochester (I live in Camillus) tomorrow and then I hope I can get this surgery scheduled.. I have seen 3 surgeons and this will be 4 plastic surgeons tomorrow.... going to Rochester to see Dr, Vega as he does the TUG... the PS here said I didn't have enough tissue for a DIEP to give me more than a small A cup which was a shock as I am no where near skinny... also went to Sloan Kettering which really was a waste of time, they looked at me like I was crazy to consider a BMX and the PS there said he wouldn't even consider me for any of the reconstruction procedures that use your own tissue.. in all a very cold and clinical experience... happy to be staying up here for treatment.  All this confusion over reconstruction has at least kept my mind off the cancer... those of you with implants please tell me they aren't so bad... I read the discussions on them and get so depressed... but it is people talking about problems they are having.. not those out there that are happy with their decision... I don;t care about perfect... breast feeding already wrecked this pair... I just don't want problem after problem.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    Hi Meg,  So glad you found us, sorry to meet under these circumstances.  The women on this thread are so supportive and comforting.  You are on a difficult journey and I wish you the best possible outcome.  I did not undergo the procedures you are inquiring about however I'm sure someone will come along soon to help you out. I know women who had success with implants on this site however I cannot remember the threads.  You could try and search key words to find them.  Please keep posting on this site and let us know how things are progressing on your journey. Sounds like you've had many challenges in your life, ((((((((((((hugs & prayers)))))))))))


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2011

    Dear MegM, we are sorry that a BC diagnosis brought you to us but you will find loving, empathetic, strong women welcoming you into our group.  Did not have implants so cannot offer any insight into that but I too chose Rochester as my home base for my treatment team.  I am a little closer to Rochester than to Buffalo, but many of our members are followed at Roswell or have surgeons trained at Roswell.  I have been so happy in treatment at Rochester General, my BS is wonderful, very open in answering my questions and experienced both in the operating room and at  follow-up visits.  I had a bout of an infected seroma that of course happened on a weekend and used his cell phone number to contact him, I was his 1st appt. on Monday.  You have certainly done your research on BS's and PS's.  I may have a breast reduction to even out my breast in the future and will look to you for advice.  Again welcome, we are a chatty bunch who met for the first time two weeks ago and just had a wonderful time, are planning to meet again later in the summer, would love to have you join us.  Take care, Karen.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2011

    Dear Meg, Welcome about your diagnosis, you have been though so much already it's not fair.

    I have implants.  When I had my tissue expander's in after surgery. The rt one shifted into the middle of my chest so the pocket wasn't right.  When I had  my exchange done it still didn't look right but after a revision it looks very nice and I am happy with them.  You do have to get use to them.  It feels live a tight bra on all the time but after awhile you don't even notice it anymore.  Tomarrow I am going for my tattoo nipples, I hope they come out ok.

    Girls, Thanks for your prayers and good thoughts my tumor markers came back NORMAL.