Bonfire of the Goddesses
Venison for dinner anyone........burn baby or white.......0 -
Ducky, I know it was selfish of me to spend so much on dinner. It was the first time I have ever been that extravagant for one meal by myself. I had never had venison before. SUBLIME. I had a white with the salad and a red with the venison. Crème brulee for desert, and an expresso. Three waiters, I felt like a queen. Okay so into the fire I go.0 -
what are you talking comment about venison was about cooking what hits your car on the highway, a discussion me and the ladies were having about deer were never mentioned, or you having an expensive meal of venison in a restaurant...........I am clueless as to what you are referring to in your last post...........clarify it please..........0 -
Jo I totally love hair chalk. I only do one streak for casual. The other day I was dressed up. I had magenta, a beautiful blue, purple, and a green. I think we white hairs, look the best with it b/c it shows like a rainbow. I also, have orange and pink.0 -
Luvmygoats,, glad you are ok! I had two deer run infringe of my truck once, in town! I managed to only hit one. A couple people stopped to see if the deer was worth taking home and the nice police man then came to me and said " Ma'am, I'm sorry to inform you that the deer was uninsured!". Smart ass, but we all had a good laugh.
The venison smells yummy. What time is dinner?0 -
4..............whenever your hungry.......lol0 -
Ducky Posted on insomnia thread about venison dinner a few nights ago. That's a hoot.0 -
'bout the LE and flying... my BC surgeon told me to never fly without compression on my mastecomied (new word... side. She didn't out and out STATE that I'd get LE if I didn't - but she sure did imply it. My last flight my hand (on that side) looked like a balloon, but by about an hour after landing I had returned to normal. (OK, it's arguable that I'm ever "normal", but y'all know what I mean.)0 -
GG.....I was never told flying can cause LE to BC patients.......just if you have it make sure you wear a garment when flying.....I chose to wrap....thought it an extra measure of caution....0 -
Hence my question. I Pm'd Kira. My twins 's was caused by flying. So, I hesitate to fly. I'll drive or train. Just hoping someone had current research.0 -
I flew to and back from Chicago...I have therapist diagnosed LE.......had no problem.just do what your told and anyone can fly........if you think you might get it but don't already have it.....just advice came from the LE thread, meaning Kira and me........they are the best.........
Sitting for hours in a car or train is not good for LE either....moving keeps the lymph fluid way I was driving 12 hours, or training for 19.........,.and that was only Chicago.......0 -
Ducky---bout time u showed up
i think we have some burning to do together...
what u think?0 -
oh yea.............much to burn........0 -
I saw a commercial online today. The title was 'It's deer collision season. Are you ready?' I think it was State Farm. They listed the odds in each state for a deer collision.0 -
I think that is because it is rutting season and they are chasing each other around and not paying attention to traffic!0 -
Wren - I'll have to look for that commercial. Funny that's our insurance.
4 - that's for sure. My bucky boy spends all day blubbering at the fence to his harem.0 -
How many goats do you have, Luv?0 -
Too many. I have 18 but no more babies. I need to talk to church member who lives down the road and see if he would like Mr. Bucky. I am loathe to sell them and this man has a big mixed herd. I thought DH had a home for 3 of them but co-worker has had some intervening prob. and can't get fence finished. I finally hooked up with a guy selling square hay bales and need to call him today. Cheaper by far than feed store.0 -
Are you divesting yourself of all of them, or just winnowing the herd? My hubby used to raise racing pigeons and had to get out of it because of allergies. He still misses them and constantly checks out the races and those who used to be his competition.0 -
DH would LOVE it if they would all go but no just winnowing down. Lost 3 old ones this year. Mr. Bucky is really annoying during rut and his roomie spends most of the day in a giant doghouse to keep away from him though does "consent" to sleep in shelter with bucky at night. If he goes it would open up a little more area for the remainders to roam. And fence repairs would go down. LOL.
