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  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Well...on the topic of constipation. I had to get two large bags of fluids...two stool softening suppositories and after getting out of the hospital last night I had to drink a bottle if magnesium citrate when I got home. It is working. I am miserable:( the worst is Over. back to trying to stay hydrated. Guess it is all bland liquids today.

    Still a bit out of it this morning.

    Hope everyone is doing well:)

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    My Herceptin only infusuions were 29 minutes tops...I think they were too fast and contributed to my heart issues.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    The only way to avoid C in my case was taking mag. oxcide tablets the day before, the day of, and 2-5 days after.  Oxide is the same as milk of magnesia (but I couldn't stomach the liquid, so I bought the caps at Wal-Mart for like $4 a bottle). 

    Once I started doing this, I never had another issue with C.  (Though the day after infusion I was usually softer from tx...TMI) I still took the oxide and knew that day was more D than C, but wanted to keep the oxide in my system because the C was coming....

  • Caylee
    Caylee Member Posts: 19

    Hello, my name is Caylee. I had my first infusion on friday Oct 12, I experienced extreme insomnia from one drug and constipation from another. I was in pretty ruff shape, experiencing fatigue, hate it!! I know it's only been 5 days but I'm already tired of feeling like shit. Just thought I would write out my frustration!!! No serious side effects, thank you God! Hate the medal taste in my mouth, hate the major mood swings, developed a bad rash on my bum, slowly getting better, hate the fatigue, I am normally a super energized person. Hate the cramping, no bone pain, hate the feeling that I don't feel like myself. I have to get a port in, not looking forward to that!! I hate you cancer get the hell out of my body!!!!!!!!

  • Caylee
    Caylee Member Posts: 19

    Hi Ashia, my name is Caylee, how are you? Your diagnosis is the same as mine. I had my first infusion on Oct 12, 2012. It wasn't very much fun :-( didn't ever imagine that someone had the exact diagnosis as me, makes me feel I am not alone.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    That 30 minute infusion reaction I had was not just a little blip. I felt fine going in. I've said all along how lucky I was with other chemo related se's but I can't even describe how it affected me. I think you are right about the heart se's. Let's see how my next echo looks.

    Hi Caylee..

    Welcome to the forum. There are many wonderful smart people here to help you with this difficult process. I think there are a few of us with very similar dx's but I just can't remember who right now.

    I had neo adjuvant chemo ...chemo prior to surgery....but otherwise we'll likely be doing much of the same treatment.

    I check in regularly so if I can help you with anything just ask publicly or in a private message.

    You've got friends here.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    My port placement was no big deal. The whole outpatient surgery process is nerve racking but I Didn't even need a tylenol afterward. The port will be your friend.

    If you experienced constipation the first may very well the next time. Prepare in advance for it next time.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Welcome Caylee!! Glad you found us.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Hi all! I'm still coming out of the chemo fog head. But I am up in a recliner now. And actually was able to go to my lymphadema PT session. Getting my appetitive back.

    Ladies, if you want to talk bowels, I will not take offense at graphics. I had D going in (but think from antibiotic they gave with port insertion day before chemo) then C. Finally, relented and did enema. Relief today.

    How long does the C stay after each chemo treatment?

    Welcome Caylee! Sorry you have to be here. We both started chemo on the same day. These ladies are awesome. The worst with my port is the itch because of the tape they put on, I'm allergic too. But it's going away. I'm slowly getting use to it. Be happy when it heals completely. Chemo fog and run down, I'm waiting, today is day 5, and each day gets better. I got bad bone pain and severe headache 3days out, but everyone is different. The ladies here assure me it gets better. Lots of fluids, and keep up on the bowels, I'm learning.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    hi guys

    quick update...home from the hospital yesterday.  Feeling better.  Still in quite a bit of pain but not as bad as the last few days.  These tissue expanders are horrible, they feel like lead bricks.  Please tell me they won't feel this way until i get my implants in.

