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  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    Forever - my BS didn't want my elbows above my shoulders for 4+ weeks, he wanted me to move them alot, but no higher.  I didn't loose range of motion.  I had rads and my MO started me on the AI 3 weeks PFC (post final chemo) just about a week before I started rads.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    God is with u---I welcome and I'm sorry at the same time--to go thru this once is so tough but 2x is rediculous--one thing u know what comin but I think it's got to be more worrisome for u. And having chemo 1st is getting so common so u'll be attacking and shrinking it all at once. I'm glad u have a good support system around u and there are so many knowledgeable people here who really care so just come regularly and u'll see, and any questions these women are great (not me) I know nothing but they do so u can count on them to help u thru.

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Can I just say that there is no finer wisdom than the posts on this board from the survivors?  I don't think I would have come this far without all of your advice (and humor)!  I just love the fact that so many of you who have been through it are all still here posting.

    Ok chicklets, I need to get myself in shape for gardening season.  I have actually lost weight from chemo, but I think it is just like TonLee has described, big ole loss of muscle.  Any thoughts on how to get limber after this sluggish, chemo-filled winter?  Oh, and the neuropathy seems to be mostly settled in my left hand (the dominant one).  I am so clumsy with that hand, it makes me want to cry.  Are there any hand exercises I should try?

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    GodIsWithYou - I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this for a second time.  You've definitely found the right thread.  

    Pbrain, I worked outside yesterday for 3 or 4 hours and it's killing me today.  I feel like such a lightweight.  Today - when I went walking - my legs and shins were burning like crazy.  I have no idea if it's from yesterday's gardening activities or a side effect of the chemo - or both.  In many ways, my body has become a stranger to me. 

    Arlene, congratulations on two years!

  • cypher
    cypher Member Posts: 447

    Camillegal, it’s the ejection fraction.  I don’t exactly know what that means though….

    Does anyone know offhand what percentage of women develop this problem?

    Angie, that sucks.  I’m sorry.

    TonLee, so if you do develop a herceptin problem, what can they do about it?  Do you take meds, change your diet or exercise regimen , ??  I still have some whey powder left but I will try that stuff when it’s time to order more protein powder.

    Foreverchanged, MO said that there is some evidence to suggest that taking tamox during rads might reduce the efficacy of radiation, so he wanted me to wait a short while to start taking it.  I think it was maybe 10 days in between or something, not a long time.

    Godiswishyou, so sorry to hear about your recurrence.  Ugh.  You sound like you’re very strong and have a good attitude-sending good thoughts your way.

    Lee, I think the burn is because the chemo makes you a lot weaker so it’s a much harder workout than it would have been before.  I just realized that it’s almost march and I haven’t started my tomatoes yet!  Where has my mind been??  Ok well….  Growing anything interesting?

    Pbrain, I felt weak and old when I finished chemo, but I felt like I have been recovering fairly quickly PFC and post rads.  I don’t think I’m all the way back yet but I’ve bridged the most noticeable part of the gap.  Can’t help you with the neuropathy.  I have some, but not the same way.  Wear gloves! (I know, I don’t like to either.)

    Congrats Arlene! 

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    Wonderful news!


    I felt that way regularly after the midway point of chemo . Amazed that you were able to do he gardening.

    And welcome God is Withyou,

    You are not alone in this struggle. You will find the most wise and wonderful group of ladies in this forum to help you every step of the way. Among us....we have experienced virtually every DX, procedure, treatment , side effect, indignity and worry possible. Just post and someone will come along to give you the benefit of their experiences.

    I had neo adjuvant chemo....chemo prior to surgery...too.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    Good question about the hands. I had some relatively mild neuropathy in my hands after chemo but the anastrozole has resulted in lots of aches and stiffness in both hands. Hoping someone can help with exercises.

