Not quite a horder - decluttering
Impressive! DS says all he wants are our photos. He has no idea how many there are and how scattered. He's spoiled by digital.
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Well done, Divine! We must be on the same wavelength with photos. I had 38 albums,,, give or take,, way too many to move to the new smaller home. So far, I have condensed them into 23 albums! Back in the film days,, especially when I took a big trip,, I took a TON of pictures. The big trip albums are the ones that I cant seem to condense,, but I feel pretty good about what I've done so far.
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Great work on the photos. I have started separate boxes for the kids. My daughter is interested in family history so trying to label the older ones so she knows who they are. I have a ways to go. Love your "pantry" cupboard too.
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Glennie, you've definitely made great progress on the photo albums.
Smurf, that's a great idea to identify people in photos, your daughter will thank you for it. How nice she is interested in the family history.
My other archival project to tackle is to convert my home videos on vhs and cassettes to DVDs. It will be a large, ongoing effort. A few years ago, I sent about 20 tapes to iMemories. They digitize the tapes and I can go online and edit and create DVDs from them. It takes a long time and does cost some money.
Taking home videos was my hobby for 20 years so I recently came to the realization that in order for them to end up meaning anything, I have to give this my time and put some money into it. I don't want to just get a vhs to dvd converter. I have 40 more tapes to send in with all manner of activiites and different family gatherings, school functions, ect. I am making a DVD for my stepson with clips of us and him. One DVD is of family gatherings with dh's family that I will make copies for his two sisters and brother. Numerous DVDs with my side of the family will be made and I'll make copies for my sister, and finally ones that are mostly of me, dh and ds.
I was overwhelmed thinking about doing this after the bc diagnosis, so many loose ends in my life at the time, more than I even realized, and money going to medical bills plus lending a helping hand to ds financially as he went thru college. Now my life is simpler, (I am learning!) and I actually feel pretty good about completing this however long it takes.
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It was a miraculous day here. DH found a box of glasses in the basement and asked me what I wanted to do with them. It was full of glasses for wine, brandy, beer, etc. We stopped drinking alcohol in 1988, so clearly they were just taking up space. I washed them because they were too dirty to donate and put them in a donation box. Then he went into his study and picked up a lot of bottles on his bookshelves and asked if I wanted to keep them. Absolutely not. About 40 years ago he started picking up old bottles. I doubt that even a collector would want them. So he washed those and added them to the box. Yay!!! Perhaps he will someday pare down the 5 large soup pots, too. I'm choosing to ignore his remark that donating the bottles would give him more room for books.
You are inspiring me to get back to doing something with photos. I'm dividing them by family changes. One box for before kids, one kids growing up, one families of grown kids, one friends and parties, and one trips. Once they're sorted into categories, I can look through to see what to keep. I don't think I'm organized enough to make albums, but I could at least give them each a box.
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Happy to hear of your husband's willingness to part with a few things, Wren. It all adds up. It also sounds like you have devised a simple and effective sorting system for your photos.
I am learning to take care of small clusters of clutter when I come across them. Yesterday, dh needed a phone number, so I pulled my address book out of the drawer. It is a three ring binder with sheets that have alphabetized tabs. When I opened it, I encountered a big stash of phone numbers we hurriedly write down on post it notes and other small pieces of paper that I shove in the binder for if I need the number later. So after I found what dh wanted, I sat on the sofa and went thru all the notes and added names and numbers to the binder so I could toss the notes in the trash.
Today I was looking for an HDMI cable for my laptop to connect it to my tv. I found a bag of various jumbled cords and cables in a Trader Joes bag in the store room, so I sorted thru them, putting smaller ones in individual zip lock bags and larger ones I wound up and tied them with a string so each is a nice little bundle. I found a clear container that had a few other cords and was able to add these to it and pitch the TJ bag. Searched through a wide, unorganized drawer in the tv stand with more cords, video games, controllers, ect. of ds. Straightened it out, too.
And I think I found a HDMI cord after all that! Haven't hooked it up yet to see if it is what I need, but I think it is......
