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For Older People with Sense



  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Yes part of it the estrogenm suppresion. ref: My rant two minutes ago on the sewing thread.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Perhaps someone could read my rant on "stitching the pieces together" I think my estrogen lack is really showing.


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Phyllis - wow! You have two young children - that's a full time job. You are working way more than a full time job at your outside job. And you are dealing with important health issues!  Any one of those is enough for a healthy person. No wonder you are tired - you are doing more than three full time jobs all at the same time. I am in awe that you are managing at all. Give yourself credit  - and some rest time.

  •   Oh Martha,  I am sorry the threads are having a bad influence on you, but it is good to rant every so women I think we need to rant, even if we don't have BC.  So far as finding a cure, I hate to be a pessimist, but I don't think it is ever going to happen....not in our lifetimes anyway.  And I don't think it is because as some people say they don't want to find a cure because there to too much money being made off of cancer.   I think there are just too many variables.  No one reacts the same to treatment and there are so many different types of cancer.  One person can get to remission on a drug and another person can be on the exact same drug and the cancer shows chemo can make one sick as a dog and another can have absolutely no SEs whatsoever.  Maybe one day there will actually be a cure, but I think it is a long long way off.

    Ginger.....I will go look for your rant.  Now if I was actually sewing, I would probably be a screaming mother always said she would not even attempt to teach me to sew since I did not have the patience for it.  Really, it makes me want to scream when I discover I have sewn on the wrong side or my tension keeps getting off or I break the needle and the bobbin runs out.  Sewing is not my bag, but I admire people who are good at it. 

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Phyllis - With your busy life, you have every right to be tired. I agree with Marybe, if your not already taking one, an antidepressant  may be something you want to look into. Or find a professional to talk to about how you're feeling. Start with your PC. My depression was first diagnosed after my BC diagnosis. I realized afterwood that I had probably been depressed long before that, but that BC was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back.

    Marthah -  No special celebration for my anniversay, just a quiet reflection of gratitude that I'm still here. Since rejoining this board, last summer, I realize just how lucky I am. With my pathology report, I'm amazed I've been NED all these years. I've also found myself becoming more angry since losing a friend to BC about a year ago. She was diagnosed at the same stage I was. She lived less than 2 years from diagnosis - 45 years old. She left behind 2 teenage boys still in high school and a loving husband, who seems lost without her. Yeah, where the f**k is the cure. Read "Bathsheba's Breast". It's a book about the history of breast cancer treatment. I was apalled at how little progress we've made, over the last century, in trying to beat this disease into oblivion.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Phyllis sending gentle hugs. Back troubles are terrible and I do really understand as I have have had  severe problems since I was a teenager. I had polio which was the result of a vaccination that went wrong. Long story but major affect on my back.

    Marybe I was stunned the other day when MiL said she thought she should get another car and get her licence back!!!! She who has had her licence cancelled because she drove through a stop sign. MiL just doesn't understand thatshe can't get it back and that she couldn't drive with her leg and hip!!! A couple of times when I was driving her she would say that it was clear to go or ask why I hadn't turned, she really has lost her perception of distance.

    Dragon you asked what was causing my sciatica - I have degeneration of most of my lumber region of my spine so this is not a surprise but doctor says that we must watch it and if its not improved in a month or so we had better have a closer look. The pain is not good today because I haven't helped it by walking into a drawer that was not shut and have major bruise/lump just below my knee. Found standing and sitting in church this morning was not easy.

    Hope you are all having a good weekend and I can't wait to see what Marybe comes up with next.

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    Phyllis so sorry about your back problems and bladder infection.  Bladder infections are a pain to say the least.  Last year I went on Zoloft after my mom died.  I was having a very tough time making decisions about my Mom and disabled brother.  The summer before my Mom got really sick I had a bladder infection that really seemed to put me in a tizzy.  Nothing seemed right for me.  So what I'm trying to say is Zoloft has helped me really a lot.  I know I wouldn't be handling my BC diagnois has well as I am now without it. 

    Marybe this last dessert of yours sounds really great.  Death by chocolate with raspberries.  Yum!

