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For Older People with Sense



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey ladies, back on for a bit.  went to another site, and maybe this wkend? im gonna try to make a micro bead "foob". for sure, the machine is out, im gonna sew a pocket in my bathing suit. Last year, i used a "poof" like you wash with, it worked great, ya just squeeze them out, and they dry. i didn't put it in a pocket, just stuffed it in my bathing suit, andyep, it floated away one day, gotta pout it in a pocket this year!    good to meet ya'll here.Liasa, glad the liver is stable. i know in alchoholism the liver regenerates from chirossis.. is that not the case now?here?     3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    welcome trisha anne...3jays
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Trish! welcome and welcome to any other newbie that I've missed.  Glad to hear that you are feeling better and are building your new you.....Yahoo!!!!  Looking forward to seeing more of you.

    3jays, what's up with  you girl?  Are you not sleeping at all any more?  You do know, that lack of sleep is not good for you.  Nice to see you here!

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey chrissy! ya, not much sleep here..was knocked out a coup;la days with the tummy thing, so am on here, and reading my new series of matter if its' not good or not, can't sleep at night, start about 4-5am here.. good to see ya lovey...    3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Yeah I knew you were down with the stomach thingy and I know that you don't sleep 'till the wee hours but I keep seeing you semingly with no break for more that twenty four hours..........have you slept at all?  and no fibbing with the

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Morning gals. Had a heck of a day at work. Not sure if I really want to keep working but I have to have the insurance. COBRA would cost me around 1200.00/month. YIKES!! And I am too young for Medicare. Yell C'est la vie.

    Looking forward to a better day today. Couldn't be worse than yesterday!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful se-free day!!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Lisa, I'm glad you had good results from your scan.

    Now I have to tell you something funny about your screen name. I have a computer with a small (old) screen, and when I first started posting & reading on this site I wasn't used to the small letters so sometimes (with my delightful vision helping) I wouldn't read things the way they were. (I'm being polite here). So I saw SoCalLisa but instead or reading it as So Cal Lisa (telling us where you are) I read it as So Call Lisa and I thought, how sweet, she's telling us we can count on her. Well, I'm reading it right now and know you're in southern California but, having gotten to know you a bit on this site, the other definition would also fit.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Leah, what a lovely way to look at a name and you are right you can count on Lisa.

    Something lovely to begin the day.

  • Teklya
    Teklya Member Posts: 362

    Oh, how gorgeous; I can almost smell them! thank you


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285

    I'll do the driving Chissybe and you can do the sight seeing

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Welcome to Trisha Anne and Cookie 97.  Hope you find this thread as much fun and supportive as I do!  My breast cancer was "in situ" but I chose the bilateral mastectomy as there was so much other stuff going on.  LCIS, ADH, high grade tumor and ER, PR+.  Couldn't take Tamoxifen.  I am very happy with my choice so far, but had trouble with the reconstruction part and am still recovering from that.  At any rate, I so admire all the people on this thread who have been through so much more than I have.  I'm a terrible patient and would drive everyone around me nuts if I had to have chemo.  They'd have to prescribe pure opium to get me through it. 

    The worst thing about this disease, and aging in general, is the loss of control over your life, time and future.  Especially when you're a control freak like myself.  This year I actually let someone else cook Christmas dinner and it turned out just fine!  So letting go of a few things isn't all bad.

    That said today is a happy day--I have to be frugal but I'm still going to the mall.  I live in Portland Oregon and we wear a lot of flannel shirts--I'm so sick of flannel I could die.  Going to go find something to wear that's a bit more colorful.  Right now I feel old, dumpy, clumsy and dumb.  A new shirt will change that to "young-looking," hip, fit and "with it!"  Thank God for shopping and all things bright and cheery!  And for coffee.  Thanks to all who have posted the beautiful pictures. 

    Love this new thread--it's fun and also supportive. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Good morning everyone..

    Hi Bernie Ellen..and Tekla and all.

     Cheryl, so are so close by..

    Great to see SV  up and at em

    Welcome to Trish..

    Leah, thanks for the comment..yes, it was because I live in Southern California=SoCal

    3Jays, my Chemo Associated Cirrhosis acts just like the other kind..once the liver

    disease gets to a certain point,it can not regenerate..unfortunately..

    Onward and upward..Barbara, how is the green flash?

    love the roses Chrissy..

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    SV, this is for you..

