So...whats for dinner?
Feel better, Lori!
The sherries were NV Cesar Florido "Dorado" and 2016 Molino Réal "MR." I looked them up online and they are extremely pricy, so I wouldn't advise buying either unless you can keep them refrigerated (being "fortified" they keep longer than regular wines but not indefinitely) and drink them by the thimbleful. They cost almost as much at retail as the markups in most restaurants.
The storm lost a lot of strength as it approached the north lakefront and passed extremely quickly here--one powerful gust and a burst of rain and that was about it. We let Heidi out of her carrier and I was able to cook after all. (The exurbs weren't as lucky--Belvidere had a roof collapse in an old theater during a concert, killing 1 and injuring 28).
So dinner (being Friday during Lent I couldn't serve chicken soup) was light. Defrosted some monkfish and nuked it in parchment with tricolor peppers, "seafood blend" fresh herbs, EVOO, S&P and lemon. Cut up the "heel" of the tube of Melissa's quinoa and pan-fried it. Bob brought home quiche & salad from Beard & Belly so I could sleep in. Not sure what tonight will be, except that we'll stay home because of basketball.
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MIL is out of hospital. A stent and a ballon angioplasty. Now for rhe long drive home.
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Eric, that is great news.
Sandy, thanks for the sherry info. The first one doesn't look too pricey but the second one does...I'll write it down and hope I can run across it sometime. Glad the storms missed you.
Goldie, hope you are feeling better and it isn't covid. Those potatoes look incredible.
I pan seared the tuna and broiled it and overcooked it. Such is life. DH was happy (he hates raw tuna).
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Sorry you're not feeling well, Goldie.
Glad you're safe, Sandy. Tornados are terrifying. We have nowhere to go when we're in MN except the owners' home. The rest of us live in campers.
Great news that MIL is discharged, Eric. Wishing her the best as she recovers.
Dinner last night was a composed (term learned from Susan) romaine salad that included steamed asparagus and the chicken salad made from a Sam's Club rotisserie chicken. It was strangely tasteless to me. DH seemed to like it.
I'm at a loss for tonight's menu. Every now and then my meal rotation stops rotating!!!
Winter must be over because the pecan trees are leafing out.
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Pecan butter is my most favorite nut butter on the planet. I can't eat almonds, so maybe I would like it too, LOL.
I thawed two weirdly cut tri tip pieces. They were on sale who knows when as I found them in the bowels of my chest freezer. I sliced thinly and am seasoning one with Asian flavors (for tonight) and the other, with latin flavors (to make burritos) the following day.
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Wally, I won't be buying any more tri tip unless it's nearly free. I was not impressed with the cut.
Last night's dinner was a homemade pizza with a homemade sauce that turned out to be delicious. The crust was made with half all purpose and half wheat flour, honey, olive oil, salt and yeast. I made it early in the day and stored in the refrigerator where it still rose. It was not thin crust but quite tasty. I have a picture on my phone and will post it.
DH was complimentary. He especially liked the sauce. We have leftovers since it was quite a large pizza.
Tonight's dinner will probably be shepherd's pie made with ground lamb from the freezer.
Wally, I enjoyed your post on the drinking forum. I read it and occasionally chime in.
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...I remember the first time we had flank steak and did not treat it properly and I vowed never to buy it again; my twin (we are now estranged, again) insisted I retry it. I read up and did it differently and though it isn't our favorite cut, I don't hate it anymore. Same for tri tip. Yesterday, I "velveted" the meat using an Asian technique and it was quite delicious. DH raved. I am sure purists who grill may think I wasted the meat, but hey, do what you like and enjoy the meal. That's my motto. And YUMMMMMM on your ground lamb!! I love lamb.
We are having leftovers. I didn't make enough rice, so I may flesh it out with noodles and shiitake mushrooms.
I'm having a panic attack getting seeing how much humana raised our premiums. There ought to be a law!!
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Eric - stay safe on the drive. Will your MIL be able to go back to her independent living place? Will she have home health care?
Goldie - glad to see on another thread that it's likely you have a nasty cold and not Covid (although not glad you're under the weather). I'm going to try those scalloped potatoes. Hope this week's chemo goes OK.
Carole - interesting to hear your DH liked the sauce. How did you make it? I might try but I'm likely sticking with Raos.
