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  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Jenn - hope you feel better soon.  Does sound like the meds did a number on your stomach.  If it is reflux, prilosec (proton pump inhibitor) and pepcid (different type of acid reducer) can help.  Another thing to consider to help regulate your GI system are probiotics.  They made a difference for me pretty quickly.  If you don't want to take them, eating a good amount of yogurt with active cultures every day can be beneficial (plus that gives you calcium!).  Hope you feel better soon - GI issues are the worst! 

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Wow things move so fast on this thread! I am having a total blank out on whether I took tamoxifen today. I set a reimnder on my phone, but for some reason it didn't go off today. I remember thinking I had to take my pill, but don't know if I did or not! Would it be worse to skip a day (I;ve never missed a day since I started it in Feb) or would it be worse to accidentally take 2 in a day? I don't keep them in a pill box because I read somewhere they should be in a dark container.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    shore1 - As I understand tamoxifen metabolites (active parts) build up to therapeutic levels over about a month and then those levels are maintained.  If you miss a day I don't think it has a very big impact on those levels.  Now if you miss a few days I think that might not be so good.  I don't know what would happen if you take 2!  I didn't know that about the dark container, never heard it and I keep mine in my pill box.  As I understand it the tamoxifen is heavily metabolized by enzymes in the liver into the active form.

    Cami - Thanks for the smiles!!!

  • vjm
    vjm Member Posts: 12

    Shore1 - so comforting to hear someone else is blanking out on the tamoxifen thing. I too have an alarm on my phone, but sometimes I go to take it and can't rememeber if I actually did or not. I'm having to set it out as a visual cue as well!!! Same thing happening with insulin injection for the cat. Effin' chemo brain!!!! If I am unsure I skip it so as not to double up. Having enough side-effects already! Take care and we'll just do the best we can each day! vjm

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    TonLee knows a bunch about tamoxifen so maybe she can tell you for sure.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Cami- wish there was a 'like' button. Again, and probably only the second smile coaxed from me today.

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Thanks ladies.

    Tonlee- The magnesuem citrate was in liquid form. I was told to drink the whole bottle. Yuck!

    My dr also doubled my steroids to prevent me from vomiting this time. Might have been overkill.

    Dance- I think yogurt sounds like a safe thing to try.

    I feel like I need to cost my stomach with something.

    Thank you ladies for the advice:)

    I can't tell you how much I needed it.

    Cami- your pics are so cute! Makes me laugh:)

    Ms tori- hope you are doing better. I always got into a funk during chemo week( this one especially) but, as soon as I was back on my feet and back to my routine...I was even better mentally than I was before:)

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Jennifer- thanks, its just a funk. It does sound like the steroids and all your nausea/vomiting, meds, constipation, and of course, chemo, just piled up and irritated the crud out of your stomach. I'm praying you feel better real soon and get to celebrate your last chemo instead of all this. :-)

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Tamoxifen ... missing a dose or taking an extra dose won't hurt you....Omaz is right about it building up and it not affecting your for taking more, I've read studies that used twice the dose of Tamoxifen 40 mg to compensate for the reduced endoxifen level in CYP2D6 IMs

    So no, taking more doesn't seem to be harmful.  I'd err on the taking more side, but that's me :)

  • eileenohio
    eileenohio Member Posts: 268

    Shore1   The instructions I have with my Tamoxifen say if you skip a dose do not double the next dose. Check the instructions that are given with your presciption. 

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    I've never taken meds regularly before so I'm also having a difficult time remembering too.

    Next refill I will note the first day I take it on the calendar. Then I can count the pills to see how many I've taken if I forget again.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Yes..I should have been more clear...I wouldn't double up next dose....but if you usually take it at 9am, and sometime that day you can't remember if you took it, taking your normal dose won't hurt you.

    There are women on 40mg of Tamoxifen for Breast Cancer...not everyone gets 20.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Ashla-With my Zyrtec, I just take it at bedtime. I put it in my bedside drawer. Got in habit of taking glass water with me to bedroom and made it part of my bedtime routine. The mornings were to rushed, I would always forget. Also, if you have a nightstand, you can use a pill box and put it in nightstand drawer. Will protect it from light.

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Thank you for all the advice on tamoxifen. I blank out easily these days. Going back to work Monday after over a year of leave of absence. I hope I don't blank out there too! Maybe working again will help me focus better. Feels like im going to my first day if school. Ha ha. I already picked out my first day outfit :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    cami -love your humour! so needed on these boards

    nicky great news! i was going to tell you that your pre-chemo screening would have picked up anything in the colon (thats what i was told) but its great that you were cleared anyway

    the recliner is fantastic but i long for the days of sleeping on my side aswell ms tori

    will i ever be able to sleep on my front with implants?  i think i know the answer to this one but thought i'd ask

    back on tamox yesterday after a 2.5 wk break, wow my flashes were so much better

    re:  TE's anyone get a lot of heartburn after this surgery?  i feel like i have had bad heartburn since the surgery - popping antacids everyday.  I am thinking its from pressure near the esophagus?

