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So...whats for dinner?



  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Member Posts: 2,935

    Love all these stories of your mom's- A few months before my mom passed after we closed the restaurant we all went and had some drinks, my mom was a tea drinker except for the occassional brandy alexander but my dad made us margarittas and my mother did the moon walk, she had us in hysterics. Thanks for the memories too!

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466

    aaah thanksgiving.. i am the chef in the family.. a real live used to be and i have never cooked a Thanksgiving dinner. 

    I was thinking about offering to do it this year, but my bro jumped the gun... i think he is going to announce his engagement.  I am proud of this bro.. his wife left him and his five kiddies to go off with her old 'friends' the ones who do smokey things..  Anyway, he has fought thru almost financial ruin, gotten the kids into college, sustaining them thru Catholic schools, bought a house, suffered thru a lymphoma (stage 3) diagnosis and is still up and running and set to marry a judge !  a blond judge. !!! She's cute, nice, argumentative and will make a nice wife soooooo, they can do the Thanksgiving thing.. i don't care.  It was my turn tho.

  • carberry
    carberry Member Posts: 997

    Michelle and bedo  on the rads...I fought it all the way too..but got them.  the one on my breastbone is like a tiny freckle and the ones on each side are undeer my arm and a little larger,but cant see them unless arms are raised.  I wore a bathing suit all summer and no one could see the tattoo unless really searching...I think they made that one tiny just for that reason.

    I love all the holiday dinner plans popping up here.  we will go to a relatives for dinner, she is a dietician and an amazing cook, but will still have to make a turkey for the kids coming home so they will have leftovers. son brought home his girlfriend last year for us to meet for the firt time and I was right in the middle of chemo, with no hair and sick as a dog!  I couldnt cook, clean the house properly or be of any good company.  Well they are still dating and she is still coming to visit.  Apparently I didnt scare her too much!!

    tonight I am going to try and make a mac n cheese recipe that I saw on the chew,  it has bacon in it   wow talk about comfort food

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466

    my daughter has been requesting mac and cheese for days.  i guess today will be the day with a pork loin roast or maybe salmon.

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    Ah, mac & cheese!  A couple of years ago, I made the Martha Stewart recipe, fondly known as "crack & cheese".  It is so damned delicious, but making it uses every pan in the kitchen and the ingredients are pricey.  That said, it's worth doing once.

    The good news is that it makes enough for an army!  I do think it's the best I've ever eaten.

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Member Posts: 2,935

    Michelle- I made this mac and cheese from Martha stewart and it is delicious, I have that in my top 20 best recipes.

    Your hair looks cute, cant believe how thick it looks already!

  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Member Posts: 2,047

    Bedo and Debbie- Love the mom stories!

    All this talk about mac n cheese is making me want some.  Maybe I'll try that recipe by Martha Stewart next week.  I went grocery shopping today and almost got stuff to make mac n cheese but kept our meals to a budget due to the extra money I am spending on Thanksgiving dinner.  Now I am wishing I wouldn't have been so cheap!  I bought 6 pounds of pork to make the stuffing- it seems like too much and not enough all at the same time.

    Tonight I am going to try O2B's upside down pizza. 

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    I'm back from my 4 hour round trip to Boston today for radiation planning.  I'm now sporting 6 right in the middle of my "v-neck".  It's not very big and it looks to be more brown than black.  But I don't have a single freckle in that area so I can see the little dot.  I didn't find the planning session to be too bad.  I had to keep my arms above my head for just a few minutes.  The good news is that they said they will be able to do the radiation without coming near my heart or lungs.  They had talked about making a shield.  But they are able to use angles that won't require it.  Apparently my head position is not much of an issue, they didn't have me turn it in any special position.  And did I mention, they are not radiating my axilla area.

    Rick asked me what we were doing for dinner and I told him it was his turn to figure it  I don't have a clue!  If I hadn't made baked ziti last night, I might make mac & cheese, it sounds good. I have cheddar on hand, but no gruyere so it's not happening. 

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Member Posts: 2,935

    Michelle- Glad you were told they werent going to radiate near your heart and great news too on the axilla area,  doesn't that cut down on lymphdema? Glad you got at least that part done (((((hugs)))))

    I made enough chili for an army so tonight will be the last of it, 

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    Debbie - you are right, it significantly reduces my risk of lymphedema.  I think Kay is dealing with this as a complication of rads.

