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For Older People with Sense



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    They're all hale and hearty! Chubby cheeks, giggles and spit.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Sounds glorious!  Baby giggles are the absolute best!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Enjoy your day girls, I'm off to bed. A little bit of garden tranquility to peruse.

  • I am only able to repond to one topic at a mind just doesn't retain things the way it used to...but I am glad all of you are here.  This is a nice thread and it is amazing how fast it has become "home".  I do want to respond to you however, Isabellas.....the doctor sounds like a first class B____ with a capital.  Call and tell whomever that you are going to be out of your Arimidex before you can get an appointment and that you at least need them to call in a weeks worth so you don't run out before you see her again. Maybe they don't do that there, but here if I forget my pills, like when I come to my Dad's or something, the pharmacy will give me enough to get by until I get back  home.  Then in the meantime I would start looking around for a new doctor, one with a better bedside manner.   Psuedo?would guess that means it mimics and looks like gout, but maybe isn't really?  What sort of scans are they checking this with....bone?, PET?, MRI?   The time I had a tumor in my left sacrum it was my orthopedic surgeron, not my onco, who discovered it with a MRI. 

    Sorry about the Gators, Dad had game on and I thought they were winning, but made him turn it off after it was time to eat.  Last night the fondue burner did not catch on fire, A first!  And it was a really fun group.  I am leaving my fondue stuff here since I do not plan on making it again now that warm weather is coming.  Ha, that's a joke.....looked out this morning and there is snow!!!

  • Nico1012
    Nico1012 Member Posts: 1,152

    Just stopping in to wish everyone a peaceful Sunday!


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108

    DS and his family just left and DH and I are  stretched out on living room couches at 11:00 AM and he has already fallen asleep :)Much as I love to see them come, they are in like a hurricane and out like a tornado! I swear I don't remember so much chaos when my own were children. And how DDIL manages to cook for her family I can not imagine. I fixed three different main dishes for dinner and still the kids did not eat. Well, they did manage ice cream sandwiches after dinner :) We went out to breakfast so everyone could order what they wanted. I do think they eat out a lot so maybe that is the explanation. No one looks like they are missing too many meals so something must be working. 

    They are off to a nearby resort for spring break. The place started out as a private gated condo community but with the crash in the real estate market they are surviving by going public. Beautiful golf course on the ocean, pools, beach, and up scale restaurants.  I am sure we would think it is expensive but probably a bargain for working people. Hope the rain holds off for a few days. Spring break holed up in a condo, no matter how nice, is no fun.

     A friend had pseudogout of the wrist. I think the difference between it and gout is simply the kind of crystals that cause the inflammation of the joint. But I think  the symptoms are similar. Both very painful. At least part of the treatment is a change in diet, less red meat, alcohol and sweets, all the good stuff of course.

    Why can't we eat and do as we please? This being healthy is a full time job and not always fun. 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

     Hi Ladies..........Beautful Sunday here in Drexel Hill, Pa............very cool out, but at least we have the sunshine..........Up way too early, but saw the clock said 6:30, and figured "go to early Mass, and it will be done and over with"...........Mass was 7am, so imagine what I looked like walking into church with no time to make myself gorgeous (that takes a lot of time)  Ok, my mother use to say "you look like something the cat drug in and forgot to drag out"......Does that give you a visual of what I looked like, but I knew if I didn't do it then, it was not going to happen.........I was in and  out in 35 kind of Mass...........

    I have been pondering over and over in my mind all the restrictions with the right arm because of the node removal.......All the ladies have advised me that this is something to be taken seriously, and not to be played with, so how come they don't tell you this up front.............Guess its because your not gonna change your mind about treatment because of a swollen arm........I was saying to my daughter "how will I know if it is lymphedema, or just my big "bat wing" hanging from my arm".............Her answer......Oh that's easy you will know right away, I know someone who it happened to...........It looks like a "flipper"............Gee, freakin thanks for that little bit of information............Does that mean if it happens, everytime I see a puddle I will want to swim upstream...........So with only one flipper (right breast lumpectomy).....I'll be swimming in circles............I go to the BS on Tuesday, and you can bet I'm gonna have a lot of questons for him this week...........My son said after we got the pathology back (which was very good)........Cancer realized who it picked to mess with, and decided to make a quick exit....................I ask a lot of questions,,, research everything, and if I don't get it the first will continue to explain,until I do.............I told my kids..........he is a Doctor, he is wonderful, he is skilled...........HE IS NOT GOD............I am entitled to all the answers regardless of how long it takes..............My body, my life.................