    Everyone have a good weekend.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Martha, it's my DAUGHTER who is giving me grief!!! Not my DIL. That makes it even worse, in my books! Zach is only one, so I hope I have time to get him to know me and remember me!!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Alyson, so sorry about your back pain!  Hope they find something to help you.  I think pain makes you feel more fragile somehow and limits your enjoyment at lot.  

    Phyllis, hope you're doing better.  You certainly don't need a bladder infection right now.  

    Boy the daylight savings time change resulted in a very long night.  Now it will start to get dark here at about 4:30.  I do love winter, however.  There's snow on Mt. Hood already--am hoping to take the kids to the snow this year as last year we couldn't do it.

    Today:  bake my husband something good to eat, make mac and cheese, knit a hat for GD.  It's time for wool and comfort food!  Happy Sunday to all.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Dragon....I also love winter. People think I am not altogether there when I say that !

    I love the dark nights, log fires, starting some knitting that will NEVER get finished !! I can do without the winter cooking tho', I hate to cook. If it doesn't come ready made I don't let in thru' my door. I cooked for nigh on 40 years for an unappreciative family ( or maybe it was me, cooking up ANYTHING that would take 10 minutes flat !) I really resented that I was the one delegated to do the cooking. I said the minute I hit 60 that was it...enough was enough.... and I've stuck to it. The most I will cook is bacon and eggs.

    Did a monster food shop today, it will last me a month. Stocked up on Christmas cakes and puddings. This will be the last big shop I do. I am going back to having it delivered. I did this for years, then somehow slipped back into doing the big shop myself, thinking I could do a better job than the delivery, when I can't....I can always pop out for a few things myself. It took me the best part of two and a half hours...the queues were horrendous...parking was bad, and the lifting I can do without....then I had to find space for everything when I got back home. I wasted all afternoon messing around. I could have put my time to much better use.

    I have been given a young Alsation bitch ( or German Sheperd, as they now are me they will always be Alsations !) Someone who specialises in blacks has come up with a puppy that was black and sable, and she doesn't want it at all...says it will spoil her reputation for solid colour..she won't sell it because she doesn't want people to know she has bred this dog that isn't all black ! Puppy is 13 weeks, and is being delivered next w/end. So, I will take it on, it can live with my other Alsation, who will soon be coming up for a year. Not exactly my breed, but lovely to look at dogs, I prefer small dogs. Just hope they get on, because I do not think I have space for a big dog in my house among all the little dogs. Well, truth be told, I do not want a big dog in the house...full stop. As long as they wander around the farmyard when I am not here they'll do for me. My dog food bill just goes on up and up....all has gone up with the price of corn rising. I spend so much more on the dogs than I do on myself....and am sure they eat better than I do. The only thing at the back of my mind when I take on another dog is "will I outlive them?"   

    Lovely day here today, I could have done with a trip out and a nice meal somewhere, but shopping got in the way. We are starting with Christmas Craft markets this coming week. I always like to go to 2 or 3 of them, always something a bit different to see....but the, they must think people are made of money ! I am going to the first one next Friday, plus a meal in a nice country pub is on the cards ! I have been making a start on Christmas presents over the last few days....ordering on internet, letting the postman take the strain ! I had it out with DD about 2 weeks ago. I am stopping buying expensive presents anymore. One decent present for all G/children, money for DD and has been racing out of control over the last couple of years, AND never get any emails from half of the G/children to acknowledge they've even got the presents I send. Of course, I shall completely spoil my little G/daughter...she will be 3 the first week in January, and she's the youngest G/child.....don't expect anymore !  (already ordered her a childs armchair with her favorite TV character printed all over it )


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Phyllis - so sorry you are going through so much right now.  All of the unexplained crying is due to stress and not enough rest and very possiblely some anxiety over everything that is going on just living life right now.  I still have those spells once in awhile.  Take some time to get some rest, take naps whenever you can and try to sleep at least 8 hours every night.  I know that is hard with young children or even teenage children, but it is so very important for you to get the rest your body needs.  Talk to your PC or Onco about getting something like Efexor (sp??) to help with the anxiety so that you can get to sleep and stay asleep at night.  It has helped me tremendously and it has also helped ease the hot flashes.