    New Mexico place

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oooh, Lisa, I would love to go there. How gorgeous.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Barbara, it is a neat is in the mountains outside Santa Fe

    supposedly the dirt in the church is miraculously healing..

    it is called Chimayo

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Lisa, this is beautiful.  Wish I was there right now. Dragon

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    My roommate from college lived in Santa Fe and took me there in 2008 as you can see.

    I just fell  in love with the place and want to return

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    Hello and welcome to the new posters and to everyone else.   Thanks for the flowers - rain here and a bit cold.   I turn the heat up, then down again.   This apartment has forced air heat/air cond and I will eventually get used to it after all the years in a house with hot water baseboard heat.   IF I had some firewood, a fire in the fireplace would be perfect today.    

    Sante Fe is a lovely place.  SV, you are one busy lady.   Please don't chastize me for forgetting some of your names - old age, CRS, PSD, chemo brain and whatever else you want to add....

    Eye doctor has scheduled me for left eye cataract surgery on May 2.   A month or so later, the right eye.    He said that one place cancer can metastasize is the eye.   He has diagnosed 2 men with lung cancer who did not know they had it.    Interesting.   Adding (with a smile and sign of relief) --  he says he see NO evidence of cancer in my eyes.  

    Keep warm, keep happy and keep in touch.   Hugs, Nancy   

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

     I wrote a long post and lost it. Welcome to all the newbies, we get more international all the time. Bernie, was in Ireland last year but have to make do with Australia this year. Was down your way Trisha a couple of years ago, beautiful but cold at the time.

    This morning the back page was covered with images of a balloon festival not too far from here.

    Thought they might be uplifting!!!!

    Actually would love to go and see them.

    Must do some work. 

    PS I can't spell this morning.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    This morning I saw this next door

    and this was our hillside..

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Ooooh, spring has sprung in San Diego! And in FL

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Evening all, and welcome all newbies. I haven't posted here in 2 days and there seem to be new girls popping up all nice for more of you to join our group.

    I am still stuck in a sort of half world of most of my pc having shut itself down, and the remaining bit of it that's working I am accessing via MSN (I think its called)  I can get no emails at all, and can't send messages on Facebook to DD. I really wanted to send her a message tonight to wish her pig well !!! She's having him castrated in the morning, and is like a mother hen with the big lump. The pig is about 16 months old now. He was bought as a 'micro' pig....tho' no-one would listen to me that he would grow to be normal sized....and grow he has. He must weigh 10/11 stones now....micro pig my eye !! Anyway he is becoming a VERY big nuisance, and slightly aggressive, so I suggested she took him for the chop. He should have been 'done' at 3 days old! No doubt I will hear her tale of woe tomorrow. 

    Alyson I was just thinking of my 2 children when they were newborns, I had them out, either with me for a walk, or outside in the 'fresh air' if we weren't going off walking. 'fresh air' was the thing in those days ! I had the most beautiful baby carriage, a Silver Cross....I believe Madonna had one for her last one! I broke the bank to get that pram, but it was just totally no good living on a farm, and always having to be scrubbing the mud off the wheels. My DD just got an old second hand carrying cot, and set of collapsible wheels. By the time she was born, she spent a good deal of her life in her pram sitting at the edge of a field all day, while I went off round and round tractoring....just giving her a quick wave each time I passed by. I got all the old girls muttering at me for not giving up my work and looking after my children 'properly' !!!

    I had a trip out to Ikea today. Never intended to go, but I went out for the newspapers, and it was such a nice afternoon , and I was reasonably tidy, so I just kept on driving, and ended up at Ikea. Only bought a couple of wicker baskets for the downstairs toilet, but got half a dozen really unusual plants at very little cost. Ikea plants here are always different, and quite cheap, I got 2 very large vrieseas, and some succulents...I have a small glass porch on my front door, and its like a little greenhouse. I can grow allsorts of hot house plants in there, and they really flourish because its North facing, so tho' its hot it doesn't get full hot sun to scorch everything. 

    SV are you OK ...I hope you are looking after yourself. Don't rush anything, eat well and do as you please 'til you're on your feet again, you really don't want to be back in hospital again.

    Lisa, pleased your liver is going along OK, it must be a worry having to keep an eye on it all this time after dx.

