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For Older People with Sense



  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    SV--welcome back and glad you got to come home!  Like everyone has said, don't stress yourself for a while; that is only going to make your SATS go lower!  I had a round of asthmatic bronchitis last year and it took me weeks to recover from it.  Yours is much worse than mine was so just let go of the dirty apartment and negative posts, etc.  It is very hard to do; cleaning is so second nature to women.  I think that's the reason women often oppose wars--they just don't want to clean up all that broken glass.  Love to you, Dragon

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208

    Welcome back Melissa, even though your apt isn't cleaned up, I'll bet your puppies are smothering you with love. are you feeling now that rads are done? What will you do with all the time you have on your hands? (My answer would be "sleep"!!!)  HAPPY BIRTYHDAY!!!!

    hugs to all.......

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    AmyJo Congratulations on your last rad! Woo Hoo!  And a very ahppy Birthday to you as well!

    SV I was wondering if you also paint and draw? This would be a wonderful time to hang out with your water colors. No rules, just do what you like. You know your doggies so well they might be good subjects. 

    Isabella, I  was thinking that perhaps you might not be ready to change, even if I think you should go kick that doc's butt. So if you aren't ready, please feel free to complain about her here until you feel ready to change, if ever. I just didn't want you to feel a ton of pressure because I was pretty direct. Yanks, you know. I do still vote with the rest though. Smile

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    First of all ...Pleased you are home SV, it'll be good to be back in your own bed and be with your dogs again. That's what got me most when I was in hospital, I didn't miss the people really, as they were busy trying to outdo one another at the visiting stakes !  But was very upset not to have a dog to hug.

    Am ever so slightly 'off ' dogs at the moment. I have a sheepdog come in to board ( I don't really do a lot of boarding at all now, just a few old friends who have been coming to me with their various dogs for 35 years) The sheepdog came in last Thursday, and has howled day and night since she arrived. She keeps having a couple of hours break, but when she sets up anew all my dogs join in, NOT too bad thru' the day, but at 2 3 and 4am it is getting me down. My sleep is suffering, as I have the boarding dogs about 25 yards from the house. I have another 10 days to put up with her ! Its not her fault, its the first time I have boarded this particular dog, she's the 5th sheepdog this family have had, all been here over the years, and all quiet, but not this little monkey ! And I won't say a word of complaint to the family when they get back, don't want them to feel guilty ! Tonight I am trying her with her outside run firmly shut, and the radio turned up a bit louder, then perhaps the noises in the night in a strange place won't bother her. Probably have a big fat mess to clear up in the morning, but if I get my sleep I shall not mind.

    Had a trip out today for some new clothes. Came back with 2 shirts and a sweater. I WENT for some working jeans, but got slightly off track ! I also picked up a can of fake tan. It is years since I used this, so anything can happen....I put on a skirt over the w/end and my legs looked SO white, and I don't want to be wearing tights when it starts to get warmer. Last time I used spray tan it ended up all over my sheets, but they are advertising now that it doesn't do this, hope this is right. 

    I am marching about with false eyelashes on, they are bothering me, I can see them everytime I blink, and its annoying.  G/son brought his G/F to see me on Saturday, and she wanted a model for some lashes she had had sent from Hong Kong. She is doing a beauticians course at the moment and keeps asking me to go in to college for her to practice on. I have more things to do than to sit in a college having her practice on me, so she can bring out her samples to me here ! Next week she is putting me some blonde streaks in my hair. As long as I don't end up looking like a clown when I hit the supermarket I don't mind what she tries while we are sat chatting. 

    We altered our clocks here on Saturday night, it is officially summertime now, and I got an hours less always takes me a couple of weeks to get adjusted, I am a late riser at the best of times, so getting out of bed early does NOT go down well with me.

    Well, have to go outside and see if there are anymore lambs tonight, and tell the sheepdog, nicely, to shut up, she's having a right old howl now !


  • Marie-Edith
    Marie-Edith Member Posts: 21

    Hey Chrissy !

    Just passing by to say hello and checking out what you're up to !!

    Take care xoxo

  • OMG, Isabella!  Wearing skirts, using ManTan, highlights in your hair and fluttering false eyelashes!  What next?  Spring must definitely be in the air in jolly old England.

    Maybe the sheep dog is lonely....does she get along with your dogs?....maybe she could sleep with one of them.  I could relate when you talked about missing the dogs when you could not be with them.....I did not take Harley with me this past weekend and kept reaching out when I would wake up thinking he was there. 

