So...whats for dinner?



  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Posts: 2,047

    O2b- I think I just drooled a little bit ;)  I love breakfast food.

    Designermom- your dinner sounds amazing, can you share the recipe?

  • I had leftover rack of lamb with the Pommes Anna I made last night.  Then orange-glazed carrots and broccolini.  With some good local cab that I got on sale.

    I am one very happy camper.

    Agree on rotisserie chicken as one of the great inventions.  Sometimes I put into Chicken Pot Pie.

    I am not a big "wraps" person, but will do a curry.  Great way of using up extra veggies including those in the freezer.  Usually work in some mango chutney, and of course basamati rice which I keep around anyway.

    Crab cakes........YUM.  May do those for V-day.

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653

    DesignerMom We don't eat like that all the time. Granted the S & W cabbage soup and Chicken Chili we do eat often because I make big batches and freeze. We eat a lot of white breasted no skin chicken and fish with lots of veggies. We also eat home made tacos with soft corn tortillas filled with lettuce, chopped tomato, chopped onion, avocado, low fat cheese and salsa.


    • 2 tbs chopped parsley
    • 1 tps of Dijon mustard
    • 1/2 tps Worcestershire sauce
    • 2 large eggs beaten
    • 2 tbs lite mayonnaise
    • 1 tps of lemon juice
    • 1lb of cooked crab meat
    • 1/2 cup of bread crumbs
    • pepper to taste
    • additional bread crumbs for coating
    • olive oil for pan frying (or olive oil Pam)

    1. mix together parsley, mustard, Worcestershire, eggs & mayonnaise.
    2. Add bread crumbs & crab meat. Try not to break up the crab meat too
        much or your cakes will be mushy.
    3. Divide into 1/3 cup portions and form patties (should make 8)
    4. Coat each patty top & bottom with more bread crumbs
    5. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes
    6. Saute for in olive oil on medium heat, both sides till golden brown.
        Be sure it doesn't stick.
    7. Drain oil on paper towel if needed.

    May be frozen after cooked.


    • ketchup
    • lemon juice
    • horse radish (Not the creamy kind. You can usually find this in the Jewish food section or refrigerated section of the grocery store)

    1. Add horse radish slowly to ketchup. If you like it hot add more horse radish.
    2. Add a little lemon juice.

    *Adapted from here:  

  • mumito
    mumito Posts: 2,007
    Yum I am trying the crab cake recipie this week.ThankyouTongue out
  • Laurie-  The chicken recipe is from the Sonoma Diet cookbook, one of my favorites.  It is really not "diet" food as much as a Mediterrannean aproach to eating.  It is also low glycemic, high fiber, loads of veggies and fruits.  She has great, easy recipes. 

    The Sonoma Diet by Connie Guttersen

    Prep: 35 Minutes
    Bake: 20 Minutes Oven: 400°F
    Makes: 4 Servings

    • 1 pound skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
    • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
    • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano or 1 teaspoon dried oregano, crushed
    • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme or 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme, crushed
    • 1 teaspoon finely shredded lemon peel
    • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
    • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
    • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
    • 10 ounces fresh asparagus, trimmed and cut into 2-inch pieces (2 cups)
    • 6 ounces pea pods, trimmed (2 cups)
    • 1 cup canned artichoke hearts, drained and quartered, or 1 cup frozen artichoke hearts, thawed and quartered
    • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
    • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
    • Parchment paper
    • 1/2 cup sliced green onions

    1. Cut chicken breasts crosswise into 1/2-inch slices. In a medium bowl combine oil, oregano, thyme, lemon peel, lemon ;uice, kosher salt, and pepper. Add chicken to bowl and toss to coat. Let stand while preparing vegetables

    2. In a large bowl combine asparagus, pea pods, artichoke hearts, cherry tomatoes, and parsley. Tear four 20x12-inch pieces of parchment paper; fold each in half crosswise and crease. Open up again. On half of one parchment sheet, arrange one-fourth of the vegetable mixture. Top with one-fourth of the chicken pieces. Top with one-fourth of the green onions. To make packet, fold parchment paper over chicken and vegetables. Crimp and fold edges to seal; twist corners. Repeat to make 4 packets.

    3. Place 2 packets on each of 2 baking sheets. Bake on separate racks in a 400° oven about 20 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink. (To test, carefully open the packets and peek.) Serve immediately.

    Nutrition Facts per serving: 249 cal., 8 g total fat (1 g sat. fat), 66 mg chol., 498 mg sodium, 13 g carbo., 6 g fiber, 31 g pro.

  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Posts: 2,047

    Lago- do you used dried or fresh bread crumbs for the crab cakes?

