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For Older People with Sense



  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Jazz be sure to go to the store where you bought the sewing machine and get lessons, all that you need should be free with the purchase. You may be a computer guru but I certainly am not and couldn't do any of this without instruction. I hope you have a lot of fun. I go for my second class thursday. I need to pin down the instructor for my lessons just for me to get going on all the elements of the machine. Since my concentration isnt so great I am sure I will need a lot of help.

    Yes, I am hoping for that cure too! 

    I sure don't want my daughter or granddaughters going through this. What seems manageable for me sounds like torture when I consider my loved ones having to go through it themselves. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    So, last Sundays dinner should have had 18 people at it including babes. My bro calls mid morning to tell me that he and his family won't be coming as his wife's back went out after shopping all day on Saturday. That's 4 people down. We're down to 14. My son and his wife come with George (7 mos) and I get a lot of sugar kisses as we wait for everyone else to arrive. My son asks who else is coming and I rattle off the names. He informs me that my daughter and her family are NOT coming! News to me!! We check all emails and phones as he says she sent a message. Nothing comes up. I am heartbroken and cry. We are down to 10. Then my StepDIL and her boyfriend with Fynn don't bother showing up. We're down to 7. At the end, my Step DS doesn't show up so we're at 6. Thank God the birthday person showed up! My son went out to meet my step-mother when she showed up an hour late and probably explained the situation.

    I was gutted.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903


    I'm so sorry.

    Next time, maybe you should only invite Older People With More Sense. 


  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    Thanks Ginger and I will do exactly that. I looked at the embroidery foot you are supposed to fit to the machine, LOL and couldn't figure out how the thing went. If I succeed at nothing else I should get a lot of laughs at my own expense as I delve into something this complicated. I just love the embrodiery works I've seen on various things and so want to learn it. The thing that most surprised me with all of this was the cost of the thread for the projects. I'll have to give up Starbucks and the other little things I do for myself.

    Barbe I read your post and felt so bad for you. If you put your heart into the get to together  the disappointments can really hurt. If you throw a virtual party we'll be there for you. Hugs

    Here's hoping my eyesight and hand eye coordination aren't too badly effected by the AC. They tell me to watch out for the possiblity of tossing my organic cookies as well. Hate the thought of that.

    Oops wanted to tell Isabella to start with the Administrator of the Hospital. Call and ask to speak to him or her directly or his or her right arm. You could spend the next year searching out others who may or may not help. The administrator knows the games. Good Luck 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Isabella: I cannot believe this crappoollaa!!! you gotta find the papers! i wetntthru that, with appts, this week, but i always put them in my wallet, as soon as they're on out "MASTER" calendar.. since bc; i've needed a clandar to keep track!

       Im so sorry so many of us are having such troubles with family, and that i started it.. i got so crazy last year, and i thought with some planning, i could avoid the drama this year; but it's not going to work..

       i spent some time with my son tonight, and we are NOt going to see the grands for the week os xmas, nor the week before, nor the week after... and its NOT my DIL its my son!!!!  she's really lovely.. told me she'd "sneak" us the kids sometime.. anyway..... i'm just gonna take muscle relaxants, and sleep even mre, i guess. won't be going thru any decorating, thats for sure.. more for good will.  he's throwing us a bone, and we can see them xmas morn, but early, as they need to see the family(????) for brunch. i don't know if i can, but i'll kill myself trying. it woln't be long, if its like last year, anyway..

       so, now i know, and don't have to "anx" anymore.. we'll try and make some plans.. Murs' off for those 2 weeks!!!it really suxs that he's so selfish.. how do they get raised one way, and turn the other.. retohrecal.. i know they do their own thingarrrrrrgh...

       so, im going to try, try, try to "let it go".....

       anybody hear from chrissy? haven't seen her lately...................3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hey 3jays, I'm here but I've been reading more than posting.  I'm still trying to get things back to normal and I think I'm winning, finally!

    Just did the next episode on the travel thread and thought I'd check everything here.  It's so sad when kids decide that they don't need parents anymore and it's hard for the parents to accept but there does come a time when those same children, when their own children have grown actually finally get it.  No matter what we do, even when we watch our P's and Q's, somehow we are always at fault according to them.

    I'm off to the city again next week to see my GS's.  The eldest one turns 16 on Monday and his brother 14 on Friday.  I can't belive they are that old! it seems like only yesterday they were born.