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    TonLee...another vegan protein and nutrient packed powder is Vega. The Vanilla Chai is a staple in my house. breakfast for all 5 of us is a handful of kale, blueberries and vega powder. tastes like a yummy milkshake. Its pricey and my husband has a new one he wants to try that he says tastes great so I will keep you posted. It was developed by a professional triathlete, Brendan Brazier whose Thrive books are filled with great recipes and advice. After I started studying up on estrogen drivers, I decided to give veganism a whirl. Three and a half years later, my whole family has chosen to follow in my footsteps. My oldest son is 17, and is top cross country runner. He runs 50-60 miles (grueling training if you ask me) weekly. I have had to study HARD to keep him fueled. He sees the difference proper nutrition makes. He has gone from average to a champion, and he attributes it to the vegan lifestyle. I make all kinds of things to keep him going. And... I don't have any problem if he comes to me and says he wants a cheeseburger. My choices are my choices, his are his own. It is hard, and I am still learning. I used to be a great cook. Now, I struggle daily...but I am getting better. My hot yoga studio has Vegan Night (there is one this Saturday!) We all show up with a potluck and share recipes. This is how I get my best recipes! I have a dozen vegan or vegetarian cook books, but you really have to TASTE the recipes. Nothing ever really jumps out at me in the cookbook ...I mean, Roasted Vegetables with Millet or Paula Deen's 3 Cheese Shrimp and Grits in a Parmesan Crust...I mean, what SOUNDS better, LOL. So, any support I can give I will! I am not a vegan evangelist. I keep relatively quiet about it on these boards, sticking to discussions with women who are like-minded. I have no desire to argue about my choices. Protein is no issue with veganism. None. I am also not one of the animal rights people, (though I have a houseful). I do it for the way it has made me feel. And I am not a purist with it. I am vegan-ish as I say. I have an egg or some fish occasionally. Or a Reese's peanut butter cup if my kids don't hide their halloween candy well enough!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Arlene!  WOO HOO!!!!

    Cypher, yes they give medication for lowered EF.  It helps decrease the load on the heart in the hopes it will heal, and if not heal, then makes it easier for the heart so it won't give out.


    Yes.  Water retention is NORMAL after weight lifting.  Your muscles are trying to replace glycogen (that you burned when lifting) and glycogen attracts water.  I won't bore you with the deets, but yes, it is normal.  After a day of lifting I usually gain about 2 pounds for 24-48 hours.  I only do weight bearing stuff twice a week or my weight stays elevated.  Plus I don't want to spend my life in the gym or working out all the time!  Better things to do!  So I switch up upper and lower body stuff.  With diet, it works well.


    I recommend walking.  IF you can't get outside, then try to do housework for a couple hours without resting.  This may not seem like much, but it really does help make you stronger.  Walk around the house, and stand when you can.  I often stand while eating, or working on the computer because sitting does ZERO for your health most of the time.

    Just moving around, laundry, moving furniture (if you can), will all help you get stronger and ready for gardening.  I love to garden (landscape and food!).  I hope you will share some of your knowledge with us!

    Gee, I'd LOVE for you to share some of your successful recipes.  I don't think anything in the Vegan lifestyle could HURT anyone here....wish I knew about the Vegan protein powder during tx!

    I am researching this whole Vegan thing.  Hearing from both sides of the isle and asking God to give me  It can be overwhelming.  There seem to be two camps of Vegans.  One eats "clean" and no gluten.  The other eats everything, including oreo cookies.

    I'm reading, filtering, and coming up with my own conclusions.  I've only just started so I will tell you where I am right now. 

    Ok.  I do believe our soil is likely nutrient deficient from overuse, pesticides, etc.  That seems like common sense.  Crop rotation and letting the land go fallow every few years is necessary (know this from growing up in farm country) to maintain soil integrity.  Obviously, most farmers cannot afford to do this.  Industrial farming means they spend millions on equipment, and there is diff equipment for diff. crops.  So crop rotation isn't happening like it should.  Then there is the whole gov. subsidy thing...which means some farms grow for the subsidy (like soy) and that isn't good for the land either.

    That makes sense to me.  Over used soil = lack of nutrients = plants growing in it lack some nutrients.

    So NOW I can see why juicing might be that while no one would sit down and eat all those veggies in one sitting, if the nutritional content is diminished at all, then drinking twice the amount I might eat makes sense as far as getting essential vitamins and minerals.  But I still don't like the no fiber thing.  So now, for me, (my kids will like the juicing!), I'm looking at smoothies.  That's a great way to get tons of greens in my diet...more than I can eat anyway.

    I can buy that.  lol

    I also know, as mentioned before, that organic produce isn't organic like we think of it (all natural) unless it says 100% organic.  The USDA allows up to 35% of approved pesticides, approved chemicals, etc during the entire life cycle, including the time it is transported (lots of organic stuff is sprayed for transport).  So long as that stays under 35%, it can be labeled "organic."  All this is available to read at

    100% organic means the producer is saying no chemicals were applied, period.

    (Though it may have been grown in nutrient depleted soil, or right next to a pesticide laden crop.  The guidelines for the USDA to have an organic farm is that the land be free of industrial/chemicals for 3 years.  (That's not long enough to take care of harmful chemicals and metals.) 

