So...whats for dinner?



  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    I remember ramen noodles from college when budges were "a bit lean". The joke was...if you want to spend the extra money for a fancy meal, heat the water before pouring it on the noodles.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    Leftover socca-za

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    I made some flour tortillas today. I like them far better than the "stale store bought" ones.

    Even when the dough has been allowed to "rest" for 2-3 hours, the tortillas shrink when I pull them off of the press. I've never been able to figure out how to overcome this.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480

    Oh Mae - so sorry you picked up Covid. Treat yourself gently.

    Carole - would you share the stroganoff recipe? That over noodles is one of my favorites.

    Eric - sounds like you're getting settled in. I'm guessing no need for an oven on the patio up there...

    Today's meal was 1/2 cup of coleslaw, 3 leftover mini quiche (smaller than half a dollar) that a neighbor shared, and 2 large pieces of gingerbread smothered with REAL whipped cream. Served with a serviceable Cabernet.

  • aussie12
    aussie12 Posts: 421

    Hi all

    Well I got my toenail off ok on Tuesday then that night severe pain in abdomen and sick so ended up in ED. Had CT and blood tests, had to have a potassium infusion as well. Still no answers but had some stuff for constapation yesterday and better today. Spoke to my urologist about my infected kidney stent but he said best to try and keep in for another month.

    Still need answers as no appetite and lost weight. I brought some high fibre foods to see if that makes a difference.

    I do see the funny side as went to one hospital at 2pm for the toe and a different one at 10.30pm for emergency. Two in one day !!!

    I have been feeling hungry today so maybe might be able to share some nice meals soon.

    Carole glad to hear that your DH is better.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Posts: 6,835

    Illimae, hoping the Covid is a mild one. Hope you feel better soon and DH doesn't get it.

  • Minus, I will gladly share the recipe in my next post.

    Mae, what rotten luck to catch Covid.

    Aussie, hoping for some health improvement for you so that you can enjoy food. Two in one day was not good when it comes to hospitals.

    Dinner last night was boneless chicken, a breast and three small thighs cut into pieces, lightly breaded with flour, browned in olive oil and butter. Addition of a cup of chicken broth and fresh lemon slices. Simmered to form a sauce. Added some capers. Spooned over brown rice. Side was a repetition of last night's delicious romaine salad.

    Our up and down temperatures continue. Low 40's outside at the moment, according to my laptop. Back to 80 degrees by next Wednesday.

    Eric, I bought masa for making corn tortillas but haven't opened the bag yet.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    Illimae, I hope you're feeling better. Aussie, I hope things improve for you...agree, 2x in one day is only good for wine servings, not hospitals.

    I'm making a Thai fish curry of sorts for tonight; I'll be using cod as the fish.

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,266

    illimae - hope your Covid experience is a mild one!

    eric - I still love ramen, I often make a stir fry and put it on top of ramen noodles - very popular at my house! I also make a salad that has broken and toasted uncooked ramen noodles in it with almonds and sesame seeds, and the dressing incorporates the little spice packet in a sweet soy dressing - usually over a combo of thinly sliced romaine and napa cabbage.

    aussie - wow! A hospital two-fer, that is not fun - hope things settle down soon and you can enjoy some tasty things to eat without worry. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    minus - DH and I just had a conversation about gingerbread, and then you made some! It is an old school dessert, but I LOVE it! My mom always made it and also served it with real whipped cream - only way to go, IMHO!

    I made a big pan of baked corkscrew pasta - and I am not kidding when I say big, lol! DH had texted on his way home that he wasn't hungry, but shockingly developed an appetite when he walked in right as the pan came out of the oven. I need to portion some and freeze it. I made a taco salad last night for him, and used some of the leftover corkscrew pasta for a pasta salad for me with a bunch of fresh veggies. It is a bit chilly here, considering that it is Florida... so am planning either beef enchiladas with a rice casserole, or chili tonight using the leftover cooked ground beef from the salad last night.

    divine - the land purchase it indeed exciting, we have never built a house - only purchased them already made, so that is going to be an interesting process. Really interesting because it is at elevation - that part is a bit daunting. The best part of the whole thing will be proximity to our son - we have not seen enough of him over the last 10 years because everyone is busy and far flung, so retirement and a CO home will offer an opportunity to spend time together. Our DD loves CO also, so family gatherings will be happening!

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,754

    Thanks everyone. I think it’s mild and other than the congestion, SE’s weren’t too different from chemo, which I’ve been living on for years now. DH got it with me, both having symptoms 2 days after being in El Paso, he had a harder time feeling tired and crappy but we’re pretty good now. I’m almost relieved to get it over with. Not knowing how dangerous it might be to both of us being in high risk categories, we can remain cautious with being overly paranoid.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    Mae....sounds like you're feeling better.....I'm glad to hear that.

