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Western New York Area



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    Hi All,  Hope all is well.  Made reservations at a restaurant for the 30th.  Please PM me if you want to go and I'll provide all the details, place, location and time.  I'm so excited, we are going to meet again.  Bring pictures :) 



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    Please let me know if you are having trouble PMing me.  I'd like to avoid posting info on the thread just in case a weirdo is lurking LOL!!!


  • comingtoterms
    comingtoterms Member Posts: 52
    edited June 2011

    Hi all,

    Such a vibrant, busy, supportive group you western New Yorkers are!!! I wish that I could meet for lunch in July, but we are camping in Alleghany that weekend. Please let me know if you do it again? How many lovelies are on this thread? I am two years out and the smells of early summer remind me of chemo and fear and fatigue, not to mention gratitude and a suprising, unexpected amount of peace.  Tammy

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    Tammy, so sorry we will miss you!! When we get together again, I'll absolutely count you in... Have a great time on your vacation.  Beautiful land in Alleghany.  My caniversary is in August and I remember how I felt too!  The sites, sounds, smells etc... Hope they go away some day and I die an old, miserable fiesty Marge jokes that lurk around the internet (LOL).


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2011

    Dear all, had my 6 mo. check up with MO today, everything is A OK, my blood pressure was even lower, usually I am high at all my Dr. appts.  hugs Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2011

    Hi Tammy, didn't see your post at first.  We used to camp at Alleghany years ago, it is just beautiful there.  Like Maureen, August is my cancerversary, I feel like this one, two years out, will be easier than last year.  Maureen, I'll be Madge's cranky friend, old old friend.  hugs, Karen

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited June 2011

    Karen... so glad to hear everything is perfect... it sure is a relief to know all is well and even the b/p is coming down.  :)  Happy Dance!  (((Hugs)))

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    Yay!!!!!!  Karen!!!!  Low BP and good report!!!!!!!  We have something to celebrate.  and yes you can be my old, old, old friend.  Love you girls, you are great.  Just getting home at 10PM ugggg, tired and cranky just like Marge LOL  goodnight friends till tomorrow



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2011

    Just spoke to Sherry, please keep praying, there was no cancer in the biopsied areas but there were "multiple myiolomas", they are going to do blood work to see if she has cancer of the blood.  She had an aunt who had it and died of it, so she is really scared.  Blasted disease!!!!

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2011

    Karen, I am so happy you got a good DRs report, and of course I will continue to pray for Sherry, that poor girl going through this awful disease.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2011

    Hi WNY ladies, Everyone must be very busy.  Its been very quite.  I miss you all, hope all is well.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2011

    kindone, it is very quiet, I've been checking this site yesterday and today.  Thank you for your continueing prayers for my friend, Sherry, talked to her today and she is a little calmer but still anxious, the waiting time is the worst.  My granddaughter had her graduation from 8th grade tonight, she won 3 awards, one for National Honor Society, one for artistic achievement and the third for mentoring younger classmates, quite proud of her.  No air conditioning in the auditorium, it was sweltering in there!!  It was a relief to get outside.  Starbeauty (Esther) and I are meeting for coffee on Tuesday, it is so wonderful to be making new friends, that is the one benefit BC gave us.  Hope all the heavy repairing is finished on your cottage, it looks like we'll have a really warm summer for you to enjoy it.  Just got 4 seasons passes for Darien Lake, it is about 20 minutes from here and they were running a special, plan on spending the summer by the wave pool with my daughter while the kids ride the rides.  Have a great weekend Betty, hugs Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited June 2011

    Karen- Darien Lake sounds fun. Haven't been by the wave pool yet. I know my child would love to go.  Hopefully plan to get there a couple times this summer.!

    Hope everyone is well.

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited June 2011

    Hi All... seems like the weeks are simply flying by...  My most valued staff member and basically my other half at work decided to take a new position.  She is able to double her salary and work at home... can't compete with that.  Will miss her terribly, but glad she will be making tons of money to send her kid through college.  Trying to get my thesis done... find that BC has left me feeling much less confident than before BC and struggling to think of words that used to come so easy.  Oh well... I'm still NED and that is all that matters to me today.  :)

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited June 2011

    Maybe I'm just a little down today because of general life issues, but it seems like so many girls are becoming "angels" on this board.  It just makes me lose it when I see another precious beautiful woman that I have read copious threads just gone... I guess it is just way too "real" lately.  I'm saying a prayer that God keeps all of us WNY girls in the palm of his hand... I need to remember He is with us no matter what... but sometimes I just don't want to go through it at all...  not the cancer, not the chemo, not the loss of friends to this beast, not the AIs and rads and scars and all of it... I just want to bury my head and wish it gone... and wake up and find my breast back on my body and my life the way it was before.