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I HATE when people use kids as a divorce or in the situations we are dealing with now. It just hurts the kids!! 3jays, you and me will chat on Christmas Day! I decided last night that I'm not putting up a tree. Why? A LOT of work up AND down...and for what??? For me to look at? We put one up in our last house because our neighbours asked why we didn't one year. It was the year my Dad was dying (died on Jan 1st), but I didn't feel we had to explain! Made me realize they watched us more than I realized. Here, no one sees it as our livingroom is at the back of the house.

    Isabella, tell them you live alone - you DO - and were bedridden with pain and out of your mind in agony and had no one to take you to the appointments and in your derlium didn't even realize the dates had passed. I believe the 'living alone' part is your ticket. Most people have at least one person at home with them, you have dogs...lucky you!!!! I have you in my prayers to get it done NOW!!! Remind them of the MRI issues, too!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Want a B-I-G laugh today.

    I just got my post, and have been sent a voucher for £50...approx $80 ...from the firm that I helped out saving them at least £30.000 ($4800.00...IF my calculation is good !!) by calling the police on my neighbours dodgy dealings !! The police themselves told me that the goods on 1 waggon alone were worth 'at least £30.000' and there were 3 waggons involved !!!

    Can't be ungrateful....or can ! ?????


  • Well, I guess it could  have been worse and they could have just sent you a thank you note. 

  • grdnslve
    grdnslve Member Posts: 42

    ginger--winter plantings here:  use pansys and or ornamental cabbage.  they do very well.  or look for some of the winter blooming plants (daphne, heaths & heathers). 

    re the ups guy.  he may not have been on a nature call.  we are on a dead end road & often see the ups truck turn around in the cul de sac, park & he rearranges his packages or does paperwork for a few minutes then off he goes.  guess cause it is a safe place to stop & not interferre with traffic.

    re family drama--thanks for your posts.  i sometimes get pretty down due to relationship with 2 oldest kids isn't what i envisioned it would be, then beat myself up over it.  my youngest is so normal & wonderful & have a great relationship with her.  it is good to be reminded not everyone has an ozzy & harriet family.  there are so many influences on kids, and they make choices- i have to remind myself it isn't all my 'fault', nor do/did i have 'control' of everything.

    btw, marybe--your instructions were perfect & i did get a pic of lawnmowerdog posted. 

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Jazz, I envying your new embroidery machine!  Hope it turns out to be easy to use.  Re:  the Ozzie and Harriet fam.--my DD1 just bought a new house and now wants to do all the holidays at her place.  The thing is, I complain but I really do like doing it here.  If she takes over the whole thing it's like oen of my big purposes in life is over.  Never thought I'd ever look at it like that!  Real reason to do it at our house?  We get to eat the leftovers.  I conceded and she will do Christmas but I'm still doing Thanksgiving.  (Oh that leftover stuffing!)

    The story of the cranberry sauce:  my kids only want the jellied kind that comes out looking like a can.  That's what they always had growing up and that's what they still want.  So much for the Martha Stewart cran-orange recipe.  Why is this an issue?  We talked about this for over an hour the other night on conference call.  Oh well, it's better than talking about politics!!

    Love and good fall food to all.  Pretty soon I'll get up the energy to get dressed.


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Dragon, it's so funny that when it comes to holiday menus, out kids (no matter how old) want the same menu you've made for that holiday. Every. Single. Year. I figure that it at least makes my planningg easier.

    My youngest daughter recently moved out - she finished high school last year and is doing what's called National Service. Religious girls here are exempt from army service and most opt for National Service, which is either one or two years in a volunteer position. She's doing hers at a special ed kindergarten. She gets a small stipend and a place in a National Service apartment which she shares with 9 other girls (that's not a typo. There are 10 girls in this apartment). She is also learning what it is to prepare her own meals, which is a challenge when you have one a gold medal in the Fussy Eaters Olympics. So with my fussiest out of the house I'm trying all kinds of new recipes. My dh will eat anything (as long as it's not pasta) so he doesn't mind the experiments.

    Well, every mother has one kid in the Fussy Eater category. I know my mother did. Um, it was me.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all

    Jazz, I have a quilting and embroidery machine and  still don't really know how to use it. Have done one or two things but musthave some more lessons. 

    Waited around at the court again yesterday, then was excused because the jury they were selecting was a new one for the same trial as Monday nad of course it was the same judge. So off I went and spent my jury allowance hehe - getting a few presents for Christmas.

