OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Linda---I was so glad , I had just peed when I read the shampoo story, I still had to cross my legs Quack errr cluck sassy

    Essa--deep frie fat--------brawgkkkkk

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    drug interactions are the pits and it seems not all docs have it straight! I am alergic to NSAIDS, told my BS that at one point and said I can not take motrin etc.  but I had leg pain from something, she told me to talk aspirin.........duh, aspirin is and NSAID, I had a violent reaction to it, major asthma attack.  When I went to the pharmacy, the pharmacist pulled out a very nice list of all NSAIDS that I should avoid.

     for drug interactions, I ask pharmacists myself as they seem to get it!

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    proud - I also am allergic to NSAIDS - the docs told me that aspirin wasn't an NSAID, and I said - OK, but I'm allergic to it, too, as it gives me athsma and my esophagus (sp?) swells so I cannot swallow - exact same thing that happens with NSAIDS.

    However, I canSurprised take white willow bark, which is the natural form of aspirin - go figure...

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Garden, wierd huh?  makes me scared to take any NSAID, pharm guy told me that Peptobismal was an NSAID!  I used to keep that in the house for bad tummy times!  Now I do chicken soup~scared to do it

    online it  (not sure where) it said that you may be alergic to one NSAID and not another but how do you know unless you take it and get a reaction?

    I also got a reaction to Tyonel PM once, really nasty reaction~

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Aspirin IS technically an NSAID, it was the first.  Also ibuprofen, naproxen, and tons of others.  You CAN have an allergic reaction to one and not the others, or you can have reactions to several, and also some people get more benefit from one than another.  It is very individual.  And aspirin is a KNOWN problem with asthma and allergic reactions!!!!

    I am intrigued by the willow bark - it contains salicin, but the aspirin on the market is a synthetic manufactured ingredient, so that may be one of the differences in causing a reaction or not.  Most of the time I am hesitant about the "natural" approach because the ingredients are not regulated or standardized, and it is as commercialized as big pharma drugs, but I do believe that some of them can be easier on the body (if not used in excess, just as Rx drugs should not be used in excess).  I teach in a pharmacy school, and find myself feeling like a hypocrite some days, trying to always bring in other points of view and evidence so students can learn to actually evaluate the drugs (both "natural" - which are technically still processed and manufactured by big corporations - and those produced by Big Pharma), and to recognize potential interactions and adverse reactions in individual patients.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Linda - thanks for the clarification about aspirin.  What does NSAID actually stand for?  I assume it's an acronym, but obviously my lazy bone has taken over as I'm asking you instead of looking it up Laughing 

    About the non-regulated/standardized issue of "natural drugs", that's a really good point that bears repeating.  The willow bark and boswellia I use I always purchase the "standardized" version - although I'm not really sure that they've done anything different other than raise the price Sealed.  I have some friends who are so convinced that producers of "natural" medicine are not in it for the money and that they can take any crazy combo of things with complete impunity.  I gave up trying to change their minds and just walk away shaking my head...

    proud - I had no idea about Pepto-bismol being an NSAID, and in fact do use that on occasion, and have not had a problem with it - so I guess I'm not allergic to "all" NSAIDS after all.  It works wonders for my tummy when I get indigestion - which I do with increasing frequency since being on letrozol.  Ginger helps, too, but not quickly enough, and TUMS just constipate me.

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    NSAID = non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

    Peptobismol has bismuth subsalicylate.  Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid.  Check out Wickipedia for more discussion on salicylic acid and its variations.  Interesting stuff about how willow synthesizes this stuff, and it apparently helps the plant resist diseases.  In people there is some evidence that reducing inflammation (the anti-inflammatory effect of aspirin) helps reduce risk of heart attack (some of this is due to platelet inhibition, but some is probably due to the anti-inflammatory effect) and may reduce some cancer risks, including recurrent breast cancer and colon cancer.  There was something I read a while back about signaling mechanisms that are affected by some of these drugs - lots and lots and lots of theories, and absolutley minimal scientifc proof for any of them, but maybe some exciting discoveries around the corner!

    Sorry, I get a little carried away with the chemistry and cellular stuff..... Laughing

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    Don't apologize.  It's really interesting. Laughing
  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92

    Butt seriously folks......

  • SillyMama
    SillyMama Member Posts: 49

    Ditto that! Thanks Linda. I also found the facts fascinating. You are a great "explainer;" I'll bet your pharmacology students love your classes.

