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So...whats for dinner?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2023

    Went to L. Woods last night because Bob wanted its Mon. turkey dinner special. Alas, they were out of it, so he had a brisket sandwich and garlic mashed potatoes. I had the "mahogany-roasted" half chicken and a baked sweet potato. We shared green beans and creamed spinach. Took home 3/4 of the sweet potato, the remainder of the veg., and the white half of the chicken.

    Cheddar omelet for lunch today. Picking up Alaskan salmon (fresh) & seafood boudin (frozen) today. May put the salmon aside for tomorrow because HK is off Thurs. so the fish smell will have dissipated from the kitchen by Fri. May give Bob the chicken breast and for my protein have the other half of a can of sardines and maybe a slice of lox, or I might grill myself an eggplant "steak" and an ear of corn for Bob. We'll split the rest of the leftover veg. He still has the empanadas & tamales I bought him yesterday—forgot to take them with him for lunch. (Or deliberately left them in order to have a big greasy Italian lunch at Pompeii).

    Hit the remaining two 'maters on the vine last night with cayenne. Will grind up some stale decaf beans and strew them on the surface of the soil in the pots, as I've read squirrels hate the scent of coffee. (Used wet grounds go into the compost bin).

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 942
    edited August 2023

    Made old reliable tonight - baked eggplant parmesan using eggplant from nephew's garden, and a side green salad. We had a busy day today including meeting with movers to plan our fall move to coastal Carolina. Warmer year round Temps and escape from DC traffic are two of the many draws. But lots to so between now and then!

    Tomorrow after errands and an appointment downtown I will stop at my favorite DC french Bistro since I'll soon have limited opportunities to stop at this sweet place come ☕️🥐

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Reader, I would be interested in your procedure for making the eggplant parm. Eggplant is a favorite veggie for me.

    Last night's dinner was a pasta salad made with blanched broccoli, fresh tomato and cucumber, and diced summer sausage. Dressing was ranch dressing and mayo. Sides were marinated blanched green beans, sliced white beets in vinegar. A farmer gave me the white beets. They're sweet and tasty.

    Tonight we're meeting Judi and Ron, neighbor vendors at the farmers market, at the Mexican restaurant in town. Can't recall the name.

    We're in for a hot day today after a string of pleasant days.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    Making shaved steak grinders tonight with onions, peppers and mushrooms. Going to slice up a zucchini and a yellow neck squash to put in a salad to go with it.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Roasted potatoes with chicken hindquarters and steamed broccoli last night.

    Tonight will be the polenta leftovers and tomorrow, our trip to sequim so leftover chicken.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Mommyof3, you've been absent a long time. Good to see a post from you.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    Been busy with classes for my Bachelors degree

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Bob just wanted his empanadas & tamales, plus some green beans. I reheated the L.Woods leftovers, and also shelled & sauteed some leftover edamame in garlic-ginger oil, salt & mirin. So I had half a sweet potato, half a cup each of edamame and leftover roasted carrots, and about 1/3 of the chicken breast (and all its skin). Did comfort-cheat at bedtime with a couple bowls of plain Cheerios & raisins. (Nervous about Bob's orthopod appt. today and my oral-surgeon one tomorrow).

    Brunch was one "serving" of Birch Benders keto pancake mix (added a small beaten egg and substituted milk for half the water). Will make Alaska salmon tonight—debating about whether to cedar-plank it outdoors (supposed to be clear tonight) or pan-sear it indoors; my HK hates the smell of fried fish, but she's out tomorrow and the odor should be gone by Friday.

    Bob's ortho dx for his ankle was tendinitis due to overpronation—so he has to get orthotics. No boot. But being a typical guy, he didn't mention the leg fatigue, difficulty stair-climbing or getting up from a seated position.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Hey all! Been reading, just not posting, plus I've been in the hospital, kidney failure, but all is good now. Air Fryer chicken last night with some broccoli and garlic pasta. Tonight is beef stew, been craving it! Beef, French onion soup that I made fresh from garden onions and froze, carrots, potatoes, celery, lima beans, green beans and corn, everything but the kitchen sink! Can't wait!