    SV,  So glad you are back.....we missed you !

    AmyJo.....are you and DH going out to celebrate the last of the rads tonight?  Hope you and the onco come up with a plan tomorrow. 

      I just finished talking to my friend Fidelia, from Australia.  Do any of you remember her?  I was so worried about her when she stopped posting, but then her husband posted for her....she had a brain bleed after surgery and it caused her to lose her vision so he is now her eyes.  It was just wonderful to talk with her. certainly is not second nature to's almost as bad as  having to work on my income taxes....will do anything to avoid both.

    Have a good evening, ladies.   

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104

    Amyjo-Happy Birthday and I hope your last day of rads went swimmingly!

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208 missing you but hope you are celebrating!!
  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Hey there ladies, I don't know how it started that this is my birthday, but my birthday was in December!  I just finished rads which is better that a birthday.  DH took me out to the Texas Roadhouse and we had a great time together.  Of course, I ate too much and still have some left to bring home for lunch tomorrow.  I am so glad I am finished with rads!  Thank for all the Happy Dances and the cake.  Barb remembered my favorite is carrot cake.  After dinner DH and I watched movies and he made a fire in the fireplace.  We woke up to sleet and cold rain this morning!  Yesterday was beautiful and today was yucky.  Oh well that is NC for you this time of year.

    SV - So glad you are back home now and with your furry babies.  I know they missed you.  You need to get lots of rest so your strength will have time to rebuild.  Asthma induced COPD is somthing you will have to be sure and take your meds everyday to keep things under control.  Missed you and want to keep you around for a long time.

    Take care everyone and have a restful evening.  Amy Jo 

  • Teklya
    Teklya Member Posts: 362

    A thread for people/women with sense, hmmmm, I want to join that one! I hope this finds all well and managing with their "trials" today. I send a big Canadian hug to all.

    take good care and just breathe. . .


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    BarbaraA.........sounds like fun...............let me know when your in town.  hugs

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Welcome to all the new gals stopping by for a chat, nice to see you!

    SV, yay!  you're back in the land of the living!!!!  Soooo glad to see you and sounding soooo much better!!!   Just make sure you stay that way....(scold, scold)

    Hi Marie -Edith, I'm doing just fine thank you, nice to see you.

    Amyjo, of course it's your birthday, last day of treatment first day of new life = Birthday!   Celebtration, now.....c'mon.....oops, broke into song then.......sorry all.

    Yesterday was such a glorious day here that I did end up going out to the garden.  The large diosma finally got the hair cut she was soooo desparately needed and the carnations all so got the biggest haircut of their lives!  They had been hanging all over my path so I really cut them down to size!  Naughty '  I will admit, when they bloom next season I will probably have the most beautiful show of flowers ever and they are right under the window to my Lounge room that when the window is open I am sure I'm going to have the smell of flowers wafting through.........just lovely.

    Have a good day all and be well.  Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Having an ultrasound of my liver tomorrow..wish me luck

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Luck, love n (((((hugs))))) coming your way Lisa, please let us know how you get on.  Chrissy

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Isabelle, I would be looking for a new doc. There is no excuse for that doc to treat u that way. You and people like u are the reason she has a job. Sometimes even docs forget where their bread and butter comes from. Hugs, Mazy

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    Melissa so glad that you are home but you need to take care of yourself, you won't have you "get up and go" for a couple of weeks so just take it easy and enjoy puppy dog luvin', I'll bet they were missing their Momma. Lisa good luck for tomorrow. Isabella hope the puppy settles in, can you get one of your dogs to play with him and tire him out before you go to bed and then he'll sleep. AmyJo congratulations on finishing up rads, you deserve a party even if it's not your birthday. Chrissy I also worked in the garden yesterday, but I was taming the beautiful weed garden I've got growing and I thought all my roses bushes were looking spectacular but upon closer inspection they are covered in aphids grumble grrrrr nasty creatures.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    A good spray with soapy water with a tad of vinegar will take care of them little boogers Cheryl and won't hurt your roses.  Any that are left the next day are easily pick off and squished.   Hope it works for you!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lisa wishing you boatloads of good luck.

    Hugs GInger

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    I love the picture, and even though I don't consider myself older, I'm 55, I'd love to join this group.  I almost quit coming to the discussion boards on this site because I found that the topics seemed to be more stressful and less supportive than what I wanted.  Thanks for starting this, maybe I'll be checking in more often.  I know there are times when I can really use the support, and hope that I will be able to find it here. 