    I'm going to go get a pedicure and have my toenails painted some wild color - just to pick me out of this funk.  How stupid is that?

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2011

    Dear starbeauty, This month has been brutal with the loss of so many beautiful women, sometimes I read the whole thread, sometimes I just can't do it, all the women on the stage IV forum are just reeling from the losses.  Each time I see ______   is an angel, I make a concious decision whether that day I have the inner strenth to read it, sometimes I must read it, like konakat (Eliizabeth).  She was a truly wonderful spirit, taken too soon.  It affected me like a punch to the stomach, and took me days to assimulate, as if she was a close friend,like all of us.  I like that prayer for God to keep all the WNY women in the palm of his hand.  You've had a double assault, the losses and the pending loss of your better half at work, Plus you are working on your thesis.  All together quite a bit to contend with, if a wild color on your toenails makes you feel better, go for it, I personally think a weekend at a high end salon and spa would not be too much.  sending hugs, see you and your toenails Tuesday, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2011

    Addendum, on the Stop Smoking thread there are 4 of us who used to be insatiable readers, sometimes a book a day, now our ability to concentrate is just not there, the meds, the treatments, the whole business of fighting the beast, is that what has affected our abilities?  I personally have 4 books started from at least a month ago, all with bookmarks.  I thought it was just me but there are many of us.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    Hi All,  Oh boy, what a week!!  Had all parents and kids for the prom night.  All went well even with the rain.  Had pictures on the porch.  DS looked so handsome, I cried like a baby.  His date, gorgeous.  She's a princess, I'm surprised he tolerates that type of girl.  He's more of a suck it up and do the right thing kind of guy.  Her dress was a deep purple, beautiful.  I'll print pics and bring to lunch.  Now onto a slew of grad parties, then graduation on Sun.  Then we get a week reprive for the 4th to prepare our house for the  60+ guests for our grad party.  I'm a little flustered though.  After everyone left, I fell asleep on the couch till the morning, almost overslept for work today. Had to run to work. 

    Karen:  still praying for Shelly, I'll keep her in my prayers. she's in a tough spot.

    Hi Kindone, bevin, starbeauty, Susan, Pasha, ElleD, Laura, heymoose, Meg, hope you are all well and enjoying life.

    Starbeauty,  I understand the place you are in.  Think that way myself very often. My first thought after DS left for prom was, thank you God for letting me see another milestone.  I appreciate things so much more now. That is a positive of bc, appreciation of the little things.  Then I see women that are obviously careless about their health and think, they're in better shape then me, bc did that to me too.  Good and bad.  I read the SIV threads too and it breaks my heart at the unfairness of it all.  Olga, Elizabeth all of the brave women that barrel through and still keep positive, they are some of the strongest women I know and I have such a deep respect for their will. 

    Later ladies,  Love,


  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited June 2011

    Thanks Karen and Maureen for the encouragement! I can so relate to the book thing Karen... I was a voracious reader... Now just can't. the toenails are purple... DH hates them... But I love them! I talked Tracys ear off at the salon and walked out feeling better... Not about stuff we talk about... Just day to day stuff, but somehow it helped to remind me to stay focused on my faith and not fear.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2011

    starbeauty, so glad it helped, purple is mild, sometimes my DGD and her friend's paint each nail a different color!  Now that is wild.  hugs, Karen    Tomorrow, my stepdaughter is coming to visit DD and I, we lost track of each other about 7 years ago, DD found her on facebook, Karianne lived with us for about 5 years and we were very close, cannot wait to see her again, she moved to a new town, Brockport, which is about a half hour or so drive from us.  All these important people coming into my life, how lucky am I. 