    All that to say, there are some things I will buy organic even though I know 35% of its lifecycle may include pesticides, maybe even more since we live on a polluted planet.  But, I figure, 35% intentional contamination is better than 100%! 

    So this is where I am at right now.  Still mulling it over.

    Here is why I won't ever be a real Vegan.

    1.  I like eggs, yogurt, etc.  (Though think I could give them up if say there was a shortage!  lol)

    2.  I believe God gave  us animals to eat.  Not originally, in the garden, but once we fell...He made clothes from an animal for Adam and Eve.  (I am a believer, so this makes sense to me.)

    Here is why I have changed my ideas of nutrition:

    1.  I've studied it from sports medicine/nutrition perspective (which is all based on medical science).  This is like a whole new perspective.  I hope to mesh them.

    2.  Until recently I wasn't aware of any real veggie protein alternative without killing my calorie count.

    And my last thought.  Pretty much everything I've read so far, from both sides agree...Vegan/Vegetarians need more protein than meat eaters.  About 15 more gms a day than a meat eating person of same activity level.

    My personal problem is fat.  I can't seem to bring my intake up above 20%.  I want to.  I know I should.  But I really grew up in that "low fat" period..and I can't seem to naturally make healthy fat choices.  So what happens is I have a lack of fat in my diet, which makes me HUNGRY for it...then I'll make a pan of brownies (which I make with extra virgin organic coconut oil)!  lol  And I know all of this is simply because my body is demanding is easy to retrain the mind, but so hard to re-train the HEART!

    Ok, that's all I got.

    So if anyone sees me becoming a rabid Vegan/ me off the ledge ;)


  • gratitudeforlife
    gratitudeforlife Member Posts: 138

    Good morning to all you wonderful ladies!

    GODisWithYou, so very very sorry that you have to endure this experience for a second time, but it is wonderful that you have supportive people present in your life, and the ladies here will also guide you, console you, make you laugh and educate you about lots of issues.

    ArleneA, such wonderful news that it is now two years for you since your NED date. CONGRATSSmile.

    Pbrain, you ask about getting in shape. Well, I started taking Tamoxifen two weeks ago (and a bit), and joint pain (hips and knees, esp.,) has set in, and I have neuropathy in my feet, yet I will not be deterred. The three components of fitness which I am striving to regain/improve are as follows: aerobic capacity, flexibility and strength.I went to a local store here and bought a mini-trampoline, and I jog on it (listen to music on my IPOD). I have run since I am 15,yet my body is too sore, at this point, to begin running again. Yes, I throw power walking in there too, which I really enjoy, but I am having fun on the mini-tramp, esp., when the weather is bad. It's gentler on my joints. To make it more challenging, I am lifting my knees high, and I do interveral sprints of 60-90 secs., every 4-5 mins, elevating my heart rate. Obviously, weight-bearing exercise aids in developing muscle, but the tramp., for now, along with speedwalking and stairclimbing (great, aerobically, and makes my quads., esp., burn!!) and using my stationary bike (very rarely, as I find it boring yet very good for quad development) are what I am doing for the aerobic component. Also, I bought weights of 7 lbs and 10 lbs (already own the 15 lb set), and I am doing arm work with them. I hold the 15 lb weights in both arms and do several reps of squats to help rebuild the muscle lost in my quads due to the chemo process. I use my own body mass, as well, when I do push ups, the plank and side plank. I am also doing Pilates/yoga moves to improve my flexibility. Each day I feel better and stronger. I work out every other day so that my body has a chance to recover from the workout. It all takes time, one has to be patient and listen to one's body. It feels sooooooooo good to be moving again!!!  Wishing you luck with your return to feeling strong, flexible and energetic.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    GODisWithYou I just sent you a PM with some resources that might help you out. So what are your side effects. May we can help with suggestions.

    Neuropathy. I still have some in my left foot. Mostly numbness especially if there's a storm coming or it's going to get very humid. Its my storm chaser. Seriously though my NP told me if it doesn't go away after 2 years then it won't BUT last night my friend told me her onc said it would get better and better. My other friend at the table said her is much better than last year. We were all treated about the same time. My NP has been wrong about things before so even though it isn't that bad I'm still hoping it gets better.

    TonLee I do strength training 4 times a week. 1/2 of upper body and 45 minutes of lower body but not on the same day. Should I be doing 1.25 hours 2x a week (combining both in one day) and skipping the power-walks those days instead?