    I don't remember who was having the back pain but the back brace that Marybe gave me does work wonders for my back whenever it starts hurting.  I wear it when I have to do anything for an extended amount of time, like sitting or standing. Also when I am doing chores that require a lot of bending or stretching, like pulling weeds or folding laundry or putting laundry away.  I am short and the shelves are all so high! Frown

    Hautie - congratulations on your anniversary!  I hope I have that many years ahead of me.  You and Marybe are such an encouragement to me.

    Chrissy - I am missing you.  DD#1 and her family will be moving to Japan sometime between Jan. and March of next year so DH and I are planning on coming to see you sometime when we go to see them since we will be almost there when we get to Japan.  I am getting really excited about coming to see you.  I will let you know when we will be coming after they get moved and we find out when we can go see them.  Can you believe this will really happen???

    I am off to bed. Hope everyone had a nice weekend and has plans for some rest and fun times suring the week. 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Hauntie, just adding my congratulations, and wishes for many more years.  17 x 2 or 3!!

    Phyllis, my heart is with you - and I agree with the other ladies that good restful sleep is one of the biggest keys.  You do so much, and have so many responsibilities.  I hope you get some relief really soon!

    Back braces are wonderful - I have 3. They're worth every penny, and can sometimes even be paid by insurance.

    ((Alyson)) Ouch.

    edited (of course I always have a last thought) - to add a welcome to banjobanjo.  We are all sorry to meet you under these circumstances, but this is a good place to find information, vent, learn, laugh, and be supported by others who "get it."  It's a real shame we must meet in this way, but there are some really amazing women here, who make this journey much more bearable. 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352 are you doing, any news yet on different treatment??

    I was just reading back a little and really had to laugh at the antics of your nieces...the pole dancer and the meth taker !!!!!!!!!!!  It makes me feel good about my own crazy DD. I used to hope it was 'just a phase' ....but that was many many moons ago when she was 16-17-18. She and a bowler hat were inseparable, I used to try and walk a couple of steps infront of her when we were out shopping. She was mad keen on horses then, we had 5 between us ( well, 1 horse and 1 donkey were mine!) I just FED 5. She would thunder around on her horses at the speed of light, scaring me to bits ( I am a very sedate rider, or was ) When she decided to live with her BF at 19 there was no stopping her, she was going to do it no matter what I said. I thought then it just might steady her up, as she proceeded to have 3 children rather quickly...but no, I was wrong again. She then went ahead with her wedding. Her father had washed his hands of her by then, wouldn't attend , nor fund the it fell to me , and of course she wanted the whole shebang. We had to have a very big sort out, and she had to trim things down. She was not pleased, but money doesn't grow on trees. I was so embarrassed with her walking down the aisle, 3 small boys in convoy behind her ...what a way to do things !! My toes were curling wondering what long lost relatives who had come were thinking !!  I was just pleased when the day was over . Since then she has started 3 businesses, the last one a successful garage business which gives them a very good standard of living....but she still dresses so embarrassingly weird !!  I just wonder how much longer she can get away looking the way she does !! I can see her hitting 60 and still wearing short black shorts. One of her grandmothers used to call her 'Maverick', never used her name at all, always Maverick !! Even embroidered her a little bag to put her school shoes in with Maverick on the front.

    She has certainly given me some major headaches over the years....and still continues to amaze me now....can't ever see her cooling down. She isn't too well at the moment, has another kidney infection, she has a horseshoe kidney, and gets recurrent infections. She has been told Do not drink. Do not smoke....and what does she do ?? Doesn't eat well, doesn't sleep well...just does not take care of herself, and spends an awful lot of time going to psychic seances...or whatever they are called !!!! ....and certainly won't listen to me. She had a very good job, with a leading childrens charity, looking after drug addict teens and underage mothers. Was always in and out of court with 'her' girls when they were in trouble, or fighting custody battles....but about 3-4 months ago she decided to give up this job. Just like that. A good job gone. She will call in at the garage most days, but usually only to fetch the sandwiches for the workers break, then off she goes...on a round of visiting friends, shopping, and riding her horses. Brand new pick up truck, not a care in the world !!!! She has a lump, about as big as a cherry tomato, deep in her breast. She has had all investigations  (BEFORE I was dx'd) and has been told it is 'benign' She will NOT discuss this with me, will not get back to her Dr, in the light of my diagnosis, and ask for it to be looked at again. It seems to be that she has been told it was benign, so therefore it will stay that way in her mind. NOTHING I can say to her will get her back for more investigations. I must bring up the subject once a month, but she gets very prickly with me, and quickly changes the conversation.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    oh, Isabella:  children, good, bad, or indefferent ( i got the indeferent type lol) are so much trouble

