OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    Seriously Gma hope every thing went well today. Let us know o.k? On a lighter note, was at chemo today looking through all those old magazines they leave out to read and I found our perfect spokesman! Mark Wahlberg! He was in an underwear add some years ago.Cant remember who it was for though. But its perfect for the winkie promise. I dont know if anyone can find it, But it was in the may issue of In Touch mag. Maybe some of you computer literate ladies could find it? Im telling you its perfect!!!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    didn't he do Hanes?  I remember a HUGE billboard of him in Times Square

    can't remember what I ate for lunch but remember good things like the poster

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    This was something I posted on my facebook and the responses and my responses back - One such survivor - who is supposed to be my "Mentor" told me before - "Just get over it" :

    Me: I know everyone is All PINK for next month, but me, being a breast cancer survivor is actually Anti-Pink... I would prefer you just donate to your local Breast Cancer society and forget all the hype!

    "...": likes this.

    "..": I'm with YOU!

    "..." Pink is a good reminder of the battles fought, won and some lost. Donations are ALWAYS a good idea. Remember Ester you are a survivor not a victim. It is a mindset ♥

    Me: I know I am a survivor - It might be a good reminder but it ALSO has also been taken overboard into a way to make money for someone other than for Breast Cancer research and assistance.

    Didn't I say in my first line I am a survivor???  So I am playing victim??? Am I ladies, playing a victim??? Edit: Please be truthful.. I really need to work this out in my head...

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    I don't think that you are playing victim.

    yeah, I like to give to orgs that actually do something for the cause other than market pink gee gaws.  I remember reading that the license plates in NY that say Conquer Cancer...and come with an extra fee to gain....yeah, the fee goes to the dept of moter vehicles not remotely to anything conquering cancer

    you are a survivor!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    Nope cant see you as a victim. And how much is the money generated next month truly going to breast cancer research? and while on the subject of money, can any one tell me as reported in the Charlotte Observer sunday, why a chemo treatment at Baptist hospital in Winston -Salem nc is around 7000 dollars while at CMC the same treatment is 22,000 dollars? Makes you wonder does'nt it?

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92

    Gma - NOT a victim.  I'm not a fan of Pink flufferenutter either!

    Mary - do you have a link to that article?  I may be able to explain CHARGE differences with the same chemo regimen if I know more about the 2 hospitals or centers.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    I have already gotten rid of sundays paper, so I dont know how to get to the article. I can tell you that cmc is charlottes biggest hospital with probably seven or eight different hospitals in the surrounding areas under its ownership. I really dont know anythings about babtist hospital in winston-salem though. I do know that duke in chapel hill nc charges the same as cmc for the chemo treatments.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Went to another thread to copy something for here and found this!!

    And I have just planted some new catnip for my cats.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Esther, was looking for this for you so you can throw the stupid people under it!!!

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    OMG, I am cracking up with you guys this morning!!!!

    I am in a study group that has been reading Genesis this week, and I wanted to share this with you:

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Thanks Alyson!! Add my primary, and surgeon are now being thrown under that bus...

    I have become anti-doctor this next month - I am just so tired of the $200 a visit to tell me they don't know what's wrong... Had that U/S $600 to find out what the lumps in the arm were and the report says no clots, my veins are clear (Good News) but said nothing about the lumps... I am so frustrated... Primary said treat the good swollen arm like it is LE but won't put a doc order in that lab work and bp needs to be taken on the foot/leg/ankle being that makes me Bilateral LE.. So here I sit at ground zero not knowing what is swelling my good arm and not knowing what the lumps are, having to argue with my lab tech.

    The only people that have been helping me are my LE therapist and my pain management doc... SO that is who I am going to see, unless something bad happens and I have to go in.. What do you do when you have no insurance, live in a small town, and no money.....but financial aide is denied because "We make too much".???

