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  • ang7894
    ang7894 Member Posts: 427

    Ashla-- Yay  Great news congratulationsSmile

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,256

    ashla - yay for the final H!

    mstori - I feel like they went at an appropriate speed for you - pretty standard, about 90 minutes for T, 60 minutes for C and 90 minutes for H.  IMHO slowing it down would not make any difference for what you are feeling now.  Keep in mind you had the port placement the day before so some of your aching could be muscle tension from the port discomfort.  Port+tx+Neulasta=not comfortable.  I agree with kayb that your subsequent tx may be less uncomfortable.  Also, the first Neulasta can cause more pain because it is the first expansion for the marrow - the bigger the bone, the more expansion, the more discomfort - so hips, pelvis, and legs hurt the most.  Subsequent injections may not cause as much aching. 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Ashla - Awesome!!!

    MsTori - First one was much worse than the second.  There is so much new going on with the first one.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    SpecialK- it's been a rough few days. I'm happy it will get better. My mind is foggy today. Still drinking lots of fluids. I was hoping the time was ok and not what is causing awful SE. I don't want to have to sit there any longer. So that's good to hear. This bone and port pain is just crazy though. Thanks for all your support. I honestly think this is the worst part of it all. Of course, it could be I've just forgotten how rough the surgery was too. I have physical therapy soon, for left arm. Also, supposed to drive down to Tampa tomorrow for PS follow up. Hoping tomorrow is better.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Thanks kayb and Omaz. It would be horrible to go through this every treatment. You ladies are an inspiration to me.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    MsTori - Is the redness gone?  Are you able to exercise a little?  I found that even just walking around the yard helped me feel better no matter how slow I shuffled some days.
  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Omaz- yes, the flushing is gone. I'm shuffling. Lol! Slowly......very slowly. My tummy is a bit more sour today. But eating crackers.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Been there!!  It'll get better and most likely the week before your next treatment you may feel pretty decent.  Keep eating and drinking.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    ashla - HUGE congrats!

    mstori - hope you feel better soon!  

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Nope, my big day is tomorrow, just trying to take care of all of the annoying paperwork on my job with taking an intermittent medical leave.  They want to know everything including the color of my underwear!

    Fluffqueen, your story is hysterical!  I never do things like that to pro-actively help my fears....I just chew up my stomach lining and pace.

    Who was your navigator at Community?  I have Sharlee and just love her like crazy.  She has calmed many a nerve for me.

    My boss who has had almost my exact diagnosis and treatment told me today that the guidewire is no big deal and not to worry about it at all.  I'm so glad to have her and this board.  Maybe I'll still have a stomach lining at the end of this ordeal ;-)

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Ashla - Congrats! So happy for you. 

    Pbrain - The anticipation was worse than surgery and treatment for me. I studied for chemo like I was studying for the Bar again, and just freaked myself the hell out. I hope all goes well for you! This is the place to be when you have questions along the way!

    MsTori - I had different drugs than you, but I think I mentioned the italian ices that worked for me when I couldn't stand anything else. I have an easily upset stomach on a good day - can't even watch my kids spin around on rides without getting nausous! Anything lemon worked well for me - lemon ice and lemonade. Also, Stacy's Simply Naked Pita chips settled my stomach a lot for some reason - just the right amount of salt. And crazy as it sounds, a short walk every day really did help me with fatigue, nausea and the over-all blah feeling, both mental and physical.

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Congrats Ashla

    How did you feel now that Herceptin is done? I had mixed feelings.


  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Oh, and Soltantio thanks for the info on the adriamycin.  I did know about that interaction and when I meet with my oncologist again to get the actual plan for chemo, I plan to tell him that nobody in my family dies from cancer because they all keel over from vascular disease first.  I need to protect my heart as much as I can.

    That's why I'm leaning toward the internal radiation too...

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Pbrain - I was interested in the prone radiation, where you lay on your stomach.  They don't have it where I live but I think it has less scatter to other organs so that might be an option for you.
  • elocin
    elocin Member Posts: 6

    Hello to everyone, I am new to this group.  I'm looking forward to reading through the posts.  MsTori- thank you for recommending, I've already found some information I was looking for and I hope you are feeling better.  My first treatment was the same week as yours and though I was told about the bone pain I was NOT prepared for the amount of pain I was in, stayed in bed for 2 days and had to get help walking when I had to get up.  Pelvis, hips and thighs.  I had to pull the Norco out again.  Today, I did manage to get some walking in because I was feeling better, things to do.  I hope I haven't overdone it.   

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Welcome Elocin - Did get the neulasta shot?  I would recommend taking claritin starting the day of the shot, it seems to help with the bone pain.  What chemo are you doing?
  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Welcome Elocin- glad you found the board. These ladies are superb!

    Thank you everyone. I am doing ALL recommendations. My mouth is sore, so trying biotine too. Just got back from physical therapy- lymph massage. It did help to walk some. Elocin- I'm with ya, the bone pain is bad. But walking did help. I'm moving forward. One step at a time.

    Shore- I love Stacey's pita chips with hummus. I will break them out and try them. My stomach is still topsy turvy. Doesn't take much for me either.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    pbrain - I did respiratory-gated rads with deep breath hold to try to minimize scatter to the heart.  This is another option to the prone rads, if you are unable to do internal radiation for some reason.  
  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Thanks everyone for your good wishes! For those who follow...for me it is a bittersweet feeling right now.

    I had a very touching experience as the nurse was finishing . I discovered quite accidentally that this 45 year old has stage IV BC. She becme a nurse as a result of her DX.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Kayb- thanks! I will try this too. I'm bringing out all the big guns.

    Chicken and rice for dinner. Hmmmm

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Welcome elocin. MsTori, just keep hydrated. Even if you don't feel like it. Day five I had to fight myself to keep drinking stuff. But you have to.