       Still loving them is a habit we can't break now, so we just do the best we can!!!

       ... we worry about them when we seethem, and their dress, or actions are strange, and then, NOT seeing them actually breaks our hearts.. im so there with you, gal...

        i'm afraid i "look" a lot like your DD or did, till bc kicked my but.. but, i HID my stuff from my mum, never let her know what i really did.. thats' the difference, nowadays.. my middle one calls me to say he "might" be getting arrested (in the past) my oldest calls to tell me what he won't do for me ( not financial, we don't need that) about grands, and the youngest won't communicate at all.. and here, i mistakenly wanted them so bad, i adopted two in my life.. ahh, the dreams of the young, sometimes turn into the nightmares of the elderly.. or more older lol

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    the latest is: as excited as i let myself to get, my oldest refused last night to spend thanksgiving with us, nor xmas.. so, no grands this yr either.. he really does NOT get it! OR he gets it, and is more self absorbed or mean spirited than i realized.. gotta just "get over it, tho." what else CAN we do??......3jays
  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi all. Thanks for the PM Chrissy I just needed a boost.

    Had a very different day yesterday. I was called for jury duty - something I have never done as previously have always come up with a good excuse. Well along I went  well dressed of course  and waited. Didn't get drawn out for the first case, nor the second nor the third. Then they explained that the next case was to be a 10day trial - oh bother I thought just my luck and guess what my name came out. We were sent away for two hours and so went shopping which wasn't too bad. Finally get up to the court room and things are explained, the 20 or so charges are read and then its time for final jury selection. I had ever since the judge arrived been sitting thinking what do I do now, oh well will wait to see if I am called then speak to her. And I was called first. walked up and as I got to the bench said to the judge what do I do now. She then had to inform the court that I was known personally to her and so here i am not on a jury for a trial which will last a couple of weeks. She is the only judge I know and I happened to get called for her court.

    I must away and drink my cup of tea. 

    3Jays and Isabella sending big hugs. I know what problems some families are. My sister has so much hassle from one of her sons and his family and they have bleed her dry of money. Mine are fine but I do still worry and fret when things go wrong.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    3jaysmom:  I'm so sorry to hear that your children will not be with you for Thanksgiving or Xmas.  I think mine know better than to not show up for one of those Holidays...they would be cut out of the will...LOL!  

    One year they all agreed to come up and spend Thanksgiving in NC with us, so we stayed over, and at the last minute they all cancelled.  It was so disappointing!  It was a lonely day with just the two of us and no family around.  Never did that again.

    You just have to detatch from the hurt that it is causing and try to enjoy the holidays without them.  Maybe you could take a trip or a cruise...I've threatened to do that before. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i really wish we could afford to do a cruise, cause we derenitely would!!! my middle son MAY be here with us for the holidays.. if the rehab lets him out.. ones' better than none.. its' the grands i get so upset about.. we'll figure out a day other than the holiday of name, for them.. and, maybe a movie on the actual day.. i have to learn to get over this!!!! detatch, hell, i wanna kill something!!!hahaha

     I found out today why im so tired, yet again; i have another darned bacterial infection. he wouldn't start anything anti b wise, till the culture comes back. seems i picked it up having mohs surgery, though they said it was ok..

        so, i'll be in better shape next week, to deal with it all... i hope!!!!!thanks for your support ladies. i just HAVE to find a way to get over this. i give it too much power over me. can't go thru what i did last year... i wish Isabella and i could go out to dinner, or something!.....3jays

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352 sorry about your plans for Thanksgiving going up in smoke. Kids...who'd have 'em ?? Truth be told tho' I would stand infront of a train for either of mine. I am SO sick of learning what's going on in their worlds thru' damned impersonal. I have been thinking wills lately...they'll all get a I am TRYING to sort out some sort of sell all I own, and feed and care for all the animals type of thing, and IF there's any over when the last amimal dies then they can share. I don't know...I shalln't be here.... but I must secure all my animals futures. DD has said 'what the h*ll will become of all your dogs and cats ?' so looks like she won't be stepping forward. I haven't told her I am getting another dog this w/end yet !! 