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441

    I have wonderful memories of my Mom.  I remember when I was 18 or 19 I brought home a PlayGirl Mag and put it on the kitchen table.  When she walked in she was flabbergasted. She said what is that doing on the table, she thought it was a PlayBoy.  Then she picked it up and opened it and every time she would turn the page she would say OMG that's awful, OMG that's awful, LOL she would not stop turning the pages.  I almost wet my pants laughing. Her eyes got bigger and bigger.  I lost her 15 yrs ago to BC.  She was only 64 when she lost the battle.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    I've been too busy to even look at the boards over the last couple of days. I'm pages behind on every one I follow.

    Here's my cooking story for tonight. I unintentionally got an early start on my holiday baking. My cousin called me a couple of days ago and asked if I would make frosted italian cookies for her daughter's (my niece by love) engagement party Saturday. I'm making a large quantity, so I decide to bake the cookies tonight and frost them on Saturday.

    I'm making a double batch, which I do frequently. I do the calculations in my head. I beat the eggs and am beating in the last of 2 1/2 cups of sugar. When I notice that the batter is thicker than usual. That's when I realize that a single recipe has 3/4 cup of sugar, so a double should have 1 1/2 cups. What to do? I figure out how many more times I have to multiply the recipe to use up the extra sugar - 1 and 1/4 recipes.

    Then I realize that I should have started with the melted butter/shortening mixture and added the eggs to that, THEN added in the sugar.I've been making these cookies more than 1/2 my life. I've never made that mistake before. I don't know what I was thinking. I do all the calculation and proceed. to carry on.

    Ovens ready, batter looks right, tastes right. Instead of greasing the cookie sheets, I decide to use parchment paper. I put the first pan (25 cookies) in the oven and get the next pant ready. To cut down on time, my plan is to move the top  pan down to the bottom shelf 1/2 way through the baking and add another pan to the top shelf.

    I go to move the pan down and the parchment sheet slides off the pan, depositing several  cookies on oven floor and door. I put the pan on a cooling rack and proceed to scrape 9partially baked cookies from the oven. I let the oven reheat and put the partially baked cookies that survived back in. I have no idea how these are going to turn out. I taste one. Perfection! Just the right texture and taste. I did it! I proceed to bake the other 120 cookies. After 3 1/2 + hours in the kitchen, I have 12 dozen plus one beautifully baked cookies.Since these cookies freeze very well, if they are well wrapped. I leave out what I need for the party and put 4+ dozen in the freezer for future holiday gift giving.

    And, not once, during this entire fiasco did I melt down. Proof that the tweeking of my anti-depressants meds is working. Woo Hoo

    I'm going to eat my Weight Watchers spaghetti and meat sauce for dinner now.

    Hope all is well with everyone. Looking forward to seeing my New England friends on the 4th.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,325

    Very interesting explanation about the pork pies and "gorton."  I had never heard about either of them.  Do you puree the cooked pork to make the gorton?  It's fun to learn about the foods unique to areas in the US. 

    I didn't realize rads patients have tattoos.  Is that all rads patients?  For some reason I feared radiation as much as chemo.  That was one factor in my opting for BMX.  I also couldn't face the prospect of another mammogram. 

    DH said tonight that he'll be glad when we get some cold weather and can make soup.  I know he will want to make a pot of chowder with some of the frozen halibut we brought back from Alaska. 

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462

    Oh Hauntie...

    I have had baking days just like that.... and it makes you just want to scream... Glad to hear that after a rough start, the cookies turned out great!

    Hope you enjoyed your dinner!

    Have you posted your recipe for your Italian cookies? If not, would you be willing to share your recipe?

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Seaside - I'm too tired right now, but I promise I'll post it over the weekend. I'm writing myself a note to remind me.

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Member Posts: 2,935

    Hauntie- As bad as I feel for you, that you had to do all that extra work and calcalating, I was laughing so hard reading this, I have had many mishaps in the kitchen too, some I have already posted on here but I have a lot more to tell. Glad your cookies turned out good after all that LOL!

    Seaside- I was going to ask the same question but didnt know if I should LOL!

    Carol- You must still be having warm weather there in louisianna, we are cold and rainy right now.

    Bought our turkey tonight, was only going to buy a turkey breast but they were so small almost not even a meal so we ended up buying a 23 pder, dont know what I will do with all the leftovers but Im hoping some one will post good after turkey day leftover recipes

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    Hauntie - that's a funny cookie story!  My daughter tried to make chocolate chip cookies back when she was a young teenager.  I wasn't in the kitchen with her, and the cookies had just spread out on the cookie sheet and were just shapeless.  Turns out she forgot the flour...LOL!

