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Implant Exchange (oYo) ~ Anyone go/stay SMALL?? (B cup)



  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444
    edited May 2011


    ...just sayin' hi, I felt like chatting with you ladies :-) 

    All is pretty good here, I might get discharged from PT next week, so I am kinda psyched about that.  The problem with my shoulder is going to take a long time to heal, I might always have the winged scapula/nerve issues, but there's not that much more PT can do.

    I am at 9 weeks and think my implants have changed a bit.  Kinda 'settling in'.  I had some minor rippling I was worried about in the beginning, but I think as I "dropped and fluffed" the implants softened and settled and perhaps filled out a bit and the rippling seems even less.  Besides, how often am I realllly standing bent over at the waist checking myself out?  It doesn't show in a bra/bathing suit, or even just standing there naked, so I'm cool with it.

    I have a little divot or shelf on one side.  My hub thinks I am too critical, I don't plan on fixing anything...yet, but after the fall if my PS suggested FG, I'd "perhaps" think about it! It's not really a big deal, more or less I would just like to acheive the natural slope of a 'real' breast if possible.  I have a bony chest so I think that could be part of the issue, but in the scheme of things, it's defintley not the end of the world.  My pre-BC boobs were faaaar from perfection, but loved just the way they were ;-)

    I must admit, I am feeling the return to a 'new' but normal life.  It seems I am not as "boob/foob obsessed" as I have been ohhhh, since the fall!  I actually can talk about other things now, I can tell you that my hub appreciates the shift in conversation sometimes!!! ;-)  It feels good that the summer is coming and I think I am actually excited for it!!!  I haven't really looked forward to much other stuff, other than if it had to do with my boobs! C'mon, we all know how exciting the fills are, I mean that seriously!!! Tongue out

    So how is everyone else doin'? It's finally not raining here and it actually feels hazy, hot & humid...well, maybe not hot, but I might actually believe that Memorial day is approaching now!

  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444
    edited May 2011
    Susan - I've been meaning to ask you how it's going with FG?  Can you see the difference/changes since exchange?  How often do you go?  Is it a long process?  How many areas do you get fat taken from? Sorry for all the Q's, I was thinking about your boobs today...sounds creepy, huh?  ...oops, I meant it in the most innocent of ways! Wink
  • SuebeeBC
    SuebeeBC Member Posts: 545
    edited May 2011

    Megan I still think about boobs all of the time....but its everyones boobs.  If I wasnt going through this whole thing I would SERIOUSLY think something was wrong with me!!! LOL

    Well, I had my fill today....495ccs in my right.  And I still dont have an Eday.  PS was SOOOO noncommital.  He got his 'orders' to move to Texas by July 1 and all of his OR slots for June were taken away.  We debated for some time over which was worse....HIM doing my surgery and then having no PS around in the event of complications, or waiting until late July possibly August for the new PS whom I know nothing about.  He said he really would like to take me all of the way through nipple and tattoo....well, shucks thats nice but that would mean me flying to Texas (which another patient is doing!!!)  He tried to explain that the hard parts were done and this surgery was "bread and butter" but really the whole concept of waiting that long just sucks.  He made it sound like there was nothing he could do and then said "come back in a week and Ill see what I can arrange" I dont know which end is up right now.  I am overfilled now and the TE is in a great place.  He said there wont be much pocket work to do at all.  Thats all great news but we're getting into summertime now and its getting REALLY hard to cammo my natural side.   I'm afraid its mostly out of his hands if the military doesnt let him have an hour and 1/2 of OR time for me.  I am so frustrated.  On top of that, this fill hurts like the devil.  I had to take a vicodin today and it STILL hurts!   I probably shouldnt have gotten another 80 but wasnt going to admit that to him!!!  I do have to say that my boob greed got a smackdown today....I dont want to be THAT big anymore!!!!!

  • SuebeeBC
    SuebeeBC Member Posts: 545
    edited May 2011

    Oh and while I havent done it yet, Ill post new pix of my fill later on.....

  • robynkk
    robynkk Member Posts: 32
    edited May 2011

    I started out a DD, had my MX in Sept, a cosmetic disaster (no one go to Dr. Schooler at USC), they were supposed to do the implants at the same time but..............another PS took them out in Feb and put in tissue expanders, he's filling them now (ouch) and my final exchange surgery is scheduled for June 7th, I want to be a full B.  But he keeps filling them so much they're huge now, he says he needs the "skin" I'm just afraid of ending up w/the wrong size???? 