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    I used to think I could see a light at the end of each tunnel of life's challenges, and now I know why I have been consistently hit by the oncoming train each time:

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Yep, Yep, Yep 


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    Grammie, FOTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughing
  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Oh Ladies, I needed the laugh today!!!! I wasn't able to log on for a couple days for some reason? So it is good to be back! I too am frustrated at the "practice" of medicine. Had a head CT yesterday, told them they probably wouldn't see much my brain is on vacation.  

  • SillyMama
    SillyMama Member Posts: 49

    Audrey, I love that word you used: "flufferenutter!" Is that a real or a made-up word? It's perfect for pink trash!

  • SillyMama
    SillyMama Member Posts: 49

    Audrey, I love that word you used: "flufferenutter!" Is that a real or a made-up word? It's perfect for pink trash!

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92

    Fluffernutter was a mix of peanutbutter and marshmallow fluff (ICK!) usually eaten as a sandwich.  Turns my stomach, so it was a GREAT word to me for the inane things that come out on the market with a color change this time of year and benefit noone!

  • SillyMama
    SillyMama Member Posts: 49

    I took another look at the wire coat hangers procreating in my closet, and decided I'd had enough. I've bundled them with string for ease of transportation to dry cleaning/rehabilitation services. They've lived here for free for too long. I know it's tough love, but they need to get back to work and contribute to society.

    But... I noticed that now they appear to be *strangely* content. Just look at them! Disturbing. Now I'm wondering: Do the coat hangers view this as bondage, or perhaps as a wire coat hanger orgy? They're not saying...

    Waiting for the bus to rehab 

    Above: Coat hangers waiting for rehab... 

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Coat hangers on mind-altering drugs:

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    You could leave some out for the birds or squirrels, do your bit for saving nature ....

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92

    Or get deco:

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92

    Got FlipFlops?

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92

    Got wrenches?

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92


  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Who is stupid?  I'll claim it for the day anyway.

    We went to the farm for some eggs and produce. I was waiting in truck w dog.... just looking at the gardens and barn and all their chickens free-ranging. Now I learned a few years back that a hen does not need a rooster in order to lay an egg. So I started wondering if their hens and the two roosters ever do it, you know. A minute later this red rooster

    starts running across the wide yard....... where is he going? coyote after him? time to go in for night? And he jumps on this blonde hen and goes to town for a whole two seconds. Then she told him off and they started eating again. So that answered that question.


  • Omeggo
    Omeggo Member Posts: 42

    I'm on the phone with a friend right now.  Yup, I'm listening, sort of, while I type this.  She, unbeknownst to her, just said a most INSENSITIVE  thing, with a chortle as well...saying something like "well, I'm (meaning her) not dealing with a life and death situation (nervous chortle) but..."  and on and on about HER SHIT.  She's bi polar and having a tough stretch...She's always having a tough stretch... Who's to say her's isn't also a matter of life or death?  I think it was the weird, nervous little laugh that got me.


    Back later.  Time for me to be a friend, I guess. Yell  (I need some BARF coming out that face)!

  • SillyMama
    SillyMama Member Posts: 49

    Aww, gee, Omeggo! ICK.

    I'll bet you'd like to throw her into a nest of wire coat hangers!


  • Omeggo
    Omeggo Member Posts: 42

    I think she has the nest of coat hangers AS HER MIND!  She is STILL going on and on...that's why I'm here typing.  I NEVER do that to my friends, such is my FURY!!!!

  • Omeggo
    Omeggo Member Posts: 42 the phone just now.  Really!  People just get too weird for me now.  Am I a little edgy?  Maybe. But c'mon!

    Thanks for your response SillyMama.  I needed it at just that moment!

    Have a great weekend everyone!  May the metaphoric (or literal) coathangers in your lives stay in their perfect order, whether in trees, at the cleaners for future use, saved in the basement for retrieving small kitty toys stashed under heavy couches, however and wherever they appear.

    Great job on the pics.  Thanks for the laugh!