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  • Soyaandpepper
    Soyaandpepper Member Posts: 43

    Hey ladies, anyone experience weight gain while on herceptin for the year? If so then how much? Also is that due to no phyiscal activities? Just wondering since I'm going to start herceptin IV infusions next week and was wondering. I'm very active and weight life 5 times a week and also follow a diet consists of green veg, beans, fruits and absolutely no refined or processed stuff. 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    MsTori - I called it 'steroid red face', got it everytime!  Should be gone in 24-36 hours.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Omaz- definitely red face, neck, chest and boobs! Crazy. Wasn't expecting that or was told and forgot.

    I overdid it today. Ran a few errands with mom and came home and crawled into bed. So, now I know, first day after chemo, not so good. Was feeling so awful, my DM called the onc and he said Ativan and phenergan and lots more water. I passed out, woke up for dinner and doing better.

    My DM just gave me my first Nuelastra injection.

    Fun times lady. Walking down this path for the first time. And trying to remember all that I've read here.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    MsTori - I had my chemo on a Tues and felt ok on Wednesday but Thursday I 'came down' from the steroids and pretty much slept all day.  Friday and Sat were difficult and then sunday I would start talking to my fam again.
  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Best wishes on your surgery Rozem! No more sleeping with the enemy !

    Ms Tori......

    I had chemo on Mondays and was flying on a steroid high till Thursday morning. Then the se's got to me. By monday I would be better and able to manage everyday activities very well but with each successive treatment it would all be a little more difficult.

    Some of us got diarrhea and others like me got constipation and it started two days after chemo. Keep track of that. I've never had it before or after and it was very troublesome.

    Drink, drink, drink......

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MsTori, I was usually pretty good, just tired, and a bit nauseous til day 5 after tx, then got hit with the big D. But once I figured it out sure did not make any plans at all for that week.

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Prayers for you Rozem!  All the way from Indiana to Canada!  :-)  You'll go through some tough days, I'm sure, so making sleeping one of your plans.  I love sleep!  Oh, and watch some good stupid TV.  There is a ton of it now that you don't even need 2 brain cells to put together to understand.

    Thanks everyone.  I think I'm making the right choice.  My BS told me that would be what she would do in my position.  I go on Tuesday, so I'm right behind you Rozem! 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Rozem and pbrain, will be praying for both of you for good results and fast healing.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Pbrain, who is your BS?

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    thanks so much ladies! even tho we have never met face to face you all mean so much to me :)

    I live in Ontario, Canada Sol and Kayb my surgery is at 8am bright and early, good thing cause not like i will sleep much tomorrow night

    soy - i have gained weight (all of what i lost on chemo plus about 5 pounds) i don't think its the H, i think its being put into instant menopause and the tamoxifen on top of that.  Unfortunately we are experiencing "middle age spread" thanks to cancer treatment.  I have been working out and really watching what i eat and have only managed to lose 2 lbs in 5 wks!

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Rozem & pbrain, will be thinking of you both.

    MsTori, I had a different chemo than you, but I did have flushed look and lots of weird skin issues going on that I attributed ti steroids. Water & protein are greatcof course, but if you should have any trouble due to nausea, I found Luigi lemon italian ice easy to keep me hydrated. Sending good vibes your way

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Roz and pbrain- thinking and praying for both of you.

    Jenn- hope your healing is progressing and all is well. :-)

    Thanks everyone! I appreciate all the advice I can get. It's all unknown territory and can't say I like the unknown. Lol! Just a little nauseous this morning. Took a phenergan. My last steroid pill is today. Yay! That flushed feeling really got to me. Also, appetite not so good. And tired. Nuelastra shot was at 4 yesterday. I am keeping a journal too. Really, words cannot even express my thanks to all of you for your support and guidance. I am grateful.

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Hi Fluffqueen, happy to meet another Hoosier!  I have Dr. Kim at Community North up here on the northeast side of the city.  I really like her.  What healthcare system did you use?

    OK, now I'm stressing that the BC will come back once they get rid of it.  I haven't even started the fight and I'm going there?  Help me, people.  I'm a neurotic loon! 

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    We all stress about the bc coming back........I'm told by countless long term survivors that it will take time to learn to live our lives again without the fear of recurrence but it will happen.

    Remember also that her2 pos cancer is at the forefront of virtually all the new bc cancer treatments ..indeed maybe at the forefont of all cancer treatment.. We her 2 pos gals have one of the best prognoses now....

    If you weren't neurotic before.....the cancer dx and the hormonal swings and physiological cyclone can bring it on....toute de suite!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Thanks guys, yesterday it was "the cancer is all over my body and they just don't know it yet." The day before was "I'll go under on Tuesday for a lumpectomy and wake up with no breasts."