  • GODisWithYou
    GODisWithYou Member Posts: 7

    thanks... I actually think it is easier mentally this time around because I am so much more educated.  Found out at my follow-up today that I was feeling worse than I should, despite the neulasta shot my white blood count was down and had a virus; also had thrush in the mouth.  I had no idea what feels "normal" this being my first experience with chemo but it was encouraging to know these SE were not normal and to be expected every treatment.  There is a wealth of information and encouragement on this thread/site, I will be staying in touch:)

  • GODisWithYou
    GODisWithYou Member Posts: 7

    thanks... I actually think it is easier mentally this time around because I am so much more educated.  Found out at my follow-up today that I was feeling worse than I should, despite the neulasta shot my white blood count was down and had a virus; also had thrush in the mouth.  I had no idea what feels "normal" this being my first experience with chemo but it was encouraging to know these SE were not normal and to be expected every treatment.  There is a wealth of information and encouragement on this thread/site, I will be staying in touch:)  Oh, I got other good news today, tumor previously measured 9or10x10cm today measured 6x6, so it is responding to treatment!  That's encouraging...

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370


    Hopefully things will improve..I had a tough time myself with tx and the neulasta shot ....great news tumor shrinking

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    I lift on Monday's and Fridays and work all major muscle groups both days, but focus on isolated for each "region" alternately.

    For example, I eat a good breakfast (usually rolled oats and pb2) then hit the weights.

    This Monday I started with upper body (pull-ups, bench press, etc, then worked lower body (smith machine, leg press, butt machine, I forget the name)...., then went back to do isolated upper body (biceps, triceps, pecs, lats, etc) .

    Friday I started with the lower body major muscles (squats, butt machine, etc), went to upper body major muscle, then back to lower and isolated quads, glutes, etc.

    You can use free weights at home too of course :)

    I can do all that in about 55 minutes. 

    I don't recommend skipping the power walk on those days, though for time, you may want to cut down the time.  But if you are going to skip anything, SKIP CARDIO.  Weights burn calories and fat!  Cardio doesn't really burn much, and is a one time deal.  You burn while you're doing it.  Muscles burn ALL THE TIME!

    So Monday and Friday weights 55 minutes and then cardio for 30.

    Tuesday, Weds, Thurs, Sat...I do 60 minutes minimum on the cross trainer (highest setting which is weight bearing but I don't count it!)...with situps two of those days (unless I have a lazy week). 

    The newest research out shows that cardio AFTER weight training burns more calories, and helps build muscle too.  So after I weight train, I do 30 minutes on the cross trainer at the highest setting.  (Or walk the treadmill on the highest incline.)

    I know people lift a lot (which can lead to injury and BOREDOM).  But I think you'll be satisfied with lifting twice a week, so long as you really PUSH yourself.

    Plus that gives you skinny days ;)

    I always consume more protein on weight lifting days (some within an hour of lifting) to help repair muscles.

    If I don't make it to the gym, it's no big deal.  I use a table for pull ups (lay on ground, grasp kitchen table and pull yourself up), push-ups, and squats with hand weights on my shoulders, etc.

    You don't have to kill yourself, just push hard enough that you can't quite finish the last set (if you do 3 sets of 10-12 reps)....or lots of sets of lower weights....the point is for the muscle to hit "exhaustion."

    That's kinda blah blah blah, does it make sense?

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    I work with a woman who still has nueropathy 5 years after chemo.  She calls it her new normal.  I don't know if I can stand this being the new normal without at least trying to fix it.  I couldn't butter my toast this morning...


  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    I'll just throw this out there since we're on the topic.

    If there is any piece of cardio equipment you ever get for your home....skip the treadmill, the bike.  Get a cross trainer.  The kind with moving handles and the wheel IN THE BACK.  Here is a picture of what mine looks like...

    Mine is a Cross Form "elliptical"...or something like that.  IT's made for a woman, you can tell once you're on it.  The wheel in back is better because the ones in front tend to be more like stair steppers, and build the quads WAAAAY too much.

    The cross trainer/elliptical works every major muscle group, and you can change tension as well.  It is super easy on the joints!  I was a runner for decades until my knee gave out.  With BC, the joint is very sensitive now...VERY, this is the only thing I can do consistently with no's AWESOME.

    I've had this particular elliptical/cross trainer since 2001-2002.  And I've used it almost every day since.  Even during chemo.

     (Always try it out in the store to ensure the stride is ok for you...I've found the larger ones are made more for a man's stride, even with movable foot pads, they still hurt my knees.)