    i am having major C issues aswell, thanks to surgery and pain meds.  I was given stools softeners and 2 laxatives yesterday and nothing yet.  OMG im having flashbacks to chemo induced C.  Tonlee i will try the meds you recommeded.  I am going to ask the nurse today when she comes to do the drains (which are horrid by the way)on what she suggests

    5 steps forward 10 back is how im feeling these days

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Hi rozem! Good to hear from you and your okay. After my surgery, colace and all that didn't help much. Because of hours in surgery and pain meds, my bowels had hard time waking up. My DM helped with enema, and I continued with probiotic and at time muralax till regulated. Hope you feel better soon.

  • Caylee
    Caylee Member Posts: 19

    Ashia - I'm curious why did you have chemo prior to surgery?

    MsTori - thank you for welcoming me, I'm sorry I have to be here too. I didn't get bone pain or a bad headache, I am extremely fatigue then I get a spout of energy. I did an amazing amount of fluid, I forced myself and I think that helped. What also helped me is joining this forum. Should I tell the nurse not to inject the herception quickly?

  • Caylee
    Caylee Member Posts: 19

    Oh ya, I forgot to ask. Does the next infusion get easier? Or do you experience the exact same thing you did as the first infusion?

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Yay Rozem, I was thinking of you until they knocked me out on Tuesday.  I'm beginning to get reports back that I was hysterical in the recovery room.  I remember nothing!

    My port hurts a little bit, but I know that will eventually go away.  We made it!!!!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Oh, and I mean hysterically funny, not screaming or anything. Laughing

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    ROZE!!  Glad your back (kinda) and yes the drains suck, and yes the TEs suck too.  And they will continue to suck, though they get a little less sucky...meaning, they stay pretty hard, but mine softened a little bit over time....I think as the muscle stretched.  Hang in there.....

    Welcome Caylee.  You do not have to have constipation at all if you take mag oxide the day before, day of, and a few days after infusion.  It took to my second tx to figure that cycle out, and then I NEVER had it again....As for SE, they tend to accumulate for most people.  Meaning they last a little longer.  I really didn't notice a change until tx#4...but it wasn't significant, just noticed that SE stuck around a little longer than the first 3 times.

    Everyone is different tho.  I've read women here who feel they're SE stayed the same for the duration of tx.

    I encourage you to read back into this thread and take the advice on how to keep from losing your fingernails, how to manage constipation, drink tons of water the day before, of, and after! etc etc.  There is a lot of good advice here....all the advice I took for SEs worked really well for me.

    Ashla...when I asked my Onc about the infusion time he just kinda blew it off...I think he said they have found no "correlation."  But I think there likely is and they'll tell us many years from now.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    My Herceptin infusion is run through in about 1/2 hr and I have been doing H only since June. My EF is tested every 12 weeks and I started at 73 back in March and at my last one 4 weeks ago I was sitting at 68 - so no big drops for me.

    I am tired after the infusions but then I usually go on a Friday afternoon after a whole week at work... This week, since I am still off work after surgery I went on Thursday morning with a friend (I can't drive yet) and I was not tired like usual afterwards.

    rozem - welcome back!

    Welcome to everyone new. Sorry to see you here ;-)


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    ROZEM welcome back  I certainly hope u start healing quickly--None of this stuuf is fun tho., but at least this part is over.

    CAYLEE-I'm welcoming u, but sorry u'r here. It is comforting tho and so many of he ladies know so much (not me) but u can be guided here and rant, vent or whatever---we all understand. I started my chemo before surgury with herceptin to see if it would shrink and see how I tolerated the chemo? I think that's why. And after surgury continued with differnt chemos and herceptin. So Our De. have different regimes for all of us. And we all take it differently, some of the women don't have a lot of side efects and as it goes they start==some have more so it's hard to know what u will have and what u will experience truout all of it. But we do know drink alot of water, and listen to the women who have constipation and figure out whst best for u. I had mine weekly and the first 2 days was fine, then not good but we do it so hang in there. But u have loads of support here at all times of the day and night so I count on that. Sleepless nites even now. There are a lot of wonderful women here on a lot of posts, and continue to look at alot of posts and put them as u'r favorites (I do) Then i can keep up with everyone easier and u get more familiar with eeryone and These women are smart. Believe me. (not me)

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Cammi-Your awesome! I love your welcome to new ones. And your comments, pics, and all else. I needed a smile and laugh today.

