OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    I am thinking that the person who comes up with birth control for paper clutter shoud win a Nobel peace prize as I am sure that is the trigger for much of the world's problems!

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Heading to the Bonfire to toss those papers on there!

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    And yet another perspective on paper clutter:

  • Omeggo
    Omeggo Member Posts: 42

    This thread is so funny!  Helpful too.  Now that I'm three weeks post op, finding that "New Normal," and freaking out somewhat less than before I'm broadening my BCO horizon a bit.  I'm glad to see so many who pretty much wretch at pink ribbons and all that just like I do.  I'm in therapy with a psycho-oncologist because of all kinds of PTSD stuff from when I was little (my mom died of BC) and believe or not, one of the first concerns of mine was all of the pink ribbon stuff which has always bugged me.  Glad I'm not alone.  Therapist assured me that many don't like it and here you are!

    My next problem is how not to spend so much time here!  Gotta get back to work.  My time here at BCO is a huge comfort and I need so much of it (comfort). 

    See ya around!

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Omeggo...not good at telling stories??? LOL! You've got the words sister!! Welcome!

    I never knew about the papers knocking boots. That totally makes sense. I guess I've left them alone for far too long!! If I had to guess, they're probably drinking all my booze and inviting all their friends over too.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    OMG, the paper sex on my table is amazing!  I do have to declutter it when my cleaning person arrives but it grows again as soon as she leaves!

  • Omeggo
    Omeggo Member Posts: 42

    Been getting acquainted with you regulars on this thread.  I can't laugh that hard yet, post op, but it sure feels good!  I don't toke anymore but I can cluck like a 21 year old.

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    You're a Mother Clicker girl! Have you styled your tin hat yet? Read "The Recipe"? You'll be toking real soon...

    Puff, puff, passing to you!

  • Omeggo
    Omeggo Member Posts: 42

    I haven't heard yet about the tin hat but I can guess.  I saw a dog with one in here...will look up 'recipe'.  It is a 'habit' so to speak?

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    I can only speak for myself but I am getting more and more insane each day.

    I'm going with a friend for lunch...she's not one of us cluckers. She wouldn't know what to do with aspargus or Bounty paper towels. But in the past we have toasted mini marscmallows on tooth picks over a candle.

    I better get ready.

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Maybe someone could help me out...I think page 145ish....Emily in Ontario put together the Cure Recipe....many of us have this printed and posted! You'll love it.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Ommeggo - Start from page one. It gets crazier and crazier. Just one little warning... have your Bounty paper towels handy.

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Veggy....have fun! I'm in your pocket for this too, ok? Slip me a marshmallow if you can!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    I wish I still had a copy of the essay a co-worker and I wrote back in the late 80's---about the sex life of paper clips and wire coat hangers.  Since I retired both have gone sterile but the paper has reached a very active puberty.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    You wrote that????  I remember it (well, not really really well, but I remember it!!!)  It was hilarious!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    What gets me is the very active sex life of plastic containers, especially Tupperware, they multiply at an incredible rate and if you disturb them in their drawer it is virtually impossible to get them all back in. And the paper, I just don't know. WAs looking for one thing yesterday and now there is paper everywhere!!!!

    Even pictures of plastic contasiners seem to want to take over the world, this on wanted to cover the whole site!!!

    And this is a paperless society?

    Pass the asparagus please. Thanks for making me smile I really needed it this morning. And Veggy keep away from candles at the restaurant!!!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    gg, my friend may of circulated the one we did, if so I was not aware of it.  On the other hand, it wouldn't surprise if there have been other coffee beak collaborations on the same subject.

  • cat61
    cat61 Member Posts: 53
    Yeah me to kitty with the pistal is very funny !!!! And the armor, yeah tin foil is a good idea Tongue out
  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    now I understand why the cupboard where I keep plastic is so full!  is that where the funny little noise comes from?  who would have thunk!

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    a little more than a year after end of treatment, my bills pile is still procreating.  i get a monthly call from the bill collector, she & i chat for a few minutes, i promise & she pretends to believe me & we both hang up happy....

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921

    I went to a church rummage sale over the weekend. They had a giant box full of plastic, including lots of tupperware. Sign said 50 cents for all.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Alyson - there wasn'any candles at the restaurant we went to. It would have been a riot if there was. We would have had the whole place laughing. We talked and ate for almost three hours. I needed a night out. Lunch turned into visiting friends and family. I got home after midnight. I haven't done that in months. Now I am all wound up and can't relax to go to sleep.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    So my papers are having sex and I am not?