    Today I am very stiff and sore as I fell over again, this time I was holding baby GS and so twisted so to protect him, landed on my side on a table then to the floor. At least last time it was private, this time it was in a cafe. Can hardly walk and the LE under my arm is really up - thats were I hit myself.

    Leah, you talk about fussy eaters, DD1 was that and I was as well, there are still a lot of things I don't eat. 

    I must get dressed as I have groceries to get - don't fancy that but DH is away so will just have to go.

    Hope you all have a good day.

  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    Alyson - appreciate the support with the embroidery machine. Hope lessons and youtube can provide me with some direction. I just know I'm going to put a needle through the right finger and die of some infection brought on by the lack of my nodes on my working side. But hey...What's life without a little adventure and or danger. Saddened to hear your in pain and you've been falling. BC is bad enough without suffering that! I really love your philosopy. Strong Shoes is a definite need sometimes.

    Safeway delivers for a small fee, and very small depending on the window of time of delivery. Their online store is the same as the actual store and easy to use.  I've come to depend on them since a lot of this happened. They carry it all in and put it right in front of the refrigerator which makes my life easier. Hope your day goes well and you feel better.

    Leah- Yes we have a Fussy Eater. We call her Picky. She needs a personal cook but that's not going to happen.

    Dragonfly- I figured I needed something to do that keeps my mind off of chemo. Not sure I can even thread the thing yet but the fantasy trips are wonderful for my morale. My DDinl is scouting it out as she is an avid seamstress. Even if I can't manage it I'll enlist her and we can get something done before Christmas. I hope I hope. Sounds like your kids need some comfort food and cranberry sauce from a can is the order of the day. If we had Martha's money we could hire a private chef and have him do the sauce. LOL

    Marybe was that your cake on the previous page? with the rosemary. What a beautiful looking thing. I'm very impressed!

    All have a great day today. I love the Holiday season and look forward to Christmas most of all. Good thing the kids are grown and do the Thanksgiving Dinners. I can manage a dessert but don't think standing in the kitchen would be all that easy this year. Many blessing on all of you.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997


    Thanks I will try the cabbages I have always wanted to do that. Do you think they would be alright in containers or do they need to be in the ground. Pansies also sound great!   

    Yes, The guys do arrange their packages however, we have space in front of the house where they all deliver, often rearrange their packages, and then circle around.  I even know the different sounds between the package area and the doors closing. One fellow did his usual delivery routine in front of the house and then opened the door on the other side and hopped out going off into the woods on that side. We cannot see any other house or road from anywhere on the mowed part of the property. I suppose it looks convenient to the guys.  Where I sit during the day is just on the other side of a front facing window with a shrub just outside. I probably should have said that I have seen this before and didn't call. I have been feeling that it is getting to the point where I wondered if all the various drivers were collaborating on where the best pit stops were at!

    I get a lot of packages since I pretty well stopped shopping in stores once I moved out here. 

    Of interest my DD told me her friends husband drives for UPS and her friend told her that their time schedule is such that they get bonuses for speedy delivery.  So they unoffically keep a jar in the truck for nature's calls. I think that could cause careless driving to hurry to make a bonus.

    I am not trying to be fussy but it is getting extreme and I was venting.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Dragonfly My kids are the same way about the cranberry sauce, they want the kind that has the lines from the can around the sides! 

    My Dil decided about 5 years ago that she was going to do the holidays. I had done all of them for over 30 years and finally had all of the required serving pieces and cooking pots to do all that I needed to do. I cried all the way to their house that first Thanksgiving. My husband asked what I was crying about, he said "aren't you relieved?"  I told him NO!    With it being your own daughter she will know your recipes and style of serving. My DIL served buffet style and it was all warm and continued to be warm each following year.  It was a big change but now that we are in Washington we have benefitted from our SIL's cooking and DD's preferences.

    I suppose I too thought I would be making holiday dinners forever. I too felt it was part of my role and I didn't like the change,  but happily ate the warm food. 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Barbe...what a hellish meal for you ! I used to get some of mine cancelling, but NOT at that short notice, had you made a big spread, and gone to big expense ? This falls under the category of unthinking children and other assorted relatives !!! I don't very often get all my family together now. At 60 I refused to cook anymore, so Christmas holidays now I have gone to DDs. I miss all the excitement of decorating the house and making Christmas Dinner ( the one meal I looked forward to cooking, and the one meal I always forgot something!! we used to muddle thru'... something like the Christmas Pud. forgotten, but always found something in the cupboard to replace it ) It was soooo bad mannered of your relatives not to cancel earlier than they did.

