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For Older People with Sense



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Happy Thanksgiving!  Been up since 5:30 getting turkey stuffed and extra breast in the oven so it can cook before I put the big guy in.  He takes up the entire oven...weighs as much as my 6 month old GGD and she's a chunk!

    Dinner's at 3:30 today...if everyone shows up on time.  The chronically late ones I tell an hour early in hopes they make it by the appointed time, but I think after so many years they are on to me.

    DS was supposed to supply the turkey this year.  He raised two on his acreage where he lives in W. Palm.  One, anticipating his fate, ran away,  but as it got closer to time to "harvest" the other turkey, it seems she had become a cherished family pet (has her own personality he says) so she was pardoned!  She does, however, lay eggs, so all is not lost.

    Happy eating...enjoy this day and all its blessings! 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Val, I cherish you as well. And you, too, 3jays. In fact, I cherish all of you. Happy TDay all.

    Kaara, how funny about the turkey.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Happy Thanksgiving all!   Lovely pie BarbA.  I have blackberries thawing for a pie today, and will make a cherry pie for the DH family gathering near Sacramento (1 1/2 hrs away) tomorrow.  We are having a "small" meal today for just us two - chicken & trimmings & pie with fresh whipped cream. 

    It will be difficult for me to drag myself out of my sewing corner or nook in order to cook.  Have spent the last three days there, finding, sorting, sifting and organizing my supplies, and building some simple covers for appliances with my old Pfaff.  Then last night I finally pulled out my mom's1984 Bernina and fell in love with it immediately.  Kicking myself that I hadn't done it sooner.  It is like moving into another dimension.  The old Pfaff is a real workhorse and I repaired big sails and made all the canvas work on our big boat with it - mended jeans, made things with naugahyde; it just works hard, but has been pretty beat up over the years.  Mom's machine has only sewn fine fabrics and is pristine, and is EASY to learn.Surprised  I'd been dreading another learning process, and what a waste of time that was!!!  So, I'm happy.  Told DH that a piece of me was missing when I didn't have a sewing area set up.  It's just something I do, like write, or breathe.

    Sunday DH and I celebrate 35 legal years.

    Again, best wishes to all for a good day, no matter where you are.  Respite, relief, comfort, and peace to all.

    Thanks for being here.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Thanks to lulube and 3 jays for the spiritual input!  I will read the CS Lewis.  3jays, PM me when you get a chance  

    Happy Thanksgiving to all and enjoy the turkey and ambience!  I got a free bird i'm about to stick in the oven!

    XOXO, Dragon 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Happy turkey day from down under!!! Hope all you girls over the big pond have a most wonderous day!!! Enjoy!!!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105


    I love your Turkey story, just tooo funny!  Since I grew up on a Turkey farm (we raised Swift Premium Butterball turkeys!), we enjoyed many a fresh Turkey, plus I know 101 ways to prepare a turkey for dinner.

    My turkey is in the oven, along with my lengendary stuffing (that is according to my brothers, anyway!).  It will be just the 3 of us -- I decided not to have people over this year.

    I hope everyon here has a great Thanksgiving!


  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105


    Isn't in a DVR?  Digital Video Recording.  That is offered by they cable and satellite companies.  We had had it for a while and I don't know how we got along without it.  I can even set it up to record from my computer. And, of course, all of my favorites get recorded regulary.  Have fun with it.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    CS Lewis also wrote the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe....wasn't that him???

    PVR is personal video recorder.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Happy anniversary, L_C!! May you have many many more!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    I am so thankful for the love and support we all share here on BCO.  I think I would have gone nuts this week in fear and apprehension of tomorrows tests without you. Knowing that we all share these experiences, understand and keep each other in our thoughts and prayers lifts  me from despair and sustains my strength.

    Thank and bless you all.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Barbe, CS Lewis also wrote Screwtape Letters and The Great Divorce.  He is a great writer.

    Lisa Happy Birthday. 

    Christmas is now officially on its way! 

    Hugs Ginger

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I knew of him in Narnia!!

