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Western New York Area



  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited July 2011

    Sorry about the deletion everyone , I am not sure why, but my posted showed up 2x. the exact same post. Not sure what I did wrong, but apolgies!

    Maureen- not chills here. Just joint aches and hot flashes!! Chills would be much more to my liking!

    Dear Karen- a stomache flu is going around. I had something similar last week. lasted several days. Yuck!!  I hope you feel better soon.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited July 2011

    Susan, I am so sorry to hear bout your loss, life is not fair.  Prayers for you and your family.

    Karen hope you feel better sorry about your trip.  That's disappointing.

    Maureen, Hope all went well, Let us know how you make out.(your in good hands)

    Hello to everyone else, see you all soon.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    bevin and kindone, thank you for yourr kind words, the only thing worse than this heat - having a stomache bug too.  I am feeling better today, resting and drinking lots of liquids.  I don't know how the people in the midwest stand temperatures in the three digits, everyone must have air conditioning.  A friend of mine who lives in a trailor, had her motor on the air condi. burn out, a mouse had gotten in it.  Really bad timing on that.  Hope everyone is staying as cool as possible.  Susan and Maureen sending healing thoughts your way. hugs, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited July 2011

    Thank you to all of you for the outpouring of thoughts and prayers.  I'm trying not to let all the heartache bring me down too much.  Trying to concentrate on getting healthy right now so that I can be here for my mom and my family.  Knowing there are people who care really gives me the strength just when I need it.  Looking forward to seeing you all at our luncheon and thanks again for being there.  It means so much to me.


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited July 2011

    Hi All,  Thanks for well wishes and concern, I'm doing okay today, a little more pain than I expected.  They took that little growth out and Doc told hubby not to lose a minutes sleep over it, he believes it was nothing. He'll call next week with results.  The deporting hurt like heck.  Had my usual trouble with anesthesia, blood pressure and heart rate bottoms out so they had to give meds to raise that. Took me 4 hours to wake up to go home.  Then went back to sleep the rest of the day.  Now dealing with the usual twitching that will last a few days, then hopefully back to normal.

    Susan, hope you are feeling a little better during this really tough time, my prayers are with you.

    Karen, really sucks with upset tummy in this heat.  Make sure you drink lots of fluids, with this heat you can get dehydrated really quickly.

    Kindone, hope you are enjoying that summer home, this is the weather for it!

    Bevin, hope you are well, miss talking to you.  Hope the job is okay, had a close friend lose their job recently due to the restructuring.

    Anybody heard from Pasha? 

    Talk later, love,


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    Dear Maureen, sorry you are feeling pain, I had the same thing happen to me with the anesthesia, my blood pressure, heart rate and breathing rate nosedive, I had trouble waking up, took 4 hrs. before they would let me go home.  My friend stayed overnight, DD had been up early and we got home late, my friend was instructed to wake me each hour to use a breathing apparatus.  You rest easy, that reaction to surgery takes awhile to get over, all surgeries over for you now, that is great. Will see all of our group soon, seems like a long time ago that we were together, hugs, Karen  Susan, you take care of you too, while taking care of your mom and family.  It's such a hard thing to cope with losing a family member unexpectedly.  Good plan to stay focused on staying healthy, you are a strong woman. hugs, Karen  Have not heard from Pasha.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited July 2011


    So sorry you had such a bad surgical reaction.  Rest now and hope you are feeling better very soon.



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited July 2011

    Thanks Susan.  I'm doing better today, took off the bandages and have stitches on both sides ugggh.  Just glad this will all be over soon.  Hope you are doing better today.  Can't wait to see everyone, I miss our friendship.  Have a really bad back ache today. not sure what that is from?  anyway, take care and talk soon.

    Hope everyone is doing well too!!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    WOW WNY'ers can you say hot!!!!!!!!  Hope all are finding a way to stay cool, this is just unreal for us, still holding out for that 5 minutes of snow each day!  hugs to all, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited July 2011

    Ok, this is ridiculous!!  The heat is unbelievable.  My BIL in south west KY said his thermometer read 108F.  I believe this is global warming.  Doing ok today, se from AI's are going away and I got to shower AND I'm going for another hair cut on Saturday, life is good :)  Have a great evening ladies.



    PS.  Karen, I'm copying a post from earlier in this thread:

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited July 2011

    This was Karen's post earlier in the year:

    Can't wait til summer, both for the obvious reasons and to meet my new friends! For awhile this A.M. it was snowing horizontally, my grandson is getting sick of shoveling, and I'm sooo tired of seeing it. I usually reach this point in March, but this season I'm so over it now. I think because its been so bitterly cold and constant with a few inches of snow each day.  

    I choose to remember this post to keep cool and not complain about the least not today (LOL) probably will tomorrow though and definitely on Wed, thrus. 


