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  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    cindy we're all so different on these things, but I'm on just aromasin and still have all the aches and knee problems and some women don't.  It's hard to say what u will go thru so just keep u'r Dr. aware she might want to give u something else or u might start to tolerate it better---I'm still on pain meds. so.....

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    #5 and #6 were the most difficult recovery for me as well.  I remember talking with women in tx at the same time on the TCH board and the general consensus (not everyone but a lot of women) said their worst tx was #4, and that it took all 3 weeks to feel a little better, and they went into #5 weaker than ever.

    That applied to me for #5.  I could "feel" it all the way to my last tx.....

    I also had LOTS of dizziness.....I can't remember why, but when I discussed it with my Onc he said it was a possible SE.

    Keep drinking lots of fluids.  Fluids flush the poison out of your system so it can start recovery.  And eat!  Don't worry about what you're eating if eating well makes you want to hurl.  Your body needs calories, specifically protein, to rebuild the damage the chemo does to your good cells!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    My Tamox SE started to subside around 12 weeks into it.  Though I still have joint pain, it is not as bad as when I started Tamox.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Cindy - I am almost 2 years out from the end of chemo and a little over a year out from the end of herceptin and sorting out the joint issues is my main challenge right now, especially my knees.  Never had pain before treatment.  I am seeing a PT and he has a plan to build up the muscles to help support the joints better.  I am all for it.  Oh yes, I am about 1.5 years into tamoxifen.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Omaz we're on the same time thing here. Except I'm 1.5 with Aromasin (same crap). So we're in the same hurt spot LOL

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Cindy:  I'm just over a year on Arimidex and still have joint pain and stiffness but I do admit it getting easier.  The biggest issue I have is when I've sat for a period of time and get up, the stiffness is pretty defined but goes away quickly.

  • Leigh22
    Leigh22 Member Posts: 9

    Hi everyone, I'm new here and I too have 3 + by my dx.  Just had my first chemo Oct. 10 and am 11 days out now.  I have really been back to feeling 100% the past few days and that makes me so happy...  The SE's weren't as bad as I had feared, but I was tired and wiped out days 4, 5 & 6.  I was having jaw/teeth/gum pain and thought it was from clenching my jaw at night, but I read that some of you have that too...  Is it from the Taxotere?  Does chewing ice chips really help?

    I have two tumors in each breast, each under 2 cm. that my onc wants to shrink before surgery.. well mainly the one near my cleavage which sits right on my chest wall muscle...  they want to be able to ge a clear margin around it when they do my BMX around March 2013.  Is having tumors in each breast really rare? 

    Sorry for all the questions.... definitely feeling better getting that first chemo out of the way.  Great to have a place to come for support with others who have the same dx. 


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Hi Leigh. I had a small amount of LCIS in my other breast. I know there are others that have crap in both too. Not sure how common/uncommon it is but we are not alone. Glad your SE weren't too bad.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Leigh welcome to this world. It's a great place to be but no one really wants to be here. But it is comforting.  I'm glad u feel better than before and alot of women have had chemo before their surgery so u'll have a lot of support and questions answered here for all the help u need. This is a great support group and there are so many threads and subjects and posts to read and u'll relate to. There are wonderfully knowledgeable women here )not me) and and so caring.

    Sol I'm glad u'r feeling better u sounded so shakey before--make sure u'r drinking alot (of water)--U too Leigh.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    It is Friday!!! Here is one hilarious quote we found just for you... have a great laugh. And do remember to follow us on Twitter. You never know what crazy and positive stuff we will post there.     <img class=" width="320" height="320" />

  • Camillegal: love that!! Ha ha!! I had to get up to take my second steroids dose and my 9pm dose has kicked in so I'm too wired to go back to sleep. Nice to wake up laughing, though!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh isn't it terrible to wake up when everyone else is sleeping?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Welcome Leigh.

    I don't know how unusual having cancer in both breasts is, but in my own experience, I have only heard of a few women with this occurence.  I think it would be unusual if say they were both different type cancers!  Ugh. 

    Cami...too funny.  So true. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OM Leigh I totally forgot--I had 2 different types of cancer in one breast and later another type of cancer in the other breast so I uess anything is possible. LOL

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Leigh- it really does help to chew ice chips. I beleive its on the icing board, it gives a list of helpful things to do. Others will chime in on this. Some have saved their have with icing. I chewed on ice and my mouth is doing fine. No taste, but, meh!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Thanks for the chuckles Cami!!