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653

    Laurie I'm lazy. I just use these:

    I'm sure you can use what ever you want and it will be tasty.

  • LOVE this thread!

    So many delicious recipes and ideas that it's hard to choose which to try first!!  Tonight is a meatloaf and mashed potato night along with roasted brussel sprouts, since I couldn't get those out of my head this week!

    I get the feeling after seeing that crabcake picture, LOTS of us will be having crab cakes on the menu soon... Just a

    Will probably head to the grocery store on Tuesday.  I think this week we're going to try Laurie's chicken salsa.  And I know we will need to try DesignerMom's recipe, too!! 

    I'm going to have to start writing down on what page things were posted that I want to try!  There are so many that I am losing track!

    Claire, I  do enjoy a good lamb dinner!  One of my favorites at a restaurant here is a lamb chop that they make with a honey and fig sauce.... soooo good!  When I make lamb at home, we usually do a leg of lamb greek-style... Loads of garlic, lemon and either oregano or rosemary!!

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653

    I highly recommend pasting you favorite recipes (and photo if included) in word documents.

  • lago, Good idea Smile!
  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Posts: 2,409

    Lots of great ideas here and they just keep on a comin'!!!  We watched Bobby Flay's Throwdown last night - the dish was moussaka.  Hubby decided I should try to make it, so it's currently in process.  If it's "worthy" I'll put a link to the recipe.  I don't care for eggplant and there was not one to be had at my grocery store today, so I'm making it with zucchini and potato. 


  • LuvRVing,

    My Mom and I get together 2 or 3 times a year and spend a Saturday afternoon making mousakka... A lot of work but SOOOOO good!  We started a year or two ago with 2 different recipes that we have finally blended into one that we both love!!  Did you partially peel your eggplant (kind of an every-other-strip kinda thing)?  That sometimes will make the eggplant a bit milder if it's not one of your favorite vegetables!

    If you like the dish overall but not the eggplant, there is a very similar dish that we make called Pasticcio.  It's similar but, uses macaroni in place of the eggplant and potatoes!

  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Posts: 2,047

    I agree, I think we will all be making crab cakes soon!  I know I am hoping to try it.  I hadn't planned a big Valentines day dinner but now I feel bad.  We never go out to eat on Valentines Day and my husband and I have very different tastes when it comes to "favorites".  I'll have to think of something and maybe stop at the grocery store in the morning to pick up any missing ingredients.  I am thinking of trying the crab cakes.

    Tonight is another easy lazy dinner.  I never seem to cook much on the weekends, the opposite as most people I guess.  We are having quesadilla's, vegi for me chicken and vegi for the hubby and kids. Tomatoes, mushrooms, red onion, peppers etc.

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Posts: 2,409


    I can see how this would be a great mother/daughter activity!  It has definitely taken the whole afternoon minus about an hour while the meat sauce did its thing.  It is now in the oven, I have tasted the two sauces and oh my, we are going to love this!  I didn't use eggplant because there was not a single one in the store.  So it's a zucchini/potato combo.  Also, I am not crazy about eggplant but I was willing to use it this first time.  I called my husband from my usual grocery store and asked him to check with another store but he said not to bother, so there you have it!  On the Throwdown last night, the competitor was Diane Kochilas and apparently she is a well-respected Greek chef.  She uses all three in her recipe. 

     Why is it that all these really interesting Food Network recipes use every pan in the kitchen?  Has anyone ever tried Martha Stewart's Macaroni & Cheese recipe?  It costs about $25 for all the ingredients, it uses about 5 different pans; but let me tell you, it is the BEST macaroni and cheese I've ever had.   Good thing, because the kitchen is a disaster area once you are finished!!!


  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    LuvRVing my mom would agree that Martha Stewart's Mac & Cheese is the best. I won't even look at the recipe till I can start working out again and lose the 7-8lbs I put on during chemo.
  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Posts: 2,409

    Lago - I've been following your journey on the October 2010 thread, along with Carrol's and a few of the folks from the KC area.  I hope your weight vanishes quickly...the diuretic should take care of it for you.  I didn't do chemo but I've lost 20 pounds since my diagnosis in June.  Thankfully, even Femara hasn't caused me to gain weight. 


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Posts: 3,548

    Tonight is chicken (hormone free free range) florentine (organic spinach). And salad and roasted asparagus. Yum!

  • Yeah Barbara!  Glad you made your way here!!  Chicken Florentine sounds good!!