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    Dear Maureen, I am so busted!  I can't believe you remembered that and were able to retrieve it, you are good!  So glad you are feeling better today, another haircut, can't wait to see it.  hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited July 2011

    So got the surgery report back and everything is fine B9!!!!  Yay!!!  Now if they get the antihormonal okay,  I'm good to go!  Hot, again,  my sister is getting central air, she can't stand it anymore,  I asked what took her so long.  The few hot days in this area are really hard to deal with because of the conditioning of cool weather we have in this area.  Tomorrow is suppose to be worse :(   My hair actually looks like a short hair cut vs. stupid comb over (LOL)  Have fun ladies, and stay cool


  • MegM
    MegM Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2011

    Hey all, I haven't been on the computer much lately, so I have no idea what has been going on with everyone, but congrats Maureen B9 is ALWAYS fabulous)  hope everyone is well, I am staring at our pool wishing I could jump in, but not really feeling up to a swimsuit yet, my PS said I could swim at 3 weeks which will be in a few days, but I have my 1st fill this week, not looking forward to it as these darn tissue expanders are still killing me.  I had my onocology appt today and all my path came back great.. all DCIS with really big margins so I do not have to do chemo or rads, and we decided not to do tamox. either as I had BMX.... so happy, feel like I just cleared the last hurdle.. will help keep my chin up through the reconstruction which is not going to be as easy as I had hoped... why would anyone get implants who didn't medically need them?  I know they don't do expanders but still..ouch...why??

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    Yay Maureen, let's hear it for B9!!!!!!!!!!!!, getting a window unit tonight, at leeast will have 1 room that is cool.  You are so right, we are conditioned by our cold weather and this hot spell is absolutely too much.  Have had to sponge down my older cat, she doesn't fight me or try to escape.  If I had gone to N.C. I wouldn't have been able to give her the extra care, all things happen for a reason.  Yesterday, Sherry and I would have been in Ashville and not home to negotiate the sale of her second car, she wanted to go to Ireland and the proceeds will go for her trip. Stay cool ladies. Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    Yay Maureen, let's hear it for B9!!!!!!!!!!!!, getting a window unit tonight, at leeast will have 1 room that is cool.  You are so right, we are conditioned by our cold weather and this hot spell is absolutely too much.  Have had to sponge down my older cat, she doesn't fight me or try to escape.  If I had gone to N.C. I wouldn't have been able to give her the extra care, all things happen for a reason.  Yesterday, Sherry and I would have been in Ashville and not home to negotiate the sale of her second car, she wanted to go to Ireland and the proceeds will go for her trip. Stay cool ladies. Karen  p.s. Meg, great news on your path. report, hope the fills are not too painful. 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    Hi Meg, great news on your pathology report, all clear with clear margins - woo hoo,  aren't those the sweetest words you ever heard.  No rads, no chemo, what a fantastic report.  Hope the fills are not too painful.  Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited July 2011

    HI Meg and Maureen - great news for both of you. I am so so happy.

    Agree the weather is awful, BUT in the winter, we had snow snow snow almost every day, so I am not complaining - YET!

    Hope everyone is at least eating icecream everyday to make this summer a bit cooler!

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited July 2011

    Whew... I am so behind on everyone... Except Karen who blessed me with a coffee hour today. Don't know what I'd do without those little chats!

    Maureen... So glad you are dancin with NED!!!!

    Susan...such sad news... Hoping your family is healing from such a harsh blow.

    Bevin... Glad to hear you'll be joining the next get together. Karen promised to tell me all about you! :)

    hey moose and kindone... Hope the summer is wonderful for you.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    Hi all, I have been without AC during this weather, not a unit to be found in Batavia.  The heat upstairs has been just incredible, I stayed at the coffee shop on Wed. after starbeauty left to be in AC area.  She knew I was without one and has been checking in on me.  I ordered one from Sears that will be delivered on Mon. or Wed.  Starbeauty found me a used unit to get me through till then, she and her DH will be bringing it over tonight!   The definition of a compassionate friend, one who feels your discomfort, who does kindnesses quietly without fanfare.  Just had to acknowledge her on the thread.  hugs to all, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited July 2011

    Starbeauty you are a lifesaver.  WOW this weather is incredible.  Just run from work to car, to house.  Still on my treadmill for 30 minutes a day.  I am so proud of myself.  Went to BS today and they removed the bandages.  I'm doing okay, just nervous as usual.  Does anxiety ever go away?  Next milestone is scans end of August after ONE year of this nonsense.  On Monday I find out what hormonal they will try this time, hopefully one that works and doesn't make me crazy LOL!!  Stay indoors ladies and enjoy!!


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited July 2011

    HI everyone,  it is hot hot hot!!  Glad to have the warmth! Doubly glad to have AC!! 

    starbeauty - how kind of you. You really are thoughtful.

    Karen- they are giving away new ac window units in Tonwanda to applicants. Channel 2 had it on the news this afternoon. You need to fill out an on-line application. I assume there is some needs assessment so it may not work for you, but free is always good to checkout!

    I am planning on nothing this weekend. Relaxing, swimming, nothing!!! Next month is a year post diagnosis. wow - fast year. lots of scans and appointments. They drive you nuts but I am glad to be able to have them !!

