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Western New York Area



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    Hi Maureen, aren't those SE's just a treat, some days nothing seems to budge them.  I know we are fortunate to have them in our tools to battle the BC, but some days are just a killer.  On those days know your cyber sisters are holding you up.  [[[[[Maureen]]]]] and [[[[[Meg]]]]]    hugs from Karen

  • MegM
    MegM Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2011

    Hi ladies, I made it! waking up hurt more than I ever expected, but I am so much better today and so happy to have it done. they only took one lymph node and it was negative..doing a happy dance. My path is gonna take a while because of the holiday weekend, should know by thursday. I am just so happy to have it behind me... Gonna take the expansion supper slow... This muscle stuff really hurts, but I have to say already it doesn't look so bad. Thanks for all the good wishes, gonna go nap now!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    Yay Meg, all done and a negative SN, great news, doing the happy dance for you.  Enjoy your nap.Hugs, Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited July 2011

    Meg- really great news. I am so glad your surgery if over and no lymph node involvement. Happpy Healing.

    Everyone- Have a great 4th of July!!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited July 2011

    Hi Meg,  GREAT NEWS!!!! node negative, good for you.  Doing the happy dance with you.  Now onto healing a great long, healthy life. Keep us posted on the progress.

    Happy 4th folks, probably won't post for a few days. 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    Hi all, I had my fourth of July celebration 1 day earlier.  Had a reunion with my stepdaughter and stepson and stepgrandson today.  It was a tears of joy, huggy, lots of laughter occasion.  I could not ask for a better gift than today.  Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited July 2011

    Karen,  glad to hear your reunion went well.  What a treat :) 

    Update on me:  countdown to grad party is going well.  Almost everything purchase, ordered or organized. 

    Hope all is okay.  Only 2 people responded to info for get together.  Do we want to re-schedule or is anyone else interested?


  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited July 2011

    HI to all you lovely WNY BC Friends,

    I am in for the 2nd get together, just remind me of the date.  Meg, HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!!!!!! for you. 

    Karen333, so happy you were able to have a great celebration.  It must have been wonderful to reunite w/ your step family. 

    Maureen813, great your grad party plans are all falling in place.  You may relaxe the day of the celebration.

    Hey Bevin, how are you doing?  Hope you had a nice 4th.

    To all have a great week.  Will keep checking in to see how everyone is doing.

    Huggs and prayers,


  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited July 2011

    Hi, all its been quite.  I have been watching the Casy Anthony case and I am pissed at the outcome.  We are still doing work on our cottage we were up for the 4th, it was nice but a mess.

    Meg, how you doing?  I am glad you got good news (no nodes) Thank God.

    To all the rest of you, I hope to see you all for Lunch at the end of July.  Hope your all doing well.

  • MegM
    MegM Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2011

    Hi...doing pretty good, think I overestimated my recovery speed, getting a little frustrated over how sore I still am...but no complaints, so happy to have it out. I see my PS today, doubt I will get the drains out, not draining much but one side is still very bloody, other side is more yellow/clearish. my surgeon called yesterday... He knew how freaked out I was waiting on Path and got really Great news...I was all DCIS on the right micro happy. They did find more than the 2 spots they saw originally so thank goodness I did not do just lumpectomy... But according to him my margins are "hugely" clear, and as expected my left side had no cancer. Still waiting on hormone receptor status, but I feel like so much stress has gone away.

    Gotta go start my 2 hour showering process to get ready to leave the house.haha

    I doubt I will be up for the meeting at the end of the month because I live so far...maybe 3 hours but I will do one later on, maybe as a celebration for myself I will incorp. An ovenight to one of the casinos in Niagra Falls..I am a slot machine sucker!

    pS don't you hate the words they substitute in when you are typing..I do not usually proof read and above they put in overbite for overnight

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    Dear Maureen, a very Happy Graduation party for your DS, we are to have beautiful though hot weather.  With all your lists completed, may it be a happy day for you.  We all have been so quiet on the boards, I hope it is just that we are so busy with our lives.  Hugs to all of you, Maureen, Susan, kindone, Cheryl, Laura, starbeauty, and Meg, hope I didn't leave anyone out .  Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited July 2011

    HI Maureen- Hope everything goes swimmingly for your graduation party.  The weather is supposed to be really nice.

    Meg- take it easy and relax. Take your time to feel better and heal.  I am so glad you had a great pathology.

    Kindone - hope you get to enjoy some of the cottage weather and dont spend toooo much time cleaning :) 

    Karen- your reunion sounds so nice. How lucky for you and them to have such an extended family. My own is so small so I envy that.