    Cold, drippy, misty day here . I am going to try and clear out my summer tubs and baskets and replant. I have had boxes of winter plants about 10 days now....must get them in.


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    3jays:  Another suggestion about holidays.  When my kids were young I had to share them with my ex and he always insisted he had to have them on the actual holiday...jerk that he was.  I got tired of arguing with him, so I told the kids that holidays could be any day we wanted them to be, and therefore we sometimes had Thanksgiving a week before...same with Xmas.  We still do that sometimes, because the kids have other committments with their inlaws, etc. so sometime around the Xmas holidays I have a big gathering of all the kids (my boyfriend's and mine) and we do a white elephant gift exchange.  It is always a lot of fun and the kids love it.  This frees them up on Xmas day to do things with their own families, and we go to their houses to visit, or I cook for the single kids.

    Also, you might be surprised how cheap cruises really are, particularly the ones that just go over to the Bahamas for a few days.  If you go to you can check it out with no obligation.  We are lucky that we live in Florida because it's a short drive to the port.  You don't need much in fancy clothes either..casual all the way!  Best vacation value out there! 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997


    You put in winter plants? It is in the 40's here f  and I have no clue what I could put into a planter that would grow or survive?  We do get snow here occasionally but nothing like what we had in the midwest. Yesterday I had the lawncare fellows remove a blackberry plant that appeared in the middle of some landscaping near the front walk. It had tendrils that shot out, it seemed, overnight. Blackberries crowd the edges of the wooded areas but I don't want them near my front door! I have a 6 month old standard poodle, Stewie, who loves to eat blackberries, his thick coat protects him.

    Have a good day all, it is my DD 33rd birthday. We will go to her house this evening and have pumpkin pie, her choiceof birthday "cake."

    Laters Ginger

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    3jays, so sorry about your Thanksgiving disruption.  I spent years trying to remedy things like that with my husband's family and finally just gave up.  Hope you're feeling better and getting the rest you need to get over this infection.  

    Just saw a whole litter of cuddly white puppies that a friend has.  I need a puppy like a hole in the head--call me "she who wants a puppy."  Oh well I have a small white dog already who's a very good psychotherapist.

    XOXO to all on this chilly Portland day,


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I cancelled my FB account 2 weeks ago. I, too, got sick of seeing all the great times my kids were having without inviting me, too. My daughter and I had a great fight and it's still not over, apparently...

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    My friend cancelled her facebook for the same reason as you Barbe. I rarely see my two oldest sons, they are busy..... My middle son and I have always been close he calls to chat and it makes me so happy. His wife is distant and I try to keep peace with her at all costs so I can see the Grands once or twice a year. One of the oldest boys has a wife who is very attached to her family and getting into that is so difficult. She doesn't like her neighbors or really anyone outside her family. She has a lot of rules that she doesn't disclose so it is hard to meet her needs. We have one grandson there and I wish I knew him better. Our daughter lives in the area we moveds to last year. We see them a couple times a week, they have a baby and I love it. When our DD graduated from college she moved across country and went through her teeenage rebellion then, and it broke my heart.  It was so difficult to be apart from her when we had been so close before. I love that we see her often now. I think it is the boys who most often are just gone once they are grown.  Family relationships can be so painful. 

    One of my friends had a practice she instituted once her kids were grown. Whatever her kids told her they were planning on doing she would say, "Great idea!"   I haven't seen her in awhile I wonder if it worked?


