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For Older People with Sense



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    last year; we did get all the hoopla out, and some never got down, either, Marybe.. we left the garland around the din/liv rm area up. i've dusted it, and like that i can sit in the glow at night. i'm going to down grade it, and only do two walls, front and back this year, and im hoping to do it in grapevine, with crystsls,, enuff for christmas, but more yr round.. i love all things christmas, but am seriously downsizing this year.. truth be told, we don't see the grands for the season(so far) i'm hoping it'll change this year; but we're just keeping the "kidsy" stuff . by the time they get older; i'll be too crippled to do much...

       we're giving our big tree to a friend, this season. its a gorgeous, and was $$$$$ ; but im not up to it anymore. last yr. I bought a smaller tree, rewired it all, and i love it!!! nearer to the seson, i'll post a pic. it sits on a table, so no worries about the dogs that way..

       Ginger, the hanging thing, i did for yrs when my kids were young.. in a bay window.. it was lovely stable, and the dogs (big ones then ) couldn't get into it... i wonder what Isabella does with her sausage dogs???

       i hope you being back on merans your'e feeling better, Ginger. i missed "seeing" you!

      hi and bye to all.. lots of good wishes................3jays

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Yesterday I decorated for Thanksgiving and I can't believe the lift it gave me!  

    I have an elaborate miniature fall village that I just love, but I don't set it up every year because it's a lot of work... and it seems like every fall for the past four years I've been recovering from some major something or other.  I'm still debating whether I want to haul out all those little boxes today... even though by now it would only be out on display for three weeks... ::sigh::

    I *know* I would be happy if I did, though.  Gumption, girls, gumption.  I need me some.

    Why do we have such a hard time doing things that we know will make us happy?  Seriously. 


    ps. Marybe!  You really left your Christmas tree up ALL YEAR?  You rock my socks, sister!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Good Morning Ladies:  While my boyfriend was away on business this week, I got all the flowers planted and the fall wreaths up on the doors.  Better to do it when he is away because he doesn't like me to do it, and I don't like having him bend over and get on ladders because of his balance problems with his MS.  He will still fuss at me because I got up on a ladder with my vertigo, but oh well.  We're so blessed to have our families here in Florida..even the ones that live in Vail are coming with the new baby for this Xmas so we'll have everyone together...time for a family photo!  OMG...can't even imagine what that would entail with our group!

    I usually put the tree up just before Thanksgiving with the lights, but don't decorate it until first week or so in December.  I'll have fun this year with my 2 year old GD who will help (?) me with the unbreakable ornaments down low.  A tradition in my family...when my kids were young they always helped decorate the tree.  They fought so much over the ornaments that I had to give them each their own section with their own ornaments and that solved the problem.  I didn't dare touch them after they were in place because they knew immediately if they had been moved!  The grandchildren never seemed all that interested, but I have two little ones now, so I'll give it a try with them.  It makes for great memories! 

    Monday is my doctor's app't and hopefully the biopsy if he can find the area on the US.  After two months of waiting I would like to bring this to a conclusion.

    Have a great day...sending everyone lots of positive energy! 

  • Kaara, Being in limbo is the pits.  Yes, Lulu, I left it up all the idea from a friend of mine who was going to have a Xmas in July party that did not happen so she just left it up the rest of that year and also the next until she did have her Xmas in July I figured if she could do it, so could I.  I honestly don't even think people pay that much attention to it, since it's not lit and it's in the corner.  

    For Thanksgiving one year, I spray painted some of those fake pumpkings they sell at Michael's and Joann Fabrics...also did come gourds...did them in a dark brown and a chococate brown and they looked like they were made out of chocolate.  I got the idea from a Martha Stewart Living mag....I really like old Martha.   I mixed in some fall leaves and autumn flowers and it made for wonderful Thanksgiving decorations....used a smaller version as a centerpiece and had the large one on the buffet.  The pumpkins are probably on sale now.  

    Ginger, those mats they make to keep dogs off the furniture or in a room that have a little battery jolt they give off or a loud screech will do the trick.....just put it under the doesn't hurt the dog, but they get the idea to stay away from the tree.    