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KB870, I'm jealous. I wish we could be like that. We were tossing a small crib that I had used when babysitting. I said to take it to Goodwill. DH said maybe we could find someone who could use it. We're in our 70's and have only one family member reproducing. They already have cribs for their kids. I insisted that the person who could use it could find it at Goodwill. He ended up taking it there. The chances of finding someone we know who needs a crib for a baby under 6 mos is beyond impossible and we would have it 5-6 more years while we looked. I think I paid $20 for it a long time ago.
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KB, how great that your "I don't need this stuff" kicked up even more, and especially that you chose to get that which you want and do it now rather than put it off.
Wren, it is logical thinking that the person needing your crib would be able to find it at Goodwill. I have held on to things, too, thinking someone would come along that I could give it to, but it doesn't always happen and I finally donate the stuff to GW. Now I will tell myself that it is a good a place as any for the right person to come across it
I finished a good book, Introvert Power. It was insightful as I feel equally introvert and extrovert. One thing it mentioned was that some people are afraid to be by themselves and their thoughts, it is uncomfortable, so they remain on the go. I thought of my neighbor. She is a great neighbor and always doing errands for people in her church and some friends. But I know she has a lot of "stuff". And I got to thinking that she is running around taking care of a lot of people but her kids, all grown, will end up having to take care of her "stuff" when she gets older or passes because she doesn't want to or can't bear to deal with it now. And I am happier knowing my stuff is going to be less and be somewha organized so ds doesn't have the massive emotional tug of going thru so many things when dh and I are gone. I may not be out and about helping church people or whoever, but I feel good about getting my house in order and taking care of my son's future well being.
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Hi ladies- spring cleaning is underway and more going to consignment and donations!
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You are my hero Jazzy. I hope I can get inspired to start getting rid of work clothes I haven't worn since the 2nd cancer diagnosis & treatment. I've been hanging on to them in case I go back to work, but that looks less likely now.
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I've been away from the thread for a while but have accomplished a lot of the hardest part of dealing with my father's home. It's frustrating, though, to find how picky some organizations are about furniture - it pretty much has to be showroom perfect before they'll accept it - at least around here. It makes a tough job that much harder.
On the other hand, my dad's flying pals and their sons came over and did the garage for us - took everything (some very specialized tools) we didn't want, told stories and reminisced, and left the garage absolutely spotless and empty. What sweethearts!
Glennie, one thing I've done with a lot of my old photos from trips, etc., is to scan them into my computer. I keep them on there AND a back up hard drive that I keep in a safe. I can access them easily if I need something quickly but no longer have the MANY boxes of photos taking up space, getting dusty and fading.
It's good to come back here and draw encouragement and energy from all of you - thank you for being here.
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Hopeful: a lot of people suggested scanning to me. However, I just couldn't be bothered! I kept the best and tossed the rest. I have no kids and no one to leave the photos to. So I just kept the ones I would enjoy looking at later on.
Still decluttering as I prepare to move. What a process,,,,,
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That makes a lot of sense, Glennie. Good luck with your preparations; it's an enormous amount of work, isn't it? Hang in there!0
MinusTwo- well if you ever do go back to work, you may want more current things. Consignment has become a big thing in my town in the past few years, before that, I never had much luck getting my better things accepted. You can actually use the credit to get some things that you might use now more than the old business clothing that no longer has purpose. The first thing is to find a place you think will take your items. Many places will only do higher end designer type things (Eileen Fisher, etc.) so finding a place that likes your things will ensure they sell them. I hope you can find a good place in your neck of the woods!
I have been loosing weight this year so some of the things going this year are nice, just too big for me (yay). I came away with a super cute denim jacket in trade at one place. Sometimes gotten some great business clothing too in smaller sizes.
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I went through a lot of my thousands of pictures and tossed any that were similar or fuzzy, uninteresting and of people who no longer mattered. Before the holidays I went through all the favorites of my kids and made all 3 of them an online photo book, 90 pages each! It was a lot of work but easier on each subsequent one and a lot of fun.
Moving, like I just did, is a wonderful purging experience! I was pretty proud of myself but still could purge more.....I'm like Divine, I do not want burden my kids with getting rid all of my stuff. Plus I am a control freak. I want to be the one to deicde
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Hopeful, it's nice to hear you've made good progress on your father's possessions. How nice of his flying buddies to help out in such a big way.