  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Re: Grown Kids and Grandkids

    :::hugs::: Barbe, I'm so sorry. I sounds as though Sunday didn't go as you had hoped. And I know how painful it can be. When my DD's husband walked out on her and their 1 yo son, she really hit rock bottom. I was not in a position to help her financially. Her dad, my XH, and his wife, offered to take DGS for a couple months till she got back on her feet financially. I warned her against it, but she was desperate. But then they wouldn't let her have him back!!! She took them to court once, with an incompetent lawyer, and lost. I stepped in, helped her get a good atty, and we won. We had DGS, who by then was almost 4, finally back where he belonged. He's been home now for about 2 years. I was not allowed to see him during the entire time he was with the @$$hole and his ::;cough::: wife. Completely different circumstances, I know, but i know how painful it can be to be separated from DGK's. 

    Ginger, I would agree with what you are saying. Of course I only have one DS and one DD, but my relationship with my DS is completely different now that he's married then it was when he was a kid. We were very close when he was little, and into his teenage years. I keep peace with my DIL at all costs so I don't lose the relationship with DS or my 3 DGS. She's a little flakey, but I can deal with it.

    I came to a decision a few years ago, regarding my DIL. She may not be girl *I* would have picked for my DS. But she's a good mother, a good wife, and she makes my DS very happy. I decided to love her because she loves him well. Hope that makes sense. Love is a verb, after all.

    3jays, I'm so sorry for what you are enduring with your family. I would echo what others have said have to let go for your own well-being. But that doesn't mean you close the door. Always leave the door open. You can't make people do things, but you can make it possible for them do the right thing. It's kind of like patient, don't smother, and they'll probably come around. Smile 

    Lunch break is over...back to the grind. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Sending big hugs to all of you who are missing your little ones.

    I am so lucky. DD2 and SiL live close and I see my babies every couple of days. DD makes sure that her inlaws have them as well and I know that next year when GD starts kindergarten (not the same as yours) and DD is doing lecturing the inlaws and us will have the children at least one day each. My son has a lovely girl who is adamant that they are not living on the shore near her parents. DS and GF have been overseas for several years and so are independant. 

    Don't think that things are always smooth running. DD2 and I are very alike and so will clash but she will do anything for me. The thing I am not happy about is their plans to go to Canada but that's to be expected and thank goodness for skype. DD1 doesn't have anyone, she is a career woman but the other day did say that she was going to visit good friend, oh it would be great if something could scome of that.

    About FB, DD2 has pulled off as she felt it was dominating her life and she couldn't be bothered with a lot of things that went on.

    My hassles in life come from my sister, who lives with us, and her family. It is such a disfunctional family and relationships are so complicated, actually might make a good realty TV show. Anyway it can really get me down at times and we have to help my sister because she has nothing because of her family. And having an older sister living with you is not easy especially when she tries to tell you what to do in your own home. Sorry about the rant and there is nothing we can do as she would be homeless if we didn't have her here.

    Must get dressed as I have to report to the court this morning in case the need an extra jury today.

    Hope your day goes well.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    I feel so sorry for all of you who are having family problems...I don't feel so alone now !!!

    Seems a lot of us are walking on eggshells when it comes to DILs....they can be problematic...I hate that I have to keep on the 'right side' of mine...she holds the key to my son and his children (theirs, actually !) so I have to keep her on side, when I pretty much always feel like drowning her !! I find a VERY much easier relationship with my Grandsons girlfriends...2 really super girls. One a real worker and homemaker, and the other different, QUITE, QUITE ditsy, and always made up to the nines.....but I love them both. They both will call in and see me, chat to me on FB, and quite often go out of their way to make time for me....always include me if they are having a get together...always remember my fact I can't fault them . WHY can't DIL proper be that way ???

    I'm also very lucky with my SIL...he's a lovely person...I have known him since he was about 12, he's (about) 45 now. 

    Alyson...I admire you for taking in an elder sister... must be HARD work for you....don't think I could do it permanently, a week would be enough with my sister. She is a housework control freak, can't leave so much as a mug about. Everything has to be put away, and she cleans just about the whole house daily...luckily she has a small place, so can do this. She would have a field day in my rambling old house.....or a heart attack, as she'd never get round it in a day. She is younger than me by 7 years, but way too bossy for me. We have a sort of 'prickly' relationship, and walk around one another like a pair of cats....I let it go now, but when I was dx'd she never came near me, and she's only a half hour car ride away from me. She emailed, but never gave me any practical help.....I could have done with a couple of sisterly chats ( and that's ALL!!) and a bit of ironing !!...but nothing. Families !