    Ok ladies I hope you all have a great day, and for all who are getting their news for the first time..............hugs and we're here for you..............for all who are starting treatment......good luck........for all who have did it................for the ones with less then good are in my thoughts and prayers..................and remember........THE GOOD LORD WILL NEVER GIVE YOU MORE THEN YOU CAN HANDLE.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey ladies, i guess the "after birthday party ".  has caught up with me, ive been reading all along, just don't have much to say,but thats' unusual! so, ill be jumping in anytime now. {{{hugs}}}} to all thaat need them. like chrissy said, i can't even keep the info in my head, there's so much going on..

        Isabella. it IS time to try a new Doc. thats borders on criminal!! did they discuss how they'll treat gout: since THAT was what the appt was about?      3jays

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Isabella you need to complain. That doc is a b#%%#*d and you could report him to the medical council. Pseudo gout as PJ said is a different chrystal but both cause arthritis which can mean joint replacement. You need to go back and sort out that doctor or get a new one.

     It is really dark here this morning, daylight saving should have ended this weekend, not sure why it was extended a few years ago.

    It has been a great weekend but now for some reality and I must try to get back to the gym this week.


  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104

    Isabella, I join with the others in encouraging you to find a different doctor.  I think you need a new set of eyes for some of your problems. Sounds to me like you're being taken for granted.  Patient for 30 years, in and out. 

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883

    Yes, Isabella, I definitely agree with finding a new doctor. Every patient should be treated with respect and dignity. To BarbA, I am an Indiana girl right now, so I am rooting for Butler, but I like those Gators too. I hope everyone has a great Sunday!!!!! lol, Kathy

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    Isabella I concur with everyone else, get yourself out of there and into another practice, even a new doctor just starting out would treat you with more respect, YOU DESERVE BETTER so even if you have to drive a little further transfer practices.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Wow, you girls have been busy posting.  Glad so many see this as home.  Sorry my brain cannot remember everything I have read so sending prayers and hugs to everyone.  Hope all test results turn out to be good news, and treatments have no SE's.  And Isabella, get a new doctor, you deserve a lot better care that the current one can provide.

    I have one more radiation treatment on Monday then I am done, YEAH!!! Then on Tuesday I go to see my onco about my last bone scan and my next bone treatment.  Not sure if he will change my meds or not so I will have to wait and see.  I will keep you all posted.

    Hope everyone has a restful Sunday and enjoys being with family and friends. Amy Jo 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I will be thinking about you tomorrow Amy Jo...

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Amyjo, thinking about you Tues.  Isabella, fully agree you deserve a better doctor.  I have at least one doctor that doesn't seem to like me very much but I can't change him.  Someday we'll part company I'm sure.  At least one entity is very tired of me and that's my insurance company.  They put me on some kind of case management so they can monitor my utilization.  There were no "life-style" improvements they thought I needed so instead they just call and ask if I'm taking my meds.  Believe me there's no one who would love to have fewer Dr. appointments than me.

    It's a dreary Sunday here in Oregon with the wettest March on record.  Oh well, plum tree is in bloom.  Wishing all a relaxing day.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. I really appreciate them and truly need them.  You ladies are the greatest.  Love to all. Amy Jo

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    amyjo49 add me to those praying for you. Isabella I also agree find a new DR.. I've already amde a change in my Onc., they work for me not the other way around.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Amyjo, happy to hear that the zaping will happen tomorrow.....Yay!!!!! Celebration for that!  All prayers and good thoughts are coming your way for the visit to the onc on Tuesday.  Hope the resulting information is good for you......(((((hugs))))).

    Ducky, girl you just crack me up!  I was reading your post through the laughter and ended up with a belly ache I laughed so have an amazing outlook on life!  I would dearly like to meet you when I come to the USA in September..........perhaps we can organise something.

    Dragonflymary, isn't it good to know that your insurance has nothing to pick you on?  but boy are they looking hard on that one.........what ever you are doing, keep doing as obviously it's working for you!