    You know what else is having sex in my house - bottles.  I am a bottle hoard (not whored, a hoarder,a blog worthy concept) and they are everywhere, I am selling them, there are things in them and grains in them and paper clips and pens in them, seeds, oils, there are two dozen of them partying on my living room floor right now waiting for their model shots, ones I want to keep and someday use... they are empty in cabinet space that could be used for food.  Since I am selling themI guess I am a bottle 'ho.........


    the stupidest thing I have done all month is start the fourth day of my liver detox at 9:48 p.m.  Took a tablespoon of epsom salts in water, then 11:48pm another.  And at 1:48a.m., I take olive oil with grapefruit juice then go to bed and stay there.  In morn, two more times w epsom salts and water then done and can eat again.  I was to start this aat 6pm after not eating for 6 hrs, did npt happen, too light of breakie an no lunch, so late start but I will prevail.

    What I have learned today --- do NOT argue with epsom salts.  When it says go you ask where? edited to add you ask where and how far.

    I also learned that you do not laugh. period.

    LOVEEssa going in kitchen to juice the organic grapefruit at 1:43 am augh gads idiot, my stomach will not let me even recline with grapefruit juice in it.  But I am going to finish it this time, last detox I realized I had the first 3 days of apple juice then didn't have the epsom salts, then when I had the epsom salts no organic apple juice then when had both forgot and ate dinner instead of taking the stuff and now this. Memory crap.  No other excuse. ETA it did not taste all that bad.  But the instructions of now go to bed and stay there, ahem, seriously?

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92

    (Psst:  Epsom salt has magnesium in it....GREAT laxative.)

    Part of me empathizes, and part of me is snort-laughing at the go to bed and stay there.  Did the person who created this detox do it themselves????? That's always my first question!

    Hope you made it through ok Essa!

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Magnesium oxide has also been shown to improve hot flashes - article from ASCO:

    Only SEs they noted seemed to be a little nausea and diarrhea!  Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate, so I don't know if there would be a difference in the hot flash thing, but maybe MadBluebirdEssa could let us know if you are having hot flashes and if this helped???

    This is just ONE result of plastic having unprotected sex:

    And here is urban crowding from overpopulation by plastic:

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    I'm okay.  Wasn't that bad really, once I decided the epsom salts was the boss of me and my toilet interludes.  

    Go to bed and stay there, i see their point, I was still moving pillows and closing up house and did not go straight to bed, I think I messed up my system and the olive oil w grapefruit juice did not stay in as long as needed.  Yes, the doctor who created this particular liver detox did it on himself first and had such good results he passed info on to his patients who were relieved from results, and it is now a book and was given to me by my Oleander group.  I will do it once a month, I learned a lot this time around.

    Audrey, I too was snort-laughing but that was the death of me, when doing this, one does not get to laugh.   And I did not stay in bed, I was up three more times then slept well, but very conscious to be careful not to anything.  Glad I spared Hubby the indelicacies of this detox. 

    Hotflashes, I wasn't having them at all.  I am 4 yrs postmenopause, my estrogen and progesterone levels were just checked by endo, along w 100 other tests, and they were extremely low... good to have with the ER+ but not w the PR+, so we are raising my progesterone w bioidenticals, so I guess I will still not have hotflashes.


  • Omeggo
    Omeggo Member Posts: 42

    Hi Girls.  Since I'm new to this thread and haven't been keeping up on the new posts, I'll just have to post that I'm going to a 'cancer camp' this weekend.  I'm nervous about stupid people there, too, even though we are all in this together.  I'm also nervous about being stupid and saying stupid things...or not saying anything at all (which could also be stupid, right?)  I'm not exactily the model of one well socialized.  I'm actually a little on the nerd (nurd) side of the spectrum, except that I work out.  I wear glasses a lot, so what can I say?  (I'm a recovering contact lense wearer...)

    I wish I have had the time to read this thread from the beginning but I promise, PROMISE, to give it a shot starting next week!  I need the laughs BIG TIME and what I have read brought much pain (good pain) to my still sore pecs and foobs the other day.

    Keep me in your prayers, dear sophists, and you will be in mine.  Enjoy your weekend with all it's uh...runs and fun and sex of whatever (please let it be OUR's!  My DH has been very patient and we've been uh...resourceful, but you get my drift.)!!!! 

    The _______ 'new normal' (expletive deleted) is a very weird place...but I'm SOOOO glad you are here!


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    OM....tell me how the weekend goes, I have applied and been accepted to several weekend survivor events but punked our on all for.....just could not get my butt to go hang for a full weekend if I did not know anyone.

    I felt guilty about dropping out but I just could not do a full weekend

    a dinner, yeah, local where I can split works better for me

    so report back if you can

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92

    Gee....celebrities are "Standing Up to Cancer" tonight.  We're supposed to call in and donate.  Where are their checkbooks?  Is it their time that they are donating?  Sorry.....just not buying it.

    I think I'll take a pill and go to bed.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    Pill and bed sounds like a winner to me!