Yesterday's meal was non existent. Worked in the yard from 8am to1pm then changed the sheets, did 3 loads of wash & scrubbed kitchen & bathrooms, etc. Just as I was stepping into the shower at 6pm my son called. Their dog is 100 'people years' and has had 3 blood transfusions in a 6 weeks - to no avail since her autoimmune disease is eating up the new red blood cells she is producing. Today may be the day. Then my BFF called. She had been to a weekend cooking class at a fancy Texas Hill Country location. (for Mae - Mystic in Dripping Springs) They are bee keepers, so all the recipes used their honey. I'm looking forward to seeing a vegetable pasta recipe. Then my neighbor called to talk about her DH's health issues & increasing forgetfulness. Well - by the time I showered & got my hair washed it was 9pm so I settled for an English Muffin after a gin & tonic.
Today will either be the Naan pizza I was going to make yesterday or maybe French Toast. Too early to decide yet.
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Minus, I admire how go-with-the-flow you are. I'm getting too rigid in my old age. Maybe that's why the "watch and wait" health stuff is so hard for me.
Yum on your gin and tonic!
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White beans and ham over rice!
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Eric - good news on your MIL. Wishing her a speedy recovery.
I’ve had good tri tips and not so good. The best result I’ve had was a reverse sear - low and slow oven then finished sear on the blazing hot grill.
Last night was a point cut remainder of a whole brisket that was languishing in the freezer. I braised it in chili sauce and a packet of onion soup mix topped it with sliced onions and added several cloves of garlic and bay leaves. Carrots and potatoes were added the last half hour. It was pretty tasty.
Tonight neither of us have much of an appetite. DH has settled on tomato soup and grilled cheese. I may decide on just toast or some buttered noodles.
Carole - my dinner rotation stopped rotating a while ago. I’m at a loss most nights. Why does nothing sound good anymore?
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Nance - my favorite - buttered noodles, or macaroni & butter!!!
Wally - I'm likely OCD, although there was no such thing when I was growing up. I'm usually either charging full steam ahead with my lists in hand or sitting in my recliner with a book blocking out all the things I'm ignoring. Then of course I wake up the next morning with all the lists running through my head. Sigh.
Ended up making the Naan pizzas w/Raos sauce, black olives & mushrooms & 1015 onion slices. Good thing since a neighbor emailed that she's organizing a "sit & sip" under her tree tomorrow at 5pm. A bunch of neighbors all bring their own lawn chair & their own drinks. It was 89 degrees here today (in the shade) & tomorrow will be the same. Gee, that's almost 90 degrees and it's only April 3rd. In any case, I'll either eat french toast before I go tomorrow or cheese & crackers after I get home.
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Eric, I too am glad your MIL is ok.
For those that asked, I'm fine, thank you. Heading to Phoenix tomorrow for chemo (4.5 hour drive one way), urologist on Wednesday, and home after that.
Air fried chicken with some homemade mushroom soup/w rice and some left over brussel sprouts.
Minus, I expect "sit and sip" pictures on the drinking thread. Good to see a few of you other gals over there.
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Hi all I'm familiar with flank steak but what is a tri- tip?
Tonight was chicken breasts marinated in a cherry balsamic glaze (bottled, good) that DH grilled, big salad and mashed potatoes ( DH request). All good. I think it was on this thread I shared I'm cutting out sugar with a nutitionist support. Well one week down, I've done well, lost a pound and literally EVERYTHING tastes good to me.
Welcome Celand. I love white beans. And glad you're feeling better Goldie.
Also Special and others thank you for the tips. They help!!
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MIL is still often short of breath. She has a follow-up appointment with her primary doc tomorrow, so that will be brought up.
I missed several days of posts (gee,imagine that!) :-)
Glad you're feeling better, Goldie. If you take Hwy 260, be careful to not fall into the potholes on the road! :-)0 -
Eric, going across the rim is horrific, to say the least. I try and keep my distance so I can hopefully see those pot holes before I hit em, and also if the car in front of me does, I don't get a cracked windshield from flying debris!
Taking some leftovers with me to have in my hotel tonight, so I don't have to order out. Hopefully I'll get some answers about what is wrong with my kidney, although I think I know!
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Reader - thanks for the update on your 'no sugar' goal. A pound the first week is great. What do you do about the sugar in canned & pre-prepared items?
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Wally, I like flank steak and used to buy it often before it got so pricey. I have a great marinade that I got from Rachel Ray when she was starting out on the Food Channel. I also like skirt steak. I just wasn't taken with tri tip. One of my neighbors at Pinehollow Resort in MN raved about tri tip last summer. That's the reason I bought it recently. I'll have a follow up conversation with her this summer about her cooking technique. I'll also have to look up the "velveting" technique you mentioned.
Glad you're feeling better, Goldie. That's a long drive, 4 1/2 hours.
