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So...whats for dinner?



  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    minus - also sending my best wishes for your DH - glad he is doing better, my BFF was very good friends with her ex-husband also - sometimes the marriage doesn't work out but the friendship endures. My DS is good at remaining friends with his ex-girlfriends, DD, not so much. She is a bridge burner of the highest order. When my DH got Covid a little over a year ago I was surprised how sick he got - he is almost never sick, so I naively assumed if he did get it he would have a mild case. Wrong… Also glad your son had already scheduled a visit so was available to spend time with his dad.

    We have spent the last several days going to the downtown house in the morning to check on things ow that it is officially up for sale, then in the evening to do the same, and to water since we have not had rain in the last few days. There was an open house on both Sat and Sun, and several private showings scattered in between. There is a showing reservation system that sends me a text whenever someone schedules one. I like that because then I am aware when someone has been in the house. I received a text from the realtor who said it was a "great weekend" but she was headed into a meeting and would call me later.

    Last night we had an alfredo sauce with mushrooms and sausage over cauliflower pappardelle for DH, and butternut squash ravs for me. Also had some sauteed zucchini. We went out to breakfast over by the othr house and he had a really nice omelet and I had eggs Benedict. It was yummy. Not sure what tonight's dinner will be - but possibly chicken and apple sausage with some spicy BBQ sauce over brown rice, with a side of roasted carrots. I have a bag of carrot sticks that DH brought home from an event that DD was involved in - called a daycation - that was put on by her boat dealership. The company took two big boats (one driven by DD with her beau, her dad and his friend on board) to an island over in Pinellas county and all their boat owners were invited so it was a group that motored over in their boats, and then set up tents on the beach and had lunch and fun water activities. I did not go - too hot for me. I would have had to be covered head to toe because of my abundant skin cancer, and it was 100 degrees - no thank you.

    I will be curious to see what happens to Rao's with the Campbell's acquisition - particularly the price. I wonder if being absorbed by a large company will make the price go down - dare we hope? I only buy it when it is on sale.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    I made it home.

    Minus….glad you're still friends with your "ex", and I'm glad to hear that he's getting better. As for the warehouse location, they don't want it to be located "too closely"…,,,,,Maryland, outside of Washington DC. :-) In the link I sent, there are some pictures of the inside of the warehouse.

    I just got the stuff I need to finish off the paperwork so the government will pay the government credit card that is in my name…..If I don't get the paperwork done, I get to pay the bill….so…..back to that.. :-)

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896

    I caught a salmon once in Vancouver. In spite of not being a fan of any salmon except smoked, we cooked it on an outdoor grill and it was delicious.

    Scary stuff on your ex’s Covid minus - glad he’s on the mend

    So far the shot in the back has been a disappointment and not worth the pain of the injection I had one day of no pain and it’s been downhill since then. So disappointing.

    We’re having Texas relatives (DSIL, DBIL, niece and her daughter starting college in Saint Louis Thursday) tomorrow until Saturday so a marathon shopping trip is scheduled this morning. Maybe I’ll get some inspiration for dinner while I’m there. Tomorrow’s menu is chicken enchiladas, Spanish rice and caesar salad for six. No idea about tonight which is typical.

    Good luck on selling the house Special . It’s kind of like fishing waiting for a bite!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    We had the eggplant lasagna last night with a tossed salad. The eggplant tasted delicious even though it was a little on the "soupy" side, thanks to not letting it sit a few minutes.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 942

    We had a cheeseburger mac type thing and applesauce. I also warmed half of an artisan loaf of rye bread and had some of that. My stomach was off and the carbs were helpful.

    Carole, love the eggplant 🍆 lasagna!

    Nance I am sorry about the lack of lasting relief from your shot.

    Tonight may be leftover Indian food from Sunday evening, not sure.

    Have a good day all!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Hi all. It’s been several days (83 notifications, wow).

    Recently, I made seared tuna steak with veggies, ribs and filet at Texas Roadhouse, orange chicken from Panda Express on the way out of El Paso after treatment. Tonight will be cauliflower linguine with broccoli and mushrooms for DH. Tomorrow I plan to do a pot roast.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Tonight will be baby back ribs finished on the grill. They're cooking now in the slow cooker. Side will be baked sweet potatoes.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401
    edited August 2023

    I used the leftover rice from my Saag dinner to make fried rice. Tomorrow, I'll add some protein to it and flesh it out. I'm thawing a venison tenderloin tomorrow for Thursday.