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Posts: 2,409

    We have consumed the moussaka and the taste is amazing.  As the sauce was simmering, it reminded me of French Canadian croton or gorton (spelling depends on your region) with the scent of cinnamon, cloves and onions.  The only thing that I'm not crazy about is that it seemed a little "watery" even though I let it sit for about 15 minutes before I cut it.  That could be from the zucchini, although it seems eggplant would do the same thing.  I am guessing that it will be more "solid" tomorrow, similar to lasagna.  Here's a link to the FoodNetwork recipe that I mostly followed:

    It's definitely a labor of love, but worthy of affection!


  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653

    LuvRVing I lost 8.5- lbs with the diuretic Friday/Saturday. The other 7-8 are from lack of exercise and being much more sedentary from chemo and winter. I'll get it off. Yes at one point I had an extra 16lbs on me!

    Finally made the spaghetti squash.Chunky tomato sauce with some Tabasco and red pepper for some bite with lots of onion and mushrooms topped with broccoli.

    Spaghetti Squash

  • Stuffed pork chops with mushroom gravy and cauliflower broccoli salad DH's favorite. I made three chicken tator tot casseroles! One to give to a friend who just had a double knee replacement and 1 for my folks and 1 for us! Anyone want the recipe let me know! It is really good. Different than the ground beef one. Happy Valentines Eve!

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Posts: 2,935

    michelle- i saw the throw down w/bobby flay and wasnt sure i wanted to spend the money on it not knowing if it was good or not, but since you liked it im going to make this next week thanks!

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Posts: 2,935

    Every one have a great valentines day!

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Posts: 2,935
  • Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

    Debbie- pretty table!

    I think I'll make the crab cakes tonight for dinner for my husband and I and have something else for the kids- I always make them taste what we are having in the hopes that they may like it, so fingers crossed that they like it.

    Ellie, post the tater tot recipe when you can.  I would like to try it!

    My Mom still needs to get me the bean stew recipe, so it's coming!


  • Traci, your impromptu dinner sounds delicious.  So does corn beef hash. 

    We had visitors from Canada this weekend.  I met Upcreek here on, and we got together with her and her DH last summer.  For dinner on Fri. night I cooked shrimp and linguini.  Large fresh shrimp with shells removed sauteed in butter and EVOO.  Toss in crushed garlic, fresh lemon juice and lemon zest.  Cook for a minute or so longer.  Empty contents of skillet over cooked linguini.  Toss and add fresh-grated Italian cheese of your choice.  I used Asiago but Parm. Reg. is good, too, for a more mellow flavor.  It came out really good.  No leftovers.  For dessert we had King Cake (filled version with cream cheese and strawberry preserves)  from a local supermarket bakery.  It's Mardi Gras season here in south LA and King Cakes will be available daily until the beginning of Lent on the Wed. after Fat Tuesday.  Yep, those King Cakes can make all the people fat!

  • So I went to the store today to buy the stuff to make crab cakes and I was pleasantly surprised when the lump crab (usually 18.99/lb.) was on sale for 9.99/lb.!  How great is that?

    With it I plan to have spinach sauted with garlic and olive oil, and baked sweet potato.  A few dark chocolate covered strawberries for dessert, too.

  • tougher, they must've been reading this thread and knew you'd be in!  Score! :)  Nice sounding dinner!

    Moussaka makers and lovers -- one of my favorite dishes, and one of my early experiments into ethnic cooking... and always good!  Haven't made it for a while, time to put it on the list.  I've never seen or had it with potatoes or more than a sprinkle of parmesan cheese on top -- looks like there have been a lot of variations over the years.

    I decided to treat myself to my favorite local pizza & a salad tonight -- carry out, as I know everywhere will be crowded.  Then I'm eating really healthy for the rest of the week to make up for tonight!

    ♥ Happy Valentine's, everyone! ♥ 

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Posts: 2,409

    Debbie6122 - I didn't think that the moussaka ingredients were expensive, especially considering the 10 servings or so that I made.  I did use 93% lean ground beef and did not use lamb at all.  The hardest thing was trying to find the right cheese at a "not ridiculous" price.  I settled for regular Ricotta and an already shredded "mediterranean blend" from the regular dairy shelves.  I decided that if you are going to put one cup of cheese in 7 cups of milk and then have all the other flavors from the meat sauce and the veggies, the cheese "flavor" would be insignificant.  Regular Ricotta and shredded parmesan or romano would certainly be "good enough."

    And unless you like lots of leftovers, you might think about cutting the recipe in half.  I froze a bunch of it but there are just two of us.


  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Posts: 2,047

    my home has been battling the stomach flu for the last 24 hours, including me, so tonight's dinner is an easy chicken pot pie that I make.  If we don't eat much it will be good left over.