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Cami - Adorable - I'm the one on the left!

  • eileenohio
    eileenohio Member Posts: 268

    Oh Camille,  How adorable,made me laugh out loud.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Omaz I'm the one on the right.

    Rozem it's good to just see u'r name and zi'm glad the recliner helps u--It's always worked for me--I hope u'll be able to sleep the way u want to soon. Heal quickly.

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Yay!!!  You go Bean!!!!  I love good news :-)

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Jenn, do look into probiotics, like yougurt.  I hear they aren't all created equally, so pills that are refrigerated (like at GNC) are good too because you need lively bacteria.  I had e coli from a recalled bag lettuce a few years ago, and I really messed up my intestinal flora from pooping like a maniac for a month (and I still didn't lose any weight).  The probiotics helped me get back to my happy self.  I hear we all have about 10 lbs of bacteria in our lower GI tract.

    Feel better!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Nicky all I can say is YAY!!!

    Rozem general anesthesia always gives me heartburn. They say it only lasts for about a week but I have it on some level for a month. I really hate general. Makes me nauseous too.

    The Strides event yesterday was amazing. I was so happy to be able to walk with my team… still the top fund-raising team in the Chicago event. I'm so proud of them. The team is posting photos on photobucket. Not all have been uploaded (actually only 4 people) but there's quite a few. Also one of my team members posted a video on youtube of part of my speech. More speech video in photobucket.

    Strides photos linky: 
    Strides video linky: LaurenACS2012 Youtube

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Solt, hang in there. I slept on my bathroom floor the night of AC #3 and a few other nights along the way. I wasn't dizzy like you decribed, but so sick to my stomach there was no point in going back to my bed. Maybe you should give your MO a call about the dizzyness.

    Lago, watched all of your links. You go girl.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    rozem - my PS told me that if I chose implants I'd not be able to sleep or lie on my stomach again...

    If that's right I guess the women with implants must be the ones lying on their backs at the beach... I must look around the next time I go to the beach ;-)


  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    sol i had that exact spell during chemo - i was dizzy, felt like the walls were closing in on me and then bam wake up on the floor -i passed out.  I happened to be alone (my mom literally had just left to go home and get something) so i called 911 and had to go to the hospital.  Turns out my blood sugar was extremely low, makes sense cause i was so sick that i was not eating or drinking much.  The onc said after i told her that they would want to know about any fainting/passing out

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Sol I had and do still have dizziness. U might be low on some of the electrlyte stuff---U know I don't know anything---but if u'r still dizzy if I were u I'd go to the ER, u don't want to pass out and hurt u'rself that's why and if u'r low on something in the bloodwork they can IV u and u'll feel better. Please I know I don't ive much advice but this stuff I know about the most hahaha Don't panic just do it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Sol I had and do still have dizziness. U might be low on some of the electrlyte stuff---U know I don't know anything---but if u'r still dizzy if I were u I'd go to the ER, u don't want to pass out and hurt u'rself that's why and if u'r low on something in the bloodwork they can IV u and u'll feel better. Please I know I don't ive much advice but this stuff I know about the most hahaha Don't panic just do it.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    solt - I had ear ringing (and still do, just not as loud as the first week or two after each chemo - it's a permanent side effect for me, but I've learned to block it out 95% of the time, thankfully!).  

    However, I did not have dizziness associated with it.  The dizziness could be damage to the vestibular part of the inner ear, but it could also be due to low blood pressure, altered electrolytes, dehydration, etc - many possible causes.  You will have to see what your doc says.  I went to an ENT to make sure I had no actual hearing loss - I was fine. 

  • cindy68
    cindy68 Member Posts: 24

    ok girls,  i am on week 2 of tamoxifen.  Headaches finally went away now for these joint aches.  It is really just the knees.  they are just so stiff especially if i sit for a period of time.  I can't hardly walk at first.  I saw the MO on Friday and she told me to keep taking tamoxifen.  As long as i could function to stay on it.  I can function but i am taking Naproxen twice a day to help with the pain.  She said that was fine.  How long do these aches usually last?  I think she told me wait 5 more weeks.  Actually, at the end of last week they were really much better.  Then i had my herceptin treatment on Friday and bam here we go again.  So i really am not sure if it is tamoxifen or Herceptin that is causing the aches.  Any else have this same problem?