    You guys and egg plant, that's one I can't do! That and okra. If someone to serve me eggplant lasagna or parmesan, I would eat it, just not making it!

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896

    Goldie - glad you are on the mend. Sandy good luck with your oral surgeon appt tomorrow I saw the back/pain mgt doc today . He was very positive that my back issues were very treatable as was my chronic knee pain. Of course all of that involves needles I’m quite sure and indeed I’m scheduled for a shot in the back next week . If it works I’m all for it

    Spanish tortilla tonight with a side salad

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Hi everyone.

    Dinner tonight was a baked potato, corn & a hamburger, all cooked in the hotel room's microwave oven.

    The room has plates, tableware, bowls, refrigerator-freezer and the microwave oven. So, I can eat in my room. Also, I can get a hotel provided "hot plate", and a skillet if I want.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Tonight was fettuccine Alfredo with chicken, a hunk of French bread, Cesar salad and a fun size almond joy for dessert.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 942

    A lot of good eating is going on here 😋

    Carole, the eggplant is based on the old Moosewood cookbook recipe, if you are familiar. It's fairly easy. Basically prep. The eggplant by making 1 inch slices, dip them in milk, then in panko or seasoned crumbs. Lay flat on a sheet pan, drizzle with olive oil if you wish, and bake at 375 for about 30 minutes. Once that's done you can freeze them ( flat) or continue. Doing this part ahead makes doing the actual recipe a cinch.

    When ready, pour a tomato sauce of your liking in the bottom of an 8" pan (or really any size pan, two pans, whatever). Then alternate the baked eggplant disc's with sauce, shredded mozzarella and discs until out of something. Top with a hefty bit of any preferred parmesan cheese. Pop in 375 oven again for 30 minutes. I make it too much but my husband loves it and he can be a bit fussy.

    Tonight DH made very good BLTs for dinner. I had picked up good champagne bread at Whole Foods and it went well.

    I was a little down today. I met with my nutritionist and she has a tough approach. It really hurt my feelings today. At one point she said "I don't need your business..." in what I perceived as an effort to say 'let's not waste our time' or something. But ouch.

    I need to focus back on why cutting sugar is important to me rather than noting how I felt like such a failure in that area. I believe I will use the two remaining sessions with her and call it. I have lost 6 lbs so far but I'm used to a more supportive approach. I'm also a sensitive person if you couldn't tell. Hah! 🤔

    Sorry so long. Hope you all have a good day tomorrow

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Oh Moosewoods - we had members who used to post about group gatherings at Moosewood. Was it Michelle? Hmmmm… Maybe Apple?

    Reader - can't believe a provider would say "I don't need your business". I think you don't need her.

    Goldie - thanks for the update. I'm so glad first of all that you're back home and then that you can eat normal things again.
    Mae: I was so excited to finally see it get down to 102 here at 6pm. How are the days at the beach house?

    Eric: obviously you've been deployed & I missed it. Stay safe.

    I agree - great to see Mommy of 3 posting again. Hang in there with the bachelors classes.

    Nance - needles sound like a better solution than surgery. Hope it works.

    Dinner was potato salad paired with the last Hatch Chili scone from the freezer. Tomorrow I'll drive across town to buy scones from the new crop. 10 pm snack was a few cold boiled shrimp since I'm still trying to clear the freezer.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Dinner was a Caprese over arugula, with Spanish "Drizzle" EVOO and D.O.P. aged (25-yr) aceto balsamico (the real stuff); nuked leftover edamame, carrots & 1/4 of a sweet potato (for me); corn on the cob with ramp butter (for Bob); and pan-seared wild Alaskan salmon. Dessert was 1/2 sq. of Ghirardelli 72% chocolate and a slice of multigrain sourdough toast.