    Carole - for gorton and pork pies, you buy ground pork butt (some even have it double-ground).  You want the meat to have a little texture for the pork pie so you don't cook it as long.  For the gorton, after cooking for about 4 hours, the meat "grains" are very soft.  I beat mine with a mixer to "homogenize" it a bit and that spreads the fat throughout the mixture.  Then you spoon it into containers (and you can freeze it).  When it's cold, it's spreadable. 

    And yes, most rads patients get tattoos.  It is necessary to make sure they line you up exactly the same way for each and every treatment.  A few places use marker and then put tape over it, but most do the tattoos.  I have to admit mine are smaller and less obvious than I thought they would be, and I barely felt the needles. I got six and it was over in about 20 seconds. I'm not sure Kay's experience was the same.

    Debbie - I'm betting that The Chew will have lots of ideas for turkey leftovers.  Are you still watching it?  I record it every day so I can watch it  whenever...  Turkeys are 49 cents a pound at our local Shaw's, so I bought a small one and put it in the freezer. I will cook it in January. Hard to pass up that deal and I'll use the legs and thighs for soup.

    Today is DH's birthday so I have already made him happy...his favorite breakfast is baked apple pancake with Burger Smokehouse bacon.  I don't usually make it on weekdays, but I made an exception for this morning. 

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Hauntie, that is a very funny story. Sure wish I lived closer. Those cookies sound good. I used to make cookies for Christmas, toll house and my grandmother's butter cookie recipe, but the last few years things were so hectic, I didn't get around to it. Just bought the toll house cookie dough and made them from that. Maybe this year.

    I had a similar experience in rads, about six tattoos. They are very small, but I would say more black than brown, but maybe that's because my skin is so pale. I didn't get the lymphadema from rads (although that is a risk), I got it just before rads started. The BS did a level 2 ALND, but I had cording even before surgery. I do think the simulation where I held my arms over my head for about 40 minutes was the final straw that brought it on. My hand was so clenched on the machine when it was over, the tech had to pry my fingers open.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    I got the last of my drains out just over two weeks post op. I may be the only one on the thread who had radiation after sx. I just finished last Friday. The noob is bright red, but I think it will eventually be fine.

  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Member Posts: 2,047

    Hauntie- I am so glad the cookies came out great after all of that.  Me baking anything is pretty much what you just went through- it almost always a disaster.  I bake cookies from a bag, brownies from a box, the only thing I can bake from scratch is banana bread, blue berry muffins, swedish apple pie....I think thats it.  So my hats off to you AND for not freaking out!

    I do my gorton the same way Michelle described it and I too do not mix it for my stuffing.

    Thank you ladies for giving me the kick in the bum that I needed to not wait and go to the Dr.  I was sooo tired yesterday and today I couldn't even get out of my own way.  I went to bed last night at 7 and was still tired when I got up this morning so I made an appointment.  I have a sinus infection and an ear infection, she was surprised I wasn't in alot of pain over my ear and she said I had a slight rattling in my chest and that I was well on my way to getting pneumonia.  So it's a good thing you ladies encouraged me to go!  They prescribed antibiotics, twice a day for 2 weeks and pro biotics- first time I have heard of pro biotics?

    My in laws took the boys for me for the day and my plan for this afternoon is to do a quick pick up of the house, put a load of laundry in and then take a nap.  I am hoping I will wake up with more energy and make some potato leek soup which is what I want for dinner.  If I don't have the energy it will just be up to my DH to figure it out and feed us.

    Michelle- Happy Birthday to your DH!!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462


    Sounds like those nasty germs were setting up shop anywhere they could.... Glad to hear you went to get checked out!

    My guess is the antibiotic he put you on is pretty potent and the probiotics (also found in yogurt, by the way) were prescribed to head off any 'intestinal distress' that could be brought about by the antibiotics....

    Hope you get your nap and are feeling better soon!

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    Laurie - so glad you went to the doctor and got some good drugs!!! Hope you feel better soon. I agree with Seaside - yogurt would probably accomplish the same thing as the probiotics.  Get some rest!!!

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Member Posts: 2,935

    Michelle- Yes I watch the chew every day when I can, in fact i"m watching it right now, it comes on at noon here. It's a fun show to watch and I enjoy there recipes. Carla is a hoot LOL!

    Lauire- Glad you got your antibiotics, I was worried about you getting pnemonia. Probiotics are mainly used for the digestic tract and yeast infections but also used for many other things, My husband took them and they helped alot.