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92

    OK..... Seriousness of the week...... BMX and reconstruction surgery was officially pre-certified today for 10/1.  For those of you familiar with hospital accreditation, the Joint Commission was at my workplace for the week, and my boss had just left for his long planned vacation in Germany.  His parting words to me were "Don't worry, they won't come when I'm gone....but if they do, You're It!  Enough said. Stress?  Me?  And you can't fix stupid, but you can redirect it sometimes!

    Since my surgery coincides with the beginning of the commercialized month we all love, I decided to plan a t-shirt line to help redirect stupid.  Any quote suggestions are welcome!  I'm already shopping on-line T-shirt design shops!

    Some initial slogans I'm liking are: 

    "As a matter of fact, these ARE mine, bought and paid for.  My old ones were trying to KILL me"

    "F#$% Awareness, FIND A CURE!"

    "If you need to ask, DON'T"

    Various colors planned for.  No pink.

    Suggestions welcome, all!

    (Going to cross post in SAS's Revolution thread.)

  • lezza13
    lezza13 Member Posts: 579

    SimplyAudrey: You are having your surgery on my birthday so I know everything will go well for you!  I love the phrases.  Don't forget: F&*^ Cancer.  My friend gave me that one after mine!

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92

    Thanks Lezza! 

    I was also thinking of an asparagus stalk with "Smoke 'm if you Got ''s part of THE CURE ya know....." but I'm trying to figure out how to credit this thread!

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Nope....they're fake!

    Eyes "right here" buddy....

    There's a cure for you....and all your lets find one for BC.

    Awareness is for non-cancer patients....

    Breaking News....they don't "get it all"!!!!! So stop asking!!!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921

    Mac, LOVE it!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Mac I concur with Wren , would have loved to have heard Einstiens theory on it!!!


    It has oodles of slogans by members. Also some educational links. But as threads do they evolve. Read and take what you like, also C&P your great slogans.  The thread ranges from totally irreverent to serious discussion ,but it's like here what ever you want to say --say it. I came up with the phrase one night when someone on Bonfires or Fuzzy's romp room said something and I responded we need a revolution against pink. It's going to be interesting to see if I get sued. That's a post on the last page or so. The chickenpoop will hit the fan then.

    Linda-- I was going to say that the asthma thingy with aspirin and saw how nicely you took care of it, Your pharma training is such an addition to BCO. Your students I hope realize the strong basis you are giving them. You may be  able to quote the number of serious drug interactions throughout the USA that are documented.

    Thousands go unreported. Thousands cause hospital admissions per year. Thousands cause complications in the hospital which lead to prolonged hospital stays. Can be from a day, to many days, to death. Thousands of drug errors a year are committed by staff--docs/ nurses/pharmacists/anesthesiologists. The "SPEAK UP" program started a few years ago, which is if you question anything don't keep quiet.  All the self education you can do is worth it. If your faculties aren't intact, have a family member question everything. My only chemo experience had a serious drug interaction which caused the cytoxan(interacted with norvasc/amlidopine) to be more potent, put me in the hospital with a 104.8 temp, 0.5 neutrophil, 1.5 wbc. The numbers we learn to watch. I was out of it. The hospitalist(doc) hung 1/2 normal saline instead of normal saline, put me into acute renal failure----which means Kidneys shut down. So, all that cytoxan that was supposed to be flushed from the system kept circulating. Nephroligist got it changed , but kept circling till he did. Then something caused urinary retention. At a point of lucidness looking at the IV rate, I said what's going in isn't coming out. Cathed  900cc. What that means is for the rest of my life b/c the nurses didn't do standard Intake / Output is I have to have surrveillance for bladder cancer b/c cytoxan was allowed to sit in the bladder too long. Does anyone want to take responsibility--nope everyone pointed the finger at everyone else. Shouldn't have to be my own nurse.  Sorry this is way to serious for this site.

    The truth of it is , I'm still angry about the system I based my whole life on failed me so miserably when I need them. 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Sas, that makes me angry, too, for you! And for it to be in your field of expertise, to be let down by your own peers. Agggghhhh!!!!! Thanks for sharing the story. 

    I think I need to make a tshirt for me to wear while out in public. It would not be pink. It needs to say something like:

    I am not crazy but am medically challenged.

    I went out in public today and after being accosted by 2 (really nice) customers. She took my hands in hers and stared into my eyes and told me how good I looked and they were praying for me etc..... I tried to get away and walked into the automatic door in the grocery store because I was trying to go out the in door. The guy who was giving away the free samples got a good laugh out of it. I wasn't hurt just really, really embarrassed.  