I went to one goat show last year but afraid if I go now will get hots to get back in and no extra money or to admit it will to do that. Love what I have but don't want/need more.0 -
It was funny/odd, but when hubby was heavily into the birds I'd get so sick of them (and him being so wrapped up in 'em) - mostly though of the way they tied us down. But since they are gone I really miss them and wish that he could have them again. Due to allergies he cannot, but if you got rid of all of your goats your hubby might miss them almost as much as you.0 -
I got a response from Kira re: flying and LE. Asked her if I could repost her response. When I get an answer I'll let you know
Into the fire with LE0 -
Into the fire with all this weeks BS!0 -
4....,,,,don't let things get to you...........some things are just not worth it.......hugs0 -
Thanks Ducky! That's why I pitched it in this Fabulous Fire!!!
Have a great weekend Ladies! We have fabulous weather from what I can see, but then I just rolled my butt out of bed! I am now D.S.S. (desparetely seeking coffee!)0 -
4 - when you get some, would you PLEASE send some my way!!!!0 -
No Worries! Always happy to share :-)0 -
AAAAaaaahhhhhhh - THANKS!!!!0 -
sas, Kira re-posted her PM to you on the lymphedema board. I thought you might not find it so I'll re-post it yet again here:
This is a pm that I was asked to re-post when I was asked about LE and flying:
There is a connection between air travel and triggering LE--clearly
from clinical experience, but unfortunately the three studies in the
literature don't "support" it, but they're absolutely horrible studies.
One was--seriously--an Australian surgeon who just thought about his
patients! And the NLN used it to back off on supporting wearing
compression on air flights. The other was a study of Dragon Boat women
who flew either within Australia or from Canada, and the longer flights
did cause swelling, but they concluded it didn't. Although they did
conclude that longer flights caused more swelling. I'm blanking on the
third one, but it was lousy as well.
What's clear is, if you have lymphedema, flying can make you
swell--and you should wear arm/hand/chest compression or wrap (which is
what I do.) If you are just at high risk--that's the
controversy--should you wear arm/hand compression or just drink a lot
of fluids and move around a lot. The LE experts argue that poorly
fitting compression can trap fluid.
I'm on the board of LANA and I flew to a meeting--about a 2 hour
flight, and showed my Tribute to the owner of the company, who is on
the board, and she asked a highly trained PT to measure my arm because
the Tribute didn't fit well. So, this PT looked at my arm, and said
"You don't need a Tribute, you don't have LE." (don't you love it??)
and then she felt my arm (small, but holding fluid) and
got hysterical "You have LE, you need to be in an elarex sleeve! You
could get cellulitis!". Um, I flew to Chicago, slept in a hot hotel
room and ate salty food and sat at a meeting. I do have LE, and my arm
is not large--it's mostly in my hand. After a day or two of home care,
my arm was back to normal.
I just flew last weekend, and it was only an hour flight, and I can feel the difference.
Binney first got LE as she flew to Alaska to see her family, and her
hand swelled up like a pitcher's mitt. Moogie, who hasn't been on the
boards much got it from a flight--and she was wearing compression
sleeves. I heard a talk at an NLN conference, where Sheila Ridner said,
"patient after patient talks about getting LE while flying".
Clinically, it happens.
Jane/Onebadboob got LE from flying, and was in a study at NYU, and the
grad student who took her history said "You're the 200th woman to report
flying triggered your LE!", but the chief investigator doesn't believe
that flying can trigger LE, so she "hid" that data and denies it....
We have a page about it on SUSO:Hope that helps. Glad to see you tossed the whole lymphedema business into the flames--definitely where it belong!
Be well!
Binney0 - are you.....still dealing with the same BUll Sh-- with my LE........only time I use the sleeve is when I think....hmmmm, that isn't too good today........never got fitted right....wear a jobst that is probably doing more harm then good, and I swear they are all idiots.........gave up trying....and my biggest regret is what I spent in co-pays, and got nothing but bullshit......send my LE therapist is one of the best in the area..........oh well shit happens.....hugs dear0