    Here is the real bonus.  If you use it 4-5 times a week and slowly increase the tension and time...your muscles will get tone without even trying!  There was a period of time (about 6 months), before BC, when I just didn't lift consistently for various reasons.  I "rode" this and kept almost all my muscle tone! 

    In all honesty, I get compliments on my arms all the time.  And I attribute it to this thing.  lol

    Nothing like getting cardio and weight bearing all at once!  I watch Netflix documentaries while I ride.

    I've owned so many other pieces of cardio equipment ...this is by far the best purchase I ever made for home fitness.

    Commercial over;) 

  • PatinMN
    PatinMN Member Posts: 784

    Pbrain, have you tried glutamine powder for your neuropathy?

  • Bryona
    Bryona Member Posts: 28

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Patin, my NP that followed me through my chemo said I should take B6, which I've been doing.  I'm also taking folate and B12 because my blood work showed enlarged red cells.  But she said she didn't think glutamine would be much help.  Where do I find it?  I'm ready to try anything at this point.

    Oh, and why if I'm nt taking steroids do I have this bizarre insomnia??

    As stated before, Arghhhhhh!!  Cool

  • cypher
    cypher Member Posts: 447

    Geewhiz, as a vegan, how do you get enough protein without having soy?  I would like to eat a lot more vegan-y, but I find myself craving animal protein because it’s so filling.  However, I’d be interested in suggestions since I’d just as soon have less animal in my diet anyway.

    TonLee, all this is why I grow a lot of my own food.  If I had time, I’d grow more of it.  Thanks for the input on the ejection fraction.  I’ll mention it to MO in my next appointment, whenever that is.

    GOdiswithyou, glad to hear the tumor is shrinking!  It’s good news that the drugs are working.  The thrush is annoying – I’m probably not telling you anything you don’t already know, but try gargling with salt water with a touch of baking soda.  And also try taking probiotics.  Very important.

    Pbrain, , I am sorry you are having so much difficulty!  I think gabapentin is supposed to be good for neuropathy – that’s a prescription drug.  Also lipoic acid.  I was recommended integrative therapeutics brand.  They are expensive but I know not all supplements are created equal.  I suspect your neuropathy will go away though – I heard it’s usually the worst in the six months pfc, at least for taxotere.  I know you’ve been on taxol but they are related drugs of course.  Could the insomnia be from hot flashes?  I’m a freak – last time I was on birth control pills, I didn’t sleep for a month.  So maybe it has something to do with that?

  • PatinMN
    PatinMN Member Posts: 784

    Pbrain, you can get glutamine powder at GNC. I was told to take 30 grams per day divided into two or three "servings". I did 15 grams (which is a heaping tablespoon) twice a day. Mix it in whatever you like and drink it down - it's gritty and doesn't really dissolve so it's kind of gross, but it doesn't have a taste. I took it on the day of treatment and the following three days, and it seemed to work for me. I also took B6. Maybe buy a small amount at GNC and give it a try for a couple weeks. A while back I found some good info on the website of a well known cancer center, but now I can't remember which cancer center and can't find the link. But the link above gives the results of some small studies on glutamine.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    God is with u --good news sounds like everything is going on the right track/

    TonLee we have that walking thing--I've used it some but certsinly not enough it's so hard on my back but it is a good workout.

    PBrain--Sometimes after chemo we get this bizarre notion we are all done and that's it--now tak a pill a day and that's going to end all this. Well it works for some really and others not so much--there's alot that goes on with meds and time and I think chemo too. So u don't always feel like u should think u would feel. It's wonderful when someone does.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Tonlee I do 3 sets of 10 reps but maybe it's time to move up to 12. I do strength train at home. Lots of squats, lunges, sit ups, crunches. Upper body I don't do push-up or pull-ups per my PS orders. I miss some of my upper body exercises that did focus on the pecs.

    I use primarily 7 & 10lb weights but there are 2 upper body exercises that I only use the 5lb. My shoulder/neck on my left side is still sore from that accident 1.5 & 20 years ago. I really should get it massaged out.

    So my question to you is I know the weights I use are much less than what you use but is this high enough? I know I have built muscle. I can see it. Once I lose the 5-7lbs I will be able to see it even more. But I will take your suggestion of doing my upper and lower body all in one day (so it will only be 2X a week). I don't see how I can get this down to less than 1.5 hours. Skipping cardio 2x a week isn't a big deal if I am doing it the other 5 days.