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Here's another Martha fan!  Those spray-painted pumpkins are a great idea.  She also taught me how to make home made marshmallows.  (Nothing like a good marshmallow now and then.  I even have some chocolate ones!)

    Had a cortisone shot for my back pain.  It was supposed to get worse, then better but I skipped the worse part and it's actually somewhat better.  I've decided exercises are for the birds.  Gotta go have a truffle.


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    So, Dragon, how do you make homemade marshmallows? I am a secret marshmallow lover but I don't like the ones here.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    ohh, the pumpkins sound like a great idea.. off to the dollar store tommorrow!!! im having at least my middle son for thsnksgiving, and hope to do it at the Grsnds house with them. we find our little house doesn't work with them. they have a park across the street, a bigger table, and all their toys there. we'll cook, ad just tranfer everything there.. i hope it works out, but if not, the 3 of us here wil be wonderful he's so much like my son now, clean and sober sure makes a big difference!!!

      Marybe, gonna look for your tv thread.. do you guys know aht channel the "ringer " is on? i haven't seen it once, but want to catch up; if i can.....3jays

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    3jays ~ The Ringer is on The CW channel. That's a pretty good show. There are more twists & turns in it now.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    3jays I'm so happy that you are having Thanksgiving with at lest one boy!  Give that boy abig hug from me and tell him well done!!!  So glad to hear that he is doing well.

    Love n hugs to you and Mur.  Chrissy

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Today, I am a 17 year survivor of breast cancer. I know how lucky I am to still be here. I celebrate my survival and am very grateful.for my NED status. Unfortunately, in the 17 years since I was diagnosed, many relatives and friends have been diagnosed with this awful disease. I have also lost many friends and through BCO have made many friends who are living with metastatic breast cancer. Enough already. WE NEED A CURE NOW!!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Congratulations Hauntie!  17 years and still NED!  Wowser!  Hope there are a lot more years ahead of you also.  I agree, we do indeed need a cure!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Thanks Chrissy. I just got up. I need to start getting ready for work soon, but wanted to share my clelbration with others AND my frusrtation  that BC is still so prevalent. I read a book recently, "Bathsheba's Breast", which was about the hstory of breast cancer treatment. Sadly, we don't seem to have come very far. It seems to still be about slash, poison, burn. The surgery is less radical, and they may be able to target the area better with radiation, but the drugs seem to be more poisonous. It's way past time for some real progress.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I agree Hauntie, with all the millions of dollars raised each year to go to research into this disease one would have a tendancy to think there would be a little progress by now but it seems to not be happening.  All we seem to see are more toxic drugs and no cure.  All I can say is it's very disappointing.   Enjoy you special day!!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Hauntie:  Congratulations on your 17 year survival!  Those are inspiring words for those of us who are just beginning this journey.

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    Congratulations Hauntie.  Celebrate!!!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Hauntie, congratulations!  That must be a great milestone.  

    Re:  marshmallows--you need a candy thermometer and it's besically sugar heated very hot then gelatin.  Gotta go look it up to get more specific as I haven't gotten out my candy-making stuff yet for the holidays.  Last year I didn't feel well enough to make fudge so this year I'm determined to do it.

    Does anyone know the answer to this?  I need some good info on aging.  As you age are you supposed to get more and more aches and pains?  What is normal aging and not so normal.  I'm saying this because I just feel fragile and rickety.  Every activity has to be evaluated to determine whether or not it will exacerbate some leg pain or shoulder pain or something.  I can't believe Hilary Clinton is my age and is Secy. of State.  Should I consult yet another doctor?  

    It seems like before this cancer happened I had a whole life going and now that is diminished down to "being careful" all the time.  Am I just complaining too much?  Sorry, I know it could be worse.  But I remember my Mom just sitting around doing nothing for years at the end of her life and wishing she'd done more when she could.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Well done Hauntie.

    Dragon I ask the same question often. Have discussed this with doctors and they have no answer.