    Maureen - I am now on aromasin. I too had fast heart rate on arimidex. The aromasin stopped that, but I have gained weight.  NOT happy about that, and the bone/joint pain is only a tad less on this one.   Still have hot flashes , but the effexor really does keep them at bay most the time.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    bevin, thank you for the information, I'll check it out.  The AC is on, I feel like a human being again, got to meet starbeauty's DH and her son.  They are as kind as she is.  I had been wetting down my two cats since they cannot pant like a dog would to get rid of heat.  They are gradually migrating to the living room, which is where the unit is, had been on the linoleum under the clawfoot tub.  My landlord came over to secure the unit and to block the spaces around the unit, he is just such a good guy.  I am extremely fortunate.  Hi and hugs to everyone and see you soon.  Karen

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited July 2011

    Jeepers... I am no saint, but gosh you guys you should have felt how awful and oppressive the heat was in Karens home... I don't know how she was doing it!!!! I would have been mean and looney... She was as sweet as always. Her cats are beautiful. I'm glad it is working for her!

    Maureen... Keeping you in my prayers... Hope your new AI treats you a little better!

  • MegM
    MegM Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2011

    Got to laugh picturing the kitties getting cooled off.. Before we had kids my husband and I were up to 6 cats when we moved in together..we have 3 of them a senior center for cats around here, but my one cat has gotten so strangevand stopped bathing aboutbtwo years ago I couldn't take it anymore and caught him gave him a bath and trimmed all the matted hair off his back...he is shorthair but his undercoat is thick and gets yucky...anyway swear i have not been able to touch him since that day...boy can he hold a grudge. He would spazz if I tried to cool him off.

    Everyone hang in there...i am looking forward to some days in the low 80's. We are hoping to take the kids up to Niagra falls next month..they would love the maid of the m,ist and my daughter would love marine land..she is crazy about animals.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited July 2011

    Hi Ladies,  Just looking at the GREEN grass.  One night of rain and the grass turned green again.  Hope everyone is doing well and cooler temperatures come our way.  Don't know how you survived this heat without air conditioning Karen.  I just don't like the heat, don't like cold weather either.  I need to find a place where it's 70 degrees year round (LOL).  Doing okay this AM, the heart palpations seem to have subsided.  I'm really begining to think it was from the AI, however I'm sure the onc NP will disagree.  Go to the onc on Monday afternoon for a check up and the new RX of anti-hormonal, not sure which one he'll put me on this time, we'll see. 

    Reminder:  Next week is lunch.  If you don't have the info, just send me a PM and I'll give you all the info. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on the upcoming weekend. 



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    Hi all, thank you for your prayers - my friends'  blood tests have come back, the results are benign!  The proteins in her blood are a result of her Lupus, which has and still is in remission for many years. I am so thankful it wasn't anything serious  Karen   see you soon!!

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited July 2011

    Hello Ladies, Well, it is nice to be cool again!! No air conditioning here, except for the bedroom, but we get a nice cross breeze when there is a breeze.  I seem to remember a couple days last week that were completely stagnant ;)  So glad you received B9 results, Maureen, and Meg, great news about your "lack of treatment".  I just needed rads, which, I must say, were no fun at all.  Still having lots of soreness under my arm and staying out of the sun is challenging, but on a good note, I am almost two months out and the girls seem to be almost the same size.  The "bad one" still a little bigger than the "good one".  I keep tearing my muscles around my rib cage every time I do something crazy, like pulling myself out of the water to climb on the ladder into our boat, and trimming a tree a few days before vacation.  You'd think by the age of 42 I would learn to take things slow, but still the same old me. :)  Enjoy the coolness while it lasts and looking forward to our get-together!


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited July 2011

    Hi Ladies!! 

    Karen,  so glad your friend is okay. 

    Susan, glad heat is letting up a little bit. Glad to hear your "girls" are doing well.  Be careful when trying to do all the old stuff, but I completely understand wanting to "be normal" again,  I do that all the time.

    Update on me: Went to onc, am officially off the anastrole (sp?), onto another form BUT WAIT:  I have to have stat bone scans, lung ct scan and wear a heart monitor for the next 24hrs. starting tomorrow to rule out any damage.  WTH?  I didn't expect that nonsense.  So I'm going to work, leaving to go to doc, back to work to make up time blah, blah, blah.  Yes I'm complaining.  My day started at 6AM this morning and ended work at 9:30PM after spending 2 hrs. in the doc's office today and I get to do this all day tomorrow too!!  Can't wait to see everyone, I'm so excited I may even have a glass of wine :)  Say a prayer all goes okay tomorrow, I'm getting a little nervous and I really don't want to start the next AI. 

    Hope everyone else is doing awesome!!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited July 2011

    Dear Maureem, sending prayers your way for tomorrow, I can't imagine working as hard and for so any hours as you do.Sending calming thoughts to you that all goes well tomorrow, so many tests. I think we should all celebrate with a drink on Saturday to our being together again.  hugs, Karen