    It has been 88 for 3 days and I'm over it. Finally dropped to 73 in the last 1/2 hour. Summer in the PNW is most unpleasant when temps get high. We've been in the 60 to 71 most of the summer so far…Is it October yet?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Mae - glad to see you. I think the orange chicken from Panda Express is decent. Carole - I like your idea of pre-cooking the ribs. Special - your boat trip sounds like lots of fun. Now to just get rid of that extra house. Nance - I agree with Reader - so sorry the shot didn't help. Was the shot cortisone? Or what?

    I have too many darn leftovers in the fridge from my son's visit - some that can't be frozen like the salmon spread & egg salad & avocados. So I've been eating too much. My life & my body are much happier with one meal a day - usually in the mid to late afternoon. I might have a cookie later, or popcorn, or not. Today I had a salad with bacon, tomatoes, avocados & hard boiled eggs. I had a meeting at the "cop shop" about human trafficking tonight (I need to email Lacey) so I didn't have my usual early evening cocktail. Drinking a hefty glass of Baileys as we speak. Or maybe two.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Last night was a jump up night. I'm still falling asleep early (8pm) and, after running 4 miles, I wasn't hungry…so a peach was "it" for me.

    Sharon had some home made macaroni & cheese and a hot dog.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    We're having jump ups/leftovers tonight.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2023

    Been remiss here, as I've had other sites to deal with as well as various bits of "life getting in the way." Most recent is my internet going out overnight due to an "area-wide interruption; RCN is guesstimating 7:30pm for restoration. So I'm using my phone as a hotspot. Don't wanna see how much of a data overage my next bill will show. Seriously considering getting an additional ISP to stay connected—maybe T-Mobile, since that's what I use for my aux. iPhone line due to unlimited data, which is useful when traveling to areas where I can't get AT&T (or hotels whose wi-fi stinks) and I want to stream. (Unfortunately, I don't have a hotspot enabled on that carrier, just AT&T & Verizon, the latter of which is the carrier for my iPadPro which I use as my travel computer).

    So let's catch up foodwise since the weekend. Sat. night was prime rib at L. Woods, so I ordered out & picked up from there because Bob was on call to read EKGs & echoes. Had enough leftovers for Sunday's dinner—plus salad. Monday's farmers' mkt. was a bust—due to severe storm warnings, half the vendors were missing. Got Bob his tamales, but the empanada guy wasn't there. When Bob came home I wasn't ready yet for dinner, so he ate the tamales (he wanted to lunch yesterday at Pompeii) and I nuked the remaining wings in the freezer, with celery sticks and half a tomato. Last night, per his request, I dug out a couple of seafood andouille sausages (not very spicy) and sliced & grilled half an eggplant and an ear of corn; had tomatoes over mesclun.

    Brunch today was a riff on the egg-on-a-roll sandwiches of my Brooklyn college days: fried egg, nuked bacon & cheddar between Brownberry keto sandwich thins. Tonight I'll cedar-plank the coho salmon I bought yesterday from Hooked on Fish (so as not to stink up the kitchen). If that's not enough protein, will make a Greek salad with boquerones (white anchovies) & feta.

    The one time I went salmon fishing, in summer 1971, was a disaster. It was a group excursion from Bob's UW yeast-genetics lab to Neah Bay, WA on the Makah reservation at the tip of the Olympic peninsula. One boat quickly caught the limit. Ours had no such luck: our skipper was persona non grata among the sport-fishing-captain community (apparently he'd found a run and kept the news to himself), no longer had sonar, and nobody was willing to share the location of their finds with him. Nobody on our boat (except said skipper) caught anything other than mal de mer. Adding insult to injury was a 45-min. delay getting back to Seattle due to a couple of recalcitrant moose in the middle of the road (staring at us with "what are YOU lookin' at?" expressions). Fortunately, the thesis advisor was on the other boat—the next night he dug a pit in his backyard in Bellevue, put two giant "kings" between chicken wire & logs, and served us all an amazing grilled salmon dinner.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Dunch was an egg salad sandwich. Tomorrow I'll go see my ex and take him some Tate's Chocolate Chip cookies. Not homemade since I don't turn on the oven when it 102-105 every day. Although we actually had a cold snap last night (LOL). It got clear down to 79 (not a typo- seventy nine was a wonderful low)