    Anyway despite now having severe pain from sciatica we had such a great night last night.It is wonderful to look at the world through the eyes of a child. We took GD to a fireworks display. Tonight is our fireworks night - Guy Fawkes Night. ( Most people don't realise it is celebrated because Guy Fawkes did not succeed with his plot - they were a very small group of crazy students who didn't have public support at all) It was great she was fascinated by the bonfire( it was difficult to explain what the Guys were and why they were burning them). She was entranced by the firework as they exploded over head laughing and exclaiming as each one burst into colour. It is one of the best displays I have seen for a while.We went out because DH was helping with the tractor rides. The historical group had two old tractors which they used to tow an old wagon and a sheep trailor. The children both young and old had a great time riding on them.

    We had GD over night - it was 10.30 when we got back and she was fast asleep. When she came in to bed at 6.00 the first thing she said was that she had seen the fireworks.

    Must go and get her home as I have a very busy morning and her Granny needs a coffee.

    Hope your day has been great

    Big hugs

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Alyson, do you know the cause of your sciatica?  Is there a good treatment out there I don't know about?  Glad you got your GD overnight--I had mine Sat. night.  She seemed to have a ball as we have a new "kid overnight room" that she loved!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    Congratulations.gif Congratulationsi thought this would go with your angel, and i have red hair....3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    Congratulations.gif Congratulationsthought shed go good with your angel. i had red hair.. congrats, Hauntie...3jays
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352's to another 17 years.

    3jays...enjoy your Thanksgiving with your boys, wherever. I can 'feel' your excitement. Make the best of every minute with them. I am envious of you !!!!! I had a message on FB from my DSs wife last week inviting me to go for Christmas....stay a night, or two, maybe ?? What in the h*ll she thinks I am going to do with all my animals, just leave them to feed them. Dogs, cats, sheep, cows, plus nearly 2,000 hens. I suppose they'll all be able to feed themselves, roll their own bales of hay out, turn the taps on to get their water, let themselves in and out, collect and pack their own eggs ??? AND she is a farmers' daughter !!!!  I do have a part time helper now, but she wants time with her family at Christmas. I'd much rather I'd had a 'phone call from DS, it would mean more to me than any silly message on FB. It will be 3 years this Chrismas since I have seen my son, and 2 of my G/children.

    Off to bed now, thinking about my DS upsets me beyond words. One day when his children leave home, move a long way off, then don't come and see him he will understand.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    ohh, isabella; i am so sorry.. could you go for just the day, or are they too far? id say i'd help (you know i would) but its toobig a trip.. we'll see if it all works out.. i hope so. im determined not to get so worked up thisyear about them, either way.. i know the pain you feel, and im so sorry.. theyre too selfish, our children...........3jays
  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    Hi, Ladies!

    I have been absentee for a while, but have lurked just a little.  I have been working a lot (11 hrs yesterday, 10 the day before, and most days between 8.5 to 10hrs.) I had a bladder infection, I had to get my papsmear and a CA125 test.  Have been helping youngest with her homework every night. My back has been hurting again and my knees are making a creaking noise when I walk.  I guess I am just tired. It seems like I am on the verge of tears all of the time and I don't know why.  I cry almost every night after the kids go to bed. I fall to sleep on the couch every night.

    Please tell me this is just because I am tired! 

    Marthah:  Love your hair!  There is a lady in my church who had cancer many years ago and lost her hair to chemo.  She too shaved her head and when it came back, it looked very much like yours does. She liked the freedom of having it so short, that now she gets it cut, in kinda of a butch cut and she loves it.  I think it fits her very well.  Her DH is bald, and they look so cute together.  Who knows, you might just be a trend setter.

    Halloween around here -- I took my kids trick or treating and they got plenty of candy.  Since I go out with them, I leave a large bowl of candy on my front porch with instructions to take 1 or 2 pieces.  It is usually almost gone when we get home and this year was no exception.  I did my best to walk around to all of the houses with my youngest. I stood in the street and let her go up to each door.  My older daughter went with her girlfriends in the same neighborhood.  In that neighborhood, my church sponsors a big event called "Light the Night". It is hosted at a church members house in the neighborhood.  They have music, hot cider, coffee, donuts, candy and prizes. Also a big bounce house, a puppet show and so on.  It is really a nice event.  We ended at that house.  By the time I got home, my joints hurt so bad and I had to use a cane to walk, but I made it.  My kids had fun and we fell into bed!