I used to scan many pictures. Now with my ipad, I take pictures of pictures. Seems easier for me. I often post them on Facebook and have assigned my son to be the person who has access to my FB account when I pass. He'll be able to view photos whenever he wants. i'm not worried about picture quality because I already have the originals in a few small boxes. Those of you who've scanned pics and also made the online photo albums, great job!
Well, there are different kinds of clutter. One thing I recognized myself doing is cluttering up my time with projects: get paint swatches, select one, buy a gallon of paint and apply it to this furniture......purchase supplies and make that for, buy and plant these shrubs, etc. Even with having my garage sale next month, I have to make a few signs, pick up tables from my sister, get money to make change, move all items out to the garage. It's a big production.
I just want simpler days. So I as I finish these projects, I'm trying not to come up with more. Enough is enough. I have enough flowers and shrubs in the yard. And I hate to paint!
I am also watching what I buy so asnot to add to the stuff I already have. No sense replacing stuff I am trying to get rid of in the garage sale
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Back to consignment today. I brought some spring things in around 10 days ago to this same place, second round today of more summer items here in April and already had $95 in my account! The closet purging continues......
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Jazzy, it's nice you have consignment shops near you; a great way to sell and get some cash. There aren't any around here, tho about 15 years ago we had a few. I don't think they succeeded because of numerous organizations in the area that sell donated clothing: Goodwill, Salvation Army, City Rescue Misson, Urban Mission and various churches .
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I've also come to realize that an organized person is able to keep and disguise many unnecssary things even tho it may not look like much.
This is me. I do a good job of organizing. And, I have numerous areas in my house that I can use for storage. A garage, a basement, a large spare room. In addition, over the years, I've been able to add lots of storage to my home as we made improvements to what was once a fixer upper house. Numerous closets added as well as lots of cabinetry in the bathroom and kitchen. Plus I'd made it a habit to purchase furniture like coffee and end tables, tv stands and side tables that all had drawers, doors or both, adding more storage.
For my spare room, I purchased four metal shelving units and nice cardboard boxes where I could stash stuff. So, yes, the room looks neat and tidy, but its full of quite a bit of stuff that I no longer really need!
Many of these things will be put in the garage sale. Including two of the shelving units. I have to get used to having less stuff and more unused space.
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Divine- for some reason, consignment has started booming here in the past few years. I used to not be able to get the few stores here to take anything, now they take and sell everything. That is of the better stuff. A lot still goes to the local charities too, especially the more casual things.
Our economy in NM is not good, never came back from the economy crash in 2008 and many women shop at these places for the better items for their work. The west in general seems to have better consignment stores, I have found some great ones in Napa Valley, Scottsdale, Santa Fe, Denver. Might be a regional thing?
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Oh Divine that just cracked me up! You just explained my situation before we moved. Organized hidden stuff! When I did start taking things down off the walls and out of cupboards to start boxing up it was a definite "Holy Cow" experience! So that is where all the money went...... haha! Seriously luckily that I shop yard sales more than Macy's I guess.
But the move was a true purging experience for my me AND my DH who is no slouch in the hoarders arena himself. I still put a lot of stuff in the new house but really boiled it down to the very best and favorite stuff. My house is so much airyer now and pleasant to look at. Still have to have that yard sale!
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Artist, I know you must feel good to have edited your belongings to the best and favorite things for your new home. Airy and pleasant describe a very nice environment in which to live.
I love when less clutter pays off. Yesterday, I was filing my local income tax and wanted to look at 2015 forms. I thought they'd be with the numerous ones I'd gathered for the woman who did my federal and state taxes, but they weren't, nor were they on or in the desk. I check my store room and right there was a nice black accordion folder I forgot that I'd assembled with various papers, and voila!, inside were the 2015 forms I was looking for. Love when that happens and I don't have to stress out where I put stuff. Taxes filed!
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Me too! And then I feel kind of perplexed or pleasantly surprised that I actually organized that AND remembered where!
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6 weeks until the movers come!