    Well - hope everyone enjoys the weekend. I am off to take a nice evening walk with the dog!



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    bevin, I know what you mean, my family was my daughter, grandson and granddaughter, and my DD and I are only children, both of my parents have passed on,  so adding more family is sooo nice.  Sorry I didn't greet you, I was going around the table at lunch, next time you will be sitting with us and I can connect a name to a face.  I'm looking forward to meeting you bevin!  Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited July 2011

    Hi all,  last breather before party.  Tent delivered and assembled, caterer dropped off the table so we can decorate.  Guests at 4PM, dinner @6PM and I'm done decorating.  Whew, now is time to have fun.

    Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this beautiful day.  Might go to the taste of Buffalo tomorrow.  Also, bought a book, 100 places to visit in your lifetime.  That's next on my list of things to do.  Busy week next week too, thyroid guy on Monday, and Friday I am deported :)  The hormone therapy is not behaving very well.  giving me a weird heartbeat, like a skipped beat.  I see the onc on the 25th, I'll ask him then. 

    Have a super weekend all



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    Hi all, very quiet here, is it the heat.  I have fans going in every room, can't wait till tomorrow when it is supposed to be in the 70's, won't that feel delicious and good sleeping weather.  Yesterday, I must have woken up 4 times, just from the restless sleep.  Kindone, hope you are at the cottage and enjoying this. hugs to all, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited July 2011

    Hi All,  Grad party was fabulous, all had fun and I'm really glad it's over.  Hot, hot, hot.  Everyone kept migrating to the air conditioning and I must admit I was one of them.  We had a nice breeze under the tent but it was hot just the same.  I'd rather have the cold.  I can't take this heat, even with the chills as a result of the hormone therapy. Can you believe I'm having chills?  So weird.  going to call the onc on Wed. and see what the heck is going on.  I have heart palpataitions and chills, worried a little bit.  Has anyone on hormone therapy have heart palpatations?  Looked on other threads and didn't see that as a se so I'm trying to figure out what is going on.  Hope everyone is well, looking forward to our outing.  Don't forget to e-mail me for info. 

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited July 2011

    FYI,  so far I have me, kindone, heymoose, karen and Susan for our outing.  Anyone else interested?


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    Hi Mauureen, I haven't had chills or heart palpatations, just hot flashes (which are so appreciated right now) and I just started with fairly sore knee joints.   I have been taking 2 alieve which helps some.  If it continues past two weeks, I'll have to have it checked.  Could be the humidity and age though (sad thought).  My friend from another thread, who I thought might join us, has her DS's grad party that day, so we will be a small group.  I'm glad your DS's grad party went off so well, you had put a lot into making it a grand event.  I am going to visit my friend, Sherry, in N.C. from the 15th - 23rd.  She had a second set of blood testing with no results yet, I thought our wait period was slow!  Prayers please for Sherry ladies.  I hope the coming week is not sweltering down there, I can't take the heat either.  We may visit in her air conditioned house more than I expected.  Or I may get a glimpse of that going from air conditioned car to airconditioned event, game we hear southerners talk about.  I could really stand 5 minutes of snow right now!  hugs, Karen 

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited July 2011

    hey Karen, know what you mean about the 5 minutes of snow (LOL) watering my gardens and getting eaten by mosquitoes grrrrrr. Anyway, knew the girl who was hit by a drunk driver on Saturday night. DS went to school with her for a few months then she went a different educational path to get a GED otherwise she would've graduated with his class.  Hard working girl.  Also knew the doc who hit her, brilliant surgeon who was drinking and driving.  DS asked my opinion and here is how I feel and told him this:   People drink and drive, sad but true and accidents happened, exactly what happened, an accident, tragic accident.  But he drove away and left that poor girl there to die.  That is fundamentally wrong and against the very oath he took when he got his medical degree.  For that, they should nail his a$$ to the wall!!!  Take care, time to move the sprinkler....forget walking today too hard.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    the mosquitoes are unreal aren't they.  Terrible accidents this week, on that doctor, I agree with you completely, the soldier getting thrown off the ride at Darien, absolutely tragic, I would so hate to be the poor 18 yr. old who let him on the ride.  Tragic for the soldier and his family.  Survived but terrib;y hurt, had served how many tours, to go in such a way.  The papers and news have been all recording  it as a tragic event.  hugs, Karen

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited July 2011

    Hello Ladies,  Looking forward our second get together.  Maureen, glad your party went well and I know how you feel about it being over.  Two tragic accidents this week, we just don't know our future. I have been on femara and Aromison and no heart palpation's or chills.  Just alot of joint pain.  Let us know what the doctor has to say.

    Karen, prayers going out for your friend.  Are you coming to our lunch?