    Aussie, Two hospitals in one day is two hospitals too many.

    I used some of the tortillas to hold scrambled eggs and salsa this morning. I have a circular cast iron pan about 10 inches in diameter with a 1/4 inch lip that is perfect for the initial cooking and re-heating of the tortillas.

    I still would like a 2nd oven. The electricity is erratic enough here that I'm "sort of" looking for an older gas stove that I can convert to older one because the newer ones won't work without electricity.

    There is a place in Kingman, AZ (4 hours drive, each way) that sells battery operated propane stoves, so I might end up checking that place out.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    Eric, depending on how big a burner you need, I purchased a small butane stove for when we have power outages around meal time or breakfast coffee (has only happened twice, but glad we had it). Butane canisters are easy to store and last a fairly long time. No outgassing so you can use it in the house easily. Just a thought.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480

    Trader Joe's Mandarin Orange Chicken - Sauce was delicious but the chicken was way too dry. I seem to remember that was my opinion several years ago when I first tried it. I won't be buying that as an emergency fall back meal again.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621

    illimae, best wishes for your continued recovery from Covid!

    SpecialK, my son loved ramen noodles as a kid and as an adult he seeks out restaurants that serve really good ramen. It's still one of his favorites. Pasta salad is one of my favorites. Sometimes I get in a kick and make it over and over and over, having it for lunch every day for weeks.

    Since I recently brought up the subject, here's an announcement the Moderators just posted tonight about updating the forum:

    Hello all!

    We're continuing to work full speed ahead on launching the new community site early this year. In the next few weeks, we'll be inviting you to help us test some functionality. If you'd like to volunteer for 1:1, video-recorded user testing with us, please PM the mods.

    With all of our effort going into getting the new site ready, there will be very limited fixes to the current discussion forum. Thanks for continuing to stay with us and we're excited to share something new very soon.

    —The Mods

    January 13, 2023

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    I have a 1960s vintage Coleman white gasoline stove that I used for car camping while I was in college. The nice thing about the Coleman stoves is the spare parts availability. This stove works perfectly well despite being nearly 60 years old. The dutch oven (my avatar) was bought because it fit perfectly on the stove. It does quite well as a small oven. The stove and the dutch oven are perfect for power outage cooking.

    When we do "fancy stuff", the 2nd oven is great to have. This Thanksgiving I used the grill with the lid down as an oven. It worked well enough...somewhat "fiddly" though because I kept having to adjust it to, as the winds shifted, keep a constant temperature.

  • Took the turkey carcass from Christmas out of the freezer last night. Will simmer it in the giant stock pot today and make a turkey gumbo with part of it. A trip to the grocery store will be necessary for a few ingredients, sausage, okra and tomatoes.

    Eric, during the summer in MN, the gas outdoor grill serves as my oven.

    Frost this morning. Laptop says it's 34 degrees and Sunny.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    We hit 52 as a high and I'm already getting my Reverse-S-A-D. Sigh. That, and pollen. Our crocosmia is blooming. Sorry to whine about temperatures so early in the season; is it October yet?

    Leftover Thai fish curry tonight. I'll be thawing liver for liver and onions for the next day.

    My experimental einkorn loaf of bread is in the oven as I type.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    How was/is rhe bread?

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    The bread is excellent! The flour is definitely different from "regular" flour, but I love it. Almost a yellowy hue to it, mild and did a decent job on the no-knead recipe I used. Supposedly, this is less problematic for people with gluten intolerance but I suspect that depends how sensitive one is.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Mae, bummer about you & DH's COVID. May it stay mild and not rebound. Meanwhile, two days after I re-tested neg, and was able to emerge from a week's COVID isolation, Bob tested positive via home test. Likely caught it a couple of days earlier eating near the hospitals--in those SW 'burbs, nobody wears masks. He finally comes out of isolation today. He never had any symptoms other than GI, which abated the morning after starting Paxlovid.