  • banjobanjo
    banjobanjo Member Posts: 187


    I'm with you.  Aged 59... 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Phyllis, I see your cane and raise you a walker!! I've used my cane for enough years that it started to  affect my wrist!!! Makes sense, as I put a LOT of weight on my cane, I don't just use it to keep people out of my path. Anyway, at a visit to an orthopaedic surgeon, it was suggested I'd be better with a walker. What a differece!!! Your weight is evenly distributed. I got one where the seat lifts up so I can walk right in the middle of the handles, not push it in front of me. I got it for $40 at a used medical supply place. New was $350!!! I never liked the feeling of pushing the walker in front of me, picturing me doing a face-plant in the sidewalk! Because I can walk between the bars, I feel SO much safer! It also has a basket for shopping and my purse. Perfect!! I put neon smiley stickers all over it so people wouldn't feel sorry for me.....ehheheeheheh

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Also, because I do offset the walker when I need it, I find I don't use it as often as I did the cane. Mind you, I have a handicapped license plate for the past 2 years, so that helps....

    I'd use the cane EVERY time I went shopping before, but I don't use the walker every time. I think the walker has helped me keep the joints moving. Just a thought.

  • Oh Phyllis,   I feel so bad for you with the aches and pains, bladder infection.....but sometimes it is good to cry and let it all out.   I really think something is wrong with me because I don't cry enough....used to at the drop of a hat.  I of course cried when George had to be put to sleep, but it was nothing compared to when I had to do that with Sydney 5 yrs ago.   I do tear up easily when I think something is really beautiful, but that is a different sort of tears.  However, I do know that back when I did used to have a good cry, even though my entire face would hurt afterward and my eyes would be swollen, I would feel so much better.  Tears are a good release, but if you do it every night, I think maybe I would worry.   You might need a pill or maybe you need to get someone to come in and help you do things because it sounds as if you are spreading yourself pretty thin.  Are you taking anything like an anti-depressant? 

    Barbe is right about a walker.....I have used one at various times and got to be quite good at hopping around with one.....and it will actually make your back feel better.   That creaking noise your knees make is called cresipis (sp) or something like knee did that before I had a knee replacement and I hate to tell you, but it usually means bone on bone and that the cartilage is gone, but cortisone shots really help make it feel better.  There is a belt you can get to wear that will help your back a has a velcro closure and is made of fake leather or plastic or something like that and it will give your back a lot of support.   I think Mueller makes it.....I used to have two of them cuz I could never find one when I needed it....wore it for yardwork or when I was standing for long periods of time and sometimes needed it at work......but I gave one to AmyJo and one to Chrissy and I know AmyJo said it helped her back a lot.  I really did not need them any longer.   So try one of those....I think you can get them at Walmart....also any drugstore that sells medical actually is a weight belt I think, and might be in the exercise I got from an orthopedic doc and the other my neighbor gave me cuz she didnt' use it.   I have mets all over the place in my bones, but they dont hurt me unless I overdo something....standing for hours cooking sometimes gets to me and my neck really bugs me when I read in bed, which I love to do, but I got one of those little curved pillows at the airport and they help with that. When I ache too much, I take a muscle relaxant and that knocks me out and after a good night's sleep, I feel much better.  Sorry, I did not mean to make this all about what I am doing, but was trying to tell you what I do as a suggestion for things you might try. 

     I know you worry about seeing your girls grow up, but try not to.   Just enjoy them and don't get overly tired.....put off stuff that can be put off, have someone help you do things and spend your time off work, just enjoying your girls.  You are working a LOT of hours....anyway you can shorten them? 