  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754
    edited May 2011

    Takeadeepbreath~ I will try to go look at your pics tonight. :)

    robynkk ~ I hear ya sister!  This process is so hard because oftentimes you feel like you are not in control.  Have you asked whippetmom for advice on sizing?

    Sue~ What BUMMER news. :(  I guess that would make sense that they take away his OR slots close to his departure in case there was complications.  So they only have ONE PS there?  I can totally imagine how hard it must be to hide the chest size differences in the summer ~ making it that much harder to wait until the new PS is available.  Well, I will be crossing my fingers that he is able to fit you into surgery somehow.  You say you might find out next week?  And bummer about the pain from the fill... I had 100cc done (ONCE) and it was pretty painful! Though it seemed to subside within a day or two.

    Megan~ Glad to hear you are moving on to other topics! I'll get there soon enough. lol!  I think I'm at the same stage as you where you are accepting the new foobs, being less critical. :)   Regarding your divet/shelf..has your PS said anything about the possibiltiy of FG?  That was my supposed "ticket" for FG per my PS.

    So I had my one month follow up with my PS yesterday.  He took the steri-strips off...I can't believe that hadn't fallen off yet... I shower every day ~ I swear!!  So it was great to finally see the scars and they look much more "fine" than before ~ I'm excited to use the scar-away strips on them (though I need to wait till 8 wks post op, right?).  Regarding the FG~ the fullness from the FG definitely has dissapated on my BC side (where the divet is).  Though you don't notice the divet like before ~ so it did definitely do "something".. but I can tell and feel the difference between the surgery and now.  He said each time you do the FG, it "takes" more~ so you see better results after the 2nd or 3rd round.  I told him I hit my out-of-pocket maximum so want to schedule in as many FG's as possible! ... though he thinks I will only need two or three maximum more. I just have to wait 2 months in between each one so I should be fine getting it done before the end of the year.   And to answer your other questions, Megan :) ~ It's hard to know how much was FG, swelling, or just going from TE to implant... so I'll be able to tell exactly what the FG result is after the next round I think. He took my fat from 3 areas ~ abdomen & my left/right sides (of my muffin top :) Tough he said he could take it from wherever I liked (thigh, butt).  He said just having the FG done by itself next time will be about a 1 1/2 hour surgery. (Only part that's a bummer is that you have to go under general anesthesia again)  He said I  could be able to work the next day..basically you are just sore on the sites that he harvested the fat from.  So with the two month wait time..I should be able to have my next round the end of June! :)  And I just have 2 more weeks to go to get my exercise/arm restrictions lifted!  Same thing for the wired bra.... so I'll be doing my Nordstrom fitting soon! 

  • SuebeeBC
    SuebeeBC Member Posts: 545
    edited May 2011

    Susan - the other PS in house is the one who broke his arm.  He is also leaving.  Now let me tell you about the rant I had today that the military is moving BOTH PSs at the same time leaving no one to fill the gap!!!!! But of course if a woman ran the military....well, thats a discussion for another day.  I will see him next Tuesday (my Tuesday morning date with Dr Davis!) but I am trying to keep my expectations in check.  He said I could fly to TX to get my nip done.  I told my husband that sounds like a "girls weekend" with my BFF!!! LOL.

    OH and I put pix of the new fill out already....let me tell you that BOOB GREED IS GONE!!!!  I totally feel MORE than Big Enough now and even DH said to me today "I dont think you want to be any bigger, DO YOU?"  Maybe he is afraid of it too!!!  I just dont want more fill pain!

    Susan so glad to also read your update!  The FGing is so interesting!  I dont get that option.  PS feels he can fix the upper slope surgically...we'll see!  I cant wait to hear how your fitting goes!

  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444
    edited May 2011

    Susan - thanks for answering my FG interrogation ;-)  I'm so glad to hear you are doing well with it...I'll be waiting by to hear how the next rounds go - so tell me, do you see a difference from where it was taken from?  Did the amount taken make a difference in your figure? 