    If we don't go out tomorrow night, then I'll probably make either the seafood boudin with peppers & grilled eggplant, or a choucroute garnie with bacon, grass-fed beef hot dog, pasture-raised pork Polish sausage, and a chicken brat.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    Thinking its gonna be a leftovers night for dinner.

  • aussie12
    aussie12 Member Posts: 421

    Hi all

    Thankyou all for your kind comments. I have been doing ok, some days not much energy but trying to do a few things. I went to the shops today and brought a few things. Milk, soup, custard and not much else.

    All your food descriptions sound yummy. Maybe I might be able to eat something better soon. I'm surprised that I can't eat mashed potato or bread. I'm craving KFC mash and gravy !!!

    It's winter here and we had a big storm last night.

    Aussie12 Carol

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Reader, yum on the eggplant recipe.

    Last night's Mexican restaurant meal wasn't great. We won't be going there again. Even the margarita was a bit of disappointment.

    Tonight will be a ribeye steak.

    Hope the shots do the trick, Nance.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    reader, I wouldn’t think you are sensitive to that comment, that comment are probably the tone that came with it are completely out of line.

    minus, the days are warm in the 80’s but it’s rained the last few afternoons, dropping the temps to the low 60’s. You definitely don’t hear me complaining.

    Another reduced (500 or less) calorie day for me. So, salad it is but I love salad, no big sacrifice.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Reader, how horrible for a healthcare provider to be so insensitive. I'd mention something to his/her boss. Totally unnecessary and what a way to invoke negative associations with weight issues. Unbelievable. Can you ask to schedule with someone different, explaining why?

    Aussie, I'm so envious you are having winter!!

    We are heading to Sequim today so it will be the chicken leftovers tonight.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Yes.. Deployed. Doing routine equipment checks.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    Hi all, I am behind again…

    reader - there are still restaurants I miss in NOVA where we lived for 10 years when DH was at the Pentagon. Last Valentine's Day I got a frantic text from DD that Mike's American Grill was on fire - not only a fave place to eat (part of the GAR group of restaurants) but I also used to work there. There was a rather amazing response from several fire depts - we joked they all loved eating there too and were determined to save it. Fortunately, the damage was fairly confined to ducting and the restaurant was back open super fast! Wishing you the best with your move to NC - I would def think less traffic, but maybe not less humidity… I am also appalled at the comment made to you by the person you were seeing for nutrition assistance - very unnecessary, rude, and hurtful - it is her, not you!

    illimae - I may have missed it, but are you doing a kind of fasting on certain days to aid with treatment?

    aussie - thinking of you and hoping you can eat some good tasting things soon. I am a potato girl so I would be wanting that too!

    chisandy - are you finally feeling better?

    auntie - hoping some injections can do the trick, glad to hear that the doc thinks your pain can be managed - always good news, and I am sure a relief to you.

    mommy - good to see you! Welcome back!

    goldie - glad you are doing better!

    minus - Hatch chili scone - yum! I made some Hatch chili cheesy rice a week or so ago - it was good!

    carole - funny that you mentioned margaritas, we were just discussing them last night. It was DD's 34th birthday yesterday and she and beau came for dinner. We were talking about free things you can get on your birthday around Tampa. A few years ago DH took me out for my birthday and we went everywhere I had a free thing or discount coupon - it was so fun right up until the margarita at a local Mexican restaurant. I don't have them often and it had been probably 10 years since I had one - lime juice and tequila in combination are apparently no longer my friends… I had a Nissen surgery many years ago that left me sensitive to most hard alcohol, and too much citrus. I was in so much pain I was actually kind of scared, but fortunately it subsided after a few hours. No mas margaritas!

    wally - roasted potatoes, chicken, broccoli sound like a perfect dinner and great leftovers! I roasted chicken(s) last night with butter and herbs under the skin for DD's birthday dinner, and I have more leftover than I thought I would. Will need to transform the remaining chicken into more dinners in the coming couple of days, but leftovers are a good thing for quick options. It is hot here (you would hate it!) so I am thinking main dish salad.

    eric - sounds like you are being creative in your hotel kitchen! Hope you are not deployed for too long, I am sure you are missing home.