  • Caylee
    Caylee Member Posts: 19

    Hello everyone, it's Caylee again. I'm still wondering from everyone's experience if the next infusion gets easier? I want all of you to know what I experienced on day 7, I think that was my worst day, I could not even move and my brain would zone out, did that happen to anyone else? It was horrible! Does anybody know what I'm talking about? I did not feel alive. Today, is day 10 and I am starting to come back to be me, it's such a nice feeling. I get my port in this Thursday - pretty scared about that, then my next infusion is nov 1 , I don't want to be sick again for a week :-(

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Caylee it's not that no one chooses not to answer u, it's just to different for everyone. Sometimes the first is the easiest and it gets worse, sometimes the first is the hardest and it gets better and sometimes it just about stays the same. None of this is pleasant and some are sick alot and others aren't as bad. but no one is immune to feeling awful from all of this. I don't like giving u preconceived things in u'r mind cuz it could be better. Mine started right off the bat and I had it every week If u'r getting it every 2 0r 3 weeks u might ask u'r onc. if the dise will lessen if u got it more often and it might not be so hard on u. So u have to talk to u'r Dr.U'll get the same amount in the end just lighter doses more often. Maybe this is too much for u'r body to tolerate. I know when I was ready to go to chemo--I finally felt good, the in 2 days it would start all over that went on for yrs. well u'r port is an easy thing to go thru and much easier for u'r injections. So Please talk to u'r Dr. about how often and the dose. OK

    Good luck.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Caylee flu like symptoms happen to some people. Not uncommon. Just wait it out and take it easy. Be sure to drink lots of liquids, soup counts. Don't drink just water or you could upset your electrolytes and be even more draggy. When you have the energy go for a walk. Exercise helps lots of women beat some of that fatigue.

    My first treatment seems rough but then next treatment I know what to expect and medicated when I knew certain things were going to happen. Be sure to report every symptom to your onc. Make a list, keep a journal. Sorry to say this is cumulative so the SE might last a little bit longer as you get more treatments. For me I really started to notice the lenght increase after TX4

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi Caylee - Cami is right, everyone is different.  My first was harder than my second, hopefully that will be true for you too.  When I got my port placed my surgeon asked me to draw an area on my chest that would avoid my bra strap.  You may want to ask if you can do this too.  I also kept a log of my SEs, when they happened and what they were.  It helped to know what to expect and when.  And for me each treatment was different.  Like with the first one I had mouth problems but didn't with the others.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Caylee another thing as Omaz said I drink water but wit the electrlyte type, with (if u read it) it has diff. vitamins and pot and stuff--to me lemon is the best it's not super heavy tasting. And zi still get dehydrated alot so I drink alot--so make sure u do

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    There are so many weird SE's with treatment. Like Lago said...note them for future reference. My first three or 4 treatments went pretty much like this....treatment monday.. Took the first dose of 3 Emend as soon as infusion started. Started taking zofran every 8 hrs for 3 days. Felt energetic monday , tuesday and wednesday but the big C.....until I figured out how to manage that in advance...started thursday it all kicked in....exhaustion, aches, pains, flashes etc.etc...Feeling better by Monday 8...and able to do most daily activities . There would be steady impovement for the next 2 weeks.

    My last two were the same but it took two weeks to bounce back and I never really felt great.

    Hello to all the newbies . Last year at this time I was a newbie and today I was " DEPORTED ". Remember the wise advice I was given. Your port is our FRIEND. Chemo is your FRIEND. Surgery is your FRIEND. Radiation is your FRIEND.

    I wanted to keep " pumpkin"( it was placed on halloween) but they send the port to pathology. Does anyone know why?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    HMMMM Adhla someone will answer that's interesting.. I never got deported. So I don't know.

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Caylee: Like ashla I recommend you note down your SE's day by day. That way you may be able to see a pattern. Unfortunately everybody is different and chemo has a cumulative effect. The first 3 days were always worst for me with fatigue/nausea/taste issues. My chemo day was a fri and I used to pray for Monday to come around.

    Having said that, as I went on, I only began to feel better by day 10 later on. Think this was just fatigue building. I had some bone pain issues from x5 shots of the white cell booster injections. Here they are given on Day 5 for 5 days. Perhaps this is why I had the 10 day issue thing.

    Best wishes- it will eventually be over. That's all I focused on at the time.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Congrats Ashla!  I had them bring over the port when I woke up.  I was very surprised how big it was.  Don't know what happened to it though.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Congrats Ashla!!! 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Congrats Ashla! They send the port to pathology to make sure it has not been contaminated with bacteria, because they want to make sure that your heart is safe! The port empties so close, it could be a route to infection. Don't know if all the surgeons send it in, but when I worked on the med/surg floor, they did it every time.

    Welcome Leigh, sorry you have to be here.

    Solt, make sure you talk to you doc about passing out. So many things can cause it. Including straining on the toilet. High AND low blood pressure, same with blood sugars. So please get it checked out.

    To all whom I may have missed, and to everyone, much love.