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For Older People with Sense



  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    My thinking is that if it worries you, call the appropriate doctor.  If it doesn't worry you, wait till your next regularly scheduled appointment. If it goes away on its own before you decide, then you don't have to decide.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    BarbA, sending good thoughts.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Thanks y'all. I think I will call him Monday so I won't worry. I was going to try to go before the cruise but decided that if it was mets, the cruise would be ruined. That's me: compartmentalize.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    I think it's always important to advise your onc of any new pains.  My friend who had lung cancer was supposedly in remission, had pain in her shoulder and instead of calling her onc, went to get physical therapy for five months.  Long story short...she had mets in her shoulder area.  You would have thought that the PT would have suggested she check with her onc.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Happy Saturday, everyone!  

    Somehow or another, I wound up with the whole day to myself, which I think hasn't happened since Reagan was in office.  I'm going to put on something red and go buy stocking stuffers, and then maybe come home and pour myself a nice glass of wine and put on Michael Buble's awesome new Christmas cd... and then if I still have any juice left in me I will unpack the *beautiful* old Italian nativity set I bought at an estate sale last month for twenty smackers.  (It's actually plaster! - and looks like it's probably from the 1940's or 50's.  It has lots of little chips and cracks from years of being enjoyed, which just makes it lovelier to me.  Love patina!)

    Cheers!  Have a bright and peaceful day, friends!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Barbe, CRAP. I am such a good straight man that I spent time thinking of what the acronym could stand for until I relized it was YOU!  

    Lost_creek good for you fixing up your sewing room. I am trying to do the same because so much moving overflow was stuffed into my space. I am also going ahead with getting started sewing so I don't sabotage myself and wait until it is all done. 

    Hugs to all


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Aren't little ones wonderful. GD was walking up the road with DH and I today. She decided we needed to swing her between us which we did twice. Of course she wanted to do it again and DH said no it hurts Granny's back. GD then said that we have to get lots of plasters to stick on Granny's back 'cause plasters make everything better. Earlier I had asked her if she had scratched herself as she has a nasty scratch on her chest. No she said a tree did it when she was trying to get her ball.

    It makes life worth living.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Alyson:  I agree...GC are the best.  I have an older group and a younger group..9 in all.  The latest three GD's 2, 6 mo and 5 mo are the best little things.  They are happy, loving, and so beautiful.  I"m sure the others were too, just hard to remember once they hit their teens!  We're blessed to have all but one of them living close to us.  Looking forward to Christmas this year with the little ones.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Someone else had posted about their CRP numbers so I wanted to know what CRP stood for. Still don't know!!

    My DD has 2 HUGE Bouvier (sp?) dogs, tons of fur. She was in the mall last week and turned a corner with Zach in the stroller (14 mos) and there was Santa in all his glory on his throne. Zach's immediate reaction was DOG! in a very loud awestruck voice...ehehehehhehehe (they bought a plastic Santa head to teach him the difference - so he now knows that a plastic Santa head is "Santa".) I wonder what he'll call Santa next time he sees him!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Marybe, my condolences on the loss of your friend. I'm glad for the sake of all who loved her that her memorial service was so meaningful.

    Thurs night I went to a memorial on the one-year anniversary of my friend's death. The woman she was in life came out loud and clear. She was only 44 when BC took her from us and she was so well-loved that there were over 1,000 people at her funeral. There were close to 200 at the memorial Thurs evening.

    I'm another who agrees that GC are the best! We spent Sabbath with my DD and her family and I just basked in the wonderfulness of them. My GS just started first grade and thinks he is so big. He just cracks me up sometimes. The first day of school my DD asked him "How was first grade?" He said, "It was OK but we didn't learn to read yet."


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    barbe1958:  Sorry...didn't mean to ignore you.  I thought you were joking.  I was the one who posted CRP info (C-Reactive Protein) measures the level of inflammation in your body.  Anything under 1 is excellent, and 1-3 is normal.  Extremely high levels of CRP could be indicitave of inflammation, infection, or even cancer.  People who have higher levels are usually more prone to heart attack and stroke, so it's good to have this information.  A lot of doctors don't test for it. 