    If I missed anyone - hi!!!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    special, not for treatment, my weight is creeping up a bit but I can’t do a real fast because no food causes extreme nausea. I think this will work to take off what the last 2 trips to Houston put on.

    Salad tonight. Not in a meat mood right now, so maybe a big loaded baked potato tomorrow.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    AuntieNance, my DH used to get those shots. I cringe at some of the placements of those needles and how BIG they are! But they always helped. Good luck.

    Eric, safe travels during your deployment. Nice that they have a hot plate/skillet you can use.

    Illimae, sometimes you feel like a nut....

    Reader, a good BLT sounds soooo good, however my garden did not produce 💩 this year! And what a horrible thing for someone to say to another person, what a hateful, thoughtless person. I'm sorry that happened to you. I don't know that 6 lbs is worth returning to her. Can you get a refund for your remaining 2 sessions, or see someone else?

    WallyCat, as always, I'm chuckling over your loving colder weather!

    SpecialK, when is your move? CO right?

    Leftovers for me. Fed my friends DH as she is out of town, and I needed him to put a tire on my quad trailer. Need it to fill some ruts/holes on my road. Did a little bit this morning, but it gets hot QUICK, plus my back doesn't like it much! More tomorrow or the next day. Then it will rain and wash all my work away!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    Hubby surprised me with a salad with grilled chicken and something for him. Been pretty busy today trying to write a 2-3 page essay.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Reader, this is why some healthcare providers should go into research and not be unleashed upon patients. Illegitimi non carborundum. ("Don't let the bastards grind you down").

    Aussie, glad you could get out & about, if only to the shops. I hope you can add ice cream to that list!

    I put excess coffee grounds (from the espresso grinder) on the soil in the tomato pots. The cayenne is still atop the two on the vine, so hope springs eternal.

    Illimae, eat intuitively. 500 cal./day is unhealthy unless you're lying flat on your back. You don't want your metabolism to go into "starvation mode."

    I ate only a stick of string cheese this morning, as I had to go straight from my mani-pedi to the oral surgeon and had no way to brush & floss before the latter appt. So I just killed off a nice latte as soon as I got home. Not sure what Bob wants to do for dinner—he's getting an oil change right now. (We hate the Hyundai dealership that much that he's willing to pay JiffyLube for an oil change that is supposed to come free with his car). Wish he'd stopped off at Alamo Shoes beforehand to buy a pair of orthotics, but they close at 6 and it probably hadn't occurred to him anyway.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Sandy, thanks for the tip. I’ve heard of intuitive eating but looked it up only to find that I have been eating that way since 2020, when a complication from brain surgery caused me to starve for 6 months. My low calorie days are only 2 per week and not consecutive, so I feel ok with it, it’s only temporary.

    My salad was great and crunchy with lots of red and green cabbage included.

    craving red beans and rice, so that’s on DH’s to do list very soon.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 942

    Thank you all for the support and ideas regarding my health care issue. It meant a lot to be reminded this one wasn't "me." I Sent the nutritionist a note today informing her that I would get in touch if I wished to use the two remaining sessions, thanked her for what I did learn and implement. And I laughed out loud at Sandy's Latin quote. (Glad you are feeling better dental-wise and with the strep).

    Special we will miss the great restaurants in this area for sure. Sweetwater Tavern, another GAR I think is next up for a local family gathering.

    Goldie how nice of your friend's DH to help out that way. Also glad you are feeling better.

    Illimae red beans and rice...yum!

    Wally safe travels!

    Tonight was dinner at a local Italian place. Balsamic glazed chicken, cappelini with an olive oil drizzle, broccoli cooked just perfect and a glass of clos du bos pinot noir. No bread even though it's probably homemade (focaccia). Yummy all around

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    Thinking BLT tonight

  • aussie12
    aussie12 Member Posts: 421

    Hi all

    Sandy yes luckily I'm allowed to eat ice-cream !!!

    I eat it during the day because the night it's too cold.

