OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Oh, Veggy!!!! Just priceless!!!! I am LMAO!!!!!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    Thank you Veggy! I needed to smile! I am going crazy here - personal issue - but just help me smile once in a while please Smile
  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Love it Veggy.

    Want to hear about stupid names for children -

    This one is true

    Mother      Honey

    DD1          Chelsea

    DD2          Cinnamon

    DD3          Sugar

    Last name Bunn. so here they are, Sugar, Chelsea, Cinnamon and Sugar.

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92


    I imagine if they had a son his name would be Hamburger.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Cluck cluck cluck brwakgggk. VEGGY, AUD, ALYSON

    Sandcastle so right. sORRY


  • susan3
    susan3 Member Posts: 2,631

    i didnt read the thread on cottage it the 0ne that you mix cottage cheese, flax seed and champagne????  im all over the champagne!!!!  i will even squeeze lemon in it while eating asparagus!!

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92
    Animal Capshunz: Don't They Know it's Sunday?
  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92

    I Has A Hotdog: We'll do bacon!

    (Remember, bacon is a "cured" meat!)

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Susan, I missed the cottage cheese, flax seed, champagne recipe, too! It's gotta be good, and so healthy, too!!!!

    Audrey, thanks for my laughs today! Am still laughing at Veggy and Alyson postings!!!

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Member Posts: 289

    I...Think Next time someone says something STUPID to me I will tell them I am praying for them and will put them on MY prayer List!!!!! (like god doesn't know what people Need)  See how they feel......Liz

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Sandcastle - I love it! Needed a smile.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    I'm not laughing today, one of my BCO friends is in a coma now and its only a matter of time.

    But do have little story about stupid, not to do with BC. Background for this stupidity - my sister is 12 years my senior. This morning took my sister up to docs to have her leg dressed, she scraped it in the garden and it got infected. I wandered into the treatment room to see what was taking so long. It was one of the 'dipsy' nurses fussing around, she is not so young either. Couldn't get blood, then wasn't sure what sort of dressing and so on. At one point I made a statement that of course she was going away tomorrow for a few days. Nurse said 'oh its so obvious that you are mother and daughter'. 'Oh no' I said, 'she's my sister and you have just gained an enemy'. 'Oh' she said ' you can't possible be sisters'. My sister replied that we certainly were. 'No your aren't, just relations then', nurse replies. 'No' say I, 'my sister'. 'If you say so' says the nurse.

    We laughed all the way to the cafe. Usually we rescue people who say such things because they get all embarassed. So we say how old we are and thats it but silly thing just continued to dig and big hole for herself. I find it funny, because in appearances it could be true and my sister gets really uptight about it. Least it gave me something to laugh about this morning.

    Must check the other threads to see how Marybe is.

    Big hugs to all and if you could hear my DGS making hen noises its so funny. Bwargk, cluck cluck, please pass I need a great big puff.

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Liz, I love your approach!

    Alyson, so sorry to hear about Marybe. I think there was something on the Catholic prayers thread about her. I only met her a couple of times on some other threads that I haven't been to for a while, but I know she has always been very supportive. Keeping you in lovingkindness. I enjoyed the stupid fussy nurse story. I love and respect most nurses, but the ditsy ones really get me irritated....

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92
    Some philosophical humor.  <img class=" width="320" height="336" />
  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92


    Another option is to adopt the Southern Belle sayig "Well Bless Your Heart!".

    Double meaning behind it....often the exact opposite of the words!

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92

    FUZZY!  THAT'S IT!!!!!  LMBO!!!

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Member Posts: 289

    SimplyAudrey........THANKS!!!  That is a good one always need other words to say....LOVE it......Liz

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349

    OMG, you have got to hear this one. 

    A friend of mine either doesn't like or doesn't trust my LE therapist. She keeps saying, "They should be doing this, or they should be doing that", or else "Why don't you call this person I saw on a bus ad or something inane like that. This is coming from someone with NO health care experience, and who can't even remember the word lymphedema!  

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Member Posts: 289

    Nibbana....I have encountered that myself.....a LOT of know it all's who got their Doctor's degree at Sears.....I have Promised myself that NO ONE will disrespect me through my journey.....I have even said to someone .... IF..You are LUCKY enough to get Cancer....You can do it YOUR way.......sometimes you need to pull out the BIG GUN'S....Liz

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    I think we need protection

    or this

    (something strange happened not sure if the images got through.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Actually sometimes I think we need armour like this, we could make it from tinfoil.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    really love kitty with the pistal

    too much

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Love this Group!!! Here is another!


  • Omeggo
    Omeggo Member Posts: 42

    Hi all.  I'm new to this thread.  Very funny stuff!  Wasn't exactly sure how the thread would take.  I love it.

    My little story isn't really that incredible and I'm not much of a story teller but I am really annoyed so I'd like to share it here.  Yesterday, someone I know wanted to give me a big, fat, sloppy, "happy hug" when I'm still sore three weeks out (she 'knows this, except that she's one of these people that are so busy diseminating 'happiness' and being totally full of shit that she 'forgot').  I put up my hands and said hey be careful!  Whereupon she said "oh you need a sign!" I guess to tell the world I can't be hugged right now or something.  It was SO irritating.

    Finding this little thread and all the wonderful irreverence for our fellows on the planet does me good. Thanks.

    One last thing:  I'm married to a holistic nutrition guy (retired professional) and have done all the'right things', the spiritual things, the exersize things, etc. etc and still got BC.  Yup, it totally, like TOTALLY blew the holistic theory. 

    So, yeah...I've gotten a little cynical too and have come to realize (actually before this) is that many, oh so many, in the 'woo woo' and holistic health industry, are marketing HOPE.  Not a bad thing but cancer kinda beats up the theories.

    I promise to post only stuff about stupid people and keep it on topic henceforth.

    Thanks for this thread!

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Member Posts: 289

    Omeggo......Welcome to these boards......I do like this Thread.....over time I have found out HOW Stupid people can be....I find it more with the girls then the guys....Liz

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Omeggo, I think it is not only the holistic folks, but also all the Western and Eastern medical practitioners who can sometimes only offer HOPE because there is no cure for most of us.

    Yesterday I was doing a little meditation on something that has been exceedingly frustrating to me lately: the paper piles that are taking over my house.  Yes, they are having sex on my kitchen table, and when I remove the progeny to the desk, they just hang out there and those on the kitchen table continue to reproduce.  Arrgghh!!!  And so I realized that I feel like a crazy lady when this happens, had a little screaming fit over the weekend about it, and realized what I must look like: A CRAZY WOMAN!!! Seizing, with froth at the mouth, drooling, gesticulating.... And so I had to laugh at myself as I pictured myself looking like this:

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    ROFL - I resemble that remark - Linda thank you for the reminder!

  • cheryl1946
    cheryl1946 Member Posts: 62

    Linda love your post.

    I have wondered how my pile of papers seem to grow overnight,and now I know.