    I am going to Ohio to marrow for two days to see my girlfriend, be back friday.  Enjoy this heat soon we will be shoveling again.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    kindone, I''ll definitely be at our lunch.  Wouldn"t miss our getting together, it's so good to be with people who know where you are coming from,  We are so fortunate to have each other.  Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited July 2011

    Hello Ladies,

    Sorry I haven't checked in in a while.  I have been home from vacation for a week and a half.  We had to come home early because my brother passed away when we were gone.  It was quite a shock and i am still numb from it all.  We have no idea how he died.  He lay down for a nap and asked his friend to wake him up in an hour and when he came in to wake him, he had passed away.  Autopsy results will take 3 months.  He was an alcoholic, so probably something related, but he was only 37 years old.  Life is so unfair sometimes.  Spending lots of time with my mom, getting her through this and cleaning out his apartment.  Nice to read about all the good news on this thread.  Good news keeps me going these days.  Looking forward to our get-together.


  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited July 2011

    Hi Everyone,

    I hope you are all surviving this heat.  I love this weather, yes I know some of you wish for snow, not me, not even in the winter.  I am a warm weather person, so what am I doing in the north, have to wait for DH to retire before hitting the south or west for the winters.  This is going to be awhile. 

    Karen, I wish your friend Sherry good results and will keep her in my prayers.

    Susan, I am so sorry for your loss.  I am sending you and your family hugs and prayers to get through this time.  I will pm you.

    Heading to MA this weekend for my great nephews 1st birthday.  This is a raod trip with my sister and mother, we should have a great time.

    Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.  Looking forward to our luncheon.  Hugs and prayers to all.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    Susan, I am so sorry, your mother must be just devastated and you, understandably are in shock from all of this.  It is so hard to bear the sudden death of a family member.  Sending prayers for your family and for you. hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited July 2011

    Hi all,

    Cheryl: looking forward to seeing you too!!  This weather is a little to warm for me, even with the AI chills.

    Susan,  my heart goes out to you and your family.  I'm sure this is devastating to you and your family.  I've been praying for you and family ever since I saw on facebook. Let's just pray he's in a better, safer place with God and angels.

    Karen, Kindone, Meg, Laura and Bevin, hope you are all well and enjoying life.

    Me: Update, off of the AI's until I see the onc on 25th. Can't take the one I've been taking, chills, digestive issues and yesterday had shooting pains in my brain with index finger twitching at random, had to come home from work cause I was convinced it was a migraine.  Just a dull ache today. Tomorrow being deported and having that node they found on my mammogram removed.  Hopefully all is fine.  Dr. Bauer will do both.  I'm excited and hoping to have everything uphill from here.  Needless to say my stress smoking is on the rise.  I still do not smoke at work, on my quit plan.  Hopefully I can get this done and move on. 



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    Maureen, sending prayers your way for tomorrow, may you be given the all-clear tomorrow so you can put this behind you.  Glad you are temporally off  the AI, boy you were having horrid side effects, hope there are others you can try, is this the second one they've tried on you?  Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    Hi all, had to postpone trip to N.C., woke up at 2:00 am with some kind of stomach flu.  So disapointed, as is Sherry, glad though I was home when I got it, a few more hours and I would have been on the bus.  Drinking gingerale and munching (sparingly) dry toast.  All things happen for a reason, as my DD reminded me.  Maureen, still sending prayers your way and Susan, they are coming your way too.  Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited July 2011

    Dear Susan, I am so very sorry for the loss of your Brother. I know too well how difficult this time for you and your family is and my heart aches for you.  I know this sounds trite, but it is what I cling to.  In time the heart ache and mourning and pain will all pass and you'll remember the fun and the good of your Brothers life.  It must be so difficult for your Mother. Children shouldnt die before their parents. That is so difficult and I pray your mother finds strength as she goes through this period.

    Please send me a note if there is anything I can do for you and the family. I am happy to run errands, send meals, whatever you need.

    My deepest and sincere sympathy for you and your family during this difficult time.



  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited July 2011

    Dear Susan, I am so very sorry for the loss of your Brother. I know too well how difficult this time for you and your family is and my heart aches for you.  I know this sounds trite, but it is what I cling to.  In time the heart ache and mourning and pain will all pass and you'll remember the fun and the good of your Brothers life.  It must be so difficult for your Mother. Children shouldnt die before their parents. That is so difficult and I pray your mother finds strength as she goes through this period of grief and mourning.

    Please send me a note if there is anything I can do for you and the family. I am happy to run errands, send meals, whatever you need.

    My deepest and sincere sympathy for you and your family during this difficult time.