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited June 2011

    So cool Karen...we had several foster children I would love to know how they are doing and what happened in their lives but I don't know their adoptive names. I am so glad you get this chance to pull the past into your current life... I think we carry stress when pieces of our lives are left dangling... Have a wonderful day with her!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2011

    Hi all, change in plans, my stepdaughter couldn't get all her children together for today, so we have postponed it for someetime this week.  I was very close to her first born, even visited me in Virginia for a week.  He had to work today and really wants to see me, this is getting more and more exciting, A.J. was such a darling boy, he is a young man now, used to call me nana, it would be so great to have him in my life again.  I'll let him set the pace if that is something he is interested in doing hugs to all, Karen ps.  starbeauty - we had foster children when I was growing up, always wondered what became of them too.  All the tangents our lives are made up of, so glad to have a second chance with my stepD. 

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    HI All, sorry to hear your DSD couldn't make the weekend.  Hopefully this week will be a joyous day for you and your family.  Hope Shelly is doing well.

    Me?  Let's see..another thyroid scan today. I guess it's okay.  DS graduated from HS, (yes, I did shed a tear or 100 :)  Planning the grad party, working full time, and the doc appt. have me really busy.  Hope everyone is well and enjoying life.  Haven't heard from many these past couple of days. Don't forget to PM me if you need details of the lunch. 

    Gotta run,



  • MegM
    MegM Member Posts: 16
    edited June 2011

    Well survived our trip to Old Forge...lots of rain but the waterpark was empty so kids got to ride and ride and ride... It was a good trip, but glad to be home. I am trying to stay away from my compulsive Internet searches as my surg. Is rapidly approaching and I just scare myself..but I caved tonite and here I am:) so far staying calm..denial maybe? Just wanted to say hi.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2011

    Hi Meg,  Prayers for your upcoming surgery and lots of hugs.  Just tuck my support in your surgical gown and I'll stay there through your surgery.  Let us know how you make out.  LOVE the Adorandiack mountains.  Went every year for years to Eagle Bay until my mom died in 2009.  EB is about 10 miles northeast of Old Forge.   Went to OF all the time, love the stores and the kids grew up in that water park. So much to do there.  Did you go on the train ride in Thendora?  They have a bunch of thieves on horseback rob the train during the trip, it's great fun if you have younger kids.  Let us know the date of surgery too or just PM if you don't want to post.  Oh yeah, stay away from Dr. Google, scared the hell out of me. 

    Love and hugs


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2011

    Hi Meg, just checking in to say prayers are coming your way for your upcoming surgery and calm, soothing thoughts to keep you calm as you wait.  Glad you had a good vacation though rainy, one trip there we tented it and it rained for the better part of our stay, just made us more thankful for the gorgeous days, I too was glad to get home.  That was the year we bought our trailer for obvious reasons.  Stay calm, cool and collected - we are all here rooting for you.   Heymoose, haven't heard from you lately, hope everything is going fine.  Had a Chai Cooler as starbeauty and I went to the Coffee Culture, a new cafe in Batavia.  It was a wonderful visit, we  have so many things to share.  My stepson found us on facebook, he was only 6 when I married and will be coming to see us also.  He lived with us for 6 years, I am so anxious to hug him.  I found all our old camping pictures to share with him, it was a special time in our lives, now we get a chance to make more memories.  This will be an awesome week for my daughter and I as we get to reunite with a missing part of our family.

  • MegM
    MegM Member Posts: 16
    edited June 2011

    Surg is Friday morning, starting to freak out a little, but can't wait to have it done... I will be sure to check back in when I am back on the computer.... going to take quite a break from it and catch up on all the sleep I have missed worrying.  Have a great 4th of July!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2011

    Hi Meg, thinking of you, I remember feeling so anxious before my surgery too.  By the time you get to the hospital everything goes so quickly it is almost sureal.  Sending calming thoughts for you as you wait.  We will be waiting to hear how you are doing.  [[[[hugs]]]]  for you,  Karen

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited June 2011

    Just a quick not to send Meg my prayers for her surgery.  Remember to rest and relax for a quick recovery.  Strength and courage and all the support are sent your way. 



    p.s. will catch up w/ everyone over the weekend, when I can breath.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited July 2011

    Hi All, hope everyone is doing well and living life.  Just ordered all the catering for DS grad party, now onto decorations, getting house ready.  Feeling okay, just dealing with some unpleasant se's from my anti-hormal therapy that I just don't need right now. Trying everything, excerise, diet, water till I'm ready to float and nothing is working. 

    Meg, good luck tomorrow, remember we're holding you cyber hand with prayers in your surgical gown.