  • pessa
    pessa Member Posts: 137

    Am enjoying reading these posts.  Welcome to LEAH S., Linda R. and all the other recent newcomers.  I enjoyed the various turtle pictures and turtle comments.    Thanks!

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Welcome to all new ladies.

    Chrissy good idea on the aphids..thx. I use diluted hot sauce for bugs on tomatoe plants. I am behind on getting my plants out but we have been having freezing temps still and I get tired of going out and covering everything and sometimes still losing plants. So I'm going to have a late garden this year. Just going to plant the basics anyway I think. Tomatoes, cukes, green peppers and radishes. Got to have my maters LOL

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285

    Hi to everyone, i'm all for the peaceful life.  Live in rural ireland.

    Had my lumpectomy and node biopsy four weeks ago. Clear on the nodes.  Hospital friday to see if the are going to do chemo before the radiation.  Worried about that.  Any advice would be nice

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi BernieEllen and welcome!  The usual is chemo before rads but it depends on what your doc feels is the right thing for you.  There are quite a few different chemos but the thing that is uppermost in coping with them is make sure you drink heaps of water to help fulsh it through your system and rest when you need to.  The Rads are a bit easier and their effects are cumulative and the greatest SE (side effect) is fatigue and burning.  Again, the thing to do is make sure you drink heaps and moisturise the radiated area every day at least two or three times a day and rest when required.  The rad nurses will recommend what creams to use but if you find they don't do it for you, the girls here can certainly recommend others for you.  Sending you big (((((hugs))))))  and good luck with your doctors visit tomorrow.  Please let us know how you get on.  So glad you joined us!

    Peace, strength, love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285

    Thanks Chrissy, so glad i found this thread

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    here's awelcome to all the newbies on this thread!!!3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    sorri i started  late today, ladies.i've got some wicked stomach flu.. spent the day between the living room couch, bathroom, back to the bed, bathroom   ad. nauseum!  i think the party last week did me in..

      i catch stuff from the GKids all the time. used to work in a nursery a long time ago, and thats' why i quit!

       so, planning more of the same for tommorrow.. glad your'e home SV. now, you do same as me, couch, bed, romp with the puppies. Don't go out in bad weather, girl..we want you HERE< and better!

       ISABELLA; you're a girl after my own heart..with all your dogs, animals, and your shopping. im not shopping now, saving my pennies for the trip in Autumn.. sure wish you could "jump the pond" to be with us, but you're a working gal, with a working farm...

       did you EVER get to the wedding? ive scanned, and not seen a word of it! im dying of curiousity...

       a big hello to all the girls that found their way here. its so wonderful this thread is going so well, and so nice and peaceful, as it should be/was, and will remain so..     love ya all.. Glad your done with rads, AMY JO. prayers are still for all the rest of the crap...     3jays

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    3jays, hope you're feeling better!

    So, Mazy, your insecticide is diluted hot sauce for your tomatoes..... So do  you end up with automatic barbecue sauce? You know, pick the tomatoes, and strain them and there it is.


  •   BernieEllen,  Ireland!  I loved Ireland and want to go back one day, but I will have someone else do the driving...those round'abouts and hedge walls were scary!  Lisa, Thinking of you today and hope all is fine with the liver.  3jays,  I am betting it was all the tapioka that did your stomach in. I think the Gypsy wedding is not til May.  Feel better. Will be thinking of you at your appt, AmyJo. 

       It's my early day when we start seeing patients at 7 AM....always wonder who wants to see a dentist at that time of day, but guess there are lots of them since that time slot is always full.  I ate so much leftover pizza last night that I am feeling very stuffed and have not even had breakfast yet.....need to go back to WW before it's too late.  Hope all of you sensible women have a good day.   

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{LISA}}} Prayers going up for a clear scan!!

    Mazy, I love 'maters too but if FL they taste like cardboard. Nothing like a northern tomato. Yum.

    LindaKR - (((HUGS))) and welcome to the 'nice' thread.

    BernieEllen and (((TEK))) Welcome!

    AmyJo, I started the birthday rumor because Chrissy wrote happy birthday on your FB wall. So we both did it.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    MaryBe, we cross posted. I am up early so I can 1. Take my car in for service and pick up a rental. 2. Do a web demonstration of document management at 10:00 3. Doctor appointment at 11:30 4. Meeting with my boss at 1:30 4. A web meeting to kickoff a new project I sold last month at 2:00 5. Pickup car around 5. Whew. I am already tired just typing all this.