    Good luck today chababa...we're with you, sweetie!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{Chabba}} We are with you!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Thanks ladies.  I'm about to take my shower and start getting ready.

  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244

    How to spend the holidays alone and enjoy them: I know from reading these message boards that many of you are having family problems or maybe no longer have family. The holidays can be especially difficult. I've been "doing" the holidays alone for more than a decade. When my "family" ignored my wedding--okay, I know France is a long way from the States, but not even an e-mail! (Their addictions are more important.) Then I was diagnosed with BC and again, ignored me. After my husband died I knew I was going to have to cope with the holidays myself.

    Here's what's worked for me over the years. (Keep in mind if you're miserable and your family is being a bunch of jerks, this is what they want. So don't make them happy--make yourself happy.) Sometimes I eat out, sometimes not. If you go to a restaurant on a holiday alone, ask to sit at the bar. There are nearly always other "singles" there and they want company too. Not only are you making yourself happy, but you're helping others, who may be a long way from home or in the same situation you are. Don't sit at a table all alone if you can avoid it. You don't have to drink at the bar. No one was drinking anything stronger than tea yesterday.

    Sometimes I just go to a movie. I saw one yesterday at an early showing. I absolutely love the movie-going experience. Popcorn, cold soda, dark room, movie on the screen--hey, get your feet off my seat! (Oops, small irritation.)

    After dinner, if the sun is shining or at least not raining or snowing, get outside. I went to a park yesterday, rented a bike and took off. People talk to you in parks too. If you have a dog, conversation is even easier. Enjoy the great outside. There were geese walking the trails along with us humans. If walking or biking isn't something you can do right now, take a car tour. See what's happening in your own home town. See it with fresh eyes.

    Please, those of you who have miserable family situations. Don't let them hurt you. Get out and do something entirely new. You can have a wonderful day on your own, meet a few new people. Yesterday was one of the best Thanksgivings I've ever had. A terrific day all around!

    Note added:  I think I made this sound too easy. It's not easy. Especially the first few years. When I found myself all alone, I stayed at home. I even cried a little. I felt so abandoned and rejected. It took me several more years of experimentation to come up with ways to do the holidays and feel good about them. So if you try some new things and it doesn't quite work, try something else the next year. Just don't give up. Alone doesn't have to mean lonely.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Chabba, thinking about you today.  Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.  I'm thankful for this group.  It's a little bit of light in every day.  Had a good family day yesterday--everyone kept their sarcasm and petty complaints to themselves!  My son is here also--somehow he missed out on the "smart mouth" gene and is always pretty congenial.  The men cleaned up!  Ever since I had the surgery they see it as their duty to clean after the dinners!  One very good side effect of breast cancer surgery.

     Love to all, and don't shop till you drop.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Maya, it is a good thing that you have figured out a way to cope with a difficult situation...more power to you..

  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    Maya what great advice and honesty. I just loved your post and hope - though not near you continue to share your wisdom. Out of the ashes of our lives... There are also volunteer positions that can open doors to a whole new life and extended family. God Bless and will put you on my watch list.

    Have placed Chabba in prayer. So hoping all goes well.

    Lisa where's the pic for the day? I check in just to see what's new. Thanksgiving must have taken your time up. Have a great day.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Maya2:  Love your style!

    Chabba:  Praying for good outcome for you! 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Jazz, guess I just missed it yesterday...whoops...

    Tomorrow we go to the San Diego Jazz favorite group

    is "Cornet Chop Suey" and next the "Nightblooming Jazzmen"..Laughing

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Big sigh of relief.  The Dr. at the imaging center found "nothing to be concerned about" in either the mamo or the ultra-sound.  Monday I see my onc to discuss the next step.  BMX or lumpectomy.  I'm seriously considering asking for the BMX.  Thank you all for your support.