    Ginger I use lots of winter flowering pansies and violas, and sometimes stick a small hebe in the tubs for contrast. Grdnslve mentioned fancy cabbages, good idea here, as they'd naturally be outside in winter....must try this. I fight with the cats for a week or two after planting up the troughs, they think I have provided them with new toilets, often find the odd pansy flipped out of the trough ! I put some violas in about 6 weeks ago, and they are flowering their little hearts out, look lovely. careful...easy to say as I have a habit of tripping up. Be careful NOT to make a big thing of it with DD , or she might start and think twice before leaving GS with you !!!

    Re: UPS guy...daren't try and look back to see who was telling that story as I'll lose everything . I really had to laugh at this...tickled my fancy ! But, living a bit isolated, as I do as well, you watch things a bit more carefully and need to know what people are spending extra time on your property for.....even if it's just a couple of extra minutes.

    Jazz....hope you get the embroidery machine sorted out. I wouldn't mind a go with one of those, but can't ever see me getting the hang of it. I STILL have my brand spanking new DVD machine sat looking at me, it's been there about 8 weeks now, and I have absolutely not a cat in h*lls chance of ever understanding it. I am sooo mad I wasted the money on it. I kept telling various members of the family 'I'll never get the hang of it', and no-one listened, they all poo-poo'd me and said 'Of course you WILL' I paid for a lesson from the shop I bought it from. Just couldn't understand them at all...the man who installed it and showed me what to do left saying 'my grandad can do it, you'll will as well' Well, I haven't !!!!!!!!!!!

    Leah, I wish they'd take all our youngsters away for two years. I think it was about 1960 when we did away with National Service....then they only took the young men away for a year in the Army. The youngsters today need sorting out, their morals and manners altering, and some sense knocking into their heads. They are so brash and clever, and don't give a damn for anyone or anything....girls as well as boys. I also feel very sorry for them as there just aren't any jobs, or apprenticeships they don't have purpose at all. We just send them off back to college for stupid courses on nail art, dance and worst of all 'media studies' NONE of which lead to employment. Luckily my two G/sons 23 and 19 have good jobs. Older lad is a partner in his parents garage, and younger one works for a motorbike franchise, running their online spares for them, and works for me part time. I also have a G/daughter, who is 23 and she works in admin. in a hospital. She was all set to go off to the police training school 3 years ago, then a young man got in the way, she wouldn't go and take up her place, now she has split up with him and has forgotten about her police ambitions. At least they all are in employment, so many young ones aren't.

    I am on the midnight shift tonight, or that should be graveyard shift. I had 2 of my dogs getting very decrepit in summer, didn't think they'd see Autumn, but they have limped along. One on heart tablets has rallied quite a much so that she is back sleeping in kennels with all the others at night. The other one had slowly declined, getting thinner and thinner, but still going off out for a walk round the garden, still eating her evening meal, so I have let her start to fade at her own pace. Last night she ate her meal as normal, but suddenly, today, she cannot stand, eat or drink....I don't think she will see morning. She is still aware I am there, but she doesn't really want to know, and is fading fast. She is in no pain and sleeping, so I am hoping she will just not wake up again. These dogs, they will kill me !

    Off for a shower to wake me up a bit to get me thru' the night.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Isabella I am sad you are having to watch an old friend pass. I am glad you will be there for her.

    I love our pets so much, don't we all? I hope there is a place for pets in the beyond and mine will be waiting for me. 


    PS It was me with the FedEX 

  • grdnslve
    grdnslve Member Posts: 42

    ginger--by all means put the pansys & ornamental cabbage in pots.   they are fine in the ground too, but can look quite festive in pots.

    we live on a lake & it is quite bizarre what people will do right out in the open when they seem to think they are far enough away from people.  nor does it occur to them that people living in rural areas like to watch the wildlife & birds, and use binoculars and telescopes.  there once was a girl who thought she had found the perfect abandoned dock across the lake to sunbathe in the nude, until ds friend mentioned to her as she was getting in her car that they really enjoyed the show.  no wonder his buddies were hanging out here all the time.