    I don't know if my divit will qualify for FG, but if it did I wouldn't be opposed to it ;-) I DO know I would wait till after the summer, I'm not really affected by it, other than I know a natural breast has a better slope which if I could improve upon, I might do it, not to mention my baby pooch would be good riddence!!! Tongue out

    2 weeks till arm restrictions over -  yeah!!! It does feel great to be back at the gym lifting weights, I'm still gentle on myself and don't push past my comfort level, but it's nice to feel some strength coming back in my arms, crazy how weak I got!

  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444
    edited May 2011

    Sue - I cannot believe they might push your date back! :(  It sounds like with the military your hands could be tied, but keep pushing for a date, there's GOT to be a 1 1/2 hr slot that'll open up somewhere!!! Still rooting for ya girl!

    ...but on a happy note I am psyched for you and being happy with the fills, it's defintley awesome, (as much as the pain sucks) to know when to say "when" you know where you are and that you're happy about that - yay!!!

    I hope the fill pain goes down soon, take a muscle relxant (do you have ativan or valium?) they work like a dream for the fills! :-)

  • SuebeeBC
    SuebeeBC Member Posts: 545
    edited May 2011

    Megan thanks - I took vicodin today and will tonight too....leftover from the surgery.  And Im pretty proud of myself for saying 'when'.  Of course, talk to me when this thing relaxes a bit and Im not feeling pain....but I feel pretty good about it.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2011
    Ladies, I finally managed to post a couple of photos of my current TE status on the pic forum, under my same name as here. I also have a pic on the forum of my right TE when I had delayed healing before my first revision surgery (and before PS reduced the size). Yes I am lopsided, but happy my incision is finally heading in the right direction!
  • SuebeeBC
    SuebeeBC Member Posts: 545
    edited May 2011

    Rennasus Im goign to go look! Im glad you posted!!!

    As for me, Im changing my site name to "onebigboob".....I didnt sleep at all last night!!!  I USED to be able to sleep on my side!!! LOL.  And I know, I know - its relative...Its still a small little gal compared to most women but for me, its about 350ccs larger than it was before my mx!!  Im not used to it!!!

    But I am feeling better today about this whole PS thing.  Theres not much I can do about it and I am realizing my big beef is that I want to wear my new bathing suit and go to a waterpark this summer...I can handle the fluffing and waiting if it means a better result...Im trying to keep patience in check.

  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444
    edited May 2011
    Sue - glad to hear you are looking at the big picture, but never feel bad about venting here :-)  It's hard to process bumps in the road when you want a particular timeframe, but you are probably right,  by waiting you will get to meet the new PS and take it from there....buuuut if there is a cancellation before your present PS leaves, bonus, right?!?! ;-)  but seriously, I like your attitude and we all know the saying "good things come to those who wait" Smile    ... no one claimed it was easy to wait, tho!
  • SuebeeBC
    SuebeeBC Member Posts: 545
    edited May 2011

    Megan - THANKS Girlfiend!!!! I trying to stay positive and strong.  Id love to be done in June more than anything.  Here's hoping for good news on Tuesday!

    I have a new problem - my shirts all do NOT FIT!!!  The shirts I wore when I was 15 pounds heavier I actually fill out now....but my upper pole (and only on one side) is really evident and embarrasing as the shirts are lower cut.  The shirts I wore late last summer and until now are TIGHT across the boobage.  I get a horizontal ripple across the pair that again is embarrasing....including my brand new exercise shirts!!! I am hoping with the exchange and drop and fluff that the shirts will fit again.  But I do NOT want to be buying all new shirts right now!!!

  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444
    edited May 2011

    Sue - I bought a bunch of shirts post bmx that were baggy (to hide my flat chest) and I wore them thru the expansion process.  I hope you can figure something out in the meantime...what about your BF?  She has a bigger chest than you, right? Maybe she's got a couple things to get you thru the next couple weeks? Or layer with a cami with the built-in bra?  I still wear them to camo my cleavage that I am shy about when something is too low cut! ;-)