OK, so I culled the books, and condensed the photo albums,, and I have them in 12 "small" size U-Haul boxes! It's weird to see my collection in such a small space, but I'm happy that part is done. I swore this w/e I would either pack the books in a box to keep or they were going in the car to the Friends of the Library,, and I did it!
Found the perfect person to give my mom's old baby doll to. Had neighbors across the way, who were raising their kids very simply. Kinda old-fashioned! Little TV and electronics, playing outside, games. They had a baby daughter last year, and thought she were be perfect for this simple old-fashioned baby doll. They have moved away, but I'm going to mail it to her. I think she will be loved there.
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Oh Glennie - only 12 boxes for all the books AND photos. Absolutely amazing job.
My Mother had a very old 'china' doll from her childhood in the teens & 20s. The doll was named "Rosy Joy". She had an open top porcelain head and "sleep eyes" that really rolled and once had an attached wig. Sometime before Mother's last stroke, she took it somewhere to have the stuffing body repaired and we could never find the doll again. Sigh. But as the only daughter with no more girls following anywhere in the line, maybe it's a blessing that I don't have to figure out what to do with it now. My only son who has no children would be grateful not to have one more thing to "deal with".
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I have my baby doll from when I was little. I hope one of my girls keeps it well and passes it down to one of theirs! Good job on the books and photos. Once you get started it kind of snowballs. It feels so good. Even though I just moved an purged a lot I will probably do it again this summer....As far as giving stuff away it feels good to have the control of where things go..
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Hi all ... I'm not "past" my cancer stuff yet (unless you only count last year's) but I can appreciate the thread. I don't know as I'll have much time to keep up with it. But over the past couple weeks, as my surgery date looms near, I've worked on getting rid of a lot of stuff. Our last house was over twice as big as this one, so I've felt cluttered ever since we moved in. And nice, open, clear spaces (at least in some areas!) are making me feel better.
I was just going to suggest (maybe someone already did) that in our area we have a "Helping hands" list on Facebook where people in need (or want!) post what they are looking for. There are also several garage sale sites I belong to, and things can be offered free or cheap on there. If coming to your home is a concern, people often meet in busy public places.
I have an old living room set that I paid $100 for used three years ago - sofa, loveseat, and ottoman. We got a good deal, and we got our money's worth out of them. As soon as I can find a recliner or two I can afford, they need to go though. But I doubt even goodwill would take them. But some college students would consider it a real find for free or $20. It could find a new home to use what's left of its life.
Anyway, if the stores won't take it, or you want to help someone really needy by giving things away free, that's one option?
Hopefully I get to my garage once I recover from my next surgery.
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I'm reading another book by the organizer Peter Walsh. Its about losing clutter and weight. I really don't care about the weight thing, tho of course I'd always like to drop a few pounds. I read for the inspiration and insight he has on decluttering.
I didn't think I'd really get much from the book, but I read a chapter yesterday about keeping the master bedroom tidy. Now mine is generally pretty clear of clutter, but after reading his thoughts on the topic, I realized I could address a few things.
In our bedroom, I had a plastic shopping bag containing three pair of capri pants I bought a month ago still sitting on my rocking chair. I put the pants in a drawer...I have empty ones since doing the Konmari method a while back, and tossed the bag in the trash. A pile of clothes in the corner going to Goodwill got bagged up and the bag is in the hallway so I remember to drop it off there soon. I cleared a small bit clutter off my dresser and removed a box of home videos in another corner to the store room. Didn't take long at all and made a nice little improvement.
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Good inspiration, Divine. I can see doing just a little bit. The totality is overwhelming.
Seattle has a number of "Buy Nothing" circles set up by neighborhoods. One goal is to meet neighbors along with getting rid of stuff (or getting stuff you need) within the group. You can post a photo or description of an item you're offering or send out a request. A lot of stuff changes hands without money being involved.
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Yesterday, I cleaned off my computer desk and painted it. So while the top was cleared off, I took the time to clean out the kitchen cabinets. Do I really need 20 coffee cups and 30 glasses? I think not. Keeping just enough.
Would like to find one of the "buy Nothing" groups or similar around here? Besides Freecycle and Buy Nothing,, are there other names I should look for? Thanks!