  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    Isabella you made me so sad when you shared about your pets health and passing. I hate the thought of losing mine. They become such a part of our lives and their well being as important as any member of the family. I hope your dog passes without suffering and in peace. Yes it can break your heart at the loss. So sorry.

    I'd call the man who said his Granddad could do it and tell him to send him over! LOL. I usually get help from the Grandkids because they are up on the technology today. They are also more patient in sharing information than their parents.You'll eventually figure it out. About the same time as I do this machine.

    Did you get the appointment things straightened out? 

    Ginger - I'd be concerned too if I thought some FED EX driver was urinating in a jar while trying to pass me on the road. Funny you never think about where they toilet when you see them driving around but it makes sense they need to alleviate themselves at some point. Just not on your property.

    Everyone have a good night. Am listening to holiday music and the song "I'm getting nutin' for Christmas" is on. Cute. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Isabella, we posted together - go back up to my last post and see how you feel about it. I'm so sorry about your dying baby, but that kind of balances the new one coming in....right? I have a cat so bad that we just buy 2 food tins at a time. We mostly leave her alone, but she comes to us to be patted and exhaulted over then goes back to her pillow.

    Dragonflymary, you get LEFTOVER stuffing???? How??? I've never managed that even when I broke down and started making it with the boxed stuff!!

    Alyson, I am TERRIFIED of falling while holding one of my grands. I know I would fall to protect the little one, but even my DD freaks out when I'm on the stairs. I'm the kind of person who puts one foot, then the other on the step  (to have two feet on one step).

    Jazz most of the new machines have a mechanical needle threader. You just wrap the thread around the gadget that pulls down, release the gadget and voila! There is a loop of thread through the eye of the needle! Pull it through and you're good to go.

    Ginger, every time you say "arrange their packages", to me they're still doing their nature call! heheehe

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    too much to answer, just know im here listening.. i also thought about how the fedex guy was "arranging" his package...naughty girls we are!!!!

        Sorry for your baby; Isabella. im sure my old blinf, Diva will be there, soon enough. i keep watching her. The "small dog trachea" choking is getting worse.. but, just when i think she's fading, she's just resting, comes out, and kicks her brothers arse, whilst they're playing........ hope all goes well for everyone.. Barbe; im so sprry about sunday.. and yes, we can chat christmas.. its all a mess, so im just gonna take a wait and see attitude.. as far as "leftovers" goes, Mur cooks a wonderful bird. we make a small one for ourselves, with all the trimmings every yyear, even if we go somewhere else..............3jays

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Happy Veterans Day to all Vets past and present!!!

    It is Remenberance Day here is Aus.  The day we remember the sacrifice that was given by many for many.  The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.

    May they rest in peace knowing that we are still free because of their sacrifce.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Hi Chrissy....remembering the drive we made through the Ft. Rosecrans

    National Cemetery here with you

    it always amazes me

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Lisa, I had such a wonderful day with you girls.  I sit here and look at the photos I took and it transports me right back.  It was only a few weeks ago but it seems like forever since I was never know, I may just win lotto and be able to return one hoping.

    That Cemetary was indeed a beautiful place and so peaceful over looking the bay.  A truly fitting place for eternal rest.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks Lisa, it's the one photo I didn't have.  Do you mind if I copy?


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Thanks for the picture, Lisa.  All of us are thankful for you and others who have served, and are serving. 

    Alyson, I'm so sorry you fell and are suffering now, on top of everything else you have to do!  Hope everything improves soon.  I too am terrified of falling when I'm holding my GS.

    Isabella, my heart goes out to you tonight as you stand vigil for your friend.  No matter how many pets we lose, it always hurts the same, and I hope it is peaceful for you both.  Thinking of you tonight.

    Barbe, what a big mess you had with your dinner!   Children and other relatives can be so inconsiderate of us, and after all the trouble you went to!  With my DIL, I walk on eggs because the marriage has been a bit rocky at times and I'm terrified that she'll one day leave, taking GS with her.  They've been in counseling for several months and all seems to be going okay for now, but still I worry, one of the things I do quite well.  

    And 3jays, I hope your DIL will "sneak" the children over to see you.  You have so much love to give them and they need it, too.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    ohh, i hope so, too Kathy, we shall sons being ajerk!!!!happy vetrans dYay, gals.. not really a happy day, more a "remembering day" here....3jays..