    It is just warming up here and I put on a tank from last summer, I'm not brave enough to go "fitted" tank in public yet, this one was a A-line style.  But my new girls filled it out well, I think I'll be able to wear some of my prior clothes (when I get the guts to go full-boob "out there").  I'm still self-conscious in a way, not like they are huge, but I am cautious about it, baby-steps, I far the bathing suit-top dilemma is still a mystery...haven't bought one yet & need one for this wknd (maybe)...then I'll be totally out there!!! Hope I don't run into too many aquaintences at the beach, I might have an anxiety attack, like I said...I need baby steps about the whole unveiling-thing! :-)

  • SuebeeBC
    SuebeeBC Member Posts: 545
    edited May 2011

    Hey Megan - thanks...I think Ill swing by Goodwill for a couple of temporary items.  Budget is pretty tight.right now...BF probably could help me out but she tends to wear gym clothes all of the time (Gymnastics Coach)...Id like to wear something better than a T but not quite dressy.  Plus if I start that job, I'll have to buy several work outfits too.  Hmmm.

    I get the insecurities....I tried to take some clothed photos today for the forum and got discouraged with how they looked.  Here's hoping it stays cool enough for some scarf cammo!!!

  • Cameron
    Cameron Member Posts: 128
    edited May 2011

    DUDES! I am back!

    I have a more detailed story to tell and just 2 photos to share, later on the pic forum. But here's the abbreviated version:

    Exchange went great, more pain than expected, lots of scar tissue to deal with for PS, and I got 500ccs high profile.  I went through feelings of confusion and depression, which I've worked through and DESTROYED in their tracks. I actually thought I was essentially flat-chested. With 1000 ccs (when added together) on my chest, I felt I looked FLAT.

    It took a day to work through that, to actually SEE myself. I look awesome! I have upper pole fullness, I have boobs that sit closer together, I have an AMAZING plastic surgeon, I am so lucky. They look 10 times better with each passing day.

    I just wanted everyone to know I am ok and thank you for all the encouragement and good wishes! I think I'll post this on the exchange forum, too; sorry for the duplicate. Kiss 

  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444
    edited May 2011

    Cameron - just wanted to let you know I am soooo excited for a happy E-day for you! glad you are lovin' the new girls :-) ...and just think, they only get better from here!!!

  • redskyatnight
    redskyatnight Member Posts: 80
    edited May 2011

    Yeah Cameron!! So happy for you!!

  • ditan3
    ditan3 Member Posts: 35
    edited May 2011

    Cameron ~ Congrats to you !!!  Funny, I went thru that depression too.......guess it's all part of the process.  Very happy to hear all went well and and you're on the road to a wonderful recovery.

  • SuebeeBC
    SuebeeBC Member Posts: 545
    edited May 2011

    Cameron I sent a note on the pix forum but I will go on the record as saying



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,405
    edited May 2011

    Speaking of small...I'm the 5'8" who wanted to be small & athletic.  Just got back from another fill to 500 & cried the entire time.  I hate waking up and seeing these large TE mounds every morning.  Friends are already saying how "busty" I look and one good friend even said I looked as big as before - and I was a 36DD.  More crying.  Clothes are pulling & gapping again.  More crying.  PS is not there at fills, but he's mandated even one more fill.  I'm scheduled for Allergan 410s and I sure hope it's true that the implants will look smaller than the TEs or I'll have them all ripped out.  Did I see the 410s will look 10% smaller than the TEs somewhere on one of the threads?

    Sorry for whining.  I really do trust the PS's skills (I hope).  Just a discouraging day. 

  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444
    edited May 2011

    MinusTwo - so sorry you are having a tough IS hard when you look down and feel bigger than you want to be.  I felt like I did alot of explaining after my last fill when I looked gigantic, it was uncomfortable looking so huge, BUT what is true is that implants look nothing like TE's.  I was filled to 450 and got 450 implants and I definitley look smaller, I am bigger than I was pre-BC (I was a large A) but those TE's are so rigid and have no give and sit so darn "up there" on the chest wall, it's crazy!  I would make a call to your PS and discuss your thoughts and 're-confirm' the size implant you desire.  It might ease your mind to do that.  I know my PS said get to the size I like and then go one more fill. (side-note: I'm one of the wacky-ones who went bigger, I "thought" I wanted to have 400 implants...oops! Tongue out) Alot of women here seemed to have been over-filled.  This allows the PS to have more room to work with to allow for a natural look of the implant.  Also, have you been to Breast Implant 101(under reconstruction thread) ?  Whippetmom is fantastic at helping with implant size, if you need it!  I hope you start to feel better and maybe a little reassurance of what your PS plan is might help...