    Ashla, congrats. I am glad they have the ceremony of the bell ringing. I feel kind of like I missed something because I didn't know I had finished Herceptin when I had to quit it. So not feeling like I was actually done.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Ashla grest day for u--Congrats.

    MsTori it'll get better I'm sure and don't forget to use plastic utensils--well I did anyway LOL It kind of helps metal mouth-and rinse alot and when u'r really tired rest, just rest!!!

    OK Pbrain it's tomorrow for u--see we were right--So many of us are foggy brained. U were busy today so that was good. Now let us know as soon as u can how it went for u.

    OK Kayb u'r cold has taken over hahaha U'r so funny--u taken the good stuff right???? The more alcohol in it the better.

    My D has subsided, and good thing cuz I'm out of my meds for it, so I have to call it in. I try so hard to get my meds at one time and it never ever works out that way. There's more trips to get them, it ets on my one last nerve. LOL

  • eileenohio
    eileenohio Member Posts: 268

    Ms Tori,    As others have said it is important to stay hydrated. When I first started chemo someone on this board recommended Gatorade. I took Gatorade with me on treatment day and drank it while I was getting  chemo. I was not crazy about it but I really think it helped keep me hydrated. 

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Lol Kay!  Hope you're feeling better :)

    Ms Tori,

    If you get neulasta with every tx, you can plan on bone pain every tx.  For some reason I recall the first one being the worst though.  I didn't really have SE from chemo so much as from the Neulasta.  My first chemo, no Neulasta and I was rocking (until I caught a cold, then off to the hospital I went!)...but after that, I had them every tx.

    I usually took chemo mid week, so I knew by Friday I would start feeling the SEs, and I alloted two days of lighter activity for those days.

    If you are active, I encourage you to stay active.  The days I felt LEAST like working out, THOSE are the days my workout gave me the biggest benefits.  I'd start tired and weak, but by the end my battery was recharged, the icky was shelved and I was good for several hours. 

    There is a book called The Breast Cancer Survivor's Fitness Plan.  It encourages continued exercise.  The book suggests starting at 50% of your normal workout after tx #1 and then building back up from there.

    I didn't gain a single pound during tx.  Even with steroids.  My weight fluctuated to be sure, but I knew it wasn't permanent.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    My navigator was Sharon, but.....another story. At my first BS interview at St. Francis, when I only had a diagnosis of LCIS tissue, the navigator made me feel like I was on death's door, saying she could be reached 24/7 in case I had a weepy time. WTH? LCIS is barely a diagnosis.

    So....I meet with her...get the surgery, wait for pathology, and then interview oncs. After my first interview, that doc wanted me to do 18 weeks of treatment with adriamycin, etc. After I finished my interviews, I called Sharon to question the recommendations. She said, "have I told you I am a 13 year survivor of stage 3 BC?" " we'll, I am and you need to do exactly what they tell you.."

    Ok, lol, again I was annoyed, so I never called her. Went straight to the med assistant for questions. I finally did meet her, as she made a point to come by an appointment and she is very nice. I have called her occasionally. I told my oncs office that story, awhile after they had gotten to know me, and they laughed themselves silly. Said they could see me frothing at the mouth.

    I think I am not much of a middleman person.

    The guide wire is no big deal, just creepy to me. Didn't hurt much though, as they front it with lidocaine. You have to hold really still though. might try taking Acetyl l-carnitine. It helps with joint pain. Also, warm and hot food didn't taste great to me. I made a cold smoothie with fruit, a handful of spinach, a little water or juice and ice. It tasted great. Also, Wolfgang puck's organic free range chicken and noodle soup is delicious, and easy to eat. Most stores have it in Their organic soup area.

    I hope you feel better. Walking and working out when possible helped me, even if it was light. I always worked out immediately after I left my infusion as I felt good all hopped up on steroids. I tried to cram all my errands into that day.

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    MsTori:  Happy to report that I never had any pain, se's from Neulasta...guess I'm one of the lucky ladies.  Never took Claritin or anything! 

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Playing catch up here.  Reading about the internal radiation.  My BS was hoping that would work for me but during my surgery she realized it wouldn't work for me....she took too much surrounding tissue to ensure she got all the margins clear and the internal radiation wouldn't work for me....hopefully, we are talking about the same thing here.  :) 

  • nickythebean
    nickythebean Member Posts: 25

    Everybody likes good news, right?

    I had a repeat MRI today to see u my tumor is shrinking (neo-adjuvant chemo and targeted therapy with Herceptin Taxol Tykerb per the results of the neo-ALLTO trial) and IT'S WORKING!!!!

    We first went over my initial MRI report and the tumor dimensions in my left breast were much bigger than I thought they were. They are "at least 7.7 x 4.8 x 6.8 cm." The new MRI shows that the tumor dimensions have not decreased in size (apparently my kind of tumor will not shrink like a balloon since it's more like loose cotton candy or spiderwebs than a big solid mass), but doc said it now looks more like Swiss cheese with lots of holes in it. The MRI report says "significant improvement"!!!! Oh, and they don't see anything in my lymph nodes anymore and they don't see the tumor in the right breast at all anymore!!

    The drugs are working!!! We are ecstatic!! Had my 7th treatment today. 5 more to go after today and then on to the next cocktail (12 weeks of AC I think, although he said something about maybe FEC and continue Herceptin?? idk) I'm kicking cancer's butt!!!!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Yay Nicky! Great news.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

     I know I've been a little MIA. Been busy with freelance and Strides walk stuff. Just quoted a job and now I have to do dishes before I go to bed. DH is already snoring Wink

    Wow such good news. I'm going to be lazy and wish you all congrats with one sentence.