    Except for last Tues.(when she arrived after Bob left for work but she left before he returned) I've had no HK since Jan. 3, the morning before I tested positive via PCR. Caring for two senior kitties--the younger one with digestive issues and the older unpredictably finicky--is exhausting, especially dealing with the litterboxes (the one in which Happy prefers to pee is heavy from the "boulders" of clay litter, making bending over and sifting it out is murder on my back). The Litter Genie helps a lot, but it's getting full. Tonight I'll have to clean & change the aforementioned box and haul the trash bag out to the alley garbage cart, dump the recycling (3 bins) into the blue cart, take out the garbage. I can go another day before taking out the compostables. Didn't help that late Fri. night Happy puked on my good down blanket and I had to clean it off before putting it into the hamper, and I was already sore from hand-weight work and hip-strengthening exercises at PT. Upper back gets sore from scratch cooking every night for most of 2 weeks because unable to dine out. Standing over counters, stove & grill for an hour or more at a time has always been rough on my upper back. We will order out tonight. Hoping against hope my HK can return Tues. (before I got COVID, she had to keep taking days off to deal with her DH's medical issues). She said to let the laundry pile up, rather than screw with her "system" for it.

    Carole, my pattern is a light-to-moderate brunch (with the starch, if any, being low-carb/hi-fiber), early evening snack of nuts, and late-ish moderate-to-heavy dinner (albeit heavy on the veg. to make up for no starch). No dessert. I have stopped late-night eating lately, so the intermittent fasting is working. Down a pound from Wed., when the endocrinologist made me get on the scale (and I also got the bad news that I've shrunk 1/2" over the past couple of years--landing my BMI over 30).

    Eric, two pills? Hahaha--every night I prepare two shot glasses of pills (Rx and advised vites & minerals) for night & morning!

    Dinners this past week:

    Tues. & Wed. night, leftover chicken souvlaki & sauteed veggies (peppers, onion, zucchini). Thurs., Greek salad, pan-seared Icelandic cod over sauteed fennel & red bell pepper. Fri., insalata Caprese, pan-seared Norwegian Fjord trout (like salmon), sauteed broccolini (added Seeds of Change brown & red rice for Bob). Last night, I braved the subfreezing temps and grilled a ribeye; started with tomatoes & basil over arugula; then roasted Brussels sprouts (plus more of the rice for Bob). Ordering out tonight--what, don't know yet.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Oh, and despite the worrisome a1c (up to 5.8 now), moderately-low GFR, & anemia, at least the thyroid stuff is normal & the celiac panels came back negative. So I'm free to eat that Healthy Life keto (0-1 net carb) bread & buns, which use allulose & vital wheat gluten. Not as tasty as the low-carb/hi-fiber wholegrain bread (2-4 net carb) but less impact on my glucose & weight. And they work well for burgers, hot dogs, lobster rolls, grilled cheese & French toast.

    I re-start Prolia this week--this time 2x/yr. for 10 yrs. (the new protocol). The old protocol was only 3 years; because by 6 mos. it's out of one's system, 4 years after finishing it I went from mild-to-moderate osteopenia (with some bones still "normal") to osteoporosis. There's a new bone-building (rather than anti-resorptive) med called Evenity, but right now they're saving it for more severe cases.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    When MIckey and I drove across country in my VW Bug to meet our families, we would smile when would see a grey haired man driving a humongous RV with the spare tire cover showing the man with the halo over his head (Good Sam Club). That would then start a laughter filled discussion about how it was better to be young and, sooner or later, one of us would mention "the pill count".

    That was almost 40 years ago. I'm now in my 60s, I am a member of the Good Sam Club (but I don't have that spare tire cover), what little hair I have left is grey, and my pill count is rising.

    I'm not sure how a "no knead needed" bread can be low gluten and not be a brick like loaf..but there is a lot I don't know...something I didn't completely realize 40 years ago. :-)

  • auntienance
    auntienance Posts: 3,937

    I've had serious acid reflux this past week so dinners have been pretty plain - canned soup, toast, eggs,, etc. I felt better yesterday and grilled hamburgers and made oven fries so DH was ecstatic. Tonight is Ina Garten's skillet lemon chicken and bowtie pasta with broccoli and lemon zest, parm.

    I think my use of Aleve and blood thinners has caught up with me.

    My daily pill count is too high to count on two hands. A 5.8 a1c would be a dream number for me.

    I like eating a heavier lunch and lighter dinner but I can't handle a big breakfast very often. I feel terrible afterwards. Most days my breakfast is 1/2 everything bagel with a couple of tablespoons of whipped cream cheese and either a small banana or 1/2 cup greek yogurt with added dark cherries. I'd be happy with cereal or cheese and crackers for dinner but DH would suffer.

  • celiac
    celiac Posts: 1,260

    Trying to use up some items from the freezer for meals. Tonight was an absolutely delicious turkey/spinach/feta burger (from the meat case @ Whole Foods) & sauteed mushrooms on flatbread w/mustard & a bit of mayo plus a chopped large avocado drizzled with balsamic glaze. Tomorrow will be wild salmon w/herbs & lemon butter and roasted brussels. DH cooked pork chops and had cauli & broccoli prior to my meal, so I have a cooked chop to use up, also.