Minus, I know you're only a year younger than I and you seem to have that energizer battery going. I cannot imagine working in the yard for 4 hours at this stage. I may have mentioned that I hired a father and son to do my heavy pruning this year. It cost me $350!!! The homemade sauce was pizza sauce and uncooked. It consisted of a can of drained diced tomatoes, blended (substitute for tomato sauce), tomato paste and a variety of dried herbs. Easy and very tasty with a thick consistency so as not to saturate the raw dough.
Last night's shepherd's pie was delicious but it was a lot of work putting the dish together. It's definitely not a meal we will have often. We had our favorite romaine tossed salad as a side.
The Whole Wheat Pizza Dough recipe and the Easy Homemade Pizza Sauce recipe are both from JoyFoodSunshine.
Best Classic Shepherd's Pie recipe is from The Wholesome Dish.
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The velveting works for pieces of meat, not a slab, in case you were thinking of doing a whole cut. If you have any tips on the flank or skirt, I'd love to hear it. I was a vegetarian for 10 or so years so I never learned a lot about cuts of beef and how to make them shine. It has been a long road, even though I can now butcher my own deer, cooking it is a dr. google experience. Any tips with successful outcomes is mightily appreciated!
I'm making the other tri tip pieces with black beans, onions, salsa and will hve shredded cheese and thinly slivered cabbage to make burritos. And sour cream, if DH wants it. Need to use it up too.
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Raining right now (after a brief period of hail). The severe T-storm warning has 45 min. to go before it expires. I'm a bit more sanguine now than I was last Fri. TV signal (satellite) breaking up--will switch to antenna if I need to. (Just unplugged the laptop on which I'm typing).
My phone has been ringing off the hook these last few days with mayoral & aldermanic run-off robo-calls.7pm (polls close) can't come too soon. The two mayoral candidates each have the same two TV spots each that they run ad nauseam in response to each other. Glad to see that the channel I'm watching is on "special report" for you-know-who's arraignment, because there are no commercials (also the only silver lining in storm coverage).
I got tri-tip from Snake River Farms when I used to subscribe to its Wagyu meat club. It's a flank-like cut made popular in CA by Sunset mag. back in the early '70s. Grilled it once for an outdoor party, and it was delicious (sliced on the bias like flank or skirt).
Sunday we went out for brunch after Bob's haircut downtown. Hugo's Frog Bar wasn't open yet but its sister next door, Gibson's, was. We had 6 raw oysters (3 ea. E. & W. coast). I had a small seared ahi salad, and Bob ordered a porterhouse, double-baked potato & creamed spinach. He ate half the sides and the filet portio of the steak; we took home the rest. I had some mesclun greens and we shared Little Gem lettuce with Portuguese sardines for a late dinner. Yesterday my tummy was sort of touchy after the onslaught of salad greens, but once it calmed down I had about 3 oz. of the steak and half the spinach for dinner.
Tonight will be surf & turf: we'll share the steak and I'll make either salmon or flounder (picking up today from Hooked on Fish). Unless, of course, Bob had meat for lunch, in which I'll get the remaining 4 oz. of steak and he'll get his choice of fish. Tomorrow night for our mini-Seder we'll have gefilte fish, chicken broth, veggies and the other fish--or if Bob gets home early enough, we'll go to L. Woods or Mon Ami Gabi for their Seder menu (no services). Fri. night for an early anniv. dinner we're taking the kids to Carnivale (their choice). Bob's working all weekend, so not sure if I'll take anyone out for Easter dinner Sunday (it's their actual anniversary, so they're going to their favorite sushi bar in Evanston).
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Minus I'm really limiting the packaged stuff as the sugar limit is 4 grams per anything with added sugar. I dont know what's magic about 4 grams but an awful lot of " healthier" processed foods have 4 grams noted. I appreciate the encouragement as this is going to be a long-term thing. I am making a Key Lime pie for Easter desert as we're having two other couples over for dinner. I'm planning that to be my only deviation.
Sandy appreciate the description/definition of tri-tip. I love flank steak marinated so may try that.
DH wanted to go out for Dunch (3:00 Lunch today). A Greek restaurant's beautiful Salmon Mediterranean salad. I tried to attach a picture but got a file error...
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Reader, be sure to let us know your opinion of the tri tip after you have it.
We had the leftover shepherd's pie last night and another romaine salad.
I plan to shop today for a ham to cook for Sunday. DH's Easter Sunday menu includes ham and potato salad with baked beans another side popular with him. This menu is guaranteed to add 3 to 4 lbs to my next day weigh in.