    Fifteen years ago a friend and I were discussing how lonely it could be on holidays for people, whether they be singles, couples or families, that have no other loved ones to share with.  At that time there was nowhere to go but a restaurant which many find unsatisfactory.  We both volunteered at the Senior Center and decided to put on a Thanksgiving Dinner open to anyone of any age who wanted a family to join for dinner.  It drew enough people that the Board asked us to do it again for Christmas.  Since then the holiday dinners at the centers have become a tradition for many people.  OH MY, I just realized that means this was the 29th time I've co-ordinated a holiday dinner for a hoard of people! 

    Anyway, my point is that if you can't find a congenial place to go, you might consider making one for others and get a lot of satisfaction out of doing so.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Chabba you found a most wonderful way to celebrate the holiday.  I especially like the one open to all. When I worked for a homeless shelter all staff ate lunch with the guests.A great way to get to know who your clients are as well as who you are!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Chabba, that's great news about your scan.....WooHoo!!!!   Glad you got to celebrate TG with your mind at ease.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Thanks Chrissy.  By today I would have been a complete basket case without all my friends here.  I love you all.

  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    Lisa Cornet Chop Suey was one Louis Armstrongs. Nice name for a group, Yes I do enjoy Jazz and majored in music. Had a Music Theory teacher who taught music through his jazz. Enjoy the Festival. Sounds like so much fun. Not going too far out right now LOL as the chemo dictates the day. You have a great evening.

    Chappa - it's so good to hear all is well, Peace out girl. Do something good for yourself. 

    Chrissy thanks for the well wishes for our Thanksgivings from Down Under, I loved it.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    DH, DD, & I had a lovely Thanksgiving & we all have a lot to be thankful for. DD did the majority of the cooking - I hate to admit it, but all I did was the gravy & I had to have help with that.

    But, I think my shining moment of this year was a couple weeks ago when we topped our insurance & we no longer have to pay co-pays!  It was nice getting a couple dr. bills with 0 on them & when I went to order my non-generic meds Wednesday they were 0 instead of the usual $65 & the 2 generic rx's I picked up today were also 0 !!!!  One of my greatest stressers this year - after BC - has been $$$$$$.  I still am making payments on a couple of the big bills, but at least my appts next month will be ZERO.  Let's not talk about next year....  hee hee

    Our DS will be here for Christmas & we're all looking forward to seeing him again!  Hopefully I'll be able to be of more help for Christmas dinner.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Aw, I found out today that my DIL's Mom, Lillian who is 76 years old was just diagnosed with BC. DIL is researching and I told her to come to BCO and she would find a lot of current information plus groups to talk with. I hope she takes me up on it and comes over. I explained she could use any name so hopefully she will feel comfortable.

     Sad to add another member to the club, ya know.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    chabba: i haven't been well, for days, well, weeks now... but you're news was just what the dr. ordered!!!i'm so glad, ni complications yay!!!

      Maya; of course, im trying DESPERATELY to take yiur advise about the hokidays, and will do try, try again, till i get it right!!!

      Hope yiu ALL had a greath thanksgiving... God has a sense of humor, My 2nd Jay, came home for thanksgiving, and i've been so ill, and in bed, we really haven't visited much.... im still so grateful he's here, and so isn't HE!!!

      Mur, bless his heart, did all the cooking.. instill can't might ever get a meal together, butn everything, can't "stay on task" anymore.. but, i went to bed, after putting leftovers away,, got uo for the yummy turkey sandwhiches, and got all the dishes done.. and a good time was had by all!!!!

      i just we can have a quiet christmas, the 3 of us this year, also.. im gonna try and learn easy does it, as Maya suggests.  Our house was the open house for the disenfranchised for years... WE are the disenfranchised.. we're beg. to think that 2 of us will do, thanks you very much.. and 3 was lovely.... back to bed with another anti b..

       if this doesn't pass, soon, we're going to look into iv therapy at home.. can't seem to kick this bacterial infection... gr.he'll culture it again in 8 days, and we'll see. off my feet for now

    I hope your MIL comes over to us, Ginger.. sorry she has to..3jays

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Feel better and take care of yourself 3jays!  That was good news chabba!

    Hugs to everyone! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Chababa, that is WONDERFUL news!! I bet you can breathe all the way down now.... What a great way to start the season!!