    TonLee- I know I've probably already asked, and I know I've read, but feel like the kid that wasn't paying attention in school and now it's test time......the Mag Oxide, is it tablets, capsules, or liquid? And how much how many times a day? I caught the day before, day of and day after. (I pass that part of the test) :-)

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Ms Tori,

    It's capsules or tablets, depending on where you buy them (or you could do milk of magnesia, but GROSS!).  They're super cheap and REALLY effective.  I think I may have taken 500-600 mg,  you'll know the first day you take them if that is enough and then continue....(day before, day of, day after)

    I gave this advice to my cousin and she didn't follow it the first tx.  By the 3rd day of the big C after the first tx, she called me and asked for the instructions again.  lol  She also never had constipation again because she followed it religiously.

    I also do this before any sort of surgery.  The day before, and then as soon as I come out of surgery I start taking the Mag. Oxide for a couple days....if I don't all the anesthesia binds me up.

    If you do it, let me know how it works for you.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    TonLee- thank you so much! I took notes this time! Haha! I will def be using it and will let you know how it goes. (And I pray it does!....haha!) ok, just a little crude humor. Yes, I had horrible time after my surgery. Miserable. I think the only thing I didn't try then was mag oxide! Wow!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Ms Tori, you have a message with a little more detail.  lol  ENJOY...buwhahahaha

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    TonLee- :-0. I think thank you? Lol! Yes! I got it! Thank you! :-)

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Welcome Caylee. Glad things went well, rozrem and pbrain.

    I had the big D as an se. Yuc. Then, I lost so much fluid, I was low on magnesium, and. Yep you guessed it, had to take magnesium tablets which led to more D, LOL. So they gave me iv mag, and Lomotil, which helped. Good luck to all suffering, know it does get better, although my old friend D came to visit as I am on antibiotics again, and so I am low on mag (anyone sensing a theme here? LOL) and doubling my mag tablet dose yet again..... LOL

  • Kitchenella
    Kitchenella Member Posts: 88

    Re: constipation.  I didn't have constipation while on chemo.  What I had we call "toxic poop".  It really irritated some old hemmoriods and I don't think I had a day without pain or itching until a couple weeks after chemo was finished.  I tried everything and nothing worked.  The good news is that it all went away.  Now I have very mild constipaion from Tamoxifin but not so bad I have to take anything.  Just remember when you get depressed that it will be over. 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Moon that's been my problem for all these years, still have it---take the highest dose of Limotil and loose so much I end up in the hospital on critical with Pot and mag.--That's where the heart Dr. came into view zi can' keep it up very long plus I take loads of the meds everyday Mag and Pot. It's a yoyo and I feel so sick, my legs are paralysied and it's awful-So at least they are bein viilant in watvhing now cuz I get blood test often and take care of it quickly. This has been going on 5 urs now and it won't stop. It puts a damper on my social life. LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Sorry I've been MIA. Been so busy. Here's what I've been doing:

    • This morning I was on the 5:40am news: linky
    • Yesterday in the audience of a tv talk show: linky
    • Last Sunday I was on a radio show. It's about 30 minutes. I start talking about a 1/3 through and some at the end: linky     
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Lago U'r busy for a reason and the best reason for us. Thank you.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Lago- you rock! Just watched and listened. Thank you so much for being out there advocating. I'm post chemo #1, day 7. Recouping in my chair drinking my pedialyte. Yep, went one direction back the other way. So, getting energy back up and glad I got to see and here ya. It lifted my spirits. :-)