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Oh mac ---- cluck'em some are nice and some are poop

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    For me after the asthma reactions to meds and the aspirin one was the worse, I get scared about anything new or that I have not taken in some time!  It is interesting and helpful to understand that while dif meds are classified as NSAID that the structure is actually dif? 

    so maybe my old pepto would be ok to take..then again too scared to try it unless under supervision!  with a rescue inhaler by my side!

    for now, think I will stick to herb tea for tummy issues

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Member Posts: 289

    WHY???  Do, people have to tell you they are praying for YOU....and YOU are on their Prayer List......what a way to start the day.....I must really be sick....or they know I may not get better.......seems things that I would not say to people they say to ME.......Liz

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Sandcastle - probably because that is the only thing they feel they can do for you... Many people feel helpless and they want to fix the situation you are in... I don't think they feel you are dying....I love getting ppl to pray for me... I feel I will survive with God on my side... Sorry that upsets you!!! :-(

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    SAS, I COMPLETELY understand and empathize with you, having spent my entire career working in educating the health professions students, working with geriatric patients who showed up in the ER all because of adverse drug reactions, etc etc etc, and telling my MO with that very first dose of docetaxel that I was having symptoms of early neuropathy, she continued to poison me with the stuff for two more cycles - am angry at myself for not saying NO MORE - still, trying to forgive both of us for the mistake, having to live with the results, trying to adjust.

    My mom has diabetic neuropathy in her feet, and seems to think this is basically the same thing, that I can just distract myself and live on - she has no idea that fine motor skills in my hands are essential to most of my activities of living AND enjoyment - she can still do these things even if she can't walk as much as she used to. I love my mom, admire her for being 18-year bc survivor (or whatever term we want to use) - but part of me is so jealous because she did her surgery & chemo, and got on with her life with no permanent damage that gets in her way. She brings me to tears so often with her (kind) suggestions about "picking yourself up and moving on". Am trying so hard, but it's difficult when I don't even know who or what I am supposed to be now.

    Thanks for listening. Have anxiety starting in anticipation of BS appointment on Friday, and new small lump, very hard, at axillary end of incision on ALND side. *sigh*
  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Linda we both are in the same boat for everything you said. Even to the hard lump on the incision line. Very hard BB pellet size. The Pet showed no unusaul uptake. It was a suture encapsulated. Found one subsequently same place opposite side. Since it's on the incision line , believe it to be that until proven otherwise.  May help calm your fear, until testing is done. ((((hugs))))

    Sandcastle , I agree with everything that GMA said, she put it so well, I must remember it. 

    PTS your emotional/intellectual response to the pyhsical response to drugs is normal. You are not over-reacting you are being self protective. Just saying this in support b/c to often we get blown off with what happens to us. Well whomever is blowing off your concerns now or in the future Cluck'em. Had they experienced what you have they would learn to be self protective too. I lost part of my colin as a result of taking Celebrex in 2001. 4 docs recommened it for post polio complaints(medical usage of word). From that experience, the phrase I always use is "all drugs have consequences".

     The AI's and Tamox, besides the cytotoxics seem to alter our responses to drugs.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    SAS, wow on the celebrex, never taken it but certainly true all drugs have consequences

    interesting that taking one med might alter our response to another med,

    heaven would be no statin, no AL and no BP or alergy med....hmmm, do I take anything else?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    Got the giggles when I realised that the strange green vegetable in the steamed veges was actually asparagus. Very sad and saggy.
    Please pass the good stuff I need a puff.  (We were celebrating our 40th anniversary at the weekend.)
  • cheryl1946
    cheryl1946 Member Posts: 62

    Happy Anniversary!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Alyson: Happy Anniversary - DH and I are only 2 years behind you!  Still wondering where the Alaska cruise the kids were going to give us a 35 yrs went LOL!

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Member Posts: 289

    Please, remember.....feelings are neither right nor wrong.....they just are.......Liz

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Liz, you have got that right!!!!

    The more we try to control our feelings or subvert them, the more they will pop up at the most inopportune times. Learning to accept my anger but not letting it dictate actions and life has been tough, but I am much happier in accepting it and allowing it to be something that occasionally energizes me rather than fighting it and being miserable all the time. Still have those moments, but am allowing them and forgiving myself for them, and moving on after a little reflection.

    Have been reading a lot about humor and how it is a spiritual connection. Quite informative, quite funny, quite inspirational.

    OMG, they are using a PINK tape measure on Wendy (why am I watching Wendy on Fox daytime TV???? that's another story....) to "properly measure for your bra size".