  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444
    edited May 2011

    hillck - welcome!!! ...and, yes - I am a memeber of the "oops, did I say I wanted to stay small?  oh that's my bad! -club" Tongue out  But in reality I will say I may fill a D but I think "C" thoughts!!! hahahaha!!!!!

    I hope you are feeling good!!!

  • SuebeeBC
    SuebeeBC Member Posts: 545
    edited May 2011

    Minustwo - I can hear you.  My implant should end up being a 450 and I am filled to 500 now and hate it.  I go back on Tuesday to see if I get an exchange with my PS in June or have to wait for a new PS in late July.  I HATE this fill!!!!  My clothes dont fit, it hurts and I think I look too big!!!  So much for the boob greed I thought I was going to get!!!  I have a feeling that on Tuesday I will get another top off PS overfills - and I thought 500 would be overfilled enough but I will have to wait and see!

    Megan - thanks for the reminder that the implants will be smaller.  How lucky you didnt get the bigger preview that I am getting!!!!  At least it put the breaks on boob greed!!  You have to agree that seeing the TEs on our little bodies having 'grown up' with teenie boobies is just CRAZY!!!  Such an emotional rollercoaster!!!

  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444
    edited May 2011

    aww, Sue, I feel for ya!  It is crazy when you get to such a large size and feel bizarre, sleeping sucks, clothing sucks, seeing people who haven't seen you lately, well that was awkward, too ;-)   here's a story for ya...after my last fill I went back to my gym class (it was only the ladies who knew about BC in class) I was self-conscious, but to make "light" of the awkwardness, I walked in, did a cat-walk runway strut, with the chest fully out-there shoulders back and swinging my hips & chest as dramatically as possible, just to lighten my mood, they all laughed at my obvious dramatic entrance (not to mention my over-large boobies!)    ...hang in there!!!

  • SuebeeBC
    SuebeeBC Member Posts: 545
    edited May 2011

    MEGAN!!! LOL on the CATWALK!!!  I love it!!!  The lucky thing for me, is no one knew me last summer here, and the bulk of the changes have been happening over the wintertime.  I dont think anyone inmy class will notice....but DANG when I go 'home' for a visit, well, THATS when I do the catwalk!!!

    Hey I was offered a 'show' in Boston on June 24th!  I was thinking of you since I would have to go up there.  But with the uncertainty of the surgery I had to say 'not this time'.  They told me I am welcome if things change (which was really nice). Ill let you know if I ever DO perform up there again!!!

    I just ran out for a new 'stylin' 34C bra at Targe' my son wanted some baseball cards so we went out.  Its a 'barely there' bra and makes my fluffy side look less obvious - THANK GOD!  I still dont want to see my rediculous step-off in a low cut shirt, so I bought a couple of cami/tanks to see if that can help with the summer attire too.  At least I have something that works a little better for now....and probably not far away from the finale size too.  This bra is so super soft and comfortable.  Much better than when I was a negative A and had to buy what I found and had no choices!!!

  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444
    edited May 2011
    I would LOVE to meet up with you if you're ever in the Boston area!!!  I must say I'm glad it's not June 24th because I will be in Atlantic City seeing a Dave Matthews Band 3-day music festival!  I would have been completley bummed if I had missed an opportunity to meet up...but if you go back for work post-exchange it would be awesome - I'll show you my girls that have been hidden from the cyber world!!!! Tongue out
  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444
    edited May 2011

    ...also - I hope the cami's work for you, I definitley think they help reduce the "cleave-effect"!!!

    and I also bet that 34 C you bought at Targe't will be yesterday's news when you go for exchange, hellllo darling "D"!!! Wink  ...just sayin'...

  • SuebeeBC
    SuebeeBC Member Posts: 545
    edited May 2011

    LOL on the darlin' D's!!!  I have been measuring myself feverishly - either until I get it right or get the size I want - and I am getting a 34B - I dont think I will EVER understand sizing really well.  I THINK I do, but then I am confused again!  LOL

    And I will be sure to tell you when we are in town!!!  Id love to look at your boobs!!!  (In a totally friendly, non-lesbian sort of way....not that theres anything WRONG with that!!!)