    Isabella and 3jays.....What can I say?   Kids often turn out to be ingrates and  I hate it that they make you feel bad when they are supposed to bring you joy.  My sister who thankfully is not all there or she would be upset all the time really has a sit-com life with her two girls.....adults now,22 and 27, but you always worry about your kids.  The one I was so crazy about who called herself my kindred spirit, I have not talked to since they had to get out of the place they were living (with her boyfriend who is a real ass and a loser)....She has had a time with drug addiciton in the past and I am afraid she may be back there again, but no one seems to know how to contact her.  And then a few weeks ago when I asked about the younger one and if she was working my sister goes Uh, yeh, but not in a salon. (she went to the Aveda school and is a cosmetologist) and I said what's she doing, let me guess.  Pole dancing?   And I was RIGHT!!.....she is now a pole dancer at some bar and my sister says she loves it.  Jeeze.   This is the same girl who had a boyfriend who was a fire juggler, but now they live in the same house, but are no longer boyfriend and girlfriend.  She also had this pet iguana named Iggy, but he died.  Quite colorful kids, those two.  Makes me thankful I only have dogs who crap on the floor at times and tear things up.  At least my pets never end up in jail and the older girl has.  Anyway, I need to track the older girl down....she was smart and pretty and could have had so much going for her.   My Dad just says, I am very disappointed that those girls never write to me.....heck no Daddy, they are out doing meth and pole dancing!! 

    Speaking of Daddy....talked to him this morning and he says I have made a decision, I am going to keep the car.   I only knew he was thinking of getting rid of it because my old boyfriend Ron, who has been there at his house finishing up the bathroom told me.....he does not discuss it with me for fear I will say  Told you so.  Anyway, he says he checked into leasing and it would be even more expensive so he thinks he will just keep this car and try to curb his other expenses ( yeh, Daddy...give up martinis, but he won't do that) and will probably only drive until 2015 when it is time to renew his license again!!....Holy crapola, he will only be 93 then!!  I said I think you are going to have to stop before then and he said well, maybe.   Good night, he shouldn't be driving now.  Anyway, I am going to go visit him next weekend and hopefully will get the bathroom painted and be done with that.  I plan on having a big Xmas open house party there the lst weekend of Dec. since the office party is screwing up the next weekend.   Then I have to figure out when I can do a party here.   This is going to be THE year for my Xmas not being negative, but with my cancer going wild the way it is, don't know what sort of shape I will be in next year.   The onco at MDA said he got the records and will review them this weekend.....he told me this in response to my email telling him my tumor markers are now 6,444.3.  I would guess they are climbing as I type.  

    Tim is back with my raspberries so I must make my sauce for my Death by Chocolate dessert for the Twilight party tonight. Have a good weekend everyone. It is cool here, but sunny.

    Hope you did something fun on your anniversary, Hauntie.  

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Marybe, I am pooped out just reading your post about Christmas parties and such! Whew put the rest of us to shame! Surprised LOL!!

    Remember to have fun with it, too! Wink

    I remember how hard it was to try to get my mom to give up her car. She had gotten to the point where she wasn't even driving it anymore, but didn't want to give it up. She was only 80 (in comparison to your dad's late 80's), but her health had really deteriorated quite quickly. She lived with COPD, CHF and diabetes during her last 10-15 years. It can be hard dealing with aging parents on your own. 

    Barbe, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow! Hope you have a great time with Zach. And what ever you do, try to keep your Sealed no matter what your daughter says.  No point in escalating. And I completely understand where you're coming from. I have a DIL I have to deal with in order to maintain a relationship with my DS and 3 of my 4 DGS's. DIL's can be very tricky to navigate. I just smile and nod. Laughing

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195


    Thank you for sharing your anniversary with us! And I agree completely. Where is the damn cure already? 

    I think this board is having a bad influence on me. LOL Since the pinkvomitober thing, I've been thinking of all the millions of miles people have walked and run, and all the billions of dollars raised...why the hell is there no cure yet? Why the hell is it still a crap shoot how one person has no recurrence and someone else spends 20+ yrs dealing with mets?

    Seriously...what the f**k... :::head scratch:::

    I've been researching some local venues, and I haven't seen the word "cure" mentioned on any of them. Go figure...again, wtf...

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    P.S. I'm starting to feel some militant feminism stirrings I haven't felt since I was a teenager -- specifically about the issue of breast cancer.

    Did any of you start to feel that way as you approached the end of your treatment the first time? 

    Or is this just a result of the estrogen suppression, so now the androgen is coming through? My female testosterone getting the better of me?