  • cybermom
    cybermom Member Posts: 5

    Ducky...I love your posts -  keep them coming.  I always had my husband and one or more  of my children with me during visits to the SO, MO and RO prior to my lumpectomy.  After  surgery and couple of follow up appts,  I felt it was not necessary for them to come to radiation tx with me. I see my MO every 3 months also and usually go them unaccompanied.   I go next month for one year appt with the SO and will surely have someone with me.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    good to see everyone ans chatty, just like the "old" all days are old, when you are..

     thanks for the explaination of crp, Kaara: none of my drs. have done THAT one, i thought id had every possible test!!it must fall into "alternative" to them,, they all think its "voodoo" my the dr who is actually doing the best healthcare for me, is my ENT; and i know he'll order it for me. he's taking care of my TSH levels, and vit d; something the endo SHOULD be doing, but won't..

      the dr. that said that is the HEAD of memorials bc centre, Dr. Hussein.. he may be good enough to have that position, but if you can't do dense dose, or have any other problems, he just garbage cans you!!!i really was violated by him, and yes, i DID report it... i go to the bc center; with Dr. Carmen Calfa; and she's the sweetest lady !!she just tirated it all down, and made sure i had the NIH nurse, who knows what to look for!!! i love them all dearly...its nice, to find a good office, thats' for sure!!!1/2 the staff there are also survivors.. one of the 2ndary chemo nurses i had, was having chemo at the same time i was; just working part time. a great, clever lady!!!

     off to bed. AGAIN!!later....3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    chrissy,  call your phome guy.. it may be the accent throwing off the voice recog.. they may have an adjustment they can do.. just a thought...3jays
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    3jays they have already done the voice adjustment for the Aussie I'll just have to change his name in my  I think I'll call him Henry because that is what 'she' thought I was saying.........hahahahahaha!   Be well Lovely!!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Ginger - good idea on getting started on projects.  I spent the day in the "spare/guest/sewing room" and haven't yet plugged in the machine.  Cleared the closet; cleaned out the dresser and made room for the 6' folding table I use.... found all my good scissorsSmile... somehow though a box of small tools, and my patterns are missing.  Every time I've set this room up, or even started to, something more pressing has interfered.  Not this time - I'm armed with scissors now! 

    Now, guests will know they are sleeping in my sewing room, not that I'm sewing in the guest room...

    Today is a bday party for my friend's DGS - he is 6 and we are friends.  He is in the "too cute" category of little boys...

    Best to all...good luck with whatever you're dealing with.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Lost, even if you just sit and breathe in your craft room you are further ahead than me!! I have fabulous storage cubicles and drawers from Ikea and mine looks SO amazing but not quite clean yet as there are still boxes. When I go in to get a tool, I just stand amazed that this is MY room. Now I need to DO something in it! I seem to be avoiding it for some reason which is silly as I LOVE being in there. I need a kick in my woo hoo to get me going again!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Thanks for the info Kaara, I don't know if my doc checks my CRAP or not, I'll have to ask him. With Fibro and arthritis I'm pretty sure I have high inflamation areas. I have my DH feel my hips every once in a while and tell him to imagine feeling that kind of heat from the inside. They are SO HOT!! My knees get bright red! I can't make that shit up....

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Hi Chrissy- How are you doing? You must be in the midst of spring where you are, while we've already had a major snowstorm here in New England. It's been pretty nice since then, but winter in definitely on it's way.

    Here's my family's first experience with my brother using his voice recognition software for the first time. We all got an email message from him saying "Maria found dead" then some total mumbo jumbo that meant nothing, "under couch." Maria is the angel, who helps us take care of my dad. We knew he was using Dragon and that the message was messed up. What it should have said was "Maria found Dad's hearing aid under the couch."

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Hmmm, you would think there would be an initiation 'exam' when you first load the software where you would have to say a list of words so the computer can get a handle on your accent. For the above reasons, this is why I don't like predictive text on a cell phone either!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Barbe, here's a kick for your woo hoo! LOL!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    You took WAY too much pleasure in that kick, Barbara!! hherhehehehehe

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Hauntie, I'm laughing over your post!!  Barbe, the cold weather always makes me want to knit. That's my big woo hooo kick.  Back to knitting socks.  My technique is a bit off (is it really possible to make a newborn sweater that fits your husband?)  Scarves are safe, though.  