    Has anyone found the "new" mini-bundt cakes at Costco yet? I've read great reviews and they're supposed to be in the deli section. My Costco didn't have them.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    We're having a Thanksgiving in August dinner tonight on Mary's deck, which is large enough to accommodate tables seating 10 people. I paid for the turkey and that's my contribution. Mary is roasting the turkey, making her dressing and gravy and mashed potatoes, also a squash dish, which is a must for her turkey dinners. Laurie is insisting on making dressing and gravy, too. Mary was too nice to tell Laurie to butt out but the rest of us hear complaints. LOL. I'm happy to sample two dressings and two gravies.

    DH was frying bacon this morning for his breakfast. I asked that he cook a couple of slices for me. I used them to make myself a delicious BLT with slices from one of the tomatoes grown by Mary. We've been feasting on the home grown tomatoes and cucumbers.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    minus - I was definitely not on the boat with DH and DD - way too hot here for me, and I would have to be covered from head to toe due to my proclivity for making skin cancer. I have lived in FL for 17 years and have never been to the beach in the daytime. I can count the number of times I have been in our pool, which is always in direct sunlight, on one hand. They had a great time though - it is just not a good type of event for me. DH had fun delivering sandwiches from the cooler on his paddleboard to people out in the water. He's a nut.

    illimae - what kind of cauliflower pasta do you use? I love the frozen Caulipower linguine and pappardelle, I am less enthused with the penne, but DH loves short pasta - so I sometimes get it.

    I just made red potato salad with sour cream dressing with dill and scallions, and an orzo salad with Greek dressing and a ton of veggies, kalamata olives, etc. Not sure if either of those will play into dinner as I also need to cook some thawed ground beef, so I am thinking spaghetti with meat sauce. We are trying to be more strict with gluten avoidance - DH has been 100% compliant this week and he can tell - if he eats it he has joint pain, assume this is connected to his Hashimoto's. I will use either the cauliflower linguine or GF angel hair dried pasta. Night before last we had a kale/romaine salad dressed with vinaigrette and topped with shredded beef in peanut sauce, scallion, and sliced almonds, along with broccoli salad that had shallot, bacon, and dried cranberries in a creamy sweet and sour dressing. DH had the leftovers for dinner last night, I just had the broccoli salad.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401
    edited August 2023

    Last night was Caprese salad. Tonight, tenderloin stroganoff. Finally having a cool day. Sadly, the Canadian wildfires may impact our air quality for a day or two starting tomorrow evening. Blech.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Today's meal was sauteed garlic shrimp over rice. That was served with very small slices of baby carrots sauteed in butter with onion & garlic, then add 1/4 cup of broth (I used vegetable) and 2 T of honey - and both dill & rosemary - and simmer for 20 minutes. Next time I'll do dill & tarragon.

    Still working on my salmon spread. I need to finish if off this weekend.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Mary's turkey dinner on Thursday night was a big success. There were 9 of us on her deck. Both dressings/stuffings (hers and Laurie's) were good. However Mary's gravy was definitely the winner. Laurie's gravy was thick, like a tan bechamel sauce.

    Dinner last night was warmed up turkey dinner leftovers.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Here, last night's meal was a burrito from the gas station……we went to Show Low to drop off a few things and a friend invited us to their place. We had to leave early. The roads to their place are dirt and the HUGE rain storm that was approaching would likely have trapped us there.

    It rained there, and most of the way home. The rain stopped a mile or so from home and at home, it was completely dry.

    I was "going steady" during my prime have a girlfriend ages, so I didn't have any burned bridges then. Later, I had a few gf, but they were really friends. Then I met Sharon. :-)

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    We went out for lunch —carne asada and shredded chicken enchiladas. Enough to have leftovers for dinner.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    French toast with two scrambled eggs. Then at 8pm - 1/2 a bagel with salmon spread. Tomorrow I need to eat the rest of the fresh raspberries - with heavy cream of course.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Summer returned yesterday. It got up to 90. We went to bed with the a/c on. It was in the 60's this morning and is supposed to be cool all day.