    Isabella,  it seems that your advisery board has met and the motion of the day has been passed unnanimously.............GET A NEW DOC!........ahem.......sorry for yelling but I thought I needed to do that so you could hear me across the pond.....over the mountains.......and across the plains......and then across another small pond.     In all seriousness, you do need someone who is prepared to give you better treatment.

    Well what a difference a day makes..........yesterday, cold, windy, overcast and nasty enough for me to light the first fire of the season.  Today, absolutely glorious.........clear blue sky, glorious sunshine and the gentlest of brezzes blowing.........don't you just love this sort of weather?  makes a person want to go and do some gardening..........I might just give that a try a bit later.   Have a great day girls!  To all those in treatment, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and each treatment means you are a little closer to it..........thinking of the newly diagnosed, we are a great source of information, don't be afraid to use us and we will walk the road with you.

    Peace, strength, love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    marybe,i tried skype.but my connection is awful tonite. call me if you read this. its sunday nite, 10:30.. hello to all you lovely ladies. ive been laying kinda low, but am reading up a storm.. SUZB, if this is the right thread, Happy Birthday!      3jays

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Nobody would want to be in NC today weather wise--winter has returned with a cold rain and it's miserable.  Back in the old flannel nightgown tonight, for sure. Not sexy, but what matters is warm!

    Chrissy, DH was able to participate in the men's synchronized swimming "event" and I wasn't able to go, but understand it was hilarious.  DD took some pictures, but unfortunately they're all blurry due to her laughing so hard.  All wore their swim goggles and swim caps (except our minister, who shaves his head and stood in the middle), and when they "swam" in one direction DD said it sounded like a herd of elephants.  I hope someone taped it so I can see it! And Chrissy, love the picture, too!  Thanks.

    Barbara, tonight I am bereft.  The Carolina Tarheels lost today, so no wonder the sky was not "Carolina blue"!

    Ducky, your posts always make me laugh!  I do wish we could all meet each other in "real life"!  You know, I don't recall anyone ever saying to me no needles, no BP in the arm on the lumpectomy side;  I think I read it somewhere.  Anyhow, mine was the left side and it was always my preferred side for that sort of thing, but now it's a habit to always present my right arm for everything.  Also, there is a machine that calibrates (I suppose) if you have any signs of lymphadema and my breast surgeon used it the last time I went.  So far, so good.  I was advised then not to carry my purse on that arm or shoulder.  That's something I really have trouble with.

    Amyjo, YAY for you tomorrow!!!  And prayers and good thoughts for you on Tuesday.

    Isabella, I'm joining the crowd here--get a new doctor!

    Hugs to all,


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Morning gals. Today is AmyJo's last rad. ((((AMYJO)))))) Doing the happy dance for you!!

    And rumor has it, today is her birthday.

    Kathy, so sorry about UNC. I can relate, since the Gators lost Saturday. Yell

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Happy Birthday Amyjo!!!!!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Happy Birthday!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    My goodness, I'm off-line for a few days and come back and have SEVEN PAGES to read on this thread!

    So - since they're no way I can remember all the details I'll have to say Happy Birthday to all of you who had birthdays and Mazel Tov to all of those who have new grandchildren.

    So here's a small intro to me. I'm 60 years old so qualify in the "older women" part and am winging it in the "have more sense" part. I grew up in NYC (first the Bronx and then Queens). I moved to Israel then met my DH, a Canadian, so lived with him in Toronto for the first 6 years of our marriage before we came back to Israel. We have 6 kids ranging in age from 33 down to 17, and 6 grandchildren. I was dx with Stage III BC 2 1/2 years ago, did the surgery-chemo-rads and thought BC was in my past but last May was dx with mets to sacrum so it's my present and my future.

    And may that future be LONG.


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Happy Birthday AmyJo - best present is Last Rads! Hope you have lots of energy to celebrate. And good wishes for your onc visit too.

    Hoping that everyone here finds a reason to celebrate today.  My celebration will be seeing the sun for the first time in a couple weeks! 

    It'll take me awhile to learn names and faces of this group, but I am enjoying us. Best wishes, and good fortune to each and every one.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hope its been a great birthday Amyjo with lots of celebrating.

    It is a beautiful autumn day here something I really enjoy.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Chrissy, would love to meet you someday when your in the U.S...........Just say the word......

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Hey, Ducky, would love to meet up with you next time I am in Philly. I travel a lot.