    DH is having a ball building fires.  He says it's good to be a geezer--you get to play with fire.  The sun is out and I'm going shopping for turkey.  We've had a great sun-in-trees kind of fall.  Now I'm ready for some serious snow.

    Happy Sunay to all,


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all!

    Hauntie I cracked up over you text you i\I can see how it happened.   My DH's name is Arie so I guess that's close to   Oh well no matter,  as long as I call him something. 

    Barbe the software is already preloaded for these things but I guess it's hard with all the different accents through out the world.

    Spring took a break for a couple of days and let summer take over.....phew!  was that a shock to the system!   It went from 70 up to 98 over night and then did the same the other way after two days........sometimes I wonder who's keeping an eye on things up there.  Luckily, we are now back to beautiful normal spring weather.

    Talking of craft rooms I've been mulling over in my mind how I can make room where there is none.........good question I hear you say?  Well I have two guest rooms, one is set up with two single beds and the other with a double bed.  The rooms are so small, that there is room to walk around the bed but little else.  My thoughts were going around in circles trying to figure this out so when I called in to see my sister on the way back from the city we were talking about beds and the grands (she has three little ones) and she showed me the room that she has set up for them using a trundle bed so there is room for the crib.  Light bulb moment here! why didn't I think of that?   Anyway, I have now planned it out.....I will move the double bed into the room where the singles are now, move the singles to the other and get rid of one and put in a trundle so I still Have two and then, build two new bed ends that are even in height that I can put a tabletop on (so it's easily removed when I need the beds) and create a craft table for my sewing machines.....voila!   Space were there was none!!!  I still get all the beds I need but I also have MY space as well.

    Gee I'm glad I called in on my sister.....thanks sis for the idea!

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105


    I saw once a Murphy bed that when up, had a table that dropped down from the bottom.  I was thinking that would be a good way to turn my sewing room into a dual purpose room.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    im glad you're all figuring out the sewing Ive been wanting to fix my strapless bras, and also got a way to make bean "foobs" right here, on the threads... after thanksgiving, i have to try and do the sewing it involves... its a real lack of self esteem, here.. used to sew fine, now, i can't feel my hands, from le and nueropathy, and im so scred i'll sew into my hand.. i know i gotta " get back on the horse" and put the sewing machine on the din rm table, and get on with it!!!

     Chrissy, i think Henrys a good name... just don't shout THAT name out, at the wrong time wink wink; or, at least tell arie he is now Henry, so he will be prepared!!!hahaha.......3jays

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Been feeling a little down tonight. Four months ago after my six months mamo, at my regular appt with my MO she gave me the most thorough digital exam for lumps I've ever had and found nothing.  She also did a "full blood panel" which was all normal.  A little over a week ago I thought I may have found two small lumps.  One of them moved around just like my cancer did.  Called right away and saw my MO today.  She found three lumps, said she wanted a mamo stat with ultrasound and biopsy to follow if indicated, another full blood panel and an appointment next Monday to go over the results with me.  I got pretty choked up and teary eyed.  She reminded me that could be nothing to worry about but admitted that she was concerned too and that we would fight it with everything we have.  So Friday is my mammogram, next Monday my next Doctor appointment. 

    I'm scared,,,,,,,,

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh  shit Chabba!  Holding your hand here and sending huge gentle hugs!  We're with you girl so just remember that and keep coming here to let it out.

    Love n extra hugs.   Chrissy

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Chabba, send ing prayers for you. I know the waiting is so difficult. We are all here for you. Hugs and blessings


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Thank you Chrissy.  And that wasn't my only bad news today.  Called my Brother to talk to him--we've always been close.  At first I was almost a bit miffed because as soon as I told him he wanted me to talk to his wife, whom I've always loved.  She got her diagnosis today.  A malignancy in her nipple.  She will probably have a much tougher time of it than I because of her MS.  From what 3jays has said I understand each diseases treatment can adversely affect the other disease.