    All who are "ailing" - hope you are feeling better soon.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    Eric, the einkorn has a kernel/gluten structure that seems not to affect gluten intolerant folks but celiac disease is different. This flour is an "ancient" grain and just works differently (if you're an avid baker) than newer wheat hybrids.

    Liver and onions tonight. Leftovers tomorrow and then a crab meal.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Nancy, that's why I gave up NSAIDs (other than topical, and even then not that often) years ago. In early 2014, my then PCP ordered an EGD (upper endoscopy) to determine why I was so anemic (more than I am now). The GI doc just had me take I.V. Valium and a local, and made me watch the monitor. (Uncomfortable, but kinda tough to complain with that 'scope shoved down my gullet). He pointed to a little spot, calling it an "ulcerette of probable chemical origin." He asked about my NSAID use, and I admitted to taking Aleve for residual pain & stiffness from my L knee replacement a few months earlier, in order to wean off Norco. I haven't taken oral NSAIDs since, except in 2018 for a couple of days after my arm/hand surgery and then root canal a couple of weeks later. (Combo of 1000 mg. Tylenol and 600-800 mg. of ibuprofen q. 6-8 hrs.)

    We ordered out from Bob's fave restaurant, Calo (where we've been eating since 1979). Started with a mixed green salad with red wine vinegar/EVOO dressing. Gave him minestrone. His entree was rigatoni alla barese: pasta with peppers, sausage, mushrooms & onions in "Sunday gravy." Mine was a half-rack of naked baby-back ribs, sauteed spinach with garlic, coleslaw and a rare treat of 1/2 c. of spaghetti aglio e olio. When it comes to pasta, I prefer noodles (spaghetti, linguine, capellini, fettucine and tagliatelle) because I like to twirl them strand by strand and relish them slowly. The spaghetti was an included side ("no substitutions"), as was the salad (we shared); so the slaw, soup and spinach were extras. Trying to make at least my dinner plate 2/3 vegetables. (I rarely have veggies when I make brunch, except in omelets, topping avocado toast, or shakshuka). I consider the little bit of pasta to be part of a "Zone" macro. That's my story and I'm sticking with it. I was done eating by 9:15, so intermittent-fasting should be fairly easy overnight & through the morning.

    Tomorrow night will be leftovers. If Bob gets home late, I will nuke some wings as my protein.

  • I turned the leftover lemony chicken into a pasta dish last night, using cooked linguini from the freezer. A little chicken broth, grated Italian cheeses from a bag. Tah dah. Creamy sauce. DH and I agreed that we could have eaten the pasta without the chicken. We both love pasta.

    I notice that dh is not adding salt to his food and is eating smaller portions as he recovers from his illness. This morning, to my great delight, he went to the gym, resuming routine.

    I will be having lunch with three golf friends today in the vicinity of Whole Foods and Fresh Market as well as a different Rouse's Supermarket. I will be taking the ever-present list with me. In addition to a Costco I just read that an Aldi is being built in Covington, an adjacent town. No shortage of places to buy groceries but we find ourselves going to Piggly Wiggly when we need a few items. Convenience is worth paying more.

    One major convenience is being able to buy wine and liquor in any grocery store. In MN we have to go to a "spirits" store.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    Carole, I miss living in WI and having easy access to booze without the ridiculous sales tax that Washington imposes since they stopped state-run liquor stores. Sigh. Our choices here are fewer and the (between sales and liter tax) tax is nearly 28-30%. Worse, most places no longer ship here. Good thing I am not a big drinker (except wine) but the thought of it infuriates me.
    So happy your DH is feeling good!

    Auntienance, don't forget the DGL for reflux. It is a life saver when you're suffering. Hope you feel better.

    Leftover liver and onions. The liver was a gift from a friend who buys pastured beef and had too much. It was incredible. I did a huge batch of onions in the crockpot, overnight, and woke to beautiful caramelized onions. Then all I needed to do was deal with the liver. I used a sort of "stroganoff" approach...reheated the onions, bathed in cream, worchesterchire sauce, sherry and some spices, then I slipped bite sized liver into the unctuous sauce/onions till just pink. Served with garden green beans (frozen and simply nuked).

    Tomorrow will be gifted Dungeness crab.

  • My mother loved liver and onions. I like the liver and brown gravy but not the onions. A church friend would bring the liver and my mother would cook it for three of them.

    Tonight we're having soba noodles with sauteed mushrooms, zucchini and yellow squash. I mixed up an "Asian" sauce that I've made before.

    The link for the beef stroganoff recipe.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480

    Thanks Carole - stroganoff looks delicious.