    Because of the heat I used the burner on the gas grill to boil eggs and then boil diced potatoes to make mashed potato salad the way my mother made it, with mayo and yellow mustard dressing. I made a large amount, using all the sprouted russet potatoes. The meat was chicken legs roasted in an aluminum pan, using the gas grill as an oven. We both enjoyed the meal.

    I thawed a pork roast overnight and will stuff it with garlic and chopped green onion and cayenne. I will cook it in the slow cooker or in an electric roaster that Mary remembered she had stored in her shed.

    It's countdown time for food in the freezer.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    It's supposed to be windy, and possibly there will be some rain, today. Some of this might be from (now) tropical storm Hilary, but most is probably just "normal" monsoon storms. It's around 80F degrees right now and the clouds are heavy enough that I don't think it will get much warmer.

    Today is a sourdough day. I had to sift the flour to get rid of the "unwanted protein" wiggling around in the flour. I had the flour in the freezer for a couple of weeks before taking it out right before I left for my warehouse stint. Either the flour got "reinfected" or the freeze didn't kill all the bugs.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Carole, I had to google the potato salad; YUM! and YUM on Eric's sourdough!

    DH is having the leftover stroganoff and I thawed some scallops (he is not a fan) and will concoct some kind of soup with somen noodles and spinach. Tomorrow, calves liver and onions and steamed broccoli.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    I too make potato salad with mayo & yellow mustard - but don't usually mash it. I like it warm or cold. Recently I've been tossing in a scoop of sour cream too.

    Dinner was left over garlic shrimp. BOY that was good. Then I toasted 1/2 a bagel to soak up the butter & garlic drippings.

    If I can force myself to run errands tomorrow in the heat (106 today), I'll stop at Nothing Bundt Cakes to use the coupon I got for a free bundtlette. And just down the street is Chicken Salad Chick. I hope they still have some of the Dilly chicken salad they carry only briefly in the summer.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    The pork roast cooked in the borrowed electric roaster turned out really good, more like a roast cooked in the oven than one cooked in a slow cooker. However, I had to keep checking and adding liquid so it was more trouble than a slow cooker. The lid fits loosely and there are two steam release holes.

    We had leftover potato salad and sliced tomatoes and cucumbers dressed with vinegar and EVOO.

    I have corn on the cob and fresh green beans that need to be cooked tonight.

    Yum on scallops, dh's favorite seafood.

  • clars
    clars Member Posts: 46

    Hi 👋 I’ve never posted on any of the non treatment or diagnosis specific threads before! It’s nice to talk about something other than cancer.

    We have an allotment we grow vegetables in and it’s gone wild in this weather, so much to eat!

    Tonight we had an aubergine and lentil gratin, with chard, kale and green beans on the side.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Welcome, clars. Sounds like a great vegetarian meal! Please join us regularly.

    Our dinner last night was a box Spanish rice with the addition of diced leftover pork roast. Also fresh green beans and sliced tomato, cucumber and avocado. Lots of the rice dish leftover.

    We learned about 4:30 pm that Clancy's was serving the meatloaf special but by then dinner was prepped and planned and I didn't feel like going out to eat.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Hi Clars. Welcome…pull up a metaphorical chair, have a seat and relax!

    I'm glad you're garden is doing well… I wish mine was… :-) This year's weather was not so good for the garden. Last year, the weather was much better and the results showed it.

    We just brought in another load of books from storage and are getting them onto the bookshelves. This load was 834 pounds/380kg. I just heard Sharon say, "This is awesome. It's starting to look like a home again." I'm thinking along the lines of "Christmas in August"! :-)

    Dinner last night was fish burritos, but neither of has many dinner decisions about tonight. We did stop at a local restaurant and ate a big lunch, so we might not be hungry for dinner.

    Has anyone heard from Goldie?

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    1/2 of a frozen pizza. Tomorrow will be the liver and onions leftovers.

    Welcome Clars! Our garden is doing OK, considering Dh did little with it. He's the avid gardener in our family. We've been enjoying the Japanese turnips and soon, we hope to harvest some green beans.