    I would love a crosstrainer like that! I would prefer that to the gym any day since I only go to the gym for cardio when the weather is too cold, hot, rainy or snowy but my PT hates those things. She said they make lean and put you in bad posture. Granted living in a city condo with only 1100 sq feet space can be a challenge. I did have a small stationary bike at one time. I really don't like machines that you sit on your ass so I gave it away.

    Pbrain I've know plenty of women that had nueropathy pretty seriously and have no problems now. Don't assume the worst but be sure to let your onc know. If its that bad they sometimes reduce your dose. Even though my left heel is numb my feet are much better. My feet used to burn on chemo if I did a lot of walking in anything but my gym shoes. I took Acetyl-L-Carnitine (actually still taking it because it's a memory booster) when I first noticed tingling/pins & needles in my left hand. Never got neuropathy in my left or any hand again.

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    Cypher there are lots of ways to get plenty of protein. Protein is in leafy greens, and lots of grains and legumes. Quinoa is a major staple as a breakfast cereal, as a salad ingredient and as a side topped with lots of sauteed veggies (I use Bragg's Liquid Aminos to add a soy flavor). There are lots of charts available with the top vegan protein sources. I will see if I can find something and post for you if you are interested!

    I got an eliptical for Christmas. Not a cross trainer though. I haven't quite mastered the sucker yet. I am a treadmill gal, but mine broke with a houseful of kids constantly bouncing around on it. So, my husband surprised me with a LIVESTRONG brand eliptical. I need to do it more, but it makes me a little nauseous. Unfortunately it doesn't have the arm things. I need to get a TV in front of it. Right now its in a dark basement facing the wall. Slightly depressing. It is good when I am too unmotivated to get to the gym, like Lago said...cold etc.. I need to really get back into a routine. I incorporate 10lb weights (easy since it's not high rep) into a yoga routine at night now. It has hugely strengthened my core. I do arm and leg balances holding the weights in a very slow and controlled manner. It's almost like meditation to me - LOVE IT. I was a member of Lifetime, but it was almost $100 a month, and I wasnt using it much lately so I just stopped last month and put it on hold. I also got a Sunlighten Far/Near Infrared Sauna that is supposed to be coming in the next few weeks. I love my hot yoga classes and the heat and I just seem to agree with each other, so my husband splurged so I could have the heat at home too. They sent a temporary tiny one until the other gets here. It's been great aiding in all the sports recovery around the house. The kids now get home from practices and hop in the sauna. No more sore muscles!

  • vballmom
    vballmom Member Posts: 153

    My vegetarian cousin taught me how to make seitan, which is a great meat substitute. He made us chili and noone missed the meat.  Here's a link to the recipe:  click here.  I skip the soy sauce.

  • beckstar18
    beckstar18 Member Posts: 97

    For those of you who workout regularly...should I have any concerns starting a new exercise regimen while on Herceptin?  I'm not wanting to stress my heart too much and then end up having to stop the Herceptin early because of it.  How much exercise is too much while on Herceptin, or does it not even matter?

    I had planned to do this before being diagnosed anyway, but now I'm more determined to drop the extra pounds I've been carrying and get healthy to prevent recurrence (and other disease too).

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I power walked all though Herceptin and most of chemo. I tend to be a little slower when it's hot and humid outside.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Part of my "prescription" from the integrative physician is 30 minutes of walking a day.  I was already doing 20 minutes but she upped it to 30 minutes based on studies regarding recurrence statistics.  The increase to 30 minutes has been a bit of a strain during the harder chemo days but I keep thinking about those reduced recurrence statistics and that gets me out there (most of the time).  We have an outside track at our gym with beautiful view (and it's very flat, of course) so all that makes it a bit easier.  

  • cypher
    cypher Member Posts: 447

    geewhiz, I'd be interested. Vball, isn't seitan soy-based? And soy sauce -- I'm like, what's wrong with soy sauce? Um, guessing it's made with SOY, hellooo! I like it though -- don't use a ton of it -- is that little bit of soy a problem? Steiner, I wonder the same thing. I would just say to warm up, cool down, and try to listen to your body rather than an abstract goal you have.  I am fighting with myself a bit while swimming -- I should swim harder, I'm being lazy!  No, I shouldn't swim harder, I don't want to get lymphedema or overstress my heart!-- back and forth.  I think starting with walking is great because it's gentle.  You can always pick up the pace, make the walks longer, hike if there are any mountains near you, etc.  Swimming is another exercise one can do at any level and it's both aerobic and offers resistance training at the same time.