    Glad you get to have some alone time even if it is playing catch-up at home. Get some rest and feel better!!!

    oh yes, Michelle Happy birthday to your DH!

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Member Posts: 2,935

    I missed the last page and post before i posted and ooops dont know why it is in bold letters

  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Member Posts: 2,047

    I made the soup and it turned out great, even the kids liked it.  They asked what kind of soup it was and I said "good soup".  If I would have said onion and potato soup they wouldn't have touched it.  So that with salad and a crusty garlic bread hit the spot.  I'm glad I put the effort in to do it.  Now I have lunch tomorrow at the least.

    Today when the Dr said I would need pro biotics I was like what is that?  She explained and I asked what has changed?  In my whole life (granted 36 years- but still)  I have just taken the antibiotic and been fine, do I really need it?  She simply said yes, we discover new things everyday and make advances......ok.    My prescription cost 5 dollars the antibiotic cost 21.  Dumb- I should have bought some yogurt apparently, lol!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,325

    Today was my 3rd day on an antibiotic for a horribly sore throat.  I'm pretty sure it was strept because I've had it before.  As luck would have it, I already had an apptment with my PCP on Tues, so it worked out well to see her and get a prescription.  Today I felt well enough to play 18 holes of golf.

    Laurie, I hope you recover quickly.  Your soup sounds good.  As soon as our weather gets colder, we'll be enjoying some soups and chilis.

    We were supposed to go out tonight to a function that included food, but DH came home from golf really pooped so we didn't go.  I didn't mind.  I got a package of home-made spaghetti sauce out of the freezer, thawed it, and cooked some Dreamfield linguine.  Made a green salad.  It was a good dinner.  The sauce is made with Italian sausage and we had fresh-grated parm.

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Member Posts: 2,935

    Got the call late tonight before we went out for the evening " Negative for bone cancer" Woohooo! I was so happy, and cryed,, because truth be known, I was pretty worried and only told a few family members and a couple of friends. and was a mess, Dont think I was actually that worried until I had the scan, now I understand what "Scanxiety" means.  My Onco said he got home and didnt want me to go through the week-end not knowing, so was kind enough to call me. Said it showed osteopenia and was probably close to osteoarthritis, to take bonevia or some of the other drugs for the bones that he mentioned. Thank- you all for caring and the prayers!

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466

    a lovely story Hauntie.. who'd a thunk parchment paper would be problematic.

    I never made mac and cheese because we were out of butter.  i did make pasta with olive oil, garlic and parmesan.. it was an ok substitute for the girl child who loves pasta any which way.. She is 12 now and her appetite and range of foods is expanding.. that's good.  She's always been so darn picky.

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466

    i saw the best recipe for potato leek soup.  Jaque Pepin sauteed a bunch of leeks and maybe mushrooms, added a bit of white wine, chicken stock and mashed potato flakes.. then milk.  He had it done in 12 minutes.. it looked awesome.  Maybe I'll have that tonite.

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    Apple - 12 minute soup sounds like a winner!  It will be interesting to see how "done" those leeks get in such a short time.  I'm not a fan of raw or undercooked onion, not sure how I would feel about less than mushy leeks.

    Debbie - woohoo!!!  I think we all knew you were worried, and we were worried along with you.  So glad to hear that it's "just" osteopenia.  Get that calcium, vit d3 and Boniva going!  I think that keeping the bones nice and dense helps ward off bone mets. 

    Laurie - hope you are feeling better this morning!  I always find it fascinating that your boys will eat pretty much anything.  My grandkids would take one look at that soup and wouldn't even want to taste it!  They don't even like mashed potatoes!

    Carole - glad you are feeling well enough to play golf.  Isn't it funny that if you get a sore throat, you almost hope for strep because then you know that antibiotics will make it all better in a couple of days.  It's those nasty viruses that hang on for more than a week that really get us down.

    And thanks, everyone for DH's birthday wishes. He had a good day yesterday and will have a great weekend of birthday celebration.  I made his favorite breakfast yesterday (baked apple pancake with Burger Smokehouse bacon) and we went for prime rib last night. Tonight we are going out for Mexican food (he really wants this as I've not been able to eat it during treatment) and tomorrow the family is coming for dinner. We'll be having beef bourgignon and pineapple upside down cake. I'll be busy! Monday night we are having a football watch party - the KC Chiefs are playing the NE Patriots and everyone is coming for that. That will be a bit of a "tailgate party" theme.

    Wishing everyone a lovely weekend. Oh, the weather here is fantabulous - heading to the 60's both days!  If only this could last until April!!!