    I had a real argument with the hospital today. I rang to see what the continuing holdup was with my neurosurgery appointment, and was told I had been taken 'OFF' the list, and was now down at the bottom of the queue, as I had NOT TURNED UP at my last three appointments. I was only there about 5-6 weeks ago. I couldn't argue as I couldn't find my appointment letters right at that moment. I wasn't expecting them to come up with this, and was told they were right, and I had refused my last 3 appointments. I tried to point out that this was totally wrong, but some clever little madam was talking over me and telling me the hospital was right. I hadn't the fight in me this afternoon..... funnily enough I have a bad back, and it was playing me up !!!!..... Not sure where to start with a complaint now, will start ringing around in the morning. Trouble is these things take so long to get sorted out, and my walking is getting worse by the week.

    Time to go have a shower and get to bed now. I am having an early night...well, its 11pm.... that's early for me.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    The Fed Ex truck dropped off a package this noon. I heard it pull away but the dogs kept barking and bieng upset and propping themselves up at the window next to the door. Finally I go look out the window and realize I am seeing the back panel of the Fed Ex truck still in my driveway. It is wooded and curves, it goes by an outlying garage and parking area for SUV and horse trailers. I step out the door because I realized the delivery guy was out of his truck and I assume doing his business where he felt it was private. I grabbed my phone to take a photo of the license plate but he was back in the truck and gone before I got a good shot.  Anyways I called Fed Ex and told them that I don't go to the bathroom in their delivery people/s yards and I don't expect them to go in mine.  My drive is all on private property, not one part of it is public and it is not a toilet. I also just feel insecure about someone wandering around behind buildings. We also have a horse barn over there.  I feel sort of stupid for calling FedEx because I know the drivers must need to go pee or poop during the day. I also feel a little afraid because he will surely know where he was today. I have never lived in an area where the house was this isolated before.

    We have beware of dog signs and no trespassing signs now do we need "This is not a toilet" signs?    Maybe I should put in a pay toilet over there!  

    grouch grouch grouch 


  • Ginger....LOL at your post....Even if they do need to relieve themselves during the day, they could surely stop at a gas startion or restaurant rather than using your yard!!!   I will be back to write some more to the rest of you all later....You make me happy I have no children, just pets to deal with I feel very tired so am going to bed.  Since it is my normal habit to get up in the middle of the night anyway, I will just be getting a head start of my sleep. 

  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    Marthah - Must be your short hair! LOL. If we see a new pic with a tatoo running down your neck I know you've gone completely militant about breast cancer compared to the male equivilent. Shhhh it starts with a P. Not enough women in medical profession still and yet. Save the men, the woman she can be replaced. I have felt very lucky recently to have a team in the medical profession that are all women. My BS, my onc, and my Primary are very focused on a cure and saving as many of us as they can. I personally think if they can't find a cure they should definitely be searching for a new way to beat the cells back. Poison for poison seems a bit harsh. Kinda like putting the victim in prison for the crime against him or her. What's up with that! Must have been a man that found that one. Let's hope in our lifetime something great happens.

    Hauntie you give me hope! Thanks for your share. I needed that today. Starting my chemo next Wed and have been in a battle with the thought of it. Congrads on your wellness and healing. Much luck and love for your next decade.

    Sidebar:Ginger and Marybe- I actually bought an embroidery sewing machine with the intent of getting through the chemo. Something I've always wanted to do and working with the computer design and the embroidery I hope I can manage to get excited about it all. At least I finally removed it from it's box. Afraid of trying it out for fear it won't work or I'll break it. Your remarks have instilled a great deal of confidence in me. LOL

    Appreciated all your remarks and always enjoy reading them even if I don't get the time to post. Still trying to pull all the items together for chemo and hope I am ready by then. God Bless you all and here's hoping by this time next year they find that pill that makes this Forum obsolete. Hugs