    Nearly forgot. I was reading our local paper last week and it was rattling on about breast cancer, as they all do from time to time, and it was advising women to KEEP OFF THE INTERNET, the local hospital actually has it printed out on their 'care' leaflets now. It was telling the bc patients to ONLY listen to the Macmillan nurses ( our cancer care nurses) and not the RUBBISH printed on the internet. If it hadn't been for this site I wouldn't have known a thing about bc. I was told my bmx was all I needed to 'cure' me. That it won't come back in my case, and there was no need to 'be so over the top' about having blood draws and blood pressure taken in my 'bad' arm. I have tried twice to tell them they are wrong, but just wasn't listened to. This is how behind everyone else we are over here. I was also told that Arimidex WAS NOT causing all the se's I was complaining about, and that I was the only one who was complaining. This is all so wrong, but no-one will take any notice of what I say....after all I am NOT a medical person !!!!

    Right shower and bed for me, its going up midnight here and I am tired tonight...going to bed a bit earlier as its clean of my little luxuries !!! If I was rich I would have clean sheets every night...there's nothing nicer than climbing into a nice newly made up, wrinkle free bed with beautiful smelling clean sheets. 


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome newbees too. Havea good time here it is a great group of women. 

    I have a bit of a headache today so I am not going to post my story that I was going to. I will remember tomorrow right? 

    Laters an big hugs 

    Isabella how are the lambs doing?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017


    Your hillside is scrumptious!!!  that fuscia color  - just divine.

    Thank you Barbara for your borgenvilia ( sp???) - MY favorites - leaves that are flowers- and the colors.

    Lisa, expect you know how much you've been praised as a photographer on "Creativity" threadEmbarassed 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    no, I haven't seen it Caerus

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Lisa - you are a very good photographer and we all love your amazing pictures.  Between you and SV we all get to enjoy a lot of nature that we would otherwise never see.  Thank you  for sharing them with us.

    Welcome to all the new ladies.  This is a great place to be for information, encouragement, support and just plain fun.

    Off to bed for tonight.  Hope everyone has a restful evening and a joyous day tomorrow.  Amy Jo 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    so many posts today!we have been busy. Gotta answer "MamaChrissy" first.. no, i haven't been sleeping well, even for me. about 3hrs of dosing at a time 2xs a night. my darn legs from the MS are kicking up, big time..   ....LEAH, i thought the same thing in the beg. about Lisa's name. and yes, she IS to be counted on.. ...DRAGON, I also had a BMX for DCIS, with many complications. but recon is out for me, cause of my many other health issues.. so, i wear "strap ons" so. cal.. a good friend from here is thinking about relocating to Santa Fe. it looks like a magical place to me. she went to the spa.. 1,000 ? waters this winter there. sounded wonderfu;l!

       Basrbara! My yellow plumeria let out its' first blooms this morn. Gonna try to get a pic tommmorrow. i have a cheapeo camera, but will try... and lastly, my girl ISABELLA: i spray my sheets and comforter EVERY night with something with Euculyptus?sp? and run the comforter for a few min. in the dryer.. its' the best!!!

       i always love the story that Elton John spends 1,00   $$ every wk to pout fresh cut flowers in all of his houses, even the ones' he's not currently in.. thats' living!!!

     enough for now. will return when ive caught my breath. saw onco today, lots to say, but all is good NED still....3jays

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104

    Yay!  My mammogram was fine. They read them immediately at the cancer center I go to so no waiting.  I really appreciate them doing this. 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    SoCal Lisa, you are world-famous; at least on this whole BCO forum.  Your modesty and your simply doing what you love is a precious gift to us all. Believe me, you touch thousands of us with your eye for beauty in your photos - I am not alone when I thank you for sharing. 

    Photos:Chrissy, you ain't no slouch yourself.  SV, we all love your work too, but you need to rest and recover - nature will still be here when you get well.  We have a tiny bird too, with a huge voice - I forget what it's called, but they visit in the spring.Today we had a pair of merganser ducks in the yard - I have no idea where they came from.

    Susgul, Yay for you!! That's good news; Dance a little! heck, dance a lot!

    I used to drive 4 hrs to get screenings, just because of the 'immediate read.'  Now, my BS has moved and is about a 5-hr drive from here - we make it an overnight trip, and I get the mammo one day and the results the next.  1-yr mammo screening is coming up in 2 wks, but blood work is done and "looks good." So I am hopeful.

    SV I hope you're taking care of yourself; eating and resting and not stressing. 3jays, I hope you get some relief, and some sleep.

    To all, wishing you a pleasant day ahead.  Today we drove up the hill to the snow - 20 miles uphill, they have about 10-12 feet.  Our snow has just melted, and we have daffodils.Smile