    I'm thinking of just getting my head shaved at the end of October, instead of paying to do my roots and color.  I calculate I'll start losing my hair at the end of November.  I'm worried that will be very pity-party inducing.  Anybody else just go ahead and shave it off?  I have 2 super cute wigs from TLC (American Cancer Society's site) and they are comfortable.  I wore one out with my friends for lunch yesterday and the were all saying "I love your new haircut!"  Ha ha, they were shocked when I told them it was a wig... 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    pbrain - Are you having carboplatin and taxol or taxotere?  Most of the time it seems like carboplatin is paired with taxotere.  I was going to suggest icing your nails if you were doing taxotere.
  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    I cut my hair really short before I even had my first chemo. I told the girl in the salon why I was doing it and she took such tender care in cutting it. Must have taken close to an hour to do it just right as the salon filled with waiting customers. I tried to tell her it would be gone soon but she just kept perfecting it.

    My mo told me it would start falling out 21 days after the first chemo but it took longer for me. It also took almost a month pfc before it started growing back.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Sorry I'm so far behind---DANCE YYYAAAAAYYYYY wonderful news

    ROZEM & PBRAIN I'm certainly sending prayers u'r way and take u'r time healing, be kind to u'rselves.

    Pbrain I remember after I felt the first clump of hair come out--I had my head shaved, I figured why have it piece by piece and went to hats, wis, scarves--but always earrins hahaha and sparkly and big--peoples eyes went more toward the earrings than whstever I had on my head--like I was fooling anywone. I had my breasts done at 2 separate times b/c the ins. co. would not OK a perfectly good breast, then a year and 1/2 later I had the other one done with more nodes taken. So b/c of ins. reasons my operations got all goffed up and chemo kept on going for so long.  My big POINT is I ended up with the cutest hats, and earring than anyone could imagine. And wraps for my non-boobs so when I go out I still use the wraps cuz I have so many and it's so in style now noone even know I'm boobless really So look at it as a fashiony thing, I'm not a fashion person, but for these reasons I became one. My sister and I always give earring or wraps for presents to each other --she's boobless too. It's like our thing now.

    Wow I go on and on and really say nothing. Sorry.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Good Morning Cami!!
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMAZ Good Morning hahaha

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    PBrain, I did the pre-emptive head shave after my first AC treatment last fall. It was very hard, but I couldn't sit by and watch it come out, which with AC would have been inevitable. So I took ativan and had it buzzed off.

    I know we have talked a lot about making diet changes, vitamins, supplements, etc. post treatment. Does anyone juice? I've been doing it for a few days now, and am wondering if there are really benefits to it. I downloaded a bunch of cancer-fighting recipes and am drinking some pretty gross sounding conconcoctions, but they don't taste too bad! (spanch, kale, carrots, blueberries, apple and walnuts all blended together in a juice extractor). I lived a healthy lifestyle before BC, but I want to try new things. I figure this can't hurt. My kids are so grossed out by the green drinks I've been blending up. ha ha.

  • Soyaandpepper
    Soyaandpepper Member Posts: 43

    rozem and pbrain-thinking about both of you and hope that everything's OK!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Omaz, I'm not sure.  I met with the MO two Fridays ago and he told me he didn't want to give me too much information on chemo yet because he wanted to see my path report post surgery. He said that that will be when he sits and really talks to me about the chemo Tx and side effects.  

    He said I would either get TCH for 6 weeks every three weeks, or AC for 4 weeks every three weeks.  I'll definitely get 18 rounds of Herceptin.  I thought he said Taxol, but that might be because I'm more familiar with that drug.  I'll know more soon :-(

    Icing my nails???  Are they gonna fall off too??????  :-(

    Arghhhhh!!!  ;-) 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    pbrain - Before chemo I read that some women were at increased risk for nail problems and thought that was something I could do something about so I iced my finger and toe nails during taxotere using frozen peas in insulated lunch sacks.  Here is a link to an article in J Clin Oncol about it.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    pbrain - Several women here have also used cold caps to prevent hair loss.  I just thought I would mention it.  I used the elastogel caps but didn't use them optimally.  ArleneA used them successfully I think.
  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773
    Ha ha, thanks Omaz, I love your frozen pea idea, made me laugh.  Well, I asked my nurse navigator about cold caps the other day.  She has been in oncology for 23 years and she said that they really don't work.  I'm going to take everyone's wonderful advice here and embrace earrings!  I've always loved them, but unless I pull my hair up, you couldn't really see them.  I'm gonna go crazy, just like Samantha in Sex and the City! 
    Ashia, that is such a sweet story about your hair dresser.  It made me cry.  I know mine will be the same.  If she has to shave my head, she'll probably think of something to make it pretty!  And I'm sure we'll both cry. 
    You guys are just what I need on this lonely, grey Sunday! 
  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Oh, and I'm so thrilled to lose my chin hair!!!  Maybe it won't come back ever!


  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Yeah, maybe you are right kayb.  No one has brought the topic up with me but I will ask my oncologist at my next appointment.  My navigator was describing them as giant football helmet-type things but I've looked at a website out of New Zealand that has caps that look more like a ski hat.  I'll try to find the thread.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    penguin cold caps and elastogel caps are the two that I know about