In past years Easter Sunday was a family dinner but no longer. We will go to my younger sister's house, about 15 minutes away, and provide the ham and potato salad. She will cook the baked beans and possibly another side dish. There may just be the four of us or her son may come for a short time with his wife and two small children. The little boy has autism and is a whirling dervish. At age four he still doesn't talk. He goes to a speech therapist.
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Ladies and Gentleman (Eric), I don't know about you, but I like knowing where people live. When BCO made this change over a year ago, my location disappeared. I assumed it was something that BCO took away. So, on the complaint thread, someone mentioned, and I noticed, their location was there. I went to my settings and low and behold, mine was set to private, I did not do that. So with just a click of a button, my location is now there. If anyone would like to do that, it's a simple fix.
If you are very very private, which some people are, that's ok too. This IS a public forum.
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Goldie - thank you so much for that information. I tried to change my settings but it wouldn’t let me save the changes. The frustration continues . .
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But now I see on my profile that it’s been changed but not showing up on my post. Sigh . .
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AuntieNance hmmmm, I had no problem changing it. Just checked the box from private to public and save. Maybe go to the topic below and ask the mods, it was recently dicussed there.
Breast Cancer Topic: Post your tech glitches, errors, issues, etc. here.
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Reader, congrats on the weight loss; results are a great motivator to stick with a plan. I have noticed a lot of processed foods (ketchup, for example) switched out high fructose corn syrup with offers of real sugar. Some mfg. have stopped adding sugar or at least cutting back. The consumer has power with their wallet. It helps that "keto diets" are the rage and the demand for no-sugar products has surged. I've found no-sugar ketchup and mayo, easily now.
Short of cooking from scratch and eating at home, looking at ingredient lists is about the best you can do (or ask wait staff) to limit added sugar.The burritos were a hit. I have leftover meat so we'll have nachos tonight.
Next week, DHs beam radiation starts so we may have big salads for dinner.
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I got the location part to be public and it is displayed, but even after changing my location to Snowflake, it's still showing my old location of Peoria. I'll see if it works for new posts and if it does work, I'll probably have to remember to do it again when all the website work is done.
For dinner last night I prepared a pork roast and potatoes (typical meat and potatoes, I guess). I was going to make a salad, but the lettuce was from before we went to Phoenix and looked bad enough to make a forensic entomologist want to look away. So, we did not have a salad.
Sharon is cooking tonight. I can smell sesame and ginger,and I saw she got some "baby corn" when we went shopping today. So, I'm guessing an oriental dish. :-)
I purchased a whole chicken (on one of those "flash sales for $1.99 per pound) so tomorrow I'll roast the chicken.
Over the past couple of days, we've been at MIL's place several times. The day before yesterday was for setting up a television and getting a streaming service going (and visiting). Yesterday was the post hospital medical followup appointment but not much visiting as she was *EXHAUSTED* after the appointment. Today we stopped by to bring her a salt and pepper shaker. :-) Today she was in good spirits and good energy levels. And, unlike the past couple of days, she wasn't short of breath.
The rocks on the road are...WOW!!!! The last trip to Phoenix we had two windshield chips on the way there and one chip on the trip home. All were from oncoming traffic.
...edit was to see if I could get rid of the Peoria in location.
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We did have the tri-tip nachos tonight. Wonderful. A few pieces of beef leftover that will go into our lunch salads. I'm thawing a coho (one I caught and filleted last season), sides TBD.
My estranged twin phoned me today to let me know her husband died. Bitter-sweet.
Winds are kicking up and we may see some rain tomorrow, which means grocery shopping for sides for the coho.
Eric, so lovely to hear your MIL is doing well. How fortunate she is to be in the folds of a loving family.
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2" of rain today. More tomorrow.
Just discovered a loose tooth yesterday & dentist discovered that a tooth right next to the front has a hairline fracture at the gum line. For heaven's sake - I was eating Cheerios & cut bananas soaked in milk..... Really no solution except extraction & bridge or extraction & implant. In all honesty, an implant is less care every day for the next 15 years (life expectancy here). My Prolia shot had already been put off to 4/13 and the endocrinologist is already pissed - so everything just became really urgent to try to avoid osteonecrosis of the jaw. I hope I can convince the periodontist to pull it tomorrow or Friday (if they are open on Good Friday). Darn I hate dentists. I do like my individual dentists personally, but I hate anyone messing in my mouth. So I guess - wish me good luck getting one of my front teeth pulled when I have at least 5 meetings